100 photos of ideas for a kitchen-living room of 20 sq. m. with sofa

Do you want to properly decorate your apartment? Then you are at the right place. Our article will tell you in detail about all the nuances and features of design art.

When choosing a sofa, you need to take into account the ratio of its size to the dimensions of the room, ease of use, reliability and appearance

A decorated kitchen, living room with a sofa, photo selections that you will see more than once as you read, can transform the interior decoration many times over. Pay attention to detail. They are capable of performing miracles.

Design options: photo selection

Studio apartments are a modern trend in the internal layout of living space. This manner came from the west, but it also began to be widely used in the east.

The kitchen and living room are essentially rooms with different purposes, combined into a common space. Therefore, when furnishing them, you must adhere to certain rules.

There are several important features when organizing the design of a kitchen-living room. Let's get to know them better:

  1. Visual zoning. This technique helps to differentiate different rooms without the use of walls or artificial partitions. Convenience remains high.
  2. Single space. The exact opposite of the previous point. Here you can cook and watch your favorite TV show.
  3. Unity of style. One specific type of design is selected, which corresponds to both combined rooms.
  4. Duality of styles. In this case, the kitchen is “dressed up” in different colors from the living room. A zoning effect is created without using clear boundaries.
  5. Architectural demarcation. This method determines the presence of several architectural layouts. For example, partial installation of walls (parts of walls), arches, glass partitions.
  6. Furniture zoning. From the name it is clear that a sofa will be used as a delimiter. This is a convenient solution: there is somewhere to relax.

Arranging a kitchen living room with a sofa is a creative process. There is no need to adhere to strict laws. Fantasize. Compares the incomparable. Take risks. Then you will get truly unique design solutions.

Compact yellow sofa in an industrial style kitchen-living room

Sofa with carriage screed in a classic kitchen-living room

Kitchen-living room in a minimalist style with a modular rectangular sofa

Choosing a style

So, we have a living room-kitchen area of ​​20 square meters with a sofa, we need to choose a style direction. We look at the photo options and choose the appropriate one.

  • High-tech style. It is modern, involves the use of cool tones and light materials, the installation of spotlights and floor lamps. Various plasters are used; glass and metal, smooth surfaces are also used in the room.
  • Classic style. The decoration is suitable for those who prefer comfort. You can install a fireplace in the living room, and in the kitchen hang a large chandelier that emits warm light above the table. The furniture should be wooden, luxurious and trimmed with gold. This style involves various accessories, photos, expensive vases, and other interior items.
  • Loft style. It is assumed that the rooms are not overloaded with decorative elements. Rooms should be functional and practical. Decorative masonry and thick curtains are used, everything is practical and convenient.
  • Minimalism style. It is characterized by laconic, monochromatic furniture. The room should be spacious and well lit. The main role in the interior is played by light, thanks to which the room can be decorated with various lamps.
  • Scandinavian style. It is distinguished by light and beige tones, natural shades. It is worth giving preference to blue and green, soft green, gray and brown. We add elements made of natural wood to the interior; textiles add coziness to the room. Furniture should be laconic and airy.

  • Neoclassical style. It provides symmetry and streamlining, the interior should be modern and expensive. Green, sand and yellow colors are preferred.

  • Country style. Ideal for lovers of rustic simplicity. The rooms are old, the decor should be wicker, the kitchen is decorated with natural fabrics and pottery. This style gives a feeling of relaxation, takes you back to childhood, is light and comfortable.

There are many styles that can be used to decorate a combined living room and kitchen. To implement this idea, you can select various materials and furniture in stores.

Kitchen living room with sofa

It's good when it's spacious. There is space for installing roomy, oversized furniture. But often the square footage is not enough even to accommodate a small sofa. Then you have to rack your brains.

A straight sofa can be conveniently placed along a wall free of kitchen units

If the size of your kitchen-living room is no more than 10 square meters, you will have to think carefully. A roomy sofa is a good thing, but not always appropriate. Here are the cases in which you can’t do without it:

  • The apartment is one-room, but family members need to be accommodated somewhere. In this case, choose a medium-sized folding sofa. Look for a middle ground.
  • Guests often come. To organize intimate gatherings, the presence of comfortable, roomy upholstered furniture is an important factor.
  • Distant relatives are used to staying with you overnight. In this case, the presence of a spacious folding sofa is a mandatory factor.

When a kitchen with a 10 square meter sofa is properly equipped, there is no need to urgently purchase a bed for the bedroom. And if you have a home theater, such a piece of furniture will add comfort, luxury, and will allow you to watch your favorite movie without leaving home.

A corner sofa is more spacious, often equipped with a sleeping area and storage drawers

Zoning methods

Zoning is a tool for delimiting individual functional areas of a room. It allows you to bring organization into the space, eliminating the creation of an atmosphere of disorder in the limited area of ​​the kitchen combined with the living room.

This can be done in different ways, for example:

  • using different light sources for the kitchen and guest areas;
  • separating zones with existing furniture (shelf, sofa, bar counter or cabinet);
  • choosing a different color for the flooring or covering the living room area with a carpet;
  • choosing wall coverings of different textures or shades;
  • dividing the space into zones due to the design of the room ceiling;
  • using screens or narrow partitions.

However, whatever zoning technique is chosen, it must take into account the characteristics of the room. For example, the project should provide for maximum leveling of light to the level of natural light. If the room is narrow and long, you need to compensate for the lack of sunlight in such a way as if there were windows in each functional area.

Partitions are appropriate in square rooms, where, when dividing space, they will not create the illusion of space divided into cells.

Where to place the sofa?

It is advisable to install the sofa on the imaginary border between the kitchen and living room. This is the most common interior design option found in studio apartments.

In this case, the sofa is often combined with a bar counter

But often you want variety. For example, arranging a kitchen with a sofa and TV. This solution will require placing upholstered furniture, a sofa in particular, opposite the TV. The main thing is to do it right. Do not place upholstered furniture near a gas or electric stove. This will protect against possible contamination of the upholstery by splashes of grease, as well as from possible fire.

In this kitchen-living room, the space is divided into a work area and a place to relax, and the sofa is located as far as possible from the main sources of pollution

It is also unacceptable to place the sofa near a sink, dishwasher, or other household appliances that can splash the upholstery. The best place is the opposite wall from the kitchen unit. If the TV is mounted on the kitchen part, then you can install a sofa opposite.

The most practical and durable upholstery for a kitchen sofa is genuine leather, but it is not cheap.

It is better to cover a sofa with fabric upholstery with a cover that can be easily removed and washed

It is also very beautiful and cozy if you place upholstered furniture in the dining area. In this case, it is more advisable to place the TV in an accessible proximity. Then you can have dinner with your family while watching the news, TV shows or movies.

A small sofa in the dining area is a standard solution for a modest-sized room

Furniture Tips

Since the two areas of the bedroom and living room are interconnected, they should be made in the same style.

The furniture in the rooms must match. To prevent the room from looking cluttered, we buy only the furniture we need. Preference should be given to compact models. Built-in appliances will look harmonious in the kitchen.

The living room should be equipped only with the necessary interior fittings, since its space is limited. Give preference to minimalism. A sofa, table or coffee table, chair or armchair, shelves, storage cabinet, TV are ideal for the living room. You can also make niches in the wall by storing various items.

Here are the new photon curtains for the kitchen. They are also important for any room.

How to decorate the sofa area?

If the sofa is located near the wall, hang a painting with a landscape, family photographs in beautiful frames and a passe-partout on the latter. The designer pillows that cover the upholstery surface look beautiful. Choose different tones of soft pads. The presence of patterns, still lifes, portraits is welcome.

The decor should match the style of the kitchen-living room interior. For example, posters or placards would be appropriate in a loft

In modern interiors, modular paintings are often used to decorate the wall above the sofa.

The wall above the sofa can be decorated with a collection of family photographs.

Place small cabinets near the armrests. Place framed photographs on them on a stand. Large green plants, which are also placed near the armrests, look great. Tall stems will create comfort and freshness.

A beautiful coffee table can be a worthy decoration for a sofa group

Color solutions

A correctly selected range of colors and shades plays a huge role in the design of the kitchen interior. This is how you can beautifully highlight the overall design and create a lasting impression.

White kitchen 20 sq.m.

A snow-white shade can visually make a large kitchen even more spacious and bright. This color will fit very harmoniously into Provence, minimalism and country style. It is so versatile that it can be combined with almost any bright elements, such as brown furniture or colorful decor. An ideal option for those who respect practicality, comfort and tradition.

Yellow kitchen 20 sq.m.

Lemon accents can not only “refresh” a space, but also visually make bulky items much more airy than they actually are. Most often, yellow color is used in individual elements of textiles or furniture so that there is no excess of it. This could be light yellow curtains, kitchen decor and a soft corner.

If you choose such a rich shade for decoration, then on the contrary - you can slightly dilute it with light green or white furniture, small ornaments on curtains and fresh flowers.

Green kitchen 20 sq.m.

Mint notes in interior design look very attractive in combination with the following colors: brown, white, yellow, peach, gray. If you add decor in the form of wickerwork or wooden figurines, photo wallpapers or curtains with elements of nature, as well as pottery to the overall green palette, then in a matter of minutes you can get the warm atmosphere of a forest house in your own kitchen.

Gray kitchen 20 sq.m.

A more conservative, but no less popular color for design. Experts often combine it with white or yellow. This shade is great both as a finish and as textiles. It can be easily diluted with warmer shades.

Gray will perfectly set the necessary sophisticated accents in classic and modern interior styles.

Red kitchen 20 sq.m.

The garnet color in the kitchen represents the brightness, extravagance and courage of the owners themselves. Cherry and raspberry will create a more delicate design, while rich burgundy will highlight individual elements (furniture and decor).

One of the most popular and proven options is a warm combination of red and white. It is worth noting that the color red can really “sparkle” beautifully when combined with good lighting.

Design example

Consider the design of a bright kitchen-living room. The flooring is made of laminate, parquet boards or parquet. In the kitchen area you can make an insert of ceramic tiles. This will protect the coating from exposure to excess moisture. Color – light beige.

Tiles on the floor in front of the set will divide the room into functional zones

Lay out a gray rug in the dining area. But choose beige-gray upholstered furniture. This will make it interesting to combine two elements in one - flooring and carpet. Place bright orange pillows on the surface of the sofa. This will be a great accent.

Bright pillows will decorate the interior of the kitchen-living room and make it more attractive

Cover the walls with light gray or bluish wallpaper. Paint will work too. Finish the ceiling in the same way. Be sure to purchase a large format painting with abstract images and outlines. For orange pillows, this color must be in the picture.

Part of the wall in the sofa area can be painted bright orange

Complete the design with orange elements. Place vases, jugs, and flower pots with yellow flowering plants on the shelves. Choose a two-color kitchen set. Black and gray are a good solution.

Pros and cons of merger

Combining two multifunctional premises is not an easy task. Before you decide to take such a step, you should find out in advance about the pros and cons of “two-in-one” premises.

Expansion of dining and work space.

Possibility of placing a larger table for a large family.

Now there is no need to run from the kitchen to the living room when receiving guests.

Possibility to equip an additional room for a pantry, place a refrigerator or a niche.

You can cook in peace while small children play in the living room area.

Possibility to arrange a bar counter that will delimit the common space.

The task of purchasing household appliances twice, for example, an air conditioner or a TV, will no longer be necessary.

Distribution of odors from cooking food.

Noise from household appliances or appliances will interfere with the rest of your family.

Walking distance to the refrigerator can cause bouts of uncontrolled food consumption.

Lack of space for privacy.

Significant expenses for the coordination of redevelopment and documentation, as well as for the demolition and strengthening of walls.

A complex design solution for zoning and arranging a combined space.

The difficulty is in choosing materials for finishing, which must be resistant to the aggressive effects of vapors and temperature changes.

Photo: sofa in the interior of the kitchen-living room


One of the most important moments in design is the decoration of the room. That is why it is worth paying attention not only to aesthetic factors, but also to the characteristics and quality of the selected materials.


Choosing kitchen flooring is a difficult but interesting task that can be easily accomplished with the right knowledge. For example, when choosing a material, you should look at the following parameters: moisture resistance, ease of care, durability and decorativeness.

The most proven and noteworthy materials include linoleum, tiles, wood, laminate and cork flooring.

Laminate will fit perfectly into any overall design; wood will look harmonious in classic, country, minimalist and ethnic styles. Cork flooring is worth choosing if one of your family members often suffers from allergies.


The main materials for finishing walls in the kitchen include wallpaper, plastic panels, paint, decorative plaster and wood paneling. Wallpaper and plastic panels are a more standard option with a huge selection of colors.

Decorative plaster and wood paneling are a wonderful and original idea for a modern kitchen, but it is worth remembering that in the future its reconstruction will require much more money and time than replacing photo wallpaper or paint color.


Stretch and suspended ceilings are now extremely popular all over the world. Whitewashing is no less relevant. Suspended ceilings are quite practical, economical and beautiful. Their design and composition are ideal for the kitchen.

Stretch ceilings delight not only with their characteristics, but also with the versatility of their appearance: glossy, matte, satin.

Features of choosing curtains

Lightweight curtains are chosen for window decoration. These could be Roman blinds or blinds. Another option is the complete absence of curtains. If you choose multi-layer draperies, then only if you need to separate zones or darken the room.

The design of windows in a living room in a modern style is thought out depending on their shape. Panoramic glazing should be left without decoration. If you choose curtains, then only light, plain ones, without floral motifs. These should not be heavy curtains with lambrequins and tassels. Instead, it is better to choose Japanese or Roman blinds.

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