Mosaic in the bathroom: types, materials, colors, shapes, design, choice of finishing location

Features of finishing a bathroom with mosaics

A few specific nuances:

  • To decorate a small bathroom in an apartment, small glossy mosaics in light colors are suitable.
  • Also, a small room can be visually expanded with the help of a mosaic border of a contrasting shade, located not high from the floor.
  • Decorating with mosaics around the mirror will not only give this product an aesthetic appearance, but will also protect it from water getting inside.
  • With the help of this design, it is possible to perform zoning, for example, to separate the shower room from the bathroom.

Mounting methods

A standard mosaic block is a quadrangle with a side of 30 cm, the seams have a size of 2 mm.

In addition, they have different attachments to the surface:

  1. Paper version, when the squares are glued onto paper. The front side is covered with paper, so they glue it to the surface without seeing the result. A layer of paper is moistened with water, then it is cleaned of squares. The advantage of this type of mosaic is that it is cheap.
  2. Mesh option. The back side of the squares is glued to the PVC mesh. After attaching it, adjustments can be made. If some parts come off, this can be fixed immediately. The mesh is not removed from the surface, so the structure holds tighter.

Types of mosaics

There are three varieties:

  • Mosaic tiles. With its help, you can achieve the most complex compositions, patterns and designs and thereby endow the interior with bright and original notes.
  • Self-adhesive mosaic. It has special flexibility, which allows you to easily design any complex, rounded and curved planes.
  • Mosaic tiles. It is a one-piece product with a mosaic pattern with slots. Mosaic tiles are a more budget option, outwardly no different from the original.

What material is it made of?

This finish is classified according to the type of materials used for its manufacture.

  • Ceramic tiles (tiles).
  • Plastic.
  • Glass.
  • Smalt.
  • Metal.
  • Stone.

Not only the appearance of this cladding, but also its service life depends on the type of material.


If a countertop sink is installed, it will require a countertop. A wide variety of materials can be used for its manufacture. Where the simplest solution would be to use a metal profile countertop. Which is covered with plasterboard and tiled with mosaics. The tabletop can have different shapes. For example, it can be curved, directed towards the wall, or standard rectangular. In addition, you can decorate the space above the countertop. This place always needs careful care, and mosaic has good practical properties.

What in the bathroom can be decorated with mosaics?

The most popular finishing options.


With a certain amount of imagination, you can create a truly unique, original and beautiful design for the walls in the bathroom. Wall tile mosaics can be used to decorate the entire surface or only some of its areas. Mosaic panels placed next to a shower stall, washbasin, cabinet with a mirror or bathtub also look very original on the walls.

The photo shows a light pink mosaic with drawings on the walls in the bathroom interior.

On the floor

For floor decor, it is advisable to choose stronger and thicker mosaic tiles. The floor design looks equally good both in a single color and decorated with ornaments or a beautiful panel.


Due to the cladding with mosaic tiles, the countertop under the sink acquires an aesthetic, elegant and sophisticated appearance.

The photo shows the interior of the bathroom and the countertop under the sink, lined with blue mosaics.

Shower cabin

To decorate the shower tray, for safety reasons, you should select anti-slip mosaic tiles with high moisture resistance. In terms of color scheme, preference is given to both pastel and bright colors, harmoniously subordinate to the dominant design of the bathroom.

The photo shows a shower in the bathroom, decorated with emerald mosaic tiles.


Exquisite and unusual stone mosaic decoration in the design of shelves will transform them from a simple place to store various items into a memorable design element.

On the bath screen

A screen with such decoration is distinguished not only by its functionality, but also by its high decorative effect, giving the decor an expensive, solid and very stylish look.


It is the simplest and at the same time unusual way to create a unique bathroom design. With the help of mosaic ceiling cladding, it is possible to fill the room with attractive magical beauty.

Bathroom color

Thanks to a wide color spectrum, including both bright contrasting and all kinds of pastel colors, you can bring any design ideas to life.


It has a truly stylish and modern look and blends seamlessly with a wide variety of colors and shades, adding the necessary personality to the environment.


The rich blue finish evokes associations with the water element and allows you to completely immerse yourself in the marine theme.

The photo shows a blue mosaic on the walls in the interior of a modern bathroom.


This design is especially suitable for those who value beauty, nobility and chic. The gold finish, due to its shiny and shimmering effect, gives the room a warm glow, spaciousness and coziness.


Significantly refreshes and harmonizes the space, giving it freshness, coolness and cleanliness.


It is quite an effective choice, adding interesting touches to the interior. Silver mosaic tiles look equally good both with complete and fragmentary decoration of surfaces.


Fills the atmosphere with lightness and promotes comfortable relaxation. Beige is considered a noble shade, which allows you to endow the room with special elegance and impeccability.


Delightful green or light green cladding adds freshness and natural motifs to the interior.


Thanks to such a fashionable color scheme, it is possible to create not only an ideal basic background, but also to form a truly aristocratic design.


A classic option that has a very noble and expensive appearance and at the same time brings coziness and solidity to the atmosphere.

The photo shows a brown glass mosaic in the design of a small bathroom.

Mother of pearl

It will undoubtedly become the most exquisite decorative element, which, when hit by light rays, begins to glow and play with multi-colored highlights.


Incredibly stylish dark mosaic instantly attracts attention and gives the atmosphere a certain mystery.


It will give the interior ideality and aesthetic refinement. With the help of such a creative idea, it is possible to fill the room with harmonies and purity.

Advantages of mosaic coating

Mosaic coating is very popular. First of all, it creates a unique design by laying tiles with an interesting pattern. The technical characteristics of mosaics are in no way inferior to ordinary tiles; they are easy to lay, even without the proper experience.

The main advantages of mosaic tiles:

  • Allows you to create a glossy and matte surface, giving the room shine and sophistication.
  • Easy to care for.
  • The matte finish prevents slipping.
  • Wide color range.
  • High performance characteristics.
  • Will help bring any design idea to life.

Mosaics can be combined with regular tiles, using them to create accents. You can make an interesting panel with your own hands.

Mosaic shape

Common form options:

  • Round. It becomes a bright accent of the entire interior and, thanks to its high decorative qualities, harmoniously complements other elements, giving the space extraordinary beauty.
  • Honeycomb (hexagon). Hexagons allow you to create unique imaginary patterns and thereby give the interior an individual character.
  • Square. It is the most common and classic form, most often used in decorating bathrooms.
  • Rectangular. A fairly familiar option, distinguished by its versatility.
  • Diamond-shaped. This geometric diamond shape will undoubtedly become a very stylish interior solution.
  • Curly. Fantasy figured fragments of different shapes and sizes represent an extraordinary design approach that allows you to enrich the visual image of the room.

The photo shows a bathroom decorated with matte multi-colored round mosaics.

Due to a certain shape, you can create a truly spectacular and unusual decor, which will undoubtedly become the brightest and most eye-catching element of the entire design.

Mosaic design options in the interior of a room

Several original design solutions.


Due to these reflective elements, it is possible to change the spatial perception of the room. Mirror mosaic tiles perfectly immigrate to a wide variety of styles and colors and acquire the shades surrounding them.


Using a matrix or chipped mosaic panel, you can easily decorate not only the walls, but also the floor or ceiling. Such decor can be placed both in a certain area and around the entire perimeter of the bathroom, which allows you to turn it into a single unique picture.

With an image

It is the main interior highlight and a bright accent that undoubtedly attracts attention. Thanks to the mosaic decoration with a pattern, it is possible to turn any fantasy idea into reality.

Combination of mosaic and tiles

This combination with tiles completely changes the appearance of the room and gives it a certain neatness, high cost and real irresistibility.

Mosaic honeycomb

The hexagonal shape is very popular in interior decoration. Honeycomb mosaic is a fairly active design element, which can become even more noticeable due to the bright color scheme.

Under the stone

It has a stylish and sophisticated appearance, a texture imitation of travertine, granite or marble stone and is distinguished by a rich natural color palette that gives the atmosphere uniqueness and harmoniously matches any style decisions.


The natural smoothness, pleasant-to-touch surface and uniqueness of pebble mosaics give the space smooth lines, natural shades and an attractive appearance.

The photo shows a bathroom with a wall decorated with a white pebble mosaic.

Mosaic inserts

One or more mosaic stripes, depending on the location, can not only adjust the geometry of the space, but also provide a very effective partial cladding, which, thanks to the play of glare and soft shimmer, will endow the atmosphere with special mystery and sophistication.

Combination of different colors

The classic black and white combination is the most traditional, but at the same time quite stylish and original. Due to various color combinations, such as yellow with orange, beige with brown or others, you can create either a strict and graphic design or a luxurious and artistic design.

Color solutions

Color plays a big role when choosing mosaics for bathroom walls. It should not be too sharp, conspicuous and strongly attract attention. The bathroom is a comfort zone, the main task of which is to allow a person to relax and feel calm.

An excellent option for the bathroom would be simple colors that are as close to natural as possible: gray, brown, blue. The classic option is a white mosaic, suitable if the remaining walls are decorated with bright tiles or natural stone or wood.

If only one wall or a separate section of it will be decorated with mosaics, choose a multi-colored pattern.

The main thing is not to overdo it and not make the room too pretentious. It is not recommended to use more than three shades in one drawing.

A few rules for decorating walls with mosaic tiles:

  • For a bright picture you need to use a pastel background. Decorate individual elements with contrasting shades.
  • When choosing colors, it is worth remembering their combination with each other and with the entire interior. Use one color as the main color, the other two as an addition, there should be fewer such elements.


Pink is one of those shades that is perfect for the bathroom. Color can give a good mood in the morning and relieve accumulated emotions at the end of a hard day. Visually expands the room and illusorily gives it volume. Pairs with black and gold.

Blue and cyan

“Water” shades are ideal for the bathroom. Blue and light blue fit well into the design of a bathroom of any size and shape. In total there are more than a hundred shades of blue and light blue. Combine with white, gray, red.


A color that can give peace and tranquility, harmony. Use both a pale shade of green and bright, saturated colors. Combines with brown and metallic, steel shades.


Purple is a dark shade, so you need to use it with caution so as not to overdo it and make the room too dark. Delicate violet, eggplant, and purple will look good in the bathroom. Combines with contrasting colors - yellow, orange, white, black.


A stylish solution, the choice of which should be approached with caution. It is not recommended to use black mosaic as the main color; there is a risk of visually making the room smaller and making it uncomfortable.

But as an additional or contrasting color, black will look original. Combines with white, gray, rich blue mosaic, as well as red, yellow and purple.


Yellow, like gold, adds liveliness to the room, making it “rich” and positive. Yellow mosaic looks very unusual and sets a good mood for the whole day.

To prevent the bathroom from becoming too pretentious, up to 70% of the area can be decorated in yellow.

As a second color, use blue, green, red, purple, black.


Any shade of brown, made to look like natural stone or wood, is suitable for the bathroom. Sand shades look good; use them to create a whole panel near the sink or shower. Combines with lavender, azure, pink.


Red allows you to make a bright color accent. Suitable for decorating one work area, for example, near the bathroom, sink or mirror. Place the red mosaic on the bathroom itself, on the shower tray.

Do not combine red with black; it is better to replace it with sand, white, or brown.


White mosaic is a timeless classic option for decorating a bathroom. It can be used in two ways:

  • White is the main color, against which additional shades will look brighter. White will visually increase the space of the bathroom, making it comfortable and cozy.
  • The second option is to use white as an additional color against a bright background. This design will look very stylish and unusual.

The main advantage of white mosaic, in addition to its stylish and presentable appearance, is that stains from water and soap suds are not visible on it. Suitable for minimalist styles.


Use from the most subtle to rich gray shade. Combine with beige, yellow, black, gray. Neutral color adds calm. Use as a main color or as an addition.

Examples of mosaic layouts

There are several basic layout methods, for example, seam-to-seam, diagonally, or many other options presented below.

Taking a running start

This installation resembles brickwork. Most often, to create this effect, rectangular elements are used, which move with every second row.


It consists of ready-made matrices of small or large sizes on a mesh, which are glued to a specific surface, which can significantly simplify and facilitate finishing work.


The classic layout option, which is quite popular and provides the opportunity to advantageously emphasize the character of the interior.


Mosaic tiles, due to their plasticity, are perfect for corner decoration. This decor smoothes out the sharp corners of various protrusions or boxes and creates a spectacular flow of surfaces.

The photo shows a blue wall mosaic with a corner layout in the bathroom interior.


Due to continuous, intermittent, parallel, intersecting, symmetrical, broken, chaotic or other lines, for example, in the shape of a wave, the situation takes on a truly original appearance.

Photo of mosaic in the toilet

This design, in accordance with the overall interior picture, is truly unusual and attractive. For example, for a toilet in a minimalist or hi-tech style, it is better to choose gray, metallic mosaics or finishes in other not too bright and pretentious shades, and for a room in Provence or country style, wood cladding or mosaic tiles in patchwork style.

The photo shows a Moroccan mosaic on the walls in an oriental-style toilet.

With well-thought-out decorative aspects, it is possible not only to create a harmonious interior in the toilet, but also, for example, to visually increase its size.

Shelving, niches, columns

If the bathroom has shelves or niches, then they can also be decorated with mosaics. Tiles are often used to decorate non-standard elements, but this requires a lot of effort and time. In turn, mosaics are perfect for decorating complex objects.

It is quite difficult to finish elements such as columns. For cladding such structures, you should take the smallest mosaic, this will allow you to complete the work much easier and faster.

Design ideas for a combined bathroom with mosaics

In a combined bathroom, using different mosaic tiles, it is possible to designate, highlight and visually separate certain functional areas or simply create an effective frame around individual elements.

The photo shows a bathroom with a contrasting fragmented mosaic design of the walls and floor.

This decor, due to its reliability, durability and practicality, allows you to decorate wall, floor or ceiling surfaces in the bathroom and create an elegant interior.

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