40 bright interiors that will make you repaint your walls

Bright accents in the interior help create a unique atmosphere and make the space visually pleasing to the eye. It's no secret that the environment around us determines our mood. Some colors promote relaxation and relaxation, others, on the contrary, invigorate, while others can make you nervous and even cause aggression. Therefore, when decorating any room, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail so that the space is as comfortable as possible. A wide variety of shades can be used for walls in interiors. You can also experiment with furniture.

Rich colors in decoration

Bright interior design scares off many, however, if you think through everything correctly and choose matching colors, you will be able to create a space that will lift your spirits, and not just create comfortable conditions. One of the options for decorating the space is an interior in light colors with bright accents. This way you can decorate any room and emphasize the bright individuality of the property.

Color accents in home design are placed on different surfaces. This could be one of the walls, part of the ceiling, or any individual decorative elements. For example, a painting, textiles, a figurine, etc. Experienced designers can easily figure out what to do to make the room unique thanks to accents.

Colored ceiling

A bright apartment design can be achieved by decorating the ceiling. For this purpose, as a rule, tension fabrics are used. With this design, different colors are used, combining them in different ways. Surfaces can be matte or glossy, satin. Therefore, it turns out to create a unique design that attracts attention. Different shades on the ceiling also help solve the following problems:

  • zone the space;
  • highlight a separate part of the room so that it immediately attracts attention;
  • visually expand the space, make the room more comfortable.

Another option for decorating the ceiling is to use coverings with photographs, images of nature, and the sky. This way you can make the interior unique. It is important to understand that when using different colors, it is important not to overdo it so that the space is harmonious and easy for visual perception.

Colored walls

Colored walls in the interior become bright accents. As a rule, two types of decorative coatings are combined. Make one or two walls bright, the others calmer. It is possible to combine wallpaper of similar shades, some of which have an ornament. You can do it in different ways, since modern manufacturers produce a sufficient amount of decorative materials. It is not at all difficult to implement even the most complex design idea in our time.

Cons: a bright interior is not always appropriate

Would you like to fall asleep in a lemon-colored bedroom? Would you like to work or relax among deep blue or red walls? A rich palette is not suitable for many rooms, although a short stay in them can improve the mood.

If you like bright shades, but you are afraid to use them in the interior, you should not act radically. Add color gradually by purchasing decorative pillows, changing curtains and hanging colorful posters - sometimes this is enough to create coziness and a good mood.

Colored doors

Neutral colors in the interior can be combined with colored doors, which also attracts attention and makes the room bright and unusual. We are all accustomed to the fact that door leaves usually come in the colors of different types of wood or white.

But you can do something completely different and choose bright and unusual colored canvases. They can be combined with bright interiors and more. It is important to choose harmoniously combined tones to make the room comfortable to be in. Different colors of door panels are combined with light. Therefore, it’s not difficult to come up with an interior in unusual colors.

Cons: It's hard not to make a mistake

With the help of bright colors you can create a unique designer design, but for this you need to have good taste, courage and a sense of proportion. Such interiors are difficult to design and require thoughtfulness and expertise in the selection and combination of colors.

The task is complicated by the fact that the color of paint or wallpaper you like is sometimes difficult to find, because it looks different in different lighting.

The best and winning color combinations

When decorating, it is important to consider the compatibility of different colors for walls and other surfaces. For example, all shades of beige can be diluted with red, orange, and purple tones. Gray color can be combined with blue, green, burgundy. Blue tones are in harmony with silver and bronze. There are many more color combinations, the use of which for the interior will help to decorate it in the best possible way.

It is not necessary to use two colors; you can choose three. It is important not to overdo it so that the room is easy to perceive and does not have a negative impact.

Terracotta interiors

Terracotta can be a unique alternative to yellow. It has similar benefits: it makes a space feel warmer, cozier and more lived-in.

At the same time, the shade can look both complex and sophisticated (if you complement the interior with appropriate accessories and pair other deep colors with terracotta), or simple and natural (if combined with simple, pure tones and natural materials).

Photo: Instagram cullmankravis

Photo: Instagram garrowkdesigns

Photo: Instagram photodott

  • Apartment

    More passion: 7 bright interiors from designers from Brazil

Choosing an accent color

Accent in the interior are those objects or elements that have colors different from the background colors. In white and blue decor, the role of color accents can be played by orange furniture, accessories, and textiles. If this space is filled with light blue objects, then they will only become a complement to the main color. For lilac-beige rooms, the accent will be greenery. Lavender, cream and purple will remain additional shades. The decoration of a purely beige interior will be pink, and an additional spectrum will be a light brown palette. And there are many such options. It is important to learn how to combine them correctly.

a multi-colored panel at the head of the bed and a non-standard shelf are bright decorative elements in the bedroom interior

  • Warm-cold option .
    If you want to emphasize the warmth of the design of a room made in “sultry” colors (yellow, peach, orange, apricot, terracotta), you should use colors representing a cool palette as bright accents in the interior. In this case, you will not only complete the task, but also somewhat cool down the “ardor” of the situation. In a cool and gloomy atmosphere, warm shades will be indispensable:

a) honey;
b) orange;

c) yellow;

d) red.

With this proximity you will make the perception of the coldness of the decor more comfortable.

wood with shelves - a bright accent in a children's room

  • Option "addition".
    This technique helps fill the interior with vitality, energy, and play of shades. For emphasis, with this approach, a tone is used that complements the main or secondary interior color. For example, in an orange decor, additions should be in blue or blue shades, and vice versa. In this version, red and purple elements are added to the green room. The scheme in question is quite complex in emotional perception, so similar accent colors are recommended for use in the interior of dining rooms, playrooms, and living rooms, that is, where the family does not spend much time.
  • Option "analogy".
    This scheme will appeal to those who love a calm environment. In this case, as an accent inclusion, choose a color that is as close as possible in the color wheel to the main background of the decor or secondary shades of the decor. It is good to fill a blue room with green or light purple (lavender, lilac) accessories or elements. The peach interior will be refreshed with red and berry colors. Since this accent option brings with it an atmosphere of peace and harmony, it will be in demand in bedrooms, relaxation areas, and the library.

panel with figured carved elements in the living room interior

  • Accent colors for a neutral interior.
    Neutral decors include decors made in:

– beige,
– black,

– gray,

– white,

- brown tones.

decorating an accent wall in a children's room
Looking at this list , it becomes clear that almost any of the existing colors
can become a bright accent in such an interior . Moreover, there can be several of them in the decor at once. In pale, overly light interiors, it is correct to add accent elements in a wide variety of colors. In this case, you do not need to particularly consider what place the colors you choose occupy on the color wheel relative to each other. The only thing that needs to be monitored is that the selected shades are in harmony in terms of intensity, depth of color and its brightness. Pale blue will look good framed by pink, pistachio, lilac, but in the company of burgundy, jade and deep purple it will simply get lost.

yellow cushions and table lamps as bright accessories in a gray living room

Living room in bright colors

The living room is the room in which you can not be afraid to overdo it with the saturation of the chosen colors. This room is intended for meetings with friends or family gatherings over coffee, so the bright interior of the living room will be quite appropriate.

However, it is advisable to adhere to the general rule: do not fill the room with color randomly, that is, maintain color balance and compatibility of shades.

It would be best to choose two tones for furniture, floor coverings and walls. For example, lilac walls, a burgundy carpet and an orange sofa are combined and enliven the room, but do not make it vulgar.

You can do something a little more complicated: design the room in one color, which then needs to be shaded with the help of accessories and furniture. For example, the walls, floor, upholstery of chairs and sofas are blue, and pillows, picture frames, figurines, artificial flowers, curtains are blue and white.

Bright furniture

Red sofa, yellow cabinet, purple refrigerator? Whatever your heart desires! If you still prefer a neutral finish, then bright furniture is just what the doctor ordered.

If you decide on bright details, the main thing here is not to overdo it.

Where bright, large-sized furniture looks best:

  • On a neutral white, light background
  • Monochrome interior design
  • Bright, colorful interior

Positive mood of an apartment in Gelendzhik

Yulia Vinyarskaya is sure that the southern sun outside the window requires corresponding colors in the interior. Look how the designer designed an apartment by the sea for the family of a former military man. In the living room, the turquoise sofa is echoed by a sconce and a chandelier.

Photo: Mikhail Chekalov

Photo: Mikhail Chekalov


Don't forget about the functionality of the room. Consider the entire storage system to ensure there is enough space. If you organize your storage space correctly, your apartment can become much more comfortable and spacious than you could imagine.

The studio of ready-made design solutions for apartments “House in a Box” successfully develops bright and interesting projects for one-room apartments and studios, working in detail on all the functionality and ergonomics of a space in which it is convenient and pleasant to live. In more detail, you can familiarize yourself with the options for ready-made design projects on our website vkorobke.rf

Pros of a bright modern interior

Of course, modern style can be completely different in color: black and white, dark and even almost black... But, no matter what anyone says, light modern design is the most advantageous option, especially for a city apartment. Light shades make the room visually more spacious, fill it with air, and create a feeling of freedom and lightness. Another plus in the direction of modern style in a city apartment is simplicity and clarity of lines, a minimum of cabinets and accessories. Open shelves, free surfaces, all things in their places and each with meaning - nothing superfluous!

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Walls in summer colors

Designers Oksana Panfilova and Lyudmila Krishtaleva dubbed their bright project for a country house “Tropical Shower.” There is a place for bold colors, floral and tropical prints.

Photo: Evgeniy Kulibaba

Photo: Evgeniy Kulibaba

Pop art style

Pop art is particularly bright and multi-colored. Great importance is given to photographs and posters of celebrities in such interiors. Gloss, bright colors, and repeating motifs of ornaments and designs are often used.

This style is suitable for large rooms. In small rooms it creates the feeling of a pile of random objects. For decoration choose bright contrasting colors. It is better to give preference to colors that you like, otherwise the interior will quickly become boring and begin to depress you with excessive diversity.

The ceiling is often white, multi-level, complemented by multi-colored lighting. Gender remains neutral. The focal point is the walls. The furniture is chosen in simple shapes; instead of cabinets for storing things, niches are designed. If possible, separate dressing rooms are provided.

Accessories made of plastic, metal, and leather look better in decor. Handmade things fit well into the interior. Pop art is not an expensive style, because it allows you to use simple, cheap and easily accessible materials.

Ethnic style

An interior made in this style adheres to colors, materials, furniture and decor that correspond to the region chosen for work. Nowadays ethnic style is very in demand and popular. Interiors in Japanese, Mexican, and Moroccan styles are more common.

Mexican style interior

Interior in Moroccan style

Japanese style is distinguished by a small number of decorative elements; there is no feeling of overload or strain of attention. The bare minimum of furniture and decor is used, because the Japanese value space like no other. The special attitude of this people to nature is reflected in the preferred shades - this is a natural light range. Surfaces are often smooth. Accents made in rich red and black colors add brightness to the room.

Japanese style interior

5. Wooden house filled with colors

Mila Stavitskaya and Lena Chachina made the interior of this house in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region for a farmer’s family. The authors conveyed the owner’s love for nature and their business with interior techniques, and the result was an unusual house, shining with bright colors.

Photo: Sergey Ananyev

Photo: Sergey Ananyev

Kitchen in rich colors

The kitchen is used for preparing food and for eating it if there is no dining room at home. Psychologists recommend giving preference to rich and warm colors when designing a kitchen space, as they stimulate the appetite. These colors primarily include red, orange, yellow and their shades. Cool colors - green, blue, dark purple - on the contrary, reduce appetite. Therefore, if the owners of the house are on a long-term diet, it may make sense to decorate the kitchen in bright, cool colors.

A bright kitchen interior is achieved mainly through furniture in flashy colors and sometimes wall coverings. The fact is that furniture occupies most of this room, which is why it plays the most important role in its appearance.


Here your imagination can run wild to the most unimaginable limits. Everything that is in your apartment, from a chandelier on the ceiling to carpets on the floor, can help you add bright colors to a small apartment.

The main rule: a combination of colors and general style. Cushions, vases, spoons, forks, books - anything can become the main character in the room.

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