Marble tiles for the bathroom: real photo examples of bathroom decoration, mixing and matching styles

How to decorate a marble bathroom

The bathroom with marble walls and floors resembles a Turkish hammam. She looks noble, you want to relax in her. Subconsciously, marble seems cold, so such a room will not be stuffy or too hot.

Since marble is a natural stone, its appearance alone speaks of nobility and luxury.

Ways to decorate a bathroom with marble:

  • Natural marble. Natural, solid stone looks very beautiful and is pleasant to the touch. However, it is quite expensive. This material is very heavy, which imposes significant restrictions, as it puts a large load on the floors or foundation. This material is also difficult to process and install.
  • Porcelain tiles. A good replacement for natural marble. In terms of price, it occupies a middle place between ceramic tiles and natural stone. Large sheets of porcelain tiles will look cohesive in the bathroom. When choosing this material, it is important to pay attention to the weight, as it is quite heavy.
  • Ceramic tiles with marble pattern. The simplest and cheapest option. There are a large number of patterns and colors, so tiles can be chosen to suit any design. Even a novice can install this material.

The choice of ceramic tiles can be complicated only by their diversity. Manufacturers present a large number of different formats, colors and textures.

Photo examples of mosaics

A bath is not only a place for hygiene procedures, but also a room for relaxation, where owners wash away negativity and fatigue.

Using mosaic tiles, you can create an unusually sophisticated and calming design that will help improve your mood, relax after a hard day and recharge with positive emotions.

The modern construction market offers many varieties of this material. The consumer can only choose the appropriate design, color, structure and bring the conceived interior concept to life.

How to choose marble tiles

When choosing ceramic marble tiles, you need to pay attention to several different nuances:

  • The size of the tile itself. The larger the size, the larger the size of the tile, the easier it is to lay and the more noble it will look. However, during installation, some parts will have to be cut.
  • Tile texture. It can be matte or glossy. The texture should be combined with other elements: ceiling, fittings, furniture.
  • Tile size. Large tiles look modern, expensive and noble.
  • Tile thickness. The thicker the tile, the stronger it is, but at the same time the heavier it is. Wall products are usually made thinner, and floor products are thicker.
  • Rapport of the drawing. The more often the repeat, the easier it is to combine tiles with each other. Drawing too often will create a feeling of ripples and repetition in the eyes.

When choosing tiles, it is also important to consider how they will look in the bathroom and what image they will create.

Positive qualities of artificial stone toilets

There are many advantages to such products. Here are the main ones:

Volumetric toilet made of stone

  1. In principle, toilets made from artificial stone are practically no worse than their counterparts made from other more popular materials, such as earthenware or porcelain. Plumbing fixtures made from artificial stone are quite hygienic. Even equipment and furniture for treatment centers, where this is one of the main requirements, are made with this material.
  2. All products made from artificial stone are durable and have a long service life.
  3. Their weight is much less than that of their ceramic counterparts.
  4. Plumbing fixtures and other interior items made with stone do not crack as easily as, for example, porcelain. But even a broken object, if taken to specialists, can be restored much more easily than a similar one made from another material, such as earthenware or porcelain. In this case, no visible trace will remain at the site of the split. The specialist will simply heat the object and treat the split surface with special glue.
  5. All plumbing fixtures, the material for which is artificial stone, are made by casting, using chips of natural stone. In addition, the mixture includes various additives that provide the product with additional strength.
  6. Plumbing fixtures are also coated with a special layer that protects the product from mechanical damage and gives it hygienic properties.
  7. The advantage of plumbing fixtures made of artificial stone over those made of natural stone is that it does not absorb odors and dirt, like its natural counterpart.
  8. Of course, natural stone is more refined, expensive and looks monumental, but artificial stone does not have its disadvantages; it does not require such complex, costly and careful care.
  9. In addition, over time, a toilet made of natural stone will have to be restored, which will also cost you a pretty penny. While a product made from artificial stone has only one drawback - it is not natural.
  10. And the last plus is, of course, a more affordable price compared to an identical option made of natural stone.

Marble tile colors

Natural marble can have a variety of shades. The most common and popular is white or light stone. Manufacturers try to imitate natural colors and patterns in ceramic tiles.

Therefore, most often you can find white ceramic marble tiles with stains of any shades from light beige to pink and black.

Light colors are best suited to the bathroom, as they visually increase the space. When choosing, all that remains is to take into account the shade of the pattern and its combination with other elements. Thus, blue and gray patterns are best combined with chrome parts.

Red, beige or purple stains will look good with copper fittings. Beige, brown or black colors are suitable for gold or brass parts. Contrasting elements that will highlight each other’s beauty will be best combined with wood.

In addition to light colors, there are other varieties of colors:

  • Blue shades. They create lightness and atmosphere in the bath. The reflections of water play beautifully in such shades.
  • Pink or beige colors create a feeling of relaxation and comfort in this room.
  • Green colors speak of severity and nobility. But you need to act very carefully when choosing a green shade. With this color you can create both a feeling of the depths of the sea and the underwater world, as well as the atmosphere of a swamp.
  • Red or purple tones. These tones will make the design original and bright. But to prevent the design from being too heavy, it is better to dilute the shades with some neutral color.
  • Black color with white streaks looks very noble. It brings coziness and intimacy to the room, but will visually make the room smaller. On dark tones, stains from water and salt deposits will be more visible.

Important! In order for the shades between the tiles to match, it is important to take tiles for the entire bathroom at once with a small margin. All packs of tiles must be from the same batch. You can check this by looking at the labels on the tile packages.

Designer sanitary ware for the bathroom

The category of “designer” items includes items that stand out from the general mass of standard models. On the shelves of our stores you can find many unusual and original items from Italian, German and English artists. Typically, such plumbing costs incredible amounts of money and is produced in small quantities. Materials can be different: plastic and acrylic, cast iron and natural wood, stone and metal, porcelain and earthenware.

Original plumbing – interior decoration

It is very fashionable now to combine materials in decoration: bathtubs are made of cast iron in combination with wooden stands, stone bathtubs can have metal legs, furniture made of plastic is decorated with chrome parts. For a fantasy interior, you can choose objects of unusual shapes and colors.

Among the designer finds are transformable items: folding shower stalls, taps with shelves. Finding such models is not easy; most of them are made to order. Take a look at the original models we found for you.

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Marble tile texture

One of the important elements when choosing a tile is its texture. There are three main types of tile surfaces:

  • Glossy. The classic option is when the products are covered with glaze on top. Such surfaces are easier to care for and easier to clean. But such a surface will create a feeling of coldness.
  • Matte finish. This is a modern tile design. It gives the feeling of a slightly raw, natural stone.
  • Relief tiles. It has a relief pattern, similar to natural, untreated stone. These tiles are best suited for flooring. Another option is a combination of textured and glossy tiles on the walls, which creates a feeling of additional volume.

Advice. For floor tiles, it is better to choose a relief option. It is impossible to slip on such a floor. However, it will be more difficult to clean.

What does it go with?

The combination of marble and wood is a time-tested solution. This approach ensures harmony and a beautiful visual appearance of the composition. Wood should be the “first violin”; stone only emphasizes its advantages. In turn, thanks to wooden surfaces, the marble parts of the composition lose their excessive heaviness and become warmer and more comfortable.

The combination of marble and concrete only seems unnatural, but in fact they look very good together. Of course, if everything is carefully selected. One of the materials creates a feeling of luxury, while the second supports visual associations with the metropolis.

It is logical that many people want to combine marble with brick. But, as in the previous case, the help of professional designers is needed here. Often the brick look is given a dominant role. Marble details, accordingly, occupy secondary places. And, of course, you must also take into account your own taste, intentions and material capabilities.

Design Features

Marble tiles will suit any type of interior; the main thing here is to combine all the elements wisely. It’s especially easy to overload the interior with elements in a small bathroom.

Important! The marble pattern on the tile is already a decorative element in itself, so it is not worth adding borders or mosaics to it. Such elements are suitable only for a large bathroom in a private house, where the area of ​​this room will be more than 15 square meters. meters.

It is most difficult to use marble tiles in high-tech, loft or Japanese styles. For these styles, it is better to choose some elements made of marble: decorate only the floor or countertop with marbled porcelain tiles.

Marble tiles are best suited for the following styles:

  • Classical. Here you can use any colors and their combinations.
  • Arab. This style will turn the bathroom into a real hammam. For this style, you can take curtains with cucumbers or decorate one wall with a keeled arch.
  • Modern. This style involves a minimum of details, so marble will be the main decorative element here. Bright colors are best here: blue, green or black.

Marble tiles will make the bathroom beautiful and noble in any color and style. It’s almost impossible to go wrong with the design here.

Advantages and disadvantages

Marble, like any other material, has positive and negative characteristics. Studying them will allow you to form a complete understanding of the material.

The list of positive aspects consists of the following points:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • durability and practicality;
  • high strength;
  • naturalness, porous structure and ability to “breathe”;
  • high resistance to temperature changes;
  • easy care;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • a large assortment of finishing materials that differ in color and texture;
  • color preservation regardless of external influences.

The list of shortcomings is not so impressive:

  • high price;
  • It is not recommended to lay marble tiles yourself, since you need to know how to work with such material - hiring a specialist will entail an increase in costs;
  • Despite its high strength, marble is a fragile material; moreover, it may contain iron, which, as a result of corrosion, will give an unpleasant rusty tint;
  • During the care process, you can use only special products that do not contain aggressive components.

Photo of marble tiles for the bathroom

Fireplace area

An invariable attribute of living rooms, filling the space with warmth and comfort, the fireplace is one of the main design elements, creating a special fabulous atmosphere. Regardless of whether you are going to slightly refresh the fireplace area, giving it more uniqueness, or decorate it in a completely different style, following fashion trends, marble mosaics will turn this cozy space into a true work of art. Replete with mesmerizing geometries and unique textures, marble mosaics are synonymous with upscale style that will last for centuries. Notice how laconicly the fireplace is decorated with mosaic tiles TCAR-06 Exclusive mosaic marble Skalini Artistic white gold light diamond pattern, literally permeating with enchanting charm.

Design trick: Give preference to mosaic tile patterns such as chevron, classic herringbone, hexagon, etc. Their versatility, versatility and brevity make them especially attractive when creating a timeless design for the fireplace area.

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