Winning combinations with gray in the interior: 15 palettes from ReRooms

Psychologists have noted that many people perceive the color gray as something not very pleasant, but does not cause obvious negative emotions. Therefore, everyone understands the expressions where “gray” is known as a sign of something boring and inconspicuous. This can be explained by the fact that for many it is close to white and is perceived as an almost complete lack of brightness. However, it is not. It has its own advantages and bright accents that will make the interior unique and inimitable.

Proper use of gray allows you to create incredibly beautiful interiors in a variety of styles.

How can you beat

Gray color is an adaptable image; its perception comes from already established stereotypes. Many people still consider this shade dull and inexpressive.

It can be considered true that he is one of the most careful and demanding. Go too far and choose the wrong tone and the house will be engulfed in a melancholy mood, but a skillful combination will give you fantastic sophistication.

Variety of shades

The gray range includes a huge number of shades - from bleached to almost black. This allows you to choose the appropriate design for any interior.

Warm colors look noble and respectable. Cool ones can sometimes deprive a room of its coziness, so designers recommend being more careful with them.

Depending on the texture of the material, the impression of the interior can be very different. A modern gray living room looks very spacious if light gray colors are used for decoration. However, richer and darker tones perfectly mask planning flaws, slight defects and uneven walls.

What's unusual about a gray interior?

Basically, it is built on unusualness, it would seem gray - it is “neither fish nor fowl”. This is the main psychological effect of anti-stress therapy - it does not irritate.

White enhances the resulting mood: the color of purity, combined with calmness, gives light and peace. Selection and accounting of all successful combinations with other color schemes, viewing photos of gray design ideas.

Marble bathroom

The bathroom is also green. This eco-friendly solution subconsciously refers to nature, and wooden panels further enhance this feeling. Gray walls and ceiling are a very thoughtful solution for the bathroom. This way it will not get dirty, and smudges will not become visible on this coating due to the color and stains characteristic of marble.

Cabinets without handles protect owners from unsuccessful maneuvers, during which they can get hurt on the fittings. The completely transparent walls of the shower do not burden the space, forming with it like a double bottom.

Lighting near the mirror will help you see all the freckles and moles.

The shower, which looks like a mushroom cap, looks very graphic and stylish against the backdrop of the marble pattern of the walls. A good trick is to lay out the tiles in a herringbone pattern—Yulia knows that it will help make the bathroom visually a little larger.

Secrets of gray in combination

A modern interior is an interweaving of events and the gray color is extremely popular in it; it is successfully combined with literally all the main colors.

It is more often used as a background, perhaps as gray wallpaper in the interior, but it also successfully acts as an independent element. Furniture in a gray shade looks unusually attractive; it creates the perception of harmonious moderation.

Using bright accents

Monochrome interiors are often diluted with bright colors:

  • Yellow;
  • Canary;
  • Turquoise;
  • Lemon;
  • Emerald;
  • Pistachio.

A gray living room with bright accents becomes even more visually pleasing. Warm shades of green refresh the room and create an invigorating atmosphere. Lilac accents make the interior mysterious and atmospheric.


The main condition for successful harmony of color schemes, which will combine everything into one and create extraordinary comfort, is the contrasting use of bright shades.

Decoration in gray colors can be the optimal backdrop for intense colors, such as yellow or red. In order for the entire palette to play correctly, the main condition must be met - the shade must be chosen selectively.

Suitable furniture

White or black furniture with leather upholstery fits perfectly into the gray interior. If the style allows, then you can equip the room with a bright sofa, armchairs or nightstands.

Gray wooden cabinets, tables, racks and wall shelves fit organically into the decor. If the light falls at a certain angle, these products become like stone.

Gray in the living room

Color creates a special design, adds a pleasant atmosphere, and ensures further cozy and comfortable pastime. To make shades of gray sparkle, it is better to dilute it with bright colors, adding a decorative element to the living room.

A light yellow/beige or glass coffee table balanced with sheer curtains will fill the room with sunlight. A light metallic color element is allowed: a blanket, decorative pillows.

Lighting and decor

In a minimalist interior, lighting fixtures should be laconic and discreet. By organizing soft lighting, you can create a sophisticated and comfortable environment. Chandeliers will add a beautiful shimmer.

It is possible to create a unique atmosphere thanks to colored lighting. Lamps with bright shades can be used as the main accent. Such lighting can completely transform the interior.

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Sometimes it is enough to dilute the atmosphere with just one bright accent - an armchair, a picture on the wall, a large vase. Gold and silver objects, decorative elements made of crystal and glass can change the visual perception of the interior.

If you need to create the most tranquil environment, use decor in muted colors. Furniture can be decorated with fur capes, and fresh or artificial flowers can be placed in the room.

Bedroom in gray tones

Gray color in the bedroom is the best option for creating an aura of calm. It will be successful to use only two color combinations; excesses are unacceptable here.

You can take gray as a basis, but in different shades, or dilute it with white. Beige and soft green will look beautiful and peaceful.

Benefits of color

The color scheme of a room has a great influence on a person’s state of mind, and also matters for his physical well-being. Each color evokes certain emotions that affect your mood. In psychology, gray is considered a neutral tone. Usually it is chosen by those who do not live by inspiration, but think rationally. Gray walls are often present in offices, because they do not distract from work and look reliable and friendly.

Gray color has many advantages:

  • it is considered discreet and very stylish, noble;
  • shades of gray are in perfect harmony with other tones of the palette, it is easy to choose suitable color combinations for them;
  • the color is suitable for most rooms and design directions; it can be a background or serve as decoration in the form of textiles, baseboards, furniture, and small details;
  • the color is practical, non-staining, surfaces painted with it will last a long time and can be easily restored.

Negative effects of this tone can occur if used in excess. So that the interior does not evoke melancholy and fatigue, it must be diluted with brighter accents.

The combination of gray in the kitchen interior

To get a successful kitchen interior using a gray shade as the main one, add a white kitchen set to it, with a slight blue design.

A little yellow and soft pink will add brightness and attractiveness. Good sketches. Try, experiment and create an original interior in gray tones to surprise your guests.

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A moderate riot of colors: soft pink, yellow, white, beige, dark brown in combination with gray to create a unique, cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the living space.

Combinations with warm colors

It is more difficult for modest gray to get along with contrasting bright colors, so their use is limited to the role of accents, and the most saturated warm tones - red, orange and bright yellow - must be balanced with neutral intermediary colors - white, cream, beige. Muted shades of yellow - apricot, sand, mustard - are more accommodating.

  • Colors in the interior

    Fashionable base: how to combine gray and beige in the interior (54 photos)

Gray has a difficult relationship with earth tones. There are usually no problems with light brown, beige and wood tones, especially if you choose a deep shade of gray a couple darker than brown. Chocolate and fawn tones work well with medium gray metallic shades.

Perhaps, of all the warm colors, pink goes best with gray - from the extravagant fuchsia color to the delicate powdery shades that have become the hallmark of the romantic shabby chic style.

13 photos

Successful introduction of red into the peaceful palette of the kitchen-dining room. Photo: Instagram bestlaminate

Photo: Instagram

Masterful use of Art Nouveau accents. Photo: Instagram spearsrealtygroup

Photo: Instagram designsbyjeana

Muted yellow in the design of a soft corner: warms without burning. Photo: Instagram roomstogo

Photo: Instagram roomstogo

An elegant combination of three color spots - yellow, brown and green. Photo: Instagram roomstogo

Powdered shades of gray and pink in a shabby chic palette. Photo: Instagram lalunalinen

Photo: Instagram lifestylevogue_

Abstract painting serves as a convenient tool for combining accents. Photo: Instagram

Photo: Instagram designsbyjeana

Opposites attract: delicate pink and brutal gray have become an exemplary pair. Photo: Instagram cactuscactusgreen

Photo: Instagram spearsrealtygroup

  • Furniture

    Will never go out of style: a gray sofa in the interior

Features of interpretation

The perception of a gray shade is dictated by the moment of the emotional state; the mood changes during the day with great speed. For socially dependent people who are subject to a subtle assessment of their surroundings, it is better not to take risks; such an interior will only drive them into depression.

And on the contrary, for people living at an active pace, combining business with self-development, such home decoration will become a pathetic “lifeline.” With an increased level of stress, for them the combination of gray in the interior is a harmonization of stability.

Cozy bedroom

The main character of this space is a wide and very soft double bed. You can definitely relax in this one after a long day of work. The bed has no legs, but it looks very solid and monolithic. But even in the photo you can see how soft and cozy she is and how reluctant she will be to get out of her warm cocoon in the morning.

A small, neat nightstand fit into the space between the bed and the window. And on the other side there is a dressing table. A bright red ottoman sits next to it as a playful accent piece. Wood and white paint found each other on the walls of this room. They form a wonderful duo that helps the eyes rest and recover for the next day.

The abundance of lighting, on the contrary, will help you wake up and energize you for the whole day.

More works by designer Yulia Senkevich on her Instagram profile: @senkevich_designer.

Dilution of gray

The ideal gray is a mixture of two shades: white and black. The leisurely monotony leaves a feeling of chastity, spontaneity and purity. There is no pathology in classic gray.

A wide palette of combinations: from greenish-gray, brownish-yellow with a transition to grayish moderation allows you to create rare, skillful shades. Which require competent processing.

Graphic loggia

The bedroom and loggia are connected and form a common space. On the balcony there is an office where you can work or do your business alone. It is small, and the light walls will help supply it with “oxygen”. The same chair, only green, has already been found in the kitchen, and the soft velor chair is made in the same style. All together these details form a single composition of elements. Panoramic balcony windows are a plus for this beautiful apartment.

How not to make a mistake

It may seem that gray is too complicated and it is better not to mess with it. Don't worry, in order not to be mistaken, you just need to see it next to other color palettes.

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Natural “sixth sense” will tell you how to subdue and beat him correctly. This shade can create an extraordinary style and mood.

Specifics of selection

Gray dilutes and softens the aggression of intense shades, so fashionable lately:

  • Filled with bright orange, red and even yellow - colors imbued with energy, color antidepressants
  • The riot of blue liberates, expresses freedom
  • Green has a beneficial effect on physical and emotional well-being
  • Purple inspires and harmonizes
  • Black expresses severity
  • Pink is the most open shade, gentle and affectionate.
  • Yellow-green sharpens the senses and overall perception.

Important! Don’t forget about gray furniture; it is this that positions the main interior of the room, creates a cozy atmosphere, creates harmony and a successful style.

Selection of the base shade according to the level of illumination

The quirks of gray are explained by the influence of lighting. The mixing of black and white spectrums creates an endless variety of shades of gray, replacing each other. Basic gray works best in brightly lit rooms.

The same shade looks different: in a darkened room, gray walls seem almost black, but in a sunny room they turn white before our eyes. Therefore, in the decoration of shaded rooms, light, light colors are preferred, and in sunlit rooms, cool shades of gray with blue and purple notes are preferred, which muffle the scorching rays of the sun and visually expand the space. As a rule, finishing wall surfaces in gray tones is practiced in rooms oriented to the south or east; in other cases, it is better to choose white and pastel colors for wall decoration, and reserve gray for upholstery of upholstered furniture and textiles.

11 photos

Photo: Instagram brylledeco

Light gray upholstered furniture and natural wood are an island of comfort in a darkened room. Photo: Instagram stunning_details

Photo: Instagram bloomdesignshi

Concrete and rustic wood are a harmonious union of industry and nature. Photo: Instagram projecthomedesign

Photo: Instagram bellamiahome

Decorating the office in a minimalist style: three gray walls complement the textured accent. Photo: Instagram wise_interiors

Photo: Instagram homeinspideas

A light ceiling is a clever trick for brightening dark walls. Photo: Instagram cooper_interiors_nj

Photo: Instagram amyspearinginteriors

So many flashy prints and textures in one room: only basic gray will endure everything! Photo: Instagram chattel_staging_designs

Photo: Instagram nadinebuslaeva

The least sensitive to changes in lighting are light and translucent shades of gray with a silver and pearl tint. Such tones are often visible in unpainted concrete walls. The expressive texture of concrete goes well with amber and reddish wood and wicker furniture made of straw or rattan.

  • Colors in the interior

    Universal base - gray walls in the interior (40 photos)

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