Bathroom in Khrushchev: 70+ photos of examples and interesting design solutions

Photo: “Lucky” to become the owner of a Khrushchev building with all the ensuing consequences? Do you think you can turn it into something comfortable and beautiful? It will succeed, and we are ready to help! We suggest that you don’t put things off for too long and start right away with the most difficult part: the bathroom! We have already selected several ideas and proposals for its design.

What color to choose for a bathroom in Khrushchev

When decorating a small bathroom, it is important to choose the right color scheme so that the room appears much larger than it actually is.

Reference. Using different shades of white as the main background will help to achieve the effect of visually enlarging the room.

You can dilute the snow-white palette by adding individual details of more saturated tones into the overall background.

A good choice would be a combination of soft beige, creamy and milky shades with white ceramic sanitary ware and metal faucets. Inserts of light brown or chocolate color will favorably set off light tones, giving them depth and expressiveness.

The optimal solution for a bathroom is a light gray interior. The following arguments support this design:

  • dirt is not so visible on a gray background;
  • This coloring hides traces of drips and condensation.

White fixtures and a few colorful elements will refresh and warm up a monochrome color scheme.

You can also look at more creative options:

1. A design in pastel colors will help create an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation:

  • pink;
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • mints.

2. Bright tropical colors will lift your spirits and make the atmosphere bright and positive:

  • yellow;
  • red;
  • green;
  • orange.

Important! To make the overall interior of a small bathroom look harmonious, you need to pay attention to the right combination of colors and use no more than two or three basic tones in the interior.

Combinations of:

  • orange with yellow or light green;
  • purple with pink or lilac;
  • green with mint or turquoise.

Another point that is important to consider when choosing a color scheme:

  • the brighter the contrasting tone, the more white there should be in the room;
  • on the contrary, with a soft version of the second color, its use can be more active.

Using the space zoning method is another way to visually add space to a room. To do this, the area in which the bath is installed is decorated in one specific color, and the rest of the room is highlighted in a contrasting tone.

The design rules for a small bathroom require that a single color version of the tile be used on one wall, but there is an exception - the possibility of horizontally dividing the plane using two different shades, without transitions or borders.

Color spectrum

Bathrooms in Khrushchev buildings are very small. The most common mistake when decorating them is choosing a large number of colors. Due to the overabundance of colorful details, the room seems even smaller, cramped and more cluttered.

White bathroom in Khrushchev

White is the simplest, most versatile and classic option for a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building. To prevent it from seeming too bland and sterile, choose more complex shades: cream, milk, ivory, grayish. White tiles with white sanitary ware and glossy white surfaces look stylish and noble.

Gray bathroom in Khrushchev

Gray is a godsend for those who are bored with white bathrooms. It has one more obvious advantage: it is not so easily soiled. And the variety of tones allows you to combine different shades of the spectrum in one interior.

Warm gray is very elegant, cozy and goes harmoniously with wooden furniture. Cold steel is fresh, fashionable, in harmony with acrylic, chrome and glass.

Beige bathroom in Khrushchev

Beige is another classic that complements Scandinavian style and eco-trends well. It is delicate, elegant and well suited for lovers of classic interiors.

Green bathroom in Khrushchev

Fresh, juicy, soothing green is a win-win accent color for a modest bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building. Even the brightest shades are not too flashy and completely non-aggressive, and all of them can be easily combined with any basic ones, because green is the most natural color.

Blue bathroom in Khrushchev

Shades of blue are currently at the peak of popularity. But too dark and contrasting colors are not the best option for a cramped bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building. But delicate shades of azure, cornflower blue, sea green or turquoise will gracefully complement the interior.

What material should be used to decorate the walls, floor and ceiling?

When choosing cladding for a bathroom, you should give preference to high-quality finishing materials:

  • they are environmentally friendly and do not pose a risk to human health;
  • are resistant to moisture;
  • have an aesthetic appearance;
  • easy to clean;
  • have a long service life.

For wall decoration it is best to use:

  • ceramic tiles;
  • tiled mosaic.

To visually expand the room, the following techniques are used:

  • Rectangular tiles are laid horizontally.
  • Alternate colors.
  • Combinations are made of tiles or mosaics of various soft shades.
  • They create images of wildlife or abstract compositions.
  • They use different tones to divide the space into functional zones.
  • Against the general background, wide vertical stripes or narrow borders are highlighted in a different color.
  • Separate areas are identified using mosaics or panels.

Attention! Decorating the walls in the bathroom with ceramics with a glossy sheen is a sure way to visually expand the space due to the reflection of light.

A more economical finishing option is also possible - PVC panels in light shades.

We should not forget that before starting finishing work, the walls must be leveled with waterproof or facade plaster. This is especially true for Khrushchev, since otherwise it will not be possible to perform high-quality cladding.

The floor in the bathroom is pre-coated with waterproofing, on top of which heating mats are laid.

The floor covering is made of tiles or porcelain stoneware with a rough, non-slip surface. The size of the tile can be medium or large, and it is better if it is plain.

To make the room seem larger:

  • lay floor tiles diagonally;
  • choose a covering shade slightly darker than the color of the walls.

Along the perimeter, the floor is decorated with skirting boards made of plastic or ceramics. These materials have a number of advantages compared to metal and wood:

  • do not corrode;
  • are not deformed.

When choosing the design of the ceiling surface in a limited space, it is better to avoid contrasting elements or hanging parts. The ceiling must definitely be flat, and finishing options can be different:

  • the simplest is painting in light colors;
  • it is possible to use a rack and pinion suspension system;
  • installation of a plastic structure;
  • use of fiberglass.

Important! The ideal solution for a bathroom in Khrushchev is a suspended ceiling made of glossy fabric, white or light shades, reflecting light, which helps to visually enlarge the room.


The final attractiveness of the renovation largely depends on how well the choice of a particular type of lighting is made. You should not use massive chandeliers for bathrooms; it is better to choose spotlights. They evenly illuminate the space, demonstrate resistance to steam and water, consume energy economically and look very attractive.

If the ceilings are decorated with tiles or PVC panels, it is better to purchase a tablet chandelier and several sconces for it. This set of lighting fixtures will provide you with the current amount of light. But the window of the Khrushchev-era bathroom does not contribute much to lighting; it can be blocked.

If the bathroom is combined with a toilet

With the initial layout of an apartment with a combined bathroom, or in a situation where the owners themselves combined a toilet with a bathroom, removing partitions and thereby expanding the room, it is appropriate to apply a zonal division of space and pay special attention to the design of the sewer riser.

Optimal design solution:

  • Use a glass partition as a dividing element, which will disappear into the interior.
  • Hide the riser in a plasterboard box.
  • Finish the top with tiles.

A competent approach to choosing and installing a toilet will help you free up a little extra space:

  • It is better to choose a narrow product;
  • it is appropriate to use a corner structure;
  • The ideal solution would be to use a hanging option with installation.

Low, crooked ceiling. What to do?

Many people immediately abandon suspended and suspended ceilings in the bathroom due to the loss of height due to fastening, because the ceilings in Khrushchev-era buildings are already low. Don’t discount the possibility of modern design right away. Weigh all the pros and cons. Ceiling slabs are often laid unevenly; leveling will entail additional costs for materials and labor costs. It’s easier to hide all the flaws in the ceiling under the cladding than to level the surface.

The design of a small bathroom will not suffer from a loss of 5–10 cm in overall height if you skillfully use the reflective mirror properties of modern materials. A glossy suspended ceiling with lighting (especially dark, such as blue) reflects the interior like a mirror. This simple technique can double the ceiling height in Khrushchev-era buildings.

To prevent the ceiling from appearing low, when assembling a slatted suspended ceiling, matte plastic slats can be alternated with glossy metal slats. The ceiling will visually rise.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Modular paintings in the kitchen interior (11 photos): paintings with a clock

Shower cabin instead of bath

If, during the renovation process, the apartment owners decided to get rid of the bathtub and install a shower instead, the best option would be a corner or rectangular shower stall with sliding doors. The practical design will significantly save space in a small room.

With this option for arranging a bathroom, it is also appropriate to use zoning of space:

decorate the place where the hydrobox is located in a single color scheme;

For the remaining area, use other shades.

Attention! Equipping the shower cabin with a special deep tray will make the bathing process more convenient and comfortable.

In addition to saving usable space, installing a hydrobox instead of a bath allows you to:

  • reduce water consumption many times over;
  • avoid its splashing;
  • make the washing procedure easier for those who have difficulty getting into the bathtub.

To prevent the design from looking bulky, choose a booth size of 80 cm by 80 cm or 90 by 90.

Replacement of pipes and wiring

Replacement of electrical wiring should begin before finishing work begins, since channels will need to be made for the wires. It is recommended to purchase double sockets and place the switch outside the bathroom.

Pipelines can be laid using both closed and open methods, attaching them with clips. In Soviet times, only cast iron pipes were used, but it is recommended to replace them with plastic ones, since the latter are easier to install and are not inferior in strength to cast iron.

Washing machine placement options

The placement of all the necessary items in a limited area requires a competent and creative approach. A washing machine is an important and rather bulky element, without which it is impossible to imagine a bathroom, so when purchasing a unit, choose models with a minimum width and front loading.

Optimal machine location options:

  • in the area under the water heating tank;
  • in a niche under the sink;
  • if the bathroom is combined - between the toilet and the bathtub, shower stall or wall, depending on the layout.

Reference. Purchasing a wall-mounted washing machine will greatly simplify the arrangement of a compact bathroom.

Installing a washing machine will not cause problems if the washbasin is made in the form of a bowl, and also:

  • with complete refusal of the sink;
  • when replacing a full bath with a sit-down bath or a hydrobox.

General recommendations

Bathrooms in Khrushchev buildings have common features:

— Combined small bathroom. So you will have to look even more carefully for plumbing fixtures and furniture;

— Problems with ventilation and dampness. This means that you need to avoid any cracks and unnecessary seams, which could potentially become a favorable place for the development of mold and mildew. Try to choose the most monolithic structures possible, and do not forget about antiseptic treatment;

— All Khrushchev-era communications date back to the 80s at best. If you have the opportunity to completely replace the pipes, do not refuse it. Repair work will be much more difficult and expensive in the future;

— It’s difficult to find a place even for the necessary supplies. Give up useless decor. Instead, choose original soap dishes, glasses, coasters, heated towel rails and other useful little things.

Where to store things in a small bathroom?

It’s worth thinking about how to equip a cramped room with storage systems even at the renovation stage, because in the room you will have to allocate enough space for funds:

  • household chemicals;
  • hygiene;
  • cosmetics.

You also need to decide where the basket for dirty laundry will be located, clean towels and other necessary items will be stored.

To make a small bathroom look neat and not cluttered with many different things, cabinets with opaque front panels are used to store them. Designs with plain-colored doors without fittings look especially stylish.

Furniture made in the form of a narrow pencil case or hanging cabinet is appropriate to place in a free corner or hang above the doorway.

Attention! A mirrored cabinet hung above the sink instead of a mirror is another great option for optimizing limited space.

Freeing up additional space for cabinets, racks or shelves is possible when installing:

  • washbasin without legs;
  • small but deep sink;
  • a washbasin placed over the bathtub;
  • flat sink combined with a cabinet;
  • toilet with installation.

A compact round sink mounted on a hanging cabinet will also provide free storage space.


In a Khrushchev-era building, the bathroom interior is of a modest size, and many pieces of furniture cannot be placed here. Furniture for a space of 5-7 sq. m should be small-sized, functional, beautiful, because a washing machine should also fit here. The following pieces of furniture are relevant in the bathroom:

  • a cabinet installed under the washbasin with shelves for bath accessories. With its help you can veil pipes and a water filter. Also, such a piece of furniture can accommodate a built-in washing machine. And if you choose a hanging model, the space will not be visually overloaded;
  • mirror with side shelves for a glass with toothbrushes and lighting;
  • corner shelf for placing jars of creams and shampoo bottles.

Try to use every meter of free space. For example, cover the space under the bowl with a special screen, then you will get additional space for storing household chemicals. If there is a window on one of the walls, seal it, this will allow you to use the wall surface more efficiently.

It’s worth giving up useless decor

A small bathroom area should be used rationally, without cluttering the room with unnecessary elements.

Important! To decorate a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building, it is better to choose a design style that involves simple, clear lines and a minimum of decor.

All decisions related to design and decoration should be aimed at saving useful meters and achieving the effect of visual expansion of space:
  • Some surfaces may be mirrored or made of glass.
  • You can use suspended plumbing.
  • A rectangular bathtub decorated with tiles matching the color of the walls or a built-in triangular structure will look less bulky, merging with the overall background.

A local illumination device would be appropriate:

  • spot diode lamps are mounted in the ceiling in the center or placed above functional areas;
  • decorate the mirror with symmetrical sconces;
  • install floor lighting or furniture lighting inside cabinets using moisture-resistant colored lamps and sealed lamps;
  • place a flexible luminous tape on the ceiling or walls.

Optimal decor options for a small bathroom:

  • original patterns or beautiful ornaments located at eye level that attract attention;
  • a folding transparent or vinyl curtain covering the bathtub with a pattern matching the interior;
  • shower stall decorated with appliqués;
  • stylish rug on the floor;
  • cups for toothbrushes, soap dishes and other small items selected to match the overall style of the interior, placed skillfully and unobtrusively.

Interior styles

The fashion for eclecticism and spacious minimalism is difficult to apply to a bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building. But this does not mean that you cannot choose a stylish and modern design for it!

Bathroom in Khrushchev in neoclassical style

It is unlikely that it will be possible to realize a full-fledged classic interior in a modest Khrushchev-era building. It is massive, bulky, and requires space. But you can experiment with simplified modern neoclassics.

Neoclassicism is an elegant and laconic style. It is characterized by traditional forms, but simple materials and discreet decor. Stone coating, porcelain stoneware, large tiles, pendant lamps, modest stucco molding, unobtrusive antique elements, and warm shades are used.

Bathroom in Khrushchev in the English style

An English-style bathroom is characterized by plumbing with rounded lines and clear boundaries in decoration. You can even cover the walls with moisture-resistant wallpaper with a thin vertical stripe on the bottom.

A bathtub with decorative legs, for example, with lion paws, looks good. Choose valves, hooks and fittings in the same style for them. A stylish accessory is a round or oval mirror in a wooden frame.

Bathroom in Khrushchev in oriental style

Unlike European classics, the luxury of the oriental style is manifested in details, and not in monumentality. Use gold sanitary ware and faucets, gold-plated fittings, dark wood and a light neutral background.

A good solution is sliding cabinet doors or cabinets. All designs are simple and light, but made of high-quality and durable materials. The mosaic with mirror elements looks elegant on the walls. And for decoration - mini-seedlings of succulents or ikebana.

Bathroom in Khrushchev in a modern style

Full-fledged futuristic high-tech is difficult to fit harmoniously into Khrushchev. But if you combine its features with elements of minimalism and contemporary, you can get an interesting and practical solution for the bathroom.

Choose compact modern plumbing fixtures, glossy surfaces, and experiment with zonal lighting. Simplify and simplify everything you can. For example, instead of a massive wooden pencil case, install light glass shelves on a chrome-plated metal frame.

Bathroom in Khrushchev in a marine style

This design solution is suitable for lovers of themed interiors. A stretch ceiling can imitate a cloudless sky, and photo printing on the floor can imitate a sandy beach or sea waves.

As accessories, use shells, pebbles, decorative ropes with knots, a mirror in the shape of a ship's porthole, and symbols of sailors. Primary colors – sand, blue, green.

Scandinavian style bathroom design

You need to take care of good hood

For a compact room, good ventilation is important.

Proper air circulation:

  • provides a comfortable level of temperature and humidity in the bathroom;
  • eliminates dampness;
  • prevents the appearance of mold on walls and ceilings.

In addition to using a conventional hood, it is possible to use an overhead fan or place a plinth grille at the bottom of the door.

A competent approach to organizing space in a small bathroom, a successful selection of colors and materials, avoiding excesses and installing a high-quality hood - all this will help visually expand a cramped room and make its use comfortable and enjoyable.


Based on the small size of the bathroom in the Khrushchev-era building, the design issue in this case needs to be approached as carefully as possible. Experienced designers suggest using styles in which minimalism predominates for such small rooms, since it would be strange to walk into a small room and see it filled to the ceiling.

  • First, you need to choose moisture-resistant materials. If you use natural materials, take care to treat the surfaces of the materials with anti-fungal agents.
  • Ceramic tiles are most often used for floor finishing. But please note that this finish is quite dangerous if you drop your phone on it or slip after a shower.
  • Therefore, most often the owners of such apartments opt for flooring made from polymer mixtures. This is a great option if you want to create some kind of floor art that suits your style.

Stretch ceilings most often predominate in ceiling decoration. Because, in addition to protecting you from flooding, it can create a visual increase in ceiling height. But this will only happen if you choose a mirrored stretch ceiling.

As for lighting, you should opt for spotlights, as they take up less space. An excellent choice would be paired sconces near mirrors or wall lamps that do not take up much space or have a flat shape.

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