Refresh your apartment with yellow: 20 unusual ideas

Warm, energetic, full of optimism - despite these pleasant features, yellow is a difficult color in interior design. You should use it in moderation and also know what to pair with it. Thanks to our guide, you will discover the different incarnations of yellow and introduce it to decor without fear!

Skillfully selected wall colors are the best way to create a beautiful apartment. The yellow color of the walls enlivens and brightens the interior, giving it a warm character. This is an excellent choice for both modern and classic interiors. However, we don't recommend painting all your walls yellow—this can cause overstimulation and even cause stress and irritability. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to 1-2 walls or paint only yellow fragments (for example, the lower part of the walls).

Good to know: yellow is close to modernity, and even avant-garde. Looks good on lacquered, plastic or metal and transparent surfaces such as glass or plexiglass.

Yellow in the interior adds energy and has a positive effect on all family members. The final effect, of course, depends on the yellow shade we choose. Soft pastel yellow will bring a lot of light into the interior without overwhelming the interior. In turn, stronger shades - lemon or sunny yellow, turning into orange - will immediately make the decor more dynamic. It’s worth balancing them out a little by comparing them with white and gray.

Interior with yellow staircase

Yellow color in the interior of an apartment or house can be used to highlight certain parts, certain areas, and to focus attention. And sometimes you have to act contrary to all the rules. For example, it is customary to hide the staircase, but in this interior it has become the main point of attraction.

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Elegant pairing with brown

This combination can be considered classic - for decorating a dining room or kitchen. A “warm” and cozy interior is relaxing, conducive to a family holiday and breathes well-being and stability.

This tandem is best used for a large room, where the floor, furniture and interior items made of wood look harmonious against the background of lemon-colored, light walls. You can use a caramel shade for the background, wood for furniture, juicy notes as an accent.

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Interior with yellow sofa

A yellow sofa in the interior is always appropriate when there are no other bright spots. This looks especially great if the interior design is very light or very dark. Against such a background, the yellow color reveals itself, becomes as noticeable as possible and fills the room with light and warmth.


The right lighting system

When planning the lighting for a yellow bedroom, it is important to consider which side the windows face. In the light of the sun, such a room will always look light and beautiful, pleasing the eye with reflected and multiplied warmth.

  • If the bedroom windows face the sunny side, you can limit yourself to one large central lamp (chandelier) with soft diffused light.
  • In this case, bedside sconces or floor lamps are used as zone lighting devices.
  • If the windows are on the north side, it is better to make the lighting more powerful - a chandelier with several lamps, additional LED lighting.

With the proper introduction of any shade of yellow into the bedroom interior, the color can have a lot of positive effects: absorb negative energy, motivate decisive action, give a charge of vigor and positivity, stimulate brain activity, initiative, lift your spirits, and also facilitate the process of waking up in the morning.

Living room interior with yellow color

Psychology calls the color yellow a source of positivity and optimism; it is simply necessary in the interior of the living room. Here we often need not only to relax, but also to recharge with positive emotions, get rid of feelings of anxiety and fatigue and simply start enjoying life.


Advantages and disadvantages

Any designer will tell you that it should be used carefully. You should not use yellow in large quantities or on a wide surface, since an overly active color can suppress and depress a person’s mood

To avoid the opposite effect, it must be dosed carefully. Only then will it be possible to identify its advantages, which include the following:

  • Yellow invigorates and carries a charge of optimism;
  • Promotes the development of positive emotions, directly affects mood;
  • Its beneficial effect on human immunity has also been revealed;
  • In moderation, it helps to awaken strength and reveal mental abilities;
  • Brings freshness, warmth into the interior of the room and enhances lighting;
  • Visually expands the space of the room.

If you overdo it with the use of yellow, then all its secret shortcomings will appear very quickly. These hidden pitfalls include the following:

  • Excessive use of yellow in a room whose windows face south can lead to an increase in temperature. Being in such an environment is akin to traveling through the arid sands of the desert;
  • The negative influence of sunny shades on the state of the human psyche, which is far from balance, has been revealed;
  • Pure color, without various impurities, can easily cause irritation and increase headaches.

Interior with yellow walls

Yellow wallpaper is rarely used in interiors. And in vain! If you're worried about making your bedroom, kitchen or living room too bright, experiment with neutral spaces. This could be corridors, an entrance hall, a dressing room, a guest room or a hall.


Selection of textiles

Almost any style of bedroom interior cannot do without the main creator of the comfort of this room - textiles.

This category includes:

  1. Curtains and curtains.
  2. Bedspreads and blankets.
  3. Pillows and bolsters.
  4. Capes and panels.

If there is only one yellow element in the bedroom decoration, for example, the ceiling or wall, then textiles in the same tone will emphasize the originality of the decor.

If, for example, all the walls are yellow, you should not overuse this color - the whole picture will look oversaturated and the aesthetic appearance of the room will only suffer.

In this case, if the yellow bedroom is in a classic style, you can choose textiles with floral motifs or geometric patterns.

Interior with yellow accent

Yellow color is very common in Scandinavian interiors. This is not surprising, because in Scandinavian traditions the basis of the interior is considered to be white, which is enlivened by colored accents. They usually come in hot pink, yellow, blue, and mint shades and go well together.


Selection of furniture

Many people like a yellow bedroom with dark furniture, although light, sometimes even white, furniture will also look harmonious in this design color. It all depends on the chosen shade and its quantity in the setting.

  • Sets made of natural wood or more budget-friendly wood-look options look solid.
  • In a room with bright walls, white polished furniture will look impressive.
  • Don't underestimate the option of using contrast. Here the flight of design ideas is unlimited.
  • So, in contrast to bright walls or ceilings, you can choose furniture in blue, green, orange or red.

The main thing is not to overdo it in creating too colorful an environment; everything needs moderation.

Furniture with forged or wicker elements harmonizes well with yellow. Here you can install rogang chairs or wooden furniture with textured metal fittings.

Interior of a bright children's room

Yellow color in the interior of a children's room is sometimes simply necessary. Many people believe that making rooms for children neutral, gray and beige is not worth it at all, because the child needs positive emotions and inspiration. So a yellow wall may be the right solution.


How to choose a shade for different rooms

The psychology of color in the interior helps to choose the right shade for a particular room. To prevent the room from being overloaded, you do not need to use more than 5 different tones to decorate it. At the same time, the brightest of them can be used exclusively in decorative elements. You also need to take into account that the brightness and color saturation always depends on the texture of the surface. Smooth ones turn out to be more expressive than embossed ones.


There are practically no windows in this room, so whitened tones will help make this room lighter. When choosing a shade, you need to consider the size of the room:

  • To make the room seem visually larger, it is recommended to use white. But to avoid being too boring here, it needs to be combined with orange, blue or yellow.
  • A large room will look impressive if you use a combination of white and black or black and red. Gray with any other color is also suitable for a spacious bathroom.

Bathroom interior in blue tonesSource

Living room

If this room is used for frequent meetings with friends or family, then it is better to decorate it in warm, neutral colors. This will help avoid misunderstandings and conflict situations. Brown furniture is often chosen for living rooms. In this case, the walls can be decorated with light shades of brown.

A good option for the living room would be green. It doesn't have to be wallpaper. You can use curtains, upholstered furniture in green tones, or simply arrange indoor plants in pots.

Living room interior design in high-tech styleSource

Fans of bright colors should not refuse them. Only in this case, it is necessary to balance them with gray or any other pastel color. Blue, red and other deep, rich colors can be used in the living room, but these should be decorative elements - a vase, a cushion for the sofa, a painting.


Many modern people lack rest. This especially applies to residents of large cities who have to live at a frantic pace.

So that you can have quality rest even during a short sleep, it is recommended to pay attention to the correct color scheme of the bedroom:

  • Cold blue walls will help you relax and take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle. And to make it easier to wake up in the morning, this tone needs to be combined with yellow or beige.
  • Peach and pale green will help you relax and concentrate.
  • A chocolate bedroom indicates strong and purposeful people. But to prevent the interior from becoming too heavy, this color should be avoided in textiles.
  • Real ladies use lilac for the bedroom. But this tone is quite insidious, so it must be chosen carefully.
  • Black, gray and chocolate are suitable for the men's bedroom. And so that the room does not look gloomy, they should be diluted with white.

Interior of a room in Provence styleSource


When choosing what shade to decorate your kitchen in, you need to be careful. If you are used to controlling your appetite or are constantly struggling with extra pounds, you should use blue and its shades in this room. The shade of natural wood, which is combined with blue, beige or green, has a relaxing effect.

If your main task is to feed your family well, then you can choose bright and rich colors for the kitchen - red, orange. They can be present both in wall decoration, furniture and decor (curtains, dishes).

Kitchen design in loft styleSource

Many people are wary of using black in the kitchen. And completely in vain. If the room is spacious and bright, black will not be depressing. As for a snow-white kitchen, those who are inclined to be overweight should abandon this idea, since white provokes an appetite.

Kitchen interior with yellow apron

Any kitchen interior in yellow colors usually causes controversy. Maybe you really shouldn't go all yellow in your kitchen if you spend a lot of time in it and cook often. But a yellow apron will be an excellent detail that will bring joy every day.


Harmonious combinations of sunny shades

The universal warm and bright shade of the sun goes well with literally all the colors of the rainbow. But each combination is unique in its character and application, especially if you choose a different shade of yellow:

  • Combination with a hint of lime, rich green – this is a design with fresh notes, in which natural materials and natural decor are organic.

  • A color close to orange or muted dark yellow is harmonious with dark shades of red, but you can’t overdo it, so only details and accents can be fiery.

  • If a bright sunny color is chosen for the walls , then both gold and silver elements will look interesting in the interior. The former are most often used to create a classic aristocratic interior, while the latter give priority to modern functional trends in design. In the photo you can see how the silvery shade of the metal “cools down” a little and mutes the bright interior, adding seriousness and technology to simple straight lines.
  • The combination of yellow and black looks extravagant. Using a large amount of dark color is only appropriate in a spacious kitchen. In a small room, details can be black. If yellow wallpaper is chosen, then the furniture, of course, should not be black. The pattern on furniture, facade decoration and other details in black tones will be harmonious.

  • A combination of bright sunny color and white can be called universal. It balances the energy of the sunny shade. This effect can be useful both for a strict classic interior and for modern design.

Interior with yellow window

You can surprise with the color yellow! Have you ever seen a yellow window? Typically, windows are white or any other natural shade. But a yellow window will lift your spirits, even if the real sun doesn’t shine through.


How to choose?

The main thing is the mood, the idea of ​​the room, then comes the creation of the palette. Yellow harmonizes with brown, so it will go well with laminate or linoleum.

Let's consider which options for walls are suitable for different rooms:

The living room is an expression of the owner’s style and taste, which can be appreciated by guests, so the wallpaper here can be bright. Use canary plain backgrounds or with ornaments to highlight individual decorative elements: beautiful objects, a bouquet of flowers.

  • The bedroom is a place of relaxation, so yellow wallpaper here can serve two functions: either it will be used as a photo wallpaper in combination with a more muted color, or it can be pale yellow tones over the entire surface of the wall, which do not irritate the psyche.
  • A sophisticated style move would be to create depth in a long narrow corridor. Light monochromatic wall coverings on both sides and at the end - a wall with a pattern and a mirror above which hangs a sconce. This move will visually expand the room.

Interior with yellow flowers

Do you like wallpapers with flowers? Imagine, they can also be yellow, and not just the traditional one, with green leaves and delicate petals. Any yellow patterns on the wallpaper are a bright and beautiful solution, more delicate than completely yellow walls.



One of the most suitable rooms for using yellow. Its solar reflection of light favorably highlights a variety of dishes and creates warm comfort in the kitchen.

It is recommended to use rather delicate shades as the main finishing. Bright ones are possible only as additional elements: upholstery of a kitchen unit, a curtain, floral decoration of a vase. The tangerine shade seems to be the most compromise and advantageous, as it can quietly influence human vision for a long time. This also includes peach and apricot tones, which relax the owner with their softness.

Yellow bedroom interior

It is believed that the bedroom should be in delicate “sleepy” shades - blue, purple, pink, green. But it turns out that the right shade of yellow will also make your sleep deep and pleasant.


Decorating rooms in yellow tones

In the right quantity and shades, yellow will become a welcome guest in any room of both the house and apartment.

Living room

It is necessary to correctly “introduce” the yellow color into the living room, as it should add positivity and energize, but not overwhelm with its appearance. It will look good on walls, textiles and carpets. If you don’t want to use yellow for decoration, you can always implement it in a furniture set.


Here you can experiment, since yellow stimulates the appetite and inspires new ideas. In addition, dirt is practically invisible on it. The palette can be used for kitchen facades, splashbacks, walls and floors, ceiling decor, furniture and absolutely any items. And in the kitchen, yellow can dominate.


This room is always intended for relaxation and rest. If you like yellow, why not use it for decoration? You just need to use it in moderation so as not to strain your eyes and brain. Therefore, yellow curtains or bedding, decorative items or one piece of furniture can be a wonderful accent.


It all depends on the age of the child. For kids who are just beginning to explore this world, you need to choose calm, muted shades. Bright interior colors can negatively affect a child’s sleep and nervous system. With age, the palette can become brighter and more varied, appearing in interesting compositions and combinations.


It is the entrance area, the hallway and part of the corridor that can characterize the entire apartment. That is why it is important to take into account the general style of the room, and only then decide which tones to choose. If there are no windows, yellow will be able to compensate for the lack of natural light. It is important that the surfaces are washed well, since in the hallway the color can quickly lose its brightness and attractiveness due to exposure to external factors.


Shades of yellow are suitable for any size bathroom. Of course, it is best to apply color to the walls. It is better to leave the plumbing white so as not to violate classic traditions. It is here that shades of yellow such as bronze, brass, antique, gold and others can be used as a variety.

Very yellow interior

But if suddenly yellow is your favorite color, don’t be afraid of a bold monocolor solution. Let the room become completely yellow: walls, sofa, lamps, carpet, decor. Don't want your interior to be boring? Choose unusual shapes and textures, dilute them with contrasting details.


Types of wallpaper

There are about a dozen types, depending on the material from which the coating is made. Let's list the most common ones.

  • Paper ones are inexpensive, environmentally friendly, suitable for most rooms, except for rooms with high humidity. There are rulers for painting. The main disadvantage is fragility.
  • Vinyl - can be paper or non-woven backed. Quite durable and wear-resistant, as they consist of two layers. They are non-toxic and are not afraid of fungus and mold. There are moisture-resistant models, so they are suitable for any room, including the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Non-woven fabrics are an environmentally friendly covering, consisting of a bottom substrate (non-woven fabric) and a top layer. It can be vinyl or non-woven. The first option is more budget-friendly, is not afraid of water and mechanical stress, and lasts a long time. The second, in addition, allows air to pass through, thanks to which the walls “breathe” and the appearance of fungus or mold is excluded. That is why non-woven fabrics are recommended for use in children's rooms.
  • Textile - also have two layers: paper or non-woven fabric at the base and textile fabric on top. For the decorative layer, linen, viscose or cotton are most often used. The main advantages are a beautiful appearance, as well as good noise and heat insulation. Disadvantages include the relatively high price and the need for careful maintenance: this coating is sensitive to dirt and easily collects dust.
  • Fiberglass is a modern wall covering made from special glass threads that form a strong and durable coating. This type is hypoallergenic, reliable and resistant to mechanical stress. Well masks uneven walls. This coating itself has no color; it can always be painted.
  • Liquid - combine the functions of wallpaper, plaster and paint. They are sold as a dry mixture, which is diluted with water and applied to the walls like a regular finish. They have good sound and heat insulation, are easy to clean, and environmentally friendly. The downside is that the coating takes a long time to dry and also absorbs moisture, so it is better to use them in residential areas.

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Bedroom interior with yellow curtains

The easiest way to add yellow to your decor is through textiles. Bright yellow curtains may appear with the onset of the warm season, and as autumn approaches, feel free to remove them or change them to more traditional ones.


Style Preference

Visualization of the room's design style will help you choose your bedroom interior. Classics stand out in light shades. This can be light yellow or golden light on the walls, which goes well with furniture made from natural dark wood.

  • The classic style benefits from the harmony of yellow and brown.
  • Country or Provence will be emphasized by a soft shade of bright yellow or even lemon. In addition, and sometimes as a soft contrast, blue, green, light brown, beige will serve.
  • Modern styles also look spectacular in this color.

A yellow bedroom with white furniture and cute matching accessories is a good option for pop art or hi-tech styles.

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