5 by 5 living room design - 67 photos of clever ways to decorate beautifully!

Today, numerous publications specializing in design topics offer a lot of interesting options for country houses and spacious apartments. When it comes to small homes, owners often agonize over the details of creating a beautiful and comfortable interior design. It is very difficult to organize a functional and user-friendly space in a tiny area. But don't be upset. Many designers who develop interior design projects have a few good ideas in stock that will help decorate a tiny apartment.

Choosing an interior style

When renovating a bedroom, you must first choose the stylistic direction that will match the desired interior. Functionality is not as important here as, say, in a living room or kitchen; you can completely devote yourself to creating a beautiful, relaxing interior in the bedroom.

Small bedroom in modern style

This design is easiest to create in a small room, although it often requires sufficient free space. For a small bedroom, this design implies light, neutral shades, graphic lines and the absence of unnecessary objects.

The walls, floor and ceiling should be plain; it is better to use white, gray or beige tones for their decoration. Too gloomy colors are reserved for decorating spacious rooms; they are inappropriate in small ones. To visually increase the space, a small room is equipped with a glossy stretch ceiling. It is possible to use the same effect on the walls, painting them with glossy paint, but only if the surfaces are perfectly smooth.

Important! Too saturated colors are not used in gloss, as they create tension for the person present.

Wallpaper with perspective is a great option to highlight one of the walls of a small room. This will also give expansion to the cramped bedroom space. Photo wallpapers are usually used with images of city or natural landscapes. Any materials can be used for the floor, from linoleum to carpet.

An additional solution for small rooms is a mirror that is installed opposite the window, creating a perspective. This option will fill the room with light and give it additional volume.

Furniture for a bedroom in a modern style is chosen to be laconic, simple, without excessive decor. The main element is the bed, which is installed near one of the walls so that it can be approached from two sides. All other furniture is usually located around the perimeter so that there is free space in the middle of the bedroom.

As for the decor, as already mentioned, the modern style is limited to its minimum amount. Accents are created primarily on the windows and bed. But it is acceptable to use designer, easy-to-design floor lamps, ceramic figurines and indoor plants.

Proper lighting plays a special role in creating a stylish modern interior for a small bedroom. It should be maximum. For this purpose, both ceiling lamps and LED lighting of individual areas or along the perimeter and wall sconces are used.

Small bedroom in classic style

Connoisseurs of luxury will appreciate the classic style of bedroom interior. Delicate shades of peach, pink and beige dominate here, which are ideally combined with gilding, crystal, and plaster stucco.

To create a majestic atmosphere in this room, furniture made from solid wood, painted in a light shade, is used. The head of the bed is most often upholstered in soft leather, which is repeated on the long banquette at the foot, which looks good in this design.

For the windows of a small classic room, choose only curtains made of heavy fabrics such as velvet, satin, brocade. The same materials can be used to decorate a canopy over the bed, if one is intended. An abundance of expensive shimmering shades can turn an ordinary bedroom into a real royal palace.


Popular style for a small room.

  • And the only one possible for a very small room with an area of ​​7-8 m2.
  • It is characterized by the use of furniture of simple silhouettes, a minimum of decor, the absence of fluffy curtains, contrasting color combinations, elaborate fittings on cabinets, simple lamps and chandeliers.
  • Roller or Roman curtains are often used, and blinds are often used.
  • Colors are most often a combination of light colors with shades of natural wood (floors, furniture).
  • It is possible to use furniture sets with a plastic coating.
  • The combination of black and white colors is usually not used in a small room.

Minimalism is not characterized by the use of textiles, curtains, carpets with bright contrasting patterns. The best choice is solid colors.

Color solutions

A room for sleeping and relaxing should be comfortable for the person to whom it belongs, so special attention should be paid to choosing the right color design.

Small bedroom in dark colors

Regardless of the fact that designers recommend decorating small rooms with light shades, some owners want to make the bedroom dark. This is due not only to the love of this color scheme, but also to the desire to create the most suitable atmosphere for sleep. But when making such a decision, you must remember that such a bedroom design can quickly become boring and also cause depression. But, if desire still comes first, then you should pay attention to those nuances that will make a small bedroom less gloomy:

  • Use of light furniture. A pastel-colored furniture set in combination with dark walls will look great and will make the room itself much lighter.

  • Elimination of obstacles. In a room for sleeping and relaxing that is dark in color and small in size, there should not be monolithic partitions that “cut” the space. It is important to maintain a sufficient amount of free space here. It is better, if necessary for zoning, to use screens and glass blocks.
  • Warm lighting. When creating the interior of a dark small bedroom, cold light should absolutely not be used. Lighting should be multi-level and diffused.

  • Complementing the bedroom with mirror surfaces. Here again the rule applies according to which the mirror is located opposite the window.
  • Complementing the interior of a small room with bright or light accents. This could be one of the walls, part of it, curtains, textiles, carpet or other design elements.

Small bedroom in light colors

This interior design option is classic for a small room. To create a harmonious design, pastel shades are most often chosen, but it is not uncommon to find small bedrooms in turquoise or blue shades.

The use of such colors has a calming effect. When you enter such a bedroom, you immediately feel freshness and cleanliness.

Important! Such shades, like all cold shades, can only be used if the bedroom windows face south.

A beige tint gives the room a calming feel. It is universal and suitable for both the bedroom of a young couple and people who have been married for a long time. In addition, beige goes well with a huge number of bright colors that act as accents in the bedroom interior.

A striking representative of the natural palette is green, which, in the form of a light, not very pronounced shade, will perfectly complement a small bedroom. This color will not only refresh the room, but also give a charge of vital energy and strength to its owner. Green will not be intrusive, it will never get boring. But you need to remember that a monochrome green bedroom is not the best solution. The interior will need to be diluted with other shades.

Cleanliness and increased space are the positive features of white, so designers do not ignore it when creating interiors for small bedrooms. This shade gives lightness and airiness to the design. Moreover, it will suit almost any style solution.

Wall decoration

There are many more possibilities for decorating walls than for finishing floors.

Bathroom interior 5 sq. m. will be decorated with tiles. It can be used as a monochromatic surface, over which the eyes can easily glide without requiring any comprehension of what is seen, or it can be supplemented with patterns or a small picture drawn directly on the surface.

  • The mosaic looks original and original.
  • Walls painted with waterproof paint will create cozy beauty. This option is especially good for those who like to change their interior frequently, since repainting will take little time and will not require large financial investments.
  • Moisture-resistant drywall is used only to create false walls covering pipes. When used throughout the entire room, such a finish will eat up a lot of space.
  • Plastic panels will make repairs a fairly budget-friendly undertaking, but the sheathing for them will take 3-5 centimeters on each side, and moisture can accumulate under the panels.

Finishes and materials

The choice of materials for decorating a small bedroom, as a rule, has no restrictions. The main thing is only the combination and safety, since the bedroom is a relaxation room where the use of low-quality materials is unacceptable.


For a small bedroom, it is best to choose a floor made of wood or carpet, that is, from the material that is pleasant to step on even on a cold day. To add volume to the space, dark and uneven colors are not used, and the boards are laid perpendicular to the window opening. The carpet, if it is laid on the floor, should be the same color as the floor covering or cover the entire surface so as not to visually divide the space.


As has been mentioned more than once, light walls are preferable for a small bedroom. It is best if they are plain or with a small, almost imperceptible pattern. The materials used can be wallpaper, paint, cork, decorative plaster, wood and decorative panels that imitate various materials, including brickwork, the use of which is now very common.


To make the ceilings in a small bedroom appear higher, it is worth decorating their surfaces with glossy paint or installing a similar type of tension structure. It is better if the light from the wall sconces is reflected in it. The suspended ceiling in a plasterboard frame looks interesting.

You can add romance to this small room by installing a stretch ceiling with a starry sky effect. But when choosing a design, it is worth remembering that a small bedroom will not tolerate massive images.


Decorating a small bedroom with fabrics should be combined with the overall design, but refrain from large prints and dark colors. Light, airy curtains made of synthetic fabric will fit perfectly into such conditions.

For a small bedroom, bedding should be one color so as not to attract close attention. For a comfortable sleep, choose natural fabrics such as linen, cotton and silk.

Means of visually increasing space

A cramped space always evokes negative emotions, but if the apartment has such a room, it is necessary to competently approach its addition with those elements that have the property of visually enlarging the space:

  • Mirrors, which are a real boon for small rooms. A small room, which is fully or partially reflected in the mirror, becomes visually 2 times larger. If there is a wardrobe in the bedroom, then its doors must be mirrored. In this case, this interior detail will not overload the space. Experts advise placing mirrors so that the window is reflected in them. This will add significant volume.

    Important! To change the geometry of a rectangular room into a square, you need to mount a mirror on one of the long walls.

  • Glass, which is most often used as a furniture part. Not only transparent glass can be used here, but also stained glass. This design will help make a small bedroom feel airier.
  • Walls and ceilings decorated with glossy materials. This has been said before. This technique allows you to expand the walls and visually raise the ceiling in the bedroom.
  • Wallpaper that can be simply light or have a perspective image. Here it is worth remembering that for a small room the picture depicted on the photo wallpaper is very important. Thus, a landscape with a road stretching into the distance will lengthen the room, as will the coast with a view of the sea. But plots with a predominance of dark shades will only visually reduce the space of the bedroom. A new product on the construction market – photo wallpaper with a 3D effect – will look original in a small bedroom.

  • Multi-level lighting. Natural light is very important for a small bedroom, but don’t forget about artificial light. In the first case, to ensure greater penetration of sunlight into the room, window openings in the bedroom are not covered with thick and heavy curtains, but preference is given to light tulle without lambrequins, which does not weigh down the space. When developing a bedroom design, it is better, if possible, to replace a regular window with a French-type double-glazed window that starts directly from the floor.

Massive light sources, be they ceiling, wall or floor, are not suitable for a small bedroom. Dim light will narrow the space, so preference is given to saturated light. It is important to use both primary and additional lighting in the bedroom, in the form of sconces and floor lamps.

Planning a bathroom 5 m2

Such dimensions, if properly planned, will create a very cozy room. But it can also be made a little larger if you remove the partition separating the room from the toilet.

In this case, the room will be much larger, and there will be more opportunities for arranging furniture. But such a redevelopment is not very suitable for families with small children and elderly grandparents, as well as in large families where everyone wakes up at the same time.

If the bathroom with toilet is 5 sq. m. is not the lifelong dream of apartment owners, then you should once again reconsider your preferences regarding furniture and appliances.

There are also very simple tricks that allow you to visually enlarge the existing territory.

These include:

  • Use of mirrors or glossy surfaces;
  • Creating an accent wall;
  • The use of vertical stripes that increase the height of the room, or horizontal stripes that push the walls apart;
  • Use light shades.

Design of a small bedroom in Khrushchev

In apartments called “Khrushchev” the average bedroom area is approximately 8 – 9 square meters. meters, which, of course, is not enough to create a full-fledged interior. But everything you need for a comfortable sleep can be placed if you take into account the nuances of creating the design of such a room.

It will be enough to install a podium for the bed in the room, install ceiling-high cabinets, and provide additional storage space under the bed. This will help to visually raise the height of the ceiling and comply with the principles of ergonomics in the bedroom. If a small bedroom requires space for a workplace or a ladies' corner, then a window sill can be used as a basis, but it needs to be slightly expanded.

Standard furnishings

Standard furniture elements are:

  1. Bed. An essential attribute of the bedroom. There are many variations - from a sofa to a double bed. The desired location is near a narrow wall parallel to the longitudinal walls.
  2. Closet. You can choose a corner option, a shelf, a shelf or a chest of drawers. The main thing is that the chosen design fits into the overall concept.
  3. Armchair. It is part of the recreation area. Can act as an accent. The optimal location is a corner of the room. The model must be low, narrow and comfortable.
  4. Table. They put it if there is nowhere else in the apartment. Install in a corner near a window.

The elongated shape of the room leaves room for the designer's imagination. You can place a workplace, a relaxation area or a children's room in the bedroom. An interesting idea is to create a rectangular bedroom with a dressing room. The main thing is to clearly imagine the desired result and have the relevant knowledge.

Design features of a narrow bedroom

Often, in addition to square ones, you can also find narrow bedrooms, which also need to be equipped according to all the rules. This is the only way to create a room that will delight its owners with its appearance.

Bed location

The sleeping place is the main attribute of this room. This, of course, sounds quite strange, but the largest bed is installed in a narrow small bedroom. It should stand across the bedroom or along one of the walls. When choosing an accommodation option, compare the dimensions of the room and bed.

If the bed is double, then there should be free approaches to each sleeping place. The optimal size of free space in the room in front of the bed for each person will be at least 70 cm.

If you plan to install more furniture in the bedroom than usual, then the bed is placed across, and sometimes it happens that there will be no access to one of the places. If the narrowness of the bedroom is critical, then the bed is installed only across. This is not very correct from a design point of view, but it also happens.

Choosing finishes for a narrow bedroom

In the process of selecting materials for decorating a narrow bedroom, it is worth remembering that cool colors make the object move away, while warm colors, on the contrary, bring it closer. It follows from this that short walls should be decorated with warm colors, and long walls with cold colors. In the first case, peach, beige, yellow, orange will be excellent solutions, and in the second - pale green, blue, lilac, gray or white. Due to this, a small bedroom will visually acquire the dimensions of a square room. The same effect is available if a wide horizontal strip is used on short walls.

For a narrow small bedroom, narrow stripes, an abundance of prints and dark colors are unacceptable. The floor is decorated with parquet, laminate or linoleum, but so that the pattern is located across the room or diagonally.

Lighting in a narrow bedroom

At the moment, the variety of lighting options used for any room in the house is very large, so choosing the right one will not be difficult. For a narrow bedroom, it is necessary to install several light sources that will illuminate certain areas of the room. These are, as a rule, ceiling lamps, small point sources, lamps with light shades, and sconces. You can illuminate the work area or highlight some interior details in a small bedroom using an LED strip. It is also important that the owner has the opportunity to adjust the level of lighting depending on need and mood.

Decor for a narrow bedroom

Regarding decorating a narrow bedroom, we can say that the smaller the room, the fewer decorative elements it should have. For example, instead of a large number of photographs, only a few paintings are hung on the wall.

Important! An abundance of decor in a cramped, narrow room will make the interior look cluttered.

An ideal replacement for paintings on the walls in a small room would be photo wallpaper, which, in addition to its aesthetic appeal, will expand the area of ​​the room. You can use a small number of living plants in such a bedroom, placed in certain places in the room as accents.

There is no need to display a large number of different trinkets on the surface of the chest of drawers or bedside tables. If desired, you can put only a few in a small room.

An interesting technique that will help distract from the geometry of the room is the use of large posters or paintings that will become a surprise for this room. The same function will be performed by a fresco or simply an image placed on the ceiling.

Division into zones

Situations often arise when the bedroom is used not only as a room for sleeping and relaxing, but also as an office or ladies' corner. In a narrow room, zoning is easy to do. To do this, you need to choose a place to place, for example, a desktop or dressing table and decorate it a little differently.

A partition made of plasterboard or glass or a screen can be used as a divider in the room. And often, between a small bedroom and another functional area, a shelving unit is placed, which serves as a place to store books or other things and as a space divider. If the room is too small, then it is not necessary to install a separate partition; you can perform zoning using different textures, prints and colors of wallpaper, lighting, creating a podium and other techniques that are used in such cases.

How to arrange it?

There should be little furniture in a tiny bedroom. This is what will create the illusion of space. However, taking into account the fact that it is impossible to do without furniture at all, you will have to play up the situation using different techniques. For example, in addition to focusing on compact size, furnishings can be folding, transformable, or built-in.

If they do not have enough space on the floor, you need to buy those elements that can be hung on the wall. As for the bed, it is necessary to take into account: it should not have a massive headboard, powerful backs, or carved curved legs. All this visually steals space, as does the high height of the bed.

For arrangement, you can purchase small cabinets of a laconic type. Their design should be as simple as possible, and the height should be equal to the height of the bed. They need to be placed as close to the bed as possible. If the floor option seems rustic, you can attach the cabinets to the wall on the sides of the bed. Above the bed you can place a shelf or a small rack. A small headboard can be placed in a niche.

If there is absolutely no space for a closet, you can get by with wall shelves or racks. If there is not enough usable space, the bed and other pieces of furniture should not only be compact, but also functional.

When arranging a small room with a single window, the bed is often placed with the headboard facing it. In this case, parts of the wall on both sides of the window can be used for niches or wall-mounted shelves. If you can see with the naked eye that there is practically no space in width, it is worth making a podium rather than trying to leave paths on the sides for passing. The podium can be made with shelves or drawers.

In addition, it can have a step, which will raise the bed to its usual height, and at the same time allow you to place an impromptu chest of drawers under it. By laying a thick mattress on the top step and complementing it with pastel accessories, you can get a spectacular version of a sleeping bed. Moreover, if the rack seems irrelevant, the same shelf can be created from a window sill. By the way, the space under it can also be used for a niche or a couple of shelves.

Connection with other rooms

If the apartment has a small area, then in such conditions it is difficult to create all the rooms necessary for functionality. But there is an option to connect the bedroom with adjacent rooms.

Combining a small bedroom with a living room

This option is most often used in studio apartments. In this case, the sleeping place can simply be covered with a screen, canopy or wardrobe. It is possible to create an additional partition from plasterboard. This will create the perfect place to sleep without having to arrange it and the living room in separate rooms.

Combining a small bedroom with a balcony or loggia If a small bedroom has access to a loggia or balcony, this allows you to slightly increase the usable area of ​​the room. By dismantling the window and door to the balcony, as well as insulating it, free space is created for creating a work area or any other functional corner in the bedroom.

Correct arrangement of furniture

Choose an asymmetrical arrangement for the living room or bedroom, as this technique will help fill a square room with furniture beautifully. The main thing is not to leave large sections of the walls or floor empty, otherwise the room may look uncomfortable.

Furniture can divide space into functional zones, for example, using a sofa you can divide a room into a relaxation area and a place for eating

Having an area of ​​25 square meters at your disposal, it would be appropriate to think about organizing your wardrobe

Small bedrooms - real photos

Design of a small bedroom 5-6 sq.m.

Design of a small bedroom 7-8 sq.m.

Design of a small bedroom 9 sq.m.

Design of a small bedroom 10-11 sq.m.

Design of a small bedroom 12 sq.m.

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You should not crowd a relatively small bathroom with a large number of decorative items. Their role can be transferred to more functional elements:

  • Panel on the wall;
  • Original lamps;
  • Dressy towels and a floor mat.

To make the bathroom calm, you should limit the number of bottles, jars, and tubes on display.

Bathroom 5 sq. m. can become a wonderfully cozy place if you carefully consider the layout of this room.

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