Wall-mounted clothes dryers: the best choice for small spaces



To hang washed clothes to dry, ordinary ropes on the balcony are often not enough, and in bad weather or in winter, things take a very long time to dry there. Wall-mounted clothes dryers are the optimal solution in this case. This design can be mounted on the wall, which is very convenient. This article describes the types of dryers, the advantages of a wall-mounted structure, and also contains information on how to make your own device for drying things.

Wall-mounted clothes dryer today is considered the most popular and convenient design for placing wet clothes

Clothes dryer in the bathroom: brief design characteristics

A clothes dryer is an important part of any apartment, since it is thanks to this attribute that it is possible to neatly hang wet clothes after washing. The use of such devices allows clothes to dry efficiently, while reducing creases on things and creating comfortable conditions for subsequent ironing.

Dryers designed according to the accordion principle can be easily pushed in, making them almost invisible

There are different types of dryers: floor, wall, ceiling. Some small modern models are battery-mounted. When not needed, floor devices can be folded and hidden in a closet, which makes it possible to maintain order and cleanliness in the room.

Wall structures are attached to the wall. Very often, such dryers are designed according to the accordion principle. Once the laundry is dry, they can be easily pushed back, making them virtually invisible to others. Ceiling models also have many advantages. Using a special mechanism, they can be brought as close to the ceiling as possible, so they do not interfere with household members.

Recommendations for choosing a dryer

When choosing a dryer, special attention should be paid to the material of manufacture. Stainless steel products are rightfully considered the most practical and durable. They do not lose their appearance over time, withstand the heaviest loads, do not leave stains on things and are easily cleaned of plaque.

Stainless steel dryer

Powder-coated aluminum models also look great at first, but with intensive use, the coating begins to peel off, and the aluminum leaves dark marks on the laundry.

Aluminum floor dryers

Plastic products are the most affordable and look attractive, but their service life is quite limited. And you can’t put a lot of load on them, otherwise the plastic case will quickly break. Over time, such dryers lose their attractive appearance, the plastic turns yellow, and the strings sag.

Plastic floor clothes dryer

As for wooden dryers, with proper care they can last a very long time; in addition, such models most often have an original shape and look harmonious in the bathroom interior. But if you have to do laundry often and in large quantities, it is better to abandon a wooden dryer in favor of a metal one.

Drying rack made of wood

Original folding drying rack made of wood

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the quality of the connections, the density of the coating, and the ease of movement of the elements. The strings or rods should not be arranged too densely: the optimal distance is 7-10 cm, but if it is less, then things will touch each other and take longer to dry. There should be no sharp protrusions, weld marks, stains, or roughness on the dryer frame. If the base shows through the coating, it is better to refuse such a purchase - very soon the paint will begin to peel off.

In a high-quality dryer, all elements have an even color, a smooth, even surface, the tubes at the ends are closed with plugs, as are the connection points. The packaging must indicate the package contents, all dimensions, weight, and installation instructions are required.

Clothes dryer: which model to choose

Every family does laundry from time to time, so a structure for drying clothes is vital. Currently, the consumer is provided with a large selection of designs of various types:

  • models with different mounting options;
  • products made from various materials;
  • specimens of different sizes;

Currently, the consumer is provided with a large selection of designs of various types.

  • structures that can be adjusted, folded and unfolded.

Residents of private houses prefer structures that can be installed on the street, as well as in the gazebo. This option will allow you not to be afraid that it will rain unexpectedly. In many homes, a special room is allocated for drying and ironing clothes. In this case, you can safely purchase a larger dryer or use different types of designs at the same time.

Residents of city apartments prefer compact and inconspicuous models that are located along the wall or under the ceiling. Such products take up little space, which is very convenient in small spaces.

Products for drying clothes can be made of various materials

In general, the choice of clothes dryer for the bathroom depends on the individual preferences of the buyer, but it is also important to consider other criteria:

  1. Before purchasing, you should decide on the location where the structure will be installed. As a rule, dryers are purchased for bathrooms, since moisture is very undesirable in other rooms.
  2. It is important to calculate the expected dimensions of the device for drying things. If the room is small, then you should not purchase large models.
  3. You should consider the amount of laundry that is washed at one time. To dry several things for one person, a small dryer will be enough, but for a family of 3-5 people, you will need a large and durable model.


  • Most of us wash all the laundry that has accumulated over a certain period in one day, making several “approaches” to the washing machine. Thus, the dryer ends up with clothes from several washes at once. In order not to test the strength of interior partitions, choose a solid wall for installing the dryer, preferably a load-bearing one. This way you will be sure that the wall will not gradually begin to crumble under the weight of wet laundry.
  • When choosing a place for the dryer, keep in mind that it will be unfolded from time to time. While the laundry is drying, you should be provided with free access to all plumbing fixtures and cabinets.
  • Try to place the dryer as close to the ventilation system as possible - this way the laundry will dry faster and excess moisture will evaporate in time. Monitor the condition of the fan and clean it periodically.

Related article: Warm floor from a heated towel rail: how to connect, diagram

Types of clothes dryers: choosing the optimal model

As mentioned above, before purchasing a clothes dryer, you need to pay attention to the area of ​​the room, the needs of the owners and other parameters. In addition, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main types of clothes dryers and their features:

  • The ceiling model “Liana” does not take up much space and can easily fit even in a very small apartment. This design is installed on the ceiling, as a result of which it does not disturb anyone. It can be placed both inside the apartment and on the balcony or loggia;

A very convenient device is a wall-mounted clothes dryer.

  • A wall-mounted bathroom dryer is mounted on the wall, most often it is not removable. The product is quite spacious, but creates additional dampness near the wall;
  • floor-standing units are the most spacious and easy-to-use models. Such devices are suitable exclusively for spacious apartments. When unfolded, they take up a lot of free space, but allow you to dry a large amount of laundry at once.

Automatic drying

In addition to mechanical dryers, innovative automatic dryers are available on the market. Dryers can be stand-alone or combined with washing machines: 2 in 1. The pricing policy depends on the size of such products, as well as the reliability of the manufacturer. I would like to note right away that the convenience and quality of dried laundry justifies the money spent on this miraculous technique.

Problems with indoor humidity, fungus and hanging laundry disappear. The linen is soft after drying. The towel is always airy, all the fibers on it are fluffy. With dryers, just like with washing machines, you need to select the right program to get great results.


Progress doesn't stop! Now you can dry clothes directly in the washing machine, if it has not only a spin function, but also resistance to drying. There are several pitfalls here:

  • the machine can dry approximately half as much laundry compared to linen, so you will have to dry it in portions;
  • it is difficult to regulate the drying intensity so as not to damage the fabrics, but also not to leave them wet;
  • after drying in the washing machine, the laundry must be ironed - it wrinkles more than usual and usually remains damp;
  • This type of washing machine costs an order of magnitude more than a regular one.

The same disadvantages, with the exception of the drying volume, remain with independent dryers. On average, they do a better job, but take up extra space.

No matter how you dry your clothes, don’t let housework bring you any trouble, just the joy of cleanliness and freshness!

Washing machine

Modern machines can not only wash, but also dry clothes. The operating principle is simple: things are hung inside a special container, after which the hot air supply is turned on. Obviously, you won't be able to dry all your laundry in one sitting. It should be noted that you can dry things in a machine faster than on the street or on lines inside the apartment.

The most popular dryers:

  • Samsung eco-bubble;
  • Bosch WVD24460OE;
  • Zanussi ZKG2125;
  • LG F1496AD3;
  • Indesit IWDC 6105.

Despite the fact that the machines cope with the task perfectly, they have a significant drawback - high cost. Many people cannot afford such devices, so they have to think about how to build a dryer at home.

Electric dryer

With the development of technology, devices such as electric dryers have appeared. Most often they are used with the onset of cold weather. Such a device is capable of drying delicate and warm clothes, soft toys, backpacks and shoes. The whole process takes no more than 3 hours.

Electric dryers have a number of advantages:

  • the time required for drying is reduced several times;
  • after use, the dryer can be folded, and this will increase the free space of the room;
  • it is possible to regulate the temperature required for drying this or that laundry;
  • low power consumption.

Electric dryers allow you to dry clothes in any room, which means you can’t even dry them on a balcony.

Housewives who decide to buy an electric dryer need to pay attention to the fact that there are different types of devices. Most often the dryer is:

  • Ceiling. Such a device can be mounted on the ceiling. Most often, the installation location is a loggia, but any room can be used. Typically, such devices allow you to dry things up to 35 kilograms.
  • Wall. If it is not possible to make a balcony, the device can be mounted on the wall of the bathroom. Wall-mounted devices can withstand loads of up to 15 kilograms.
  • On open air. This is the most mobile electric dryer that can be used in any room. It is convenient to use an electric dryer if the constructed balcony has not yet been put into operation.

Wall-mounted clothes dryers: design features

Wall-mounted clothes dryers are considered very convenient and popular, especially for a small apartment. An original and practical version of this type of design is a compact folding clothes dryer on the wall. In its structure, such a device resembles the same clotheslines, but only more stylish and inconspicuous. A drum with ropes hidden inside is hung on one of the walls, and a fastener is hung on the other. If necessary, the cords are pulled out of the drum, and after drying the clothes, the cords are automatically hidden back.

This system allows you to hang the dryer as low as possible, so you don’t need to climb on a stool to hang laundry. This model does not spoil the appearance of the balcony or room, since the product is absolutely invisible. In addition, the folding wall-mounted dryer can support items with a total weight of 6 to 12 kg. However, it is not recommended to overload the structure.

The reliability of the dryer directly depends on the strength of the fastening

A popular folding clothes dryer is that its structure resembles an accordion. It is mounted on the wall, looks very neat and compact, and folds out if necessary. It is usually made of aluminum or stainless steel. The disadvantage of this design is that bed linen can only be dried when folded, and this increases the drying time. If you choose a well-ventilated room for the product, then this drawback will not be a big problem.

Wall-mounted dryers can be folding or built into a wall or cabinet. This compact option is the optimal solution for very small bathrooms. The reliability of the dryer directly depends on the strength of the fastening, but usually such designs are not designed for drying large volumes of laundry. She copes with small things without problems, but for hanging bed linen you will have to look for another device.

Helpful advice! The convenience of this dryer is that after use, if necessary, it can be completely disassembled.

Wall-mounted sliding clothes dryer: model characteristics

A wall-mounted sliding clothes dryer is a rather original model, which is a metal structure with several tubes designed for hanging wet laundry. There are options that unfold like an accordion. The dryer elements are connected to each other with reliable rivets.

A dryer that folds out like an accordion is the most convenient option.

This model has small compact dimensions. At times when there is no need to dry clothes, it can be used as a towel holder. The sliding product is characterized by its ability to withstand a large weight of things.

The most popular models of this type include German dryers and Italian products. Both options have high quality characteristics.

It is important! The sliding design has its drawbacks, namely: the use of a limited number of large washed items for simultaneous drying and the impossibility of placing very heavy items on the rods.

Folding wall-mounted clothes dryer: product advantages

This model is a modern version of conventional clotheslines in the bathroom. The design consists of two model parts, which are mounted on opposite walls; cords are stretched between them, on which the laundry is hung. When there is no longer a need to use a folding dryer, one of its parts is removed and attached to the other, and the ropes are automatically removed inside the device. Typically this model consists of 4-6 rows of ropes.

The folding design of the dryer consists of two parts, which are attached to opposite walls and cords are pulled between them

The most popular models are “Leifheit”, “Zalger”, “Brio”.

A wall-mounted folding clothes dryer for the bathroom has many advantages, including reasonable cost, convenience and ease of use, as well as the ability to be installed in rooms with a small area.

However, a folding wall-mounted dryer has a lot of disadvantages:

  • withstands a small load of up to 7 kg;
  • Inexpensive products are characterized by sagging ropes under the weight of wet laundry;
  • if the manufacturer uses low-quality plastic, the blocks very often crack due to the weight;
  • placing the structure at too high a level makes it difficult to hang laundry.

However, correct installation of a folding clothes dryer on the wall allows you to avoid the appearance of most product defects.

Helpful advice ! You should not install a folding clothes dryer directly above the bathtub, as in this case the use of water procedures will have to be postponed until the wet laundry has dried.

Placing the dryer structure too high makes it difficult to hang laundry

Original design

  • Folding dryers can be installed on any vertical surface. If it is not needed, you just need to lift the dryer - this way it looks like an unusual panel. By folding the dryer, you can dry towels and small wardrobe items on it.
  • Over the door - as the name suggests, these dryers are mounted directly on the door. Hooks are used as fasteners, so after use the dryer can be removed from the door and stored in a secluded place.
  • Mobile dryers are also called attached dryers. They are a folding triangular structure that is placed on the sides of the bathtub. The disadvantage of such dryers is that until the laundry is dry, you cannot use the bathroom.
  • For batteries - this type of dryer is fixed to heating devices using a pair of hooks. Since batteries are rare in the bathroom, such models are most often installed in other rooms and are used mainly for drying towels.

Types of wall-mounted bathroom dryers depending on the material of manufacture

Wall-mounted clothes dryers for the bathroom can differ not only in design, but also in the material of manufacture.

Rope models are the most commonly used and cheapest option for dryers. They are very comfortable. It will not be difficult to make such a structure yourself from available materials. This will make it possible to get a high-quality dryer while saving money. This model is best suited for drying a large amount of laundry, including large items.

Steel products are made of chrome-plated steel, which allows you to give a special charm to the interior of the room where the structure is installed. Thanks to the material, these bathroom dryers are durable and reliable. The service life of such structures is estimated at more than one year.

Aluminum products are a variation of steel models, but they weigh less and cost less. However, the weight of washed clothes that the dryer can support will also be less.

Wall-mounted clothes dryers for the bathroom differ in the material they are made from.

Plastic dryers are less reliable designs, although they are popular among users. This is explained by the low price and a huge number of colors and textures.

The most durable and high-quality structures of this type are created by such manufacturers as Leifheit, Zalger, Brio, Gimi.

Helpful advice! To maintain the shine and original appearance of chrome clothes dryers in the bathroom, it is necessary to use special care products.

The best manufacturers

The choice of model should be based on your requirements, preferences and financial capabilities. Manufacturers whose products are distinguished by their special quality, convenience and attractive appearance:

Electric clothes dryer

  • Brabantia;
  • Liana;
  • Gimi;
  • Leifheit.

The price of products differs depending on the manufacturer, the materials used, design and design features. There are very interesting variations, and there are also classic dryers. To buy the best option, you should carefully analyze the product, namely: the ratio of price, quality and proposed functionality.

Wall-mounted clothes dryer for the bathroom: how to choose it correctly

Before purchasing a clothes drying device, you need to study the technical characteristics of each type, such as reliability, ease of use, and installation methods. First of all, you need to consider all the options for using the structure. If you need a stationary model, then it is best to buy a universal and convenient wall-mounted dryer for the bathroom.

Related article:

Ceiling clothes dryer for the balcony: advantages over other models

Types of structures, recommendations for selection. Do-it-yourself installation of products, homemade dryers. User reviews.

If the room area is small, then the optimal solution would be a ceiling model. It takes up virtually no space, and the laundry is placed right at the ceiling, without interfering with free movement around the room. This design is very convenient to use in the bathroom.

Owners of private houses can afford to simultaneously use several different types of structures, because in this case it is possible to install models in different places, which is very convenient. You can purchase a portable product that can be used both indoors and outdoors, a convenient vertical clothes dryer, or a functional wall-mounted structure.

A wall-mounted clothes dryer for the bathroom has many advantages, including reasonable cost, convenience and ease of use.

It is very important to pay attention to the quality of the material from which the device is made. A wall-mounted clothes dryer for the bathroom must have reliable fastenings - only this can ensure maximum stability.

Helpful advice! It is very important to check the screws and cords for strength, since it is possible that the product is of poor quality. If in doubt, it is better to replace these parts with a better and more reliable option, otherwise they will not be able to withstand the load from wet laundry and will bend or tear under its weight.

Installation Tips

  • First of all, remember that wall-mounted models of dryers, at least their main, load-bearing part, must be mounted exclusively on a permanent, load-bearing wall. Installing a dryer on a wall is always a risk. The entire wall, of course, won’t collapse, but you won’t be able to drive good dowels into it; it won’t be thick enough. And a weak fastening can eventually break out along with the cladding. Agree, it would be a pity to completely re-tile the bathroom because of a small dryer;
  • Before you buy this or that model, think, or better yet, measure whether it will fit in your bathroom. How convenient would it be to close the window, if there is one? Will it interfere with the doors and will you also be able to shower freely?

One of the available exits.

  • A high-quality wall or ceiling vine for drying clothes in the bathroom is an irreplaceable thing. But with large volumes, one must not forget that the bathtub, in essence, is not a large room and sooner or later the increased humidity will do its job. In order to protect my bathtub from mold and mildew, I personally immediately installed an exhaust fan, and then, when I was doing the renovation, I installed an electric heated floor.

Features of self-installation of a clothes dryer on the wall

When the choice of model is made, you should decide on the installation location. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the design features and the room itself. The following recommendations will help you avoid problems with the operation of the product:

  1. It is better to install the dryer on a load-bearing wall. This is due to the fact that the weight of the structure with laundry is quite large, and the partitions between rooms may not be strong enough to withstand these loads.
  2. When choosing a wall-mounted clothes dryer for the bathroom, be sure to take into account that it folds out. Therefore, it is necessary to install it in such a way that when unfolded it does not interfere with moving around the room and using plumbing fixtures.
  3. Typically, all types of dryers are attached to the wall using brackets. To simplify the installation process as much as possible, you need to attach the bracket to the wall and mark the locations for the holes. The dryer always comes with all the elements necessary for fastening, so you need to use them during installation.

It is better to install the dryer on a load-bearing wall

Installing floor-mounted folding clothes dryers on the balcony takes just a few minutes. This product is very convenient and easy to use, and installation will only take a couple of minutes, since it is simply placed on the floor. Folding parts make it possible to use the device as efficiently as possible.

A wall-mounted sliding clothes dryer made of wood will fit perfectly into an interior designed in a country or shabby chic style. This model is suitable for placement in both a city apartment and a private country house. After drying the laundry, the design folds compactly and hides, which frees up space. For loggias and balconies, it is recommended to purchase a wall-mounted drying liana. The kit includes parts intended for fastening and special instructions from the manufacturer, which will help you quickly and correctly install the structure.

The wall dryer is fixed to the wall using anchors or metal screws. There is a method of attaching with adhesive tape, but it is designed for light laundry. Therefore, this method of fixation is not suitable in all cases.

The wall dryer is fixed to the wall using anchors or metal screws

Installation of the wall structure is carried out in several stages:

  • markings are made on the wall - about one and a half meters from the floor;
  • fastening is carried out with screws to two opposite walls;
  • Linen cords are attached to the wall fasteners.

Ceiling fixtures are installed in strict accordance with detailed instructions. The step-by-step guide provided by the manufacturer will allow you to quickly and easily install the dryer yourself.

Homemade dryers

As I already mentioned at the beginning, the simplest device for drying clothes that you can come up with and make with your own hands in the bathroom is a rope stretched over 2 hooks. But one rope, as a rule, is not enough. My wife at one time demanded that there be at least 3 such ropes.

I didn’t think twice about it, I took 2 bars with a cross-section of 40x40 mm and a little more than half a meter in length. I sanded them well, coated them with urethane-alkyd varnish and secured each one with three anchors to the wall. Then I bought a dozen nickel-plated screws in the form of hooks, screwed them into the planks and pulled 5 strong ropes between them.

Then, in one of the magazines, I saw an original wooden dryer made in the form of a window and made the same one for my bath. The idea is extremely simple. First, the outer frame is mounted and decorated to look like a window.

Option for a dryer in the form of a window.

After this, the frame is made slightly smaller than the outer one, so that it clearly fits into the outer one. From below, these frames are connected by ordinary door hinges, and on top, instead of a limiter, a leather belt up to a meter long is attached.

A series of horizontal bars are inserted inside the second frame, onto which the laundry is actually hung. The crossbars can be made of wood or stainless steel, it’s up to your taste. When you need to dry your laundry, the inner frame opens and the clothes are hung on the crossbars. In the diagram below I showed the general principle of assembling such a dryer.

Diagram of a dryer in the form of a window.

How to make a clothes dryer with your own hands: features of the manufacturing process

Creating a product for drying clothes in the bathroom with your own hands is not a difficult job and, undoubtedly, economically profitable. Branded high-quality designs are quite expensive, and, unfortunately, there is no guarantee that this device will last a long time. You don’t need expensive materials to make a homemade product for drying things. To build a high-quality and reliable dryer, you only need desire and a little effort, and you will also have to sacrifice a few evenings.

You don’t need expensive materials to make a homemade product for drying things.

What a homemade dryer should be like: design requirements

It is quite possible to create a structure for drying clothes of any type with your own hands: wall-mounted, ceiling-mounted, outdoor, for installation on the floor or hung on a radiator. If desired, you can also make any dryer of an original design. Regardless of the model, the technical requirements for a homemade product are almost identical:

  • the device should not rust or leave any marks on the laundry;
  • it is necessary that the dryer can withstand wet laundry weighing 30-35 kg - this is approximately a large full basin of poorly wrung out clothes or two wet rugs;
  • the capacity of the device must meet the needs of the family - the structure should not fall apart under the weight of things washed at once;
  • it is required that the fastenings of the dryer be both simple and reliable, while minimally damaging the finish of the room;
  • folding and retractable structures should be easy to unfold and firmly fixed in working position;
  • it is preferable that the device allows you to dry bed linen in an unfolded position; for this, rods and cords for clothes should be located as high as possible above the floor;
  • it is very convenient when you don’t need to climb on a stool or stand to hang or remove things;

The dryer fastenings had to be simple and reliable at the same time, while causing minimal damage to the finishing of the room

  • It is desirable that the laundry can be hung on the dryer without clothespins.

Installation Features

Every owner can install a dryer, because this activity does not require any special skills. The order of fastening the elements may differ depending on the design model, but this does not cause any difficulties. Ceiling structures are considered the most difficult to install. Before starting work, you should check the complete set of elements.

The following devices may be needed during the process:

  • pencil;
  • hammer;
  • drill.

Installation of dryer Liana

Basic steps:

  1. Before starting work, we select the optimal location of the dryer, after which we take brackets with rollers, attach them to the ceiling and mark points through the holes. It is important to keep the brackets parallel to each other, at the same level and the same distance from each other.
  2. We drill holes in the ceiling, then blow out the dust and hammer the dowels tightly. Next, we fasten the brackets with screws, closing the recesses from the fasteners with plugs.
  3. We attach a bracket to secure the cords on the wall opposite the brackets. It should be at a height of approximately 1.3 - 1.5 m from the floor.
  4. We attach the cords to each rod one by one. To do this, tie a tight knot at the end, place the cord in the groove on the rod and tightly tighten the knot inward.
  5. Let's start assembling the dryer. The cords must be pulled through the holes in both brackets. You should start with the fixing bracket. If it is difficult to push it into the hole, you can use a piece of wire bent into the shape of a hook. The free end of the cord must be pulled through 2 fixing caps.
  6. We pull the first rod up, fixing the top cap with a knot on the cord (put it into the cutout in the bracket). We do the same with the rest of the suspensions.
  7. We determine the lower (convenient for hanging) level of location of the rods. Having determined the level, we tie a knot on it and pull it into the lower cap. We cut off the remaining pieces of cord. After this, we pull the suspensions to their original position.

This video provides detailed instructions for installing a dryer with your own hands.

Fortuna dryer installation

Algorithm of actions:

  1. With a pencil we mark the fastenings of the brackets, two points for each. Together they should form a rectangle with sides of 1.8-2 m and 0.4-0.6 m. On the wall we also mark the mounting points for the control unit strictly along one vertical line.
  2. At the points we drill holes of the required depth. Using anchors, we fasten the brackets with rollers and the control unit.
  3. We pull the end of the steel cable into the holder (crab), tie a knot at the end and tighten it inward. We insert the second end of the cable into the plastic retainer and cover plate. Then we pull it through the roller located on the opposite side of the control unit.
  4. We move the cover close to the roller and clamp it with a clamp. After this, we pull the crab up on the cable, resting it against the latch. Then we pass the cable from the outside of the double roller and through the guide roller.
  5. On the control unit, unscrew the cap without losing the lock washer, which is located inside. We pass the free end of the cable through the cap, bend it in a loop and bring it out through the same hole. Now we pull the cable in the opposite direction, but from the inside of the rollers. At this time, the double roller should be turned towards the guide.
  6. We attach decorative pads under each roller, then put on the crabs and adjust the length of the cable so that when the crabs are at the very top, the distance between the control unit and the middle of the loop does not exceed 10 cm. Then we cut off the free end of the cable.
  7. We insert a lock washer into the middle of the loop and, without releasing it, tighten the cable into the cap. Then we unwind the cable with the handle on the control unit so that we can tighten the cap.
  8. The last step is to insert plastic linings into the holes and insert the profiles into the holders to the ceiling. The resulting structure should be positioned strictly horizontally. As a finishing touch, we put caps on the ends of the profiles.

This video shows the sequence of installation work for installing the Fortuna dryer.

Folding, hidden behind the picture

A hiding place hidden behind the painting will help you combine business with pleasure. In its normal state, the artistic canvas decorates the wall and pleases the eyes of guests and hosts. After washing, a folding dryer will allow you to quickly get rid of wet clothes and linen.

The size and configuration of drying devices can be selected to suit your taste and the size of your home. They look neat and clean up quickly. Where do you dry your clothes? Tell us in the comments how you managed to solve this problem.

Outside the window

If the location of the apartment allows you to hang clean laundry outside, you can use a laundry rack. It is a structure made of metal corners and ropes stretched between them and is attached directly to the external wall of an apartment building. There are also more aesthetic options, designed in the form of a folding accordion.

Unfortunately, linen brackets spoil the overall appearance of the house.

In an automatic car

If it seems that there is no room in the apartment for a special machine, remember how much space a floor-mounted clothes dryer takes up. A good solution for a small bathroom would be an automatic washing machine with a drying function. It will cope with the task in 30-60 minutes, takes up the same amount of space as a regular one and costs only a few thousand more.

On battery

Of course, you can hang wet laundry on the batteries themselves, but it is better to purchase compact mounts for them. They will allow you to place the maximum number of things near the source of warm air, and, if necessary, can be easily removed. Such a dryer can be disguised using thick curtains or furniture.

Check out a selection of ideas on how to hide batteries.

The mount can be purchased at any hardware store.

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