Ceiling cornice: a review of the best modern types. 115 photos of an important design element

The atmosphere in the house is calmer and more comfortable when curtains hang on the windows. Depending on the fabric, design and type of construction, they add a certain stylistic accent to the decoration of the room. Among the methods of mounting on windows, ceiling curtains are popular. They are used in many modern design areas. Moreover, in apartments and houses there are design features of rooms when curtains need to be attached only to the ceiling.

Main advantages

The undeniable advantages of cornices attached to the ceiling include:

  • Visual expansion of the room. Curtains that fall from the ceiling to the floor will lengthen the room and make it visually more spacious.
  • Hiding existing shortcomings. A canvas that covers the wall from top to bottom will skillfully hide defects in the window opening, decorative wallpaper or the wall itself.
  • Possibility of wall mounting. If desired, by purchasing several necessary brackets, such a cornice can easily turn into a wall one.


A fairly wide range of sizes allows you to choose options for ceilings of any size, while the ceiling itself will remain without a joint.

The most popular plastic and aluminum models have similar dimensional characteristics. The length of a single profile reaches 4 m; longer or curly options are made from several elements. The width reaches 87 mm relative to the number of rows of fastenings.

The strip covering the curtain fastenings is 50 or 90 mm, while the one extended for blend patterns reaches 300 mm (quite rare custom-made models).

Wooden models are made to order, or can be purchased ready-made. The length of finished cornices is 200 cm, custom-made – up to 400 cm. There are no standard sizes for baguettes.


Plastic ceiling cornice is an inexpensive, widely available option. Both ordinary, inconspicuous models and massive variations, for example, with a baguette strip, are made from this material. This design impresses with its low weight.

Installation of a plastic cornice can be done even by a non-professional; this work can be handled by a person far from construction work.

Functional purpose

The cornice has a kind of jumper on which you can attach tulle and curtains.
In addition, this design helps to change the interior, and sometimes even acts as a bright accent in the design of the room. If we talk about a standard cornice kit, it often consists of the following elements:

  • Hangers for fastening. In classic models there are only two of them. However, if the rail is too long or heavy, you can find options with 3 or more fasteners;
  • Base. Most often it has the form of a strip to which hooks or eyes are attached. In string and ceiling mechanisms, the basis is a metal string or profile;

  • orange blossom Ribbed or smooth round ends that serve a purely decorative function.


Aluminum ceiling cornice has been used for a long time, for many years. This is due to its relatively low price, lightness and durability.

The structure is coated on top with a special protective solution to increase wear resistance; this will maintain the original condition of the surface for a long time, even when used in rooms with high humidity.

Such curtain rods are quite flexible and can be used to construct complex curtain compositions.

Color and pattern

You should take the choice of color palette of curtains for the bedroom very seriously. It is important to remember that in addition to matching the color scheme of the interior, the decoration of the bedroom windows should maintain an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. Therefore, experts do not recommend using curtains that are too bright and flashy in the bedroom. It would be better if they were curtains in calm pastel colors. Products in subdued coffee tones are considered especially beneficial for sleep. They reduce the level of aggression and help you relax.

Various shades of green are also considered a good choice for the bedroom. This color calms and helps to achieve peace of mind. Blue color, according to psychologists, provides deep, restful sleep. Photos of the interiors can be seen in the photo.

Do not choose curtains for the bedroom that are similar in shade to the color of the walls and ceiling. In this case, you risk getting the effect of a faceless, boring interior.

If you decide to hang patterned curtains in your bedroom, be sure to consider the following rules:

  • curtains should not be flashy. They are intended to softly complement the interior, but in no case should they attract attention to themselves with a bright large pattern;
  • if the bedroom walls are covered with wallpaper with a large pattern, it is better to abandon colored curtains in favor of plain ones;
  • Depending on what style was used to decorate the interior of the room, curtains with small floral patterns, vertical or horizontal stripes, and a neutral abstract pattern are selected. Examples of such design solutions can be seen in the photo.


Metal curtain rods are very durable and can withstand even the heaviest curtains. They will fit perfectly into interiors decorated in both classic and modern, trendy style.

According to their appearance, cornices are divided into:

  • hidden, this design is camouflaged, not conspicuous, used mainly to visually enlarge the room;
  • decorative, serve as a separate interior detail that decorates and complements it.

Curtains for curtains: photos in the interior

A selection of photos with ceiling curtains for curtains in a modern interior will help you make your choice.

Forms of ceiling cornices

Round. Such cornices are a round crossbar (rod) attached to the ceiling using special fasteners. The curtains are directly attached to rings located along the entire length of the curtain.

Strings. This look is ideal for airy, weightless curtains. This system consists of a strong string stretched between a pair of fasteners.

Sticks. Stick cornices are designed according to the same system as jet cornices, but here it is not a fishing line that is mounted, but a light stick.

Profile. Profile structures are a complex system with any number of tracks for hooks, clamps, and plugs. The most common are single-row and double-row cornices.

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It is also necessary to highlight the fact that for complex windows, unusual room shapes, bold design solutions, you can choose corner, rounded cornices, structures with rounded corners, etc.


To understand which cornice is best to use for a suspended ceiling, you should understand the properties of all the materials from which it is made. For the production of most models, plastic is used, since it is characterized by minimal weight, a wide range of colors and resistance to negative influences such as corrosion or rotting.

However, natural raw materials continue to be in demand, so modern models can be created from the following materials:

  • Steel.
  • Aluminum.
  • Polystyrene.
  • Polyurethane.
  • Wood.


Plastic products are very popular due to their low cost and good strength properties. If necessary, the structure can be further strengthened. Plastic is also not subject to corrosion or rotting.


Complex openwork shapes and decorative elements are made on the basis of aluminum. The advantages of this material include:

  • Ease of processing.
  • Affordable price.
  • Invulnerability to moisture.
  • Wide range of models.
  • Possibility of implementing any geometric shapes and non-standard options.

Often, bay windows are finished with aluminum structures and complex curtains are installed.


When wondering what types of cornices there are, you should also pay attention to steel structures. In most cases, they have the shape of rods, but square products are also available for sale. Depending on the interior features, steel can be finished with colored materials, including:

  • Gold.
  • Bronze.
  • Brass.
  • Copper.

The aesthetic appeal of structures is also enhanced by chrome plating. The main advantage of steel cornices is their high strength. However, they are heavy, so for error-free installation it is necessary to provide a stable mounting base.


Wood products are considered “classics of the genre”, which never loses popularity. To decorate wooden models, they are tinted, varnished or painted, and also processed using wood carving.

The disadvantages of wood include high cost and vulnerability to influences such as moisture or fire.

A wooden cornice is also quite heavy, and its installation process requires professional help. In order for a product to serve for a long time without deformation or damage, it needs to be provided with optimal climatic conditions.

Installation recommendations

Question: “How to attach a ceiling cornice?” will worry any person who wants to install it in their apartment. However, do not be scared or worried; installation of the structure should not cause any special problems. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations specified in the product instructions, be careful and precise in your actions.

Installing a ceiling cornice to a concrete or wooden surface is the easiest option. Here you just need to make several holes in the ceiling, carefully marking their locations, then firmly secure the structure.

Attaching the cornice to the plasterboard base is a little more difficult. Here it is necessary to take care in advance about the weight of the attached structure; too massive and heavy ceiling cornices will not hold firmly, since drywall is not intended for high loads. In such a situation, it would be better to take a closer look at plastic or aluminum.

The most labor-intensive and intricate installation will be the installation of a cornice in a room with a suspended ceiling. Installation of the structure must begin before stretching the ceiling.

This is done in two ways: either the cornice is attached to specially prepared beams, which are deliberately hidden under the ceiling when it is tensioned, or the structure is fixed on the main ceiling, and the tensioned fabric is further secured to a special stand located on the cornice.

Don’t be afraid to experiment; ceiling cornices are an excellent choice when decorating a window opening. They are simple to install and amaze with their diversity and versatility. This is the most modern way of attaching textiles to windows.

Where to start choosing

As we have already said, first of all you need to decide what kind of curtains you will hang on the curtain rod. It is necessary to take into account not only their type, but also the dimensions and type of fabric. The larger and heavier the curtains, the more powerful the curtain rod you need - a thin plastic rail is good for light tulle, but will it hold up to multiple layers of velvet?

The more complex the design of the curtains, the stronger the cornice should be.

Consider the configuration of your kitchen: in small rooms it is better to use hidden cornices, and for spacious ones you can choose carved ones with figured decorations.

The smaller the kitchen, the thinner the cornice.

In addition, do not forget about the stylistic rules of design. It is unlikely that a classic oak cornice will look good in a kitchen decorated in high-tech style.

It is very important to choose the right curtain rod for your kitchen.

Understanding which cornice is needed for your kitchen is the key to making the right choice and a beautiful interior.

Curtains, and therefore the cornice, largely determine the appearance of the kitchen.

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