Loft-style hallway design: design tips and 50+ inspiring photos

Loft style is a design direction that originated at the end of the 20th century. Living space is designed through the conversion of buildings in an industrial zone or attic (basement) premises. The loft style gained its popularity in the 50s of the last century, making industrial districts a real fashionable place where the entire elite and aristocracy like to spend time.

In the loft interior, modern chic is successfully combined with details from the past

Loft-style hallways can often be found in apartments and houses of creative people or those who simply love art. As a rule, this style requires a large space, however, it can increasingly be found in small rooms.

Loft hallway in Khrushchev building

Considering the small area of ​​such a hallway, light colors should be a priority.
A loft-style hallway in a Khrushchev-era building is somewhat different from a private house, mainly due to its small shape. In such a hallway you cannot place chairs and a table or a sofa. In addition, most corridors have a narrow and elongated shape.

You can select one wall for brick finishing, it is advisable to paint the rest in light shades

In order for a loft-style hallway to look advantageous even in a small corridor of an apartment in a Khrushchev-era building, its boundaries should be visually enlarged. So, you can get rid of some doors leading to the living room or kitchen, for example. The room will look larger if the doorway is not made standard rectangular, but in the shape of an arch, which allows you to erase the boundaries and visually combine the hallway with another room.

Bright hallway in the spirit of a loft - minimal furniture, plastered walls and ash flooring

Mirrors will also help expand the space in the hallway, as they will visually make the room deeper. To do this, you can hang a large mirror sheet on the wall, or make doors or cabinet doors as such.

In a small hallway, a built-in mirror cabinet will come in handy

Color spectrum

The style originated in former factory premises, so it gravitates towards light colors.

The ideal solution would be to use cool shades of white and all tones of gray interspersed with brighter colors (black for furniture or decor, reddish brown for walls or floors).

Light shades will perfectly emphasize the industrial style and add light and space to the hallway.

Loft hallway in a private house

In a private house, things are much simpler. A large space makes it possible to dream up your imagination and realize the most daring ideas. Often, in private houses, the corridor is made in a square shape, which allows it to smoothly flow into the main hall.

The entrance area of ​​a loft-style country house is a spacious hall with a minimum of decorations

It is in spacious rooms that loft is best realized

As a rule, a loft-style hallway is a continuation of the living room, therefore, it is advisable to keep both of these rooms in the same style. For a smooth transition, it is necessary to erase the boundaries between the two rooms. The effect should be created as if they smoothly flow into each other. This means that both the hallway and the living room must be identical in style, otherwise the whole meaning of the loft design will be lost.

Features of Loft interior

The main distinctive feature of the loft style is that no excesses are allowed here: nothing superfluous. Such a design should combine modern technologies and elements of classic finishes.

A minimum of unnecessary details is the basic rule of a loft interior

The loft hallway differs from others in its minimalism: as few partitions as possible, high ceilings, lack of excessive decor, simple but stylish wall decoration. No wallpaper, unless it imitates brick. Ideally, in this design, the walls are simply painted, decorative plaster is applied, or the same brick is laid out. The space of the room is zoned with furniture, and chrome is visible in the decorative elements.

Loft in a modern design is essentially chic disguised as creative negligence

Also in the loft design, wood, granite chips and other natural materials are allowed. At first glance, the finishes of this style seem dry and cold, however, with the right approach, you can make the interior cozy, interesting and unique.

Loft allows the use of wooden elements - painted, stained or artificially aged

How to use color contrast

The main colors of the loft style are brick, shades of wood, grey, white, black and beige. Naturally, they are not contrasting, but smooth and soft. However, to make the interior more interesting and extraordinary, you can add some bright accents to it.

Contrasting hallway in which loft elements are combined with white walls in a Scandinavian style

So, the loft hallway will look very lively if you add some indoor plants. Firstly, it will add a bright green color to the color palette, which goes well with the main shades of the design, and secondly, it will make the room less “cold”.

Small but very stylish hallway with plants located in wall niches

Contrasting colors on chrome surfaces or textiles will also help make the hallway more comfortable. A yellow pouf, which will be comfortable to put on shoes, or a bright chrome lamp will add warmth to the room.

To give the room a more homely atmosphere, it is better to use a warm palette, in particular colors such as yellow, orange, and red. However, blue, purple and others can be used as a bright accent color, depending on the preferences of the owner of the room.

Elements that can be used in contrast:

  • Cabinet doors, entrance doors, door handles.
  • Furniture (chair upholstery, table, open shelves, pouf, hangers, etc.).
  • Decorative elements (paintings, photo frames, flower pots, figurines).
  • Lighting fixtures (chandelier, lamps, floor lamps, light bulbs).

In any case, bright contrasting colors will help diversify the room, give it some zest and make it more interesting and sophisticated.

A slate board in the hallway is a decor whose contents can be changed whenever you want

Urban conservative loft hallway style

The following colors are typical for such an interior: white, black, concrete grey, brick and walnut. White will add space, gray will bring the cold spirit of concrete, black will add accents, and brick and walnut will breathe life into the conservatism of the room.

Choosing a floor covering

The opinion that flooring is not important when developing the design of a room is fundamentally incorrect. Its correct selection is just as necessary for creating an interior as the choice of furniture and wall decoration. It is important to find not only an aesthetically attractive option, but also a practical one, since the floor in the hallway is tested for strength more often than in other rooms. Heels, dust, dirty or wet shoes and detergents contribute to rapid wear of the flooring in the hallway.

The floor must be strong, expensive and natural

Both from the point of view of ease of use, and from the point of view of aesthetics and combination with design, the following materials are perfect:

  1. Ceramic tiles for laminate. Fits perfectly into the style. Due to its similarity to wood, it adds warmth and comfort.
  2. Porcelain tiles. More durable than tiles due to processing at very high temperatures during production. Durable and looks more sophisticated than other flooring options.
  3. Linoleum. The most budget option. It is practical to use, has a wide range of colors, allowing it to fit into any style and any color scheme. Easily replaced if necessary. The downside is that it doesn’t like moisture and dirt. Also, it is capable of tearing.
  4. Laminate. This flooring makes the room less rough, however, just like linoleum, it can quickly become unusable due to moisture, which it easily absorbs, and dirt applied from the street.

Linoleum is the least suitable, but wood, parquet, ceramics or self-leveling flooring are definitely “yes”

Selection and arrangement of furniture

It was previously said that one of the main features of the loft style is minimalism. This rule also applies to furniture. At the same time, it should be as functional as possible.

An industrial hallway should have a hanger on which you can hang a jacket or umbrella. Simple open models are best

A loft hallway is not complete without a mirror. Firstly, it will visually enlarge the space and add light, and secondly, a mirror is an important element of modern interior design.

The loft loves contrasts, so here you can find both a comfortable chair with leather upholstery and a wooden bench with a rough finish

For a loft-style hallway, furniture made of wood or plastic is most suitable. It should be simple and no frills. This design is also characterized by the merging of furniture with wall decoration in color.

Small poufs do not clutter up the interior, and their internal space can be used for storing things

Do not overload the room with bright furniture. This is completely uncharacteristic of the loft style. There shouldn't be too many accents.

Furniture made from natural materials is ideal. Also, excessive pretentiousness and bulkiness should be avoided. Open shelves and hangers are also an integral element of the loft style.

Each piece of furniture must be in its place and serve exactly its purpose.

Features and characteristics of the style

Loft is one of those styles that are quite easy to implement in any room. That is why it is suitable for both a spacious hall and a tiny hallway. The direction should use the most natural shades, as well as natural, unprocessed materials. The main advantage of the style is the optional finishing: the presence of simple brickwork or rough plaster is quite acceptable for it. As for the environment, it should be comfortable. A small amount of furniture, freedom of movement, a lot of open space - all this is about a loft. Therefore, when implementing it in the hallway, you should take care of the careful selection of furniture and its arrangement in a limited space. Numerous decor in the loft is also not welcome. The best option for the direction would be 1-2 themed decorations. Moreover, their role can be played not only by paintings or any structures made of metal or wood, but also by original lighting fixtures.

Decorative design

For the hallway, as for any other room, accessories and decor should be selected carefully. The main purpose of these elements is that they should emphasize and remind of where the loft style originates.

Stylish lamps on colored wires - suitable decor for the hallway

A hint of industrialism can be given by the inscriptions “Enter” / “Exit”, light bulbs, black and white paintings or photos, and the like. Any antique items, be it large mirrors with plaque stains, vinyl records, pipes with decorative rust, will also fit perfectly into the interior.

In order not to turn elegance into bad taste, it is necessary to carefully select each decorative element

The most important thing in the hallway

For the hallway, the loft is relevant, since space is needed in this area of ​​the living space, and modern layouts, on the contrary, leave the hallway as if “for last”, and they remain very small and not always functional. The hallway should be:

  • Spacious. The place where a person first gets and where he leaves - there should be space to get dressed, look in the mirror.
  • Functional. Here, at a minimum, you need to place shelves for shoes, hangers, and a mirror.

The loft style is an ideal option for a hallway, as it combines aesthetics and the necessary functionality of the hallway space.

Wall decoration

When it comes to a loft-style hallway, you should forget about wallpaper once and for all. They are completely uncharacteristic of this design. Among the materials for wall decoration in such an interior, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Wooden boards. Gives the room warmth and comfort.
  2. Brick finish. Both standard shades and gray or white are suitable. Give the room a.
  3. Plaster. Preferably matte. Will add a touch of brutality to the room. It will look more interesting if you draw characteristic streaks on it.

Metal on the hallway wall is a bold and very unusual solution, completely in the spirit of a loft

Decor for the entrance area

When choosing accessories, you can focus on details that will further emphasize the industrial style or, conversely, soften the appearance of the design.

The interior is decorated with the most interesting and original decorative elements, such as posters, paintings, bronze statues, an old floor mirror, and so on.

You can also hang photographs, old records, various mechanisms or clocks made of wood and metal on the walls.

In any hallway, regardless of its size, there is a mirror that gives the room a completely different look. For decoration, a round, oval or square model in an interesting, catchy frame is suitable - this is an integral part of the loft.

The photo shows the decorative design of a small hallway, decorated in a loft style.

Lighting rules

Like everything related to the loft style, the light in the hallway with such an interior should be extraordinary and functional.

I use any industrial design devices, spotlights and vintage products as lamps

This design is characterized by the use of several lighting sources at once. The following lighting options fit perfectly into the style:

  • Pendant lamps. One of the most recognizable types of industrial design lighting. Their advantage lies not only in their originality, but also in functionality. You can easily adjust their height. In addition, they amaze with their diversity.
  • Floor lamps, or, in other words, floor lamps. This type of lamp gives a feeling of coziness and comfort. For loft design, floor lamps of various fancy shapes and brutal in texture are suitable.
  • Magic light. Today, this type of lighting is very popular and is often used in almost every style. Fluorescent or LED lighting is perfect for a loft-style hallway. It gives the effect of light floating in the air. It looks very beautiful and interesting. In addition, such lighting visually increases the space of the room.

The darker the hallway decoration, the more lamps you will need for comfortable lighting.

Harmonious lighting

Accentuating various interior details or individual areas and zones with light is one of the main distinctive features of a loft.

As you can see, in the photo the emphasis with the help of lamps is shifted to the wall with photo wallpaper. This enriches the corridor and allows you to fully perceive the interior of the room as conceived by the designers.

Photo wallpapers, portraits, various frames with photographs and other drawings are a common occurrence for a loft. In this corridor we observe the intentional desire of interior designers to surprise with bold and extraordinary painting. The lamps focus attention precisely on these elements, and now the corridor, instead of its direct function as a connecting link between all the rooms, acquires a completely independent value.

High, light ceilings are a characteristic feature of most lofts. The more light the lamps provide, the better: in lofts there is never too much light, it is always needed!

You can expose a wall in different ways. In the photo below, the wall is covered with decorative plaster that imitates brickwork, which gives it the feeling of being completely naked. The light directed at it enhances the sensation that arises.

Somewhat similar to the previous photo is a version of a corridor in a loft style. True, the lighting system in this case is completely different and claims to be decorative delights already with its scheme of integration into the living space.

Sometimes you don’t need to be too fancy when organizing lighting in a loft-style hallway. A couple of wall-mounted floor lamps will be enough to create the necessary atmosphere. The idea of ​​combining lamps with mirrors is advantageous and provides the designer with an endless number of interesting options for revealing compositional harmony.

You can do it differently: use the same floor lamps, only take the ceiling as the starting point for their placement. Low-hanging lamps are a great idea for a loft-style hallway design. The idea may not be new, but it does not lose any of its attractiveness.

Loft style with a brick wall in the interior

Popular loft style colors for 2022 are turquoise, emerald and mint shades, as well as golden chrome. However, the loft style will not change its basic colors, such as red, mustard, white, gray and brown. Also, trends for 2022 include copper and brass, geometric patterns. The 2022 trend for dusty shades such as spicy honey, powdery rose, and dusty sulfur will be on trend for another year.

The color of the brickwork can be any depending on the size of the hallway and lighting

The loft style combines simplicity and minimalism. The main concept of this style is a harmonious and smooth combination of old and new, rough and soft, brutal and cozy, warm and cold. The details of the room with a loft design are designed as simply as possible, but at the same time creatively, and are also distinguished by their functionality. It is ideal for creative people looking for functionality.


The hallway is furnished according to the principle “The less, the better.” Here you can use the simplest cabinets or combine a modern hanger and an antique chest of drawers. Furniture should be completely subordinated to practicality and functionality. There should be no pompous or overly beautiful items here.

Wardrobes in urban style are practically not used: lofts do not like closed spaces. Preference is given to open shelving, drawers, and shoe boxes.

A hanger with hooks becomes an almost mandatory element. But at the same time, you will have to maintain a pre-thought-out mess, preventing too much stuff from creeping from other rooms of the apartment or house.

Homemade furniture made of wood or construction pallets mounted on ordinary water pipes will look great. It is better to choose purchased models with metal inserts.

If such a display of outerwear and shoes does not attract the owners, then you can install a wardrobe of the simplest and most unassuming forms. The compact appearance and high functionality of this furniture option is perfect for decorating an attic style.

From upholstered furniture, choose stools, old chairs or an ottoman with an additional drawer for a modest-sized hallway, outdoor benches or couches for large rooms. Worn leather will look great as upholstery.

An interesting combination would be black furniture on a gray or white background, striking with its bright contrast and clear straight lines. An unexpected element can be an unusual antique umbrella or an elegant mirror, challenging the overall pragmatic design. The bean bag chair will add a touch of audacity.

Photo ideas for a loft-style hallway

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