Bright curtains - 125 photos and video master class on how to choose the ideal combinations in interior design

Tired of a dull interior? Sometimes we just get used to the dullness and don’t want to change anything. Try adding some color!

Bright notes in the interior will not only provide a good mood, but also create a general tone throughout the entire design.

We suggest making a bright accent using curtains, which will be the most win-win option.

Rules for combining curtains with the interior

Bright curtains look great in pastel-colored interiors. Red, burgundy, bright turquoise, blue tones of curtains will fit into a room with vanilla or beige wallpaper and a light ceiling.

Wall drapery can also be gray, olive, soft pink or blue.

What to combine with and choice of colors

Curtains with natural patterns cannot be combined with lush folds and other heavy, distracting elements. This oversaturates the interior. The colorful print itself attracts attention, so as a central element it should be surrounded by a modest setting.

Curtains are matched to the color of the walls. If the wallpaper contains bright, attractive colors, the window drapery should be made in a neutral chocolate, sand or olive color, depending on the overall tone scheme. Chamomiles, roses, tulips on the curtains should match the color of the wallpaper.

Flowers look beautiful next to striped or checkered wallpaper. It is important that the intricate print goes in tandem with a simple, even primitive pattern on the wallpaper. You should be careful when approaching contrasting shades, as well as the combination of colors and animal motifs in the interior.

Often curtains are selected taking into account the color of the interior. A perfectly white curtain decorated with delicate blue flowers along with furnishings made in the same tone will look aesthetically pleasing.

It is known that the color palette of the environment has a certain influence on a person’s mood.

Therefore, the choice of material for decorating a room should be approached responsibly.

  • White color gives the room lightness and freshness.
  • Green and all its shades help you relax.
  • Beige harmoniously complements any interior and indicates the sophistication of the tastes of the owners of the room.
  • Red has an exciting effect and creates an atmosphere of solemnity.
  • Turquoise creates a good mood.
  • Pink creates a romantic mood.

Selection rules

The most important thing is to focus on the tastes and preferences of your household. The photo of bright curtains shows options in different styles and types of interiors, and each time such curtains become the center of attention, bringing bright colors and a joyful mood.

When choosing, you should be guided by the presence of other room decor elements, made in bright colors of the same tone as the curtains.

For example, if there are bright scarlet curtains on the living room windows, you should choose pillows of the same shade for the sofa. If this is a bedroom, make the bed with a red blanket.

Options for original light protection systems

When choosing colorful bright curtains, consider the following points:

  • Find out how a specific color scheme affects your mental state. For example, blue relieves excitement and anxiety, reduces appetite. But dark blue depresses the nervous system, and an excess of bright blue leads to melancholy and detachment from reality. For people with psycho-emotional overload, it is recommended to choose light shades of green. Dark shades of green suppress the psyche and provoke depression.
  • Assess whether your financial capabilities allow you to implement your chosen design concept.
  • Consult with family members living in the same living space. They may not like your idea of ​​using too bright colors when decorating window openings.

General style

The design of bright curtains should match the style and decoration of the room.

At the same time, it is desirable that the furniture does not catch the eye, but is made in restrained, modest shades. This is light ash, oak, and other natural wood tones. Moreover, you can complement the interior with a bright ottoman to match the curtains.

Examples of room design

Drapery with floral decor is matched to the wallpaper or furniture. For example, if the sofa is made in gray tones, then the curtains should match this color. At the same time, pillows carelessly placed at the resting place should accommodate a similar pattern. The combined design option looks good. The blue and white color scheme has stood the test of time. And if you add yellow accents to it, everything will sparkle with sunny colors.

A cobalt shade, the presence of velvet in furniture elements, and in some places a graphic design will also help to diversify the classics. Playing with contrast is always beneficial. Alternatively, you can choose the most shaded corner of the room and place a bright yellow chair there.

The same bright inclusions should be on the curtains. This option is also not bad: Roman curtains with large flowers, an interior with single-color accessories that catch the eye with their brightness. There is also black sprinkled in there, but sporadically.

Living room

The shades of colors on the curtains should correspond not only to the design and style of the furnishings, but also to its functional purpose. The living room is not “afraid” of bright combinations and contrast. But it’s still better to adhere to the basic rules of decoration.

To begin with, you should choose the main background that will prevail in the setting, after which you can begin choosing the colors of the window drapery. It should be as different as possible from the main tone, preferably not be brightly intrusive, but rather neutral.

In the living room, which is usually always spacious, a large pattern looks good, the color of which coincides with the general direction of the color of the entire canvas. If the wallpaper on the walls is too pale and does not catch the eye, you can place the main emphasis on the curtains, choosing those that have a particularly bright pattern.


The bedroom is decorated with all tenderness and a degree of calm. Preferred colors include blue, green and cream. Beautiful prints can significantly decorate the bedroom, even if there are some defects.

By the way, draw a parallel between the materials of curtains and bedspreads. That is, the fabric should be, if possible, the same. In this way the interior style is logical completed.

The print itself is considered in both large and small sizes. Small and medium flowers look great in both a child’s bedroom and an adult’s. In general, no matter what room you add with floral curtains, any of them, when properly designed, looks beautiful and attracts both guests and the owners themselves.


The kitchen is a place for cooking and quiet solitude. When choosing a drapery product, you need to decide what its main function will be. If it is intended only for the aesthetic decoration of a window, then translucent, delicate, weightless canvases with barely noticeable small flowers are suitable.

In the event that curtains are more needed to regulate lighting, you can opt for Roman blinds with large flowers. But only if the kitchen is spacious with high ceilings. Canvases with tiebacks, which at the same time decorate the model and protect it from the burning burner, will be relevant.

If the kitchen is made in a classic, simple style, the same classic curtains with a pattern that is several tones lighter than the background will fit there. Short curtains with a rich pattern are considered the most practical and most often used in the kitchen.


Pink and soft blue curtains made from simple, high-quality fabrics create an atmosphere of security, stability, and comfort in the nursery. A small flower adds tenderness. Depending on the gender of the child, you can choose the appropriate shade. These curtains are more suitable for babies or children under 2 years old.

Older kids will be happy with richer shades with cartoon elements. Flowers can be scattered on the curtains, as if drawn by a child’s hand or made in volumetric computer graphics.

As for tones, these include blue, purple, bright purple, and catchy light green. If there are two children in the nursery, you should take into account the tastes of each and choose a compromise option.

A teenage girl will be pleased with fashionable curtains with an original alternation of colors and geometry, stripes, checks. When focusing on window drapery, it is worth remembering that the wallpaper should be neutral and dim.

Decorating the kitchen

In this room you can use any combination of tones and design solutions. Bright curtains for the kitchen are especially relevant.

However, it is worth remembering that in a room where food is constantly being prepared, there are changes in temperature and humidity, it is advisable to drape the window with curtains that are not exposed to the above factors.


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Plastic vertical blinds are very appropriate in this case. They are produced in any colors, including very bright ones.

Therefore, when the kitchen set is beige or pale blue, bright curtains are very useful.


  1. In what interiors are bright curtains appropriate?
  2. How to correctly combine the colors of wallpaper and effective light protection systems
  3. Options for original light protection systems
  4. Colors and fabrics for original thick curtains and translucent curtains
  5. Bright curtains for rooms for various purposes
  • Bright curtains for the bedroom
  • Bright curtains for the nursery
  • Bright curtains for the living room and hall
  • Bright curtains for the kitchen

Bright curtains and drapes can be plain, with small or large patterns. Combinations of two or more bold colors are possible.

Draping bedroom windows

Everything in this room should set you up for a calm, peaceful sleep. Therefore, bright curtains should be combined with restrained tones. It is advisable to combine stripes of pastel colors with bright inserts.

However, designers advise choosing the main curtains tones of coffee or vanilla, and hanging the curtains several shades darker and brighter. It will not be distracting when behind the curtains, and in the morning it will perfectly protect the room from bright light.

How to choose the right colored curtains

  1. First of all, choose a color. Don't dismiss research and advice from designers and psychologists on this matter. There is a very definite influence of this or that color on the human psyche, and this should not be neglected. Study how you feel about the chosen color, take time for it.
  2. Consider what friends or significant others might say about your design decision. Even though you are making a design for yourself, still think about it, since it has been verified that the opinions of people who are important to us are important to us, despite our possible denials of this fact.
  3. If you are inspired by a certain design, evaluate whether you can implement it on a full scale. Many bright design solutions are very expensive, and the implementation of the project may be delayed, and in the meantime, market conditions may change.
  4. Also evaluate your occupation and age. In the transitional stages of growing up - such as 33-37 years old (midlife crisis) you should not make drastic decisions - neither towards youth creativity, nor towards feigned maturation. Neutrality - maintain it, it will be easier to pass this invisible line, or survive uncertain times.

Still, be guided by your dominant mood. Yes, colored curtains in the interior as an attempt to shake yourself up are an effective way, if you have a final, confident decision to change your state of mind.

Raspberry is bright, but what chic and comfort! Everything in this interior for a complete experience

Choosing bright curtains for the living room

Any design ideas can be applied here. Whatever style the living room is designed in, bright fabrics for curtains are always appropriate here.


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If the interior combines the tones of ocher, olive, and beige, you can choose bright green or light green curtains, or saturate the window decor with bright red.

These curtains look especially beautiful in combination with champagne or cream colored wallpaper.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a material?

If you decide to sew the curtains yourself, then you better abandon the capricious fabric. So, velvet products are beautiful, but they require special care. Dust settles on the fabric; it cannot be washed; such curtains will have to be dry cleaned from time to time.

If you are going to sew your first masterpiece, then opt for cotton and polyester. The material requires minimal care and is washable.

For strict classics, noble fabrics are often used. Indeed, silk or satin look great on windows. Bright products fascinate with their noble shine. You need to sew curtains with ruffles from satin. This makes it easy to turn heavy fabric into a lush, colorful cloud.

Heavy curtains in the hall

Many designers advise choosing heavy, classic curtains for the living room. They are usually supplemented with grips, decorated with fringe and tassels. The use of fabric with golden ornaments and bright prints is not prohibited.

Such curtains can contrast with the overall decoration of the room, which is not allowed. If the room is small, it is better to use lightweight types of fabrics: organza, chiffon tulle, mesh, thread curtains.

Children's room

Probably the first place in the house where bright curtains will be as appropriate as a child can imagine. Children will definitely like interesting shades, since they are mediocre towards pale pastel tones and for them their whole life is solid colors. So such a design will only be a joy for the child.

It is important to take into account the gender and tastes of your child, because it is of great importance whether he likes it. A correctly selected range of shades has a beneficial effect on the development of the child and can lift the mood at the right moment.

Several bright colors in the nursery

Of course, if the child is very small, and especially if it is a girl, then the first thing everyone rushes to do is decorate the room with an abundance of pink. But it is not always beautiful and never original. It is much better to decorate the curtains in several shades of pink, green and yellow, diluting them with geometric shapes or patterns. Several rich shades will help the child develop his visual perception and distinguish between different shades.

The photo shows a practical and bright room design with crimson curtains

Very often, parents opt for curtains with small drawings from Disney cartoons and animated series, which children love so much. This pattern is duplicated on bed linen to maintain the effect.

Bright curtains in the nursery often echo a huge variety of toys and even construction parts. Therefore, a strict interior is not very appropriate in a nursery.

Roller curtains

It is worth considering the option of roller blinds. Such structures are attached directly to the frame and drape the glass. They are used with lightweight curtains and mesh tulle.


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  • Curtains with a pattern - TOP-150 photos and videos of design ideas for curtains with a pattern. A variety of patterns and prints for rooms of different styles
  • Yellow curtains: TOP 180 photos and video reviews of yellow curtain designs. Suitable interior styles, options for fabric materials, shades

When the fabric of roller blinds is bright, the curtain perfectly sets off the main structure of the window drapery.

Size range

Curtains come in two sizes. These are long porters that perfectly hide defects in the window opening. They also visually increase the ceiling, expanding the room.

And the second option applies to short curtains. They are ergonomic. And they are suitable for those who want to emphasize the style of the room.

Bright curtains for the nursery

The inhabitants of this room are always happy with bright colors, and creating a great mood is simply welcomed here. Therefore, it would be a good time to hang bright, multi-colored curtains in the nursery.

It is important that the design of the cornice is reliable, safe and practical. It is desirable that the curtain material does not fade and can be washed frequently.

The use of fabric vertical blinds for children is encouraged.

Styles Suitable for Floral Curtains

Curtains and fabric blinds with floral prints are definitely not suitable for interiors designed in high-tech, techno, loft and other styles associated with urbanization and technical innovations.


If you gravitate towards the English style, floral prints cannot be avoided. The British are passionate gardeners, as evidenced by Prince Charles himself, who personally grows vegetables and plants flowers.

Queen Elizabeth II herself never refuses flower bouquets, loves to decorate her official outfits with boutonnieres, and enjoys wearing floral dresses.

And even in Buckingham Palace there are floral motifs that create a unique combination of respectability and warmth.


In vintage style, curtains with small patterns are used, not in such bright colors as in the previous style. They vary in design from field roses to classic roses, which must certainly match the wallpaper and match the overall style.

The shade can dissolve among other tones or, on the contrary, create a contrast, but here it is already necessary to move away from the rural orientation and try to create the mystery of antiquity.


In a classic style, curtains with flowers complement the overall look of the interior and give it its own individuality and originality.

The photo shows a classic-style bedroom and windows decorated with curtains with flowers.


Curtains with flowers carry a whole extravaganza of colors and are in perfect harmony with the amazing beauty and charm of the oriental style, creating in the interior the feeling of a wondrous and enchanting fairy tale.


This is the style of a bright province, which has its own charm and characteristic features. Flowers are found everywhere here - from the clothes of the owners to carpets, furniture and wallpaper.

Of course, curtains are no exception. Colors can be either calm pastel or bright shades. Preference is given to natural motifs, for example, wildflowers and greenery, and natural materials.


Another rural motif, but in lighter, more refined tones; preference is given to pale pink, golden, greenish or bluish shades, most often curtains with small flowers in delicate colors.

Characteristic features of the style are ruffles, frills, lace. Natural fabrics, as in country, but more often light with small patterns.

Modern style

Here preference is given to clear and large patterns, without flashy colors, as a rule, one general shade that fits into the overall interior. A good solution is plain curtains decorated with an unobtrusive floral pattern.

Choosing curtain fabric

Modern trends in window design are practical, lightweight designs. Designers do not adhere to any one direction in the selection of fabrics for curtains.

However, it is important to follow the rule that in spacious rooms it makes sense to hang heavy, oversized curtains, but in small cozy rooms it is better to choose fabrics made of silk and chiffon.

Size value

When decorating the interior, it is important to choose the correct size of the flower image. For example, small drawings look better in small rooms such as a bedroom or kitchen.

They give the room much-needed volume. But larger buds would be appropriate only in a spacious dining room, living room or hall. Such ornaments favorably emphasize high ceilings and wide windows, filling up excess space.

Quality characteristics of curtain fabrics

When choosing curtains, and especially bright ones, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the fabrics. It is necessary that the material does not fade, dirt and stains are easily washed off from it.

Most housewives are accustomed to decorating the windows of their rooms with different sets of curtains and changing them from season to season. This prevents the fabrics from rubbing and wearing out quickly.

But the main thing is to select fabrics that do not fade, do not shrink after washing, and do not stretch.

If the style of the room is high-tech, loft, ethnic, traditional, the best fabric for curtains is linen, matting, jacquard. It is advisable to select natural materials for the design of classic interiors.

In the color of the decor

Choosing curtains to match the color of the decor seems like a stupid idea at first glance. Moreover, this is one of the options for composing accents.

The decor can be:

  • Painting;
  • Floor vase;
  • Interior composition.

Decorative elements together with curtains will make an excellent set to attract attention. This method is ideal for rooms decorated in neutral colors.

Choosing curtain colors for a specific interior can be a fun but challenging task. If you know how to solve it, then achieving results will not be difficult. By listening to the advice of designers, creating the perfect interior will be easy.

Photos of bright curtains

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