Photo wallpaper that expands space: 8 tips for choosing

Living room wall decor Dividing the bedroom into zones Wall decoration in the kitchen

This practical approach is justified, as it allows any interior to be provided with maximum functionality, and, due to the ease of implementation, does not require effort to find ways to save free space.

We will share how to zoning rooms with wallpaper using specific examples: we will talk about the possibility of color division of the living room, bedroom, kitchen and other rooms.

There are many interesting options for combining wallpaper to achieve this result: the most stylish and effective of them can be implemented not only in modern styles, but also in classic, provincial and many other interiors, so knowing the intricacies of this universal method will not hurt you.

Basic rules for using photo wallpaper

There are a limitless number of photo wallpapers on the market, but not all of them are able to expand the space. Moreover, even those that work well to increase space in one room will be completely useless in another room. Each room requires an individual approach, and the smaller it is, the more carefully you need to approach the choice. For example, a photo wallpaper with a large flower on the wall of a tiny room will play a cruel joke - the room will only seem smaller.

So what kind of wallpaper can really expand the space in a small room? Designers advise considering the following rules when choosing:

  • The main task of all techniques aimed at expanding space is to erase boundaries or move them, as it were, outside the premises. , panels with perspective work best , incl. those with a horizon line;
  • Light shades expand space well , dark shades do the opposite. This is a fundamental rule that almost everyone knows and uses;
  • if it is necessary to extend the room in height, then use photo wallpaper with vertical stripes, but you should not take this information literally, because vertical stripes can be tree trunks or skyscrapers in the image of megacities. To visually expand the room in width, use wallpaper with horizontal stripes, which work well with horizon lines in landscape images;
  • The texture of photo wallpaper is also important , since smooth glossy canvases, due to their reflective properties, although slightly, expand the space of the room;
  • Separately, it is worth noting 3D photo wallpapers , which, due to a special printing technology and the correct choice of colors, appear three-dimensional. They expand the space well, which will be discussed below, but in especially small rooms you need to be extremely careful, since the 3D effect can only be appreciated from a certain distance, and if there is not enough of it in the room, then the effect will be exactly the opposite - the image will be crushed and even irritate, and it will be difficult to find in such a room for a long time;
  • In the desire to maximize the space, one must not overdo it. For example, a combination of photo wallpaper with perspective, multiple mirror and reflective surfaces, a mass of lamps is a direct path to creating a room where it will be impossible to spend time;
  • Photo wallpaper that expands the space is a fairly active element of the interior, so the remaining finishing elements should be calmer. This primarily concerns the flooring and the design of the remaining walls.

Wall panels and niches

Increasingly, paintings and photographs on the walls are replaced by large and expressive panels framed by large frames made of baguettes. It doesn't have to be a printed image. Large inserts emphasize the head of the bed, create a background for decoration, and draw attention to individual accessories or lamps.

If you have been eyeing luxurious, expensive wallpaper with a complex, eye-catching pattern for a long time, this is the option for you. Covering the entire bedroom with textile fabrics, gold monograms, noble velvet textures or colorful flowers is a sure step towards failure. But in the form of a panel on a neutral background, you can beat even the most extravagant collections.

If the interior has niches, plasterboard structures and any other volumetric spatial solutions, the easiest way is to highlight them with other wallpaper. In combination with lighting and decor, you will certainly be able to achieve an interesting and expressive effect.


Where to put photo wallpaper to expand the space?

Alas, choosing photo wallpaper wisely is not everything. To achieve the desired result, we also need to place them correctly, because not on all walls such finishing will work the way we want it. In addition, the walls are not the only place, because there is also a ceiling and doors.

When choosing a place to hang photo wallpaper, we recommend following these tips:

  • If the room is not square, then it is better to glue photo wallpaper on a long wall . Otherwise, a narrow long room will seem even narrower and even longer, i.e. there will be an effect of expanding the space, but it is unlikely to please you;
  • It is advisable to place photo wallpaper on a free wall. Even if the right subject and the corresponding wall are chosen, the effect can be ruined by placing a bunch of furniture near the wall with photo wallpaper. The border of the room will return to its usual place, and all efforts will be in vain. Of course, in a small room it is unlikely that anyone will be able to afford the luxury of leaving one of the walls completely without furniture, but still try to use it as little as possible and opt for lower and less bulky items;
  • for wallpaper with perspective, choose a wall without windows and doors . It probably doesn’t even make sense to explain why this is so;
  • Photo wallpaper is not only a decoration for walls. Properly selected ceiling wallpaper can elongate a room. Typically, images of the sky are used;
  • photo wallpaper can also be used for door decoration. The effect is not comparable to what you get when gluing it to an entire wall, but it will still allow you to visually increase the space of the room.

Types of wallpaper to combine in bedroom design

Various types of wallpaper are used for the bedroom, but it is more rational to cover the walls with the following: paper, non-woven, vinyl or fabric-based materials. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but, in addition, a combination with each other is also taken into account if you want to use two independent types at once. Wallpaper has a different service life, which must be taken into account when using it, and also differs in the width and thickness of the rolls.

Manufacturers of finishing materials offer many ready-made collections of wallpaper companions or, as they are also called, wallpaper partners.

But the design of a bedroom, a room in which a person spends a third of his life, requires choosing wallpaper from environmentally friendly materials. Toxic surfaces that release many harmful substances into the air are unacceptable in this room.

Paper, vinyl and non-woven materials combine well with each other. But when using different types, overhead borders and moldings are not always suitable. And it is better to join such panels in the corners.

It is not recommended to select combinations with textile-based materials. It is difficult to find partners for such wallpaper, because they have the following characteristics: noise and heat insulation, aesthetics, environmental friendliness. And although they look very noble and original, their texture is very thin, which is difficult to hide when joining with other types of materials. In addition, they have a higher price.

Photo wallpapers were created specifically for combination. You just need to choose the right design for the main tone of the room so that the drawing fits harmoniously and stylishly into the interior.

What should be shown?

This question worries everyone first of all. There are a lot of options, and it is hardly possible to list all the possible ones, but we will try. Photo wallpapers that expand the space usually depict the following:

  • paths, paths, roads, streets going into the distance, a. the landscape can be either natural or urban;
  • bridges and bridges;
  • rivers and streams;
  • stairs;
  • the colonnades are worth highlighting separately - they create an incredible expansion effect;
  • panoramic view of the seashore, a cozy street, a metropolis, a lavender field;
  • open windows and doors overlooking a beautiful landscape. Let's note the photo wallpaper, in the lower part of which the floor covering is drawn. If you choose the appropriate finish for the room, you can create a very decent expansion effect;
  • tree pillars, bamboo groves.

Of course, there are many more options, so it’s difficult to make a choice. Always take into account not only the immediate “I want” and “I like”, but also the features of the interior, its color scheme, and the chosen style. It is highly advisable to support the drawing with pieces of furniture or interior design.

Companion wallpapers and their features

Companions are wallpapers made in the same style, but differing in several respects. For example, a common texture and color scheme, but fundamentally different designs. The more neutral series is used as a backdrop for a decorative accent.

Companion wallpapers have several advantages! They are in almost all collections of all manufacturers, so choosing them will not be difficult. This is a deliberately harmonious solution, the compatibility of which you don’t have to worry about.

This design will help to avoid excessive diversity, but also too boring interiors. Companions are especially good for zoning and visually changing space.

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen: 100 photo ideas

Photo wallpaper 3D

Separately, it is worth highlighting photo wallpapers with a 3D effect. The image on them can be almost anything, incl. the above-mentioned colonnades, arches, city and natural landscapes. 3D wallpapers also often depict geometric patterns, abstractions, flowers, cartoon characters and cosmic depths.

Three-dimensional wallpapers differ from ordinary photo wallpapers in that the design in them is perceived as three-dimensional; it has not only width and height, but also depth. That is why such panels are often used when it is necessary to visually increase the space of a room. On the other hand, such depth of the image can be disastrous, because if the room is already small, and the drawing is created as if it sticks out, then there will be a feeling that there is even less space. However, even the right drawing, which takes the boundaries of the room beyond its actual limits, may also not be suitable - the volume effect simply needs to be assessed from a distance, and if it is not enough, then there is no point in three-dimensional photo wallpaper.

However, in most cases, you can choose suitable 3D photo wallpaper. The effect of depth in them is created thanks to the following techniques:

  • high print quality;
  • image processing in special programs;
  • use of texture elements;
  • artistic techniques. It has been proven that the eye perceives warm-colored objects as being closer, and cold-colored objects as being further away. This is what the creation of three-dimensional images is based on. In addition, you can get a picture with depth if you make the central object lighter than the background, use tonal and linear perspective, and use the play of light and shadow.

You can’t even imagine what amazing results can be achieved using three-dimensional panels. The range of such panels is huge; you can choose an image of any type and any shade. If you still can’t find a suitable picture, we recommend ordering 3D photo wallpaper from Valdeco - the company, in addition to a huge selection of ready-made solutions, offers the production of photo wallpaper according to the client’s order. This is a great opportunity to make your interior unique!

Photo wallpaper for the living room: variety of paintings

Photo wallpapers are distinguished by a number of characteristics. Their combination plays an important role in choosing the right type of wall covering. The type differences are based on material, texture, form and thematic focus. So, according to the type of material, photo wallpapers in the room are divided into the following types:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • laminated.

Photo wallpapers differ in materials, texture and theme of the paintings

Wallpapers are classified according to texture characteristics:

  • under the surface of the canvas;
  • under traces of brush strokes;
  • with plaster texture;
  • with a sandy structure.

The widest variety of photo wallpapers is their theme. They are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • natural landscapes;
  • animalistics;
  • flowers;
  • urban landscapes;
  • abstraction;
  • plot.

Depending on the type of material, photo wallpapers can be vinyl, paper, laminated and non-woven

A special category consists of 3D wallpaper for walls. For the hall, photos on canvases of this type are as close as possible to the original image. Manufacturers also offer self-adhesive wallpaper, which is durable and can be placed on almost any surface without the use of adhesives. In addition, such products do not fade and do not require special care.

Speaking about the types of photo wallpapers, we should mention washable or vandal-proof canvases, which are easy to clean without the use of special products. Seamless wallpaper differs from standard options in that it has one large canvas, up to three meters wide.

Photo wallpaper color

Everyone knows that light shades allow you to visually enlarge the space, while dark shades make it appear more cramped. If you are looking for information about photo wallpapers that expand space, then most likely you have limited space in your apartment, so it is advisable to adhere to the following rules when choosing the color of photo wallpapers:

  • It’s clear that you should only consider light-colored photo wallpapers, but think carefully before taking white canvases , because you can create the effect of a hospital ward;
  • bright shades , as well as rich dark ones, as the main color - they will visually bring the wall closer, making the room even smaller;
  • cold shades tend to visually move the wall away, while warm shades tend to bring it closer. Knowing this, you can adjust the geometry of the room. In our case, it is better to deal with cold tones. An exception to the rule is pale, unsaturated shades of yellow, peach, beige, milky;
  • rooms facing north usually suffer from a lack of sunlight, and you can compensate for this by using photo wallpaper in warm colors. Canvases made in light pastel colors are ideal (for example, the above-mentioned light peach, desaturated yellow, milky shades). If there is already too much sunlight in the room, then your choice is cool shades.

Finally, photo wallpaper should not be distracted from the overall color scheme of the room. The expanding effect will be achieved only when the photo wallpaper becomes part of the room, because if the panel, for example, shows a path in a flowering garden, then a pot of flowers can be placed near the wall, and a photo of a Provençal street can be complemented with a light openwork table.

Several zones in a small room: the impossible is possible

For those who live in a one-room apartment or do not have the opportunity to allocate a full bedroom and living room, zoning becomes the only way out. If you choose a zoning option with a stationary partition, you must take into account that such a division will be designed for many years of operation without the ability to make changes quickly.

Dividing a one-room apartment into zones with a shelving unit

The best privacy when used for zoning furniture is created by tall cabinets and shelving. Curtains as a demarcation are a budget-friendly and simple option, in which the curtains can be changed frequently, to suit your mood or depending on the time of year.

Texture of photo wallpaper

Even such a seemingly trifle as the texture of photo wallpaper can affect their perception of space. There are not very many options, and all of them are more or less suitable for small rooms:

  • smooth panels are a win-win option. The surface can be matte or glossy. The latter is often recommended for use in small rooms, because it can reflect light, thereby increasing the space, but be careful, because it will not be very comfortable to be in a room with a lot of glare, so if you choose glossy photo wallpaper, then everything else in the room should be matte . In addition, it is necessary to properly organize the lighting so that there is a beautiful shine, but there is no unnecessary glare;
  • “dust” and “sand” textures have a fine grain and can easily be used in small rooms;
  • the “linen” texture imitates the surface of thick fabric;
  • “canvas” and “plaster” textures have a more pronounced volume, therefore they are not always appropriate in cases where there is a need to expand the space, but can be used in some parts of three-dimensional panels.

Zoning a one-room apartment with wallpaper

Often we are faced with such a need as the delimitation of living space into functional areas. Zoning the room using wallpaper will help us realize this idea. To do this, you will need to use two or more types of canvases, and, as a rule, not only of different colors, but also with different textures. However, let's talk about everything in order.

Photo wallpaper on the ceiling

Photo wallpapers can move walls apart, if they are chosen correctly, of course. But what to do if you need to raise the ceiling in the room? You can stick suitable ceiling wallpaper. The choice of images, as in the case of wall options, is huge, but if you need to expand the space, it is better to choose the following images:

  • sky with clouds or stars;
  • tree crowns;
  • the tops of skyscrapers;
  • abstraction, but not all.

All these images visually extend the ceiling boundary beyond the room, and this is what we need. Floral arrangements and frescoes are often a bad option if you need to expand the space.

Ceiling photo wallpapers allow you to create a unique interior, and they have only one drawback - difficulty in gluing.

Subject of photo wallpaper: photos of interiors with various landscapes

Natural themes on photo wallpapers are the most popular. Such canvases give a feeling of unity with nature, which promotes complete relaxation and recuperation after a hard day at work. Thanks to photo wallpapers of landscapes, the room is filled with multifaceted colors framed by natural light, thus creating an island of nature in the home. This thematic option is very versatile, so it fits perfectly into the design of any room, not just the living room.

Modern stores offer a wide range of products, so it will be quite easy to choose the desired plot option, with the most popular being the following:

Photo wallpapers with various landscapes are the most popular

  • photo wallpaper forest;
  • panorama of a garden or park;
  • view from the terrace or window;
  • fields and lawns;
  • seascape.

When choosing a picture for a landscape in the living room, you should pay attention to the texture of the wallpaper. High quality canvases look more natural. The higher the quality, the more natural the picture looks. Forest landscape photo wallpaper in the interior, enchanting with its delicate, calm colors, fits perfectly into the design of a living room decorated in country, Provence or eco-style.

The theme of water is often present in photo wallpapers. Even a drop photographed using macro photography will become a colossal source of energy in the room. For lovers of moving water, the best choice is a waterfall. Streams of water falling from mountains and rocks, possessing great strength and power, will become a universal solution in different stylistic directions - from classic to modern. Exotic plants and animals will fit perfectly into the ethnic style that corresponds to a specific country or nationality.

Instead of an epilogue

To summarize, let us remind you once again: wallpaper is a very good and flexible material for creating an interior, affordable. Therefore, always consider it as the most ideal option, because this finish has budget prices and an abundance of choice. It also has a good decorative function. Exactly what you need, right?

No matter how many rules and advice you read, know that rules are meant to be broken, and advice is meant to be disobeyed. Experiment and create your own world, with your own rules, because you do everything for yourself. And life is too beautiful to disappoint yourself with canons.

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