How to decorate a fireplace in your home: 6 design options and 57 photos

Previously, fireplaces were used mainly for practical purposes. With their help, they maintained a comfortable temperature in wooden and stone houses, dried wet clothes and heated water for domestic needs. With the advent of technology, a lot has changed. Now the fireplace has become primarily an attribute of style, a bright touch in the interior of the living room. It creates an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, being a unique symbol of the family hearth.

Today, fireplaces can be found not only in country houses and dachas. Safe electric fireplaces are often installed in apartments designed in different styles. And to make the space sparkle with colors, the fireplace is decorated with a variety of decorative elements.

In this material you will learn how to beautifully decorate a fireplace in a house or apartment. We will share with you the designers’ ideas and show you photographs with design examples. You'll be surprised how a few simple solutions can transform a space!

Interior features

There are several options for placing units in different conditions, suitable in their characteristics for placement in rooms for different purposes. Let's take a closer look at each of the stylish trends.


Today this style is very common. Its distinctive features are the use of natural materials and natural shades. The main ones are stone, noble wood, brick, etc. One of the options for decorating such a living room is animal skins on the floor. Brickwork is used to finish the portal. The fireplace itself can be located in front of upholstered furniture, which will add comfort and warmth to the environment.


In this style, the fireplace is not only a heating device, but also a decorative element, so the appearance of the heater is treated in a special way. Its cladding can be made of processed natural wood, varnished or ceramic. This model looks especially elegant in an ensemble with lacquered cabinets, a leather sofa or armchairs.

Traditional classic

For lovers of classic design, options with natural marble cladding are perfect. The main feature of fireplaces in such an environment is luxury and chic; they complement the noble ensemble in the decoration of the living room. It was in this design that the described heating devices were first used.

High tech

This direction reflects all the cutting-edge trends. The style can be described as technological, therefore the heating device must first of all contain metal or glass elements that meet the latest fashion trends.


It is very popular among modern buyers, since the main value of the style is practicality, and the priorities are the convenience and comfort of residents. A special role in the loft is given to natural materials, which is why they are used to decorate the fireplace. Another characteristic feature is the affordable price. The heating device will become a stylish and effective addition to the interior.


In this genre, functionality is at the forefront. Each detail in the design of a room performs a specific function and purpose. The unit must have clear corners, pronounced edges and a minimum of decorative elements; in some cases it is better to abandon the decor.

Selecting furniture

So, we looked at ideas with pictures of designer fireplaces in the interior, and decided on which unit is best to choose for a small guest room or reception room combined with a kitchen. Now let's take a look at how to choose the right furniture elements.

An indoor fireplace is always beautiful. Therefore, in the setting, it is necessary to select objects so that each person has the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful dance of the flames. To achieve this goal, a parallel layout is an excellent option. That is, soft sofas, armchairs and poufs are placed opposite. A small coffee table is placed between them. You can also choose a corner sofa or arrangement.

If the room has a modest-sized fireplace, and the heating device itself does not play the main role in the setting, it is allowed to place cozy armchairs and a floor lamp near it. The seats can be placed facing the firebox so that vacationers can enjoy privacy and warmth. An alternative option for arranging upholstered furniture is sideways to the stove. In this case, people will not only be able to experience the pleasure of the crackling of logs, but also take part in a general conversation.

To create maximum comfort for vacationers, foot ottomans can be placed near each seat. A rocking chair is also an effective solution. Please note that there must be a distance of at least 1.5 meters between the hearth and furniture elements.

Interior design ideas

In the interior of a small living room with a fireplace, the main task is the rational use and saving of usable space. An artificial model will fit perfectly into such a room. In this case, you do not need to take into account the height of the ceilings and the number of free square meters in the room.

For the hall, you can choose a minimalist electric, gas model or a compact bio-fireplace. The design of a country house or cottage will be successfully complemented by a mini-fireplace, which is an excellent alternative to a stationary portal.

The photo shows the interior of a small room with a false fireplace.

An equally suitable solution for small spaces would be a corner model. Such a fireplace will not only effectively use a corner in the hall, but will also advantageously transform and adjust the configuration of the room.

A wall structure with a thin glass or plastic body would also be appropriate. A similar product in the form of a plasma screen with an imitation of the combustion process is conveniently hung on the wall in the living room, which can significantly save space in the room.

For a large living room, an island model located in the center or a wall stove is suitable. In the spacious room, near the fireplace, a seating area is set up, chairs, a sofa and a coffee table are installed.

The photo shows a fireplace placed between two window openings in a large living room.

Rustic or country styles

For interiors of these two styles, fireplaces are designed in the same design. Massive structures are made from wild stone or wood in a rough design.

The D-shape of rustic fireplaces includes a niche with wood under the firebox. A wooden beam is placed above it, and then there is a casing with a chimney.

The decorative finishing of the fireplace is made of brick or sandstone, which is artificially aged. Sometimes its appearance resembles a stove.

Such models are typical for country or country-type houses with a large area and high ceilings. Only experienced craftsmen can build them.

High tech

Hi-tech style fireplace stoves 2022 amaze with their varied design. Straight lines can be combined with smooth and curved ones, creating an unusual design of eye-catching geometry.

Abstract forms will add originality to the style, because in a high-tech interior you can often see things that are strange at first glance, which then seem to be an integral part of the room.

One of the popular types of fireplaces is a firebox built into a table with your own hands. Thus, a multifunctional design is obtained.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce samples with a rotating mechanism and additional decorations.

Indoor stove decor

Let's look at a photo of a decorative fireplace in the interior of the living room and what options are available for its design.

The unit itself is a heating device, and the first place when choosing should be its operational characteristics and technical features. However, if we are talking about a modern living room, it is important to take into account not only practicality, but also the aesthetic component. Therefore, it is worth decorating the hearth correctly.

For example, on its lining you can place artistic paintings, mirrors, souvenirs, photo frames, and original shelves for books. Please note that the fireplace portal and all listed products must be made in the same style, creating an ensemble.

If we talk about placing household appliances, a TV, and a game console, it is better not to place them on the same wall. These items represent different eras and create a contrast with each other. Therefore, often the fireplace room in a country house does not include electrical and mechanical devices.

If it is not possible to place the heating device and technical equipment in separate rooms or on opposite walls, order a TV frame in the form of a painted picture frame. This design option for equipment will look natural with the fireplace.

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