Kitchen Blueprint - An overview of all kitchen cabinet and countertop plans. Instructions on how to draw a drawing with dimensions yourself

The main feature of the houses, especially the old ones, is that the kitchens in the apartments are quite small, no more than 5 square meters. m., if you have such a problem, don’t be upset, with the right arrangement and the right choice of shades, everything will work out.

Our article will help you understand all the nuances that have arisen. Any small room, including the kitchen, requires a pre-prepared design project.

Lighting and overall layout can play a significant role in the design of space.

Advantages of a homemade drawing

The obvious advantages of a homemade kitchen drawing include the following aspects:

The ability to take into account all factors (dimensions of the room, location of window openings, material for making the furniture). High-quality drawings allow you to carry out optimal planning even in the smallest and most non-standard rooms, for example, a kitchen measuring 2 meters. In practical work, the master is helped by knowledge of the location of communication lines and expected changes in these lines.

The ability to independently model the future interior of the kitchen and dining area, plans for redevelopment, combination and zoning of premises.

In practice, when preparing a plan at home, the costs of specialist services are excluded. The freed up funds can be spent on materials for interior decoration or decorative design of the room.

In the process of creating a kitchen drawing with dimensions, the master himself controls the quality of the project, the schematic representation of the details and features in the drawing.

For each section of the drawing (room layout, manufacture and location of furniture, electrical wiring, socket outlet points), you can prepare a separate drawing, the quality of which depends on the skills of the owner.

Who is a linear kitchen suitable for?

In a small kitchen in a Khrushchev-type house, a linear set will allow you to optimally place zones, freeing up one of them for comfortable movement. Therefore, for owners who want to have a full-fledged dining room with a large table and sofa, a linear layout will be of help. If the room is elongated, narrow, has various projections and niches, access to a loggia or balcony, an inconvenient doorway and window, a straight kitchen of 4 meters will effectively hide the shortcomings.

When a family devotes little time to cooking, a linear kitchen is its option. Single people and small families will also not experience any inconvenience when using this layout.

Linear kitchen with good lighting

Drawing Options

The kitchen drawing includes not only a schematic representation of the room itself, but also a display of communication lines, the location of the set, its parts and an assembly diagram (for self-made furniture). The following technically important parameters must be displayed on paper:

  1. Dimensions and area of ​​the room.
  2. Location of window openings and their sizes to scale.
  3. Direction of communication lines (electrical lines, water supply, sewerage, gas for the stove). Particular attention is paid to these criteria, because the entire layout of the future kitchen depends entirely on the location of communications.
  4. Model of the future furniture set and its shape, features of production and assembly. For example, a drawing of a corner kitchen can be displayed in several different variations, which have meaning in practice.

The next factor is not necessary for independent drawing, but it is better to pay special attention to it. It is important to display all the features of the interior decoration of the kitchen space on a pre-drawn diagram in order to carry out repair work strictly according to the specified points.

What to consider when choosing a four-meter kitchen

If the kitchen is narrow and long, designers do not recommend the depth of the lower cabinets to be more than half a meter - the passage between them and the opposite wall should be comfortable for movement. According to the standard, this value should not be less than a meter.

The working area between the stove and the sink is normally 40-80 cm. If the kitchen is small, compact stove models are used. In the case where the refrigerator and stove are forced to be adjacent, the minimum opening between them should not be less than 15 cm to avoid emergency situations.

When developing a work area, it is necessary to take communications into account. The sink should be located between the refrigerator and the stove, maintaining an interval of at least half a meter between them. Thus, household appliances will be at a safe distance from each other and from water when using the plumbing.

If a sink located close to the wall creates inconvenience when washing dishes, it is necessary to make a wider cabinet for it. The opening between the wall and the edge of the sink created by the countertop will avoid this problem.

The dishwasher and washing machine should be as close to the sink as possible - communications will work more efficiently.

Room layout on the drawing

The first and most important parameter that should be depicted on the plan diagram is the layout and shape of the room. The master has the opportunity to independently display on a sheet a drawing of a kitchen measuring 3*6 meters, 3*4 meters or any other size. It is important to write these parameters directly in the plan diagram itself, using a scale.

All building niches, alcoves, and auxiliary rooms available in the room must be shown in the image with dimensions indicated. Subsequently, you can make optimal use of the available free space for arranging furniture with a transformation function, built-in wardrobes, folding tables and other auxiliary accessories. Combined kitchens deserve special attention after the demolition of wall panels and partitions.

Advantages and disadvantages of direct cooking

A linear kitchen allows for rational use of space, since the set is located along the wall, freeing up the entire remaining area. A straight kitchen will cost less, since corner and U-shaped models require additional costs for the manufacture of complex structures. The simplicity of the design allows you to plan a wooden set yourself or buy a ready-made one or use a modular option.

The principle of ergonomics is difficult to observe when the work area is several meters long and the housewife has to run from the sink to the stove and refrigerator.

The standard length of a linear kitchen is 2.5 meters. If the work area stretches over 4 meters, a lot of energy will be spent on “running” between the refrigerator, sink and stove, especially when you have to cook for a large family. If the room is small, you will have to use a small straight set, trying to fit everything you need into it.

Image of communication lines

A mandatory element on the plan diagram is the direction of power lines, water supply, sewerage and gas (if there is a gas stove). Also on a separate sheet are the locations of outlet points, distribution boxes, electrical panels and switch keys.

Be sure to place all water supply taps and sewer pipes, heating pipes and appliances on the diagram. In the future, these parameters may be needed in the event of a malfunction or new repairs or redevelopment of the kitchen space.

Direct kitchen projects with dimensions

Let's look at some of the most successful kitchen designs with a linear layout.

Direct kitchen project 2 meters

If there is a refrigerator, the design of a 2-meter straight kitchen will include a minimum set of modules: a small sink, a narrow table between the refrigerator and the stove.

Without a refrigerator, you can offer many more options.

Direct kitchen project 3 meters

Since there is no shortage of free space, as in the previous version, it is recommended to start a 3-meter straight kitchen project by increasing the sink cabinet. The fact is that if you insert the sink bowl close to the corner, washing dishes will be inconvenient - you will have to constantly touch the wall with your elbow. The problem can be avoided by installing a sink with a platform. Or adding another module between the wall and the sink (for example, building in a washing machine or dishwasher).

Direct kitchen project 4 meters

Long kitchens can also be called “problematic”, just like small ones. But the problem is of a radically opposite nature: a good design of a straight kitchen of 4 meters or more should somehow level out too large distances between key points - the refrigerator, stove and sink. The best option is to line up closed pencil cases next to the refrigerator.

Location of the kitchen unit

The next stage for the master is to display on the drawing the location of the kitchen unit and the shape of its main elements. Depending on the type of arrangement and placement of furniture, there are several main types of layout:

  1. The linear arrangement option, which is the most popular and in demand among designers.
  2. Corner or L-shaped type of kitchen area layout.
  3. T-shaped kitchens are new in the world of practical design and interior design.
  4. Non-standard G-shaped layouts that are ideal for a combined kitchen.

Double-row and island types of furniture arrangement are also quite well known among designers and owners of apartments (private houses). For transformable furniture, indicate all built-in additional panels (folding tables, built-in sofas, sofa chair) folded and unfolded. This is necessary for the correct organization of the available space and the optimal arrangement of other interior items.

Additional guidelines for designing straight kitchens

A narrow module must be placed between the refrigerator and the freestanding stove. For built-in equipment, it is not necessary to adhere to this rule. Perhaps provide a protective panel so that the side wall of the refrigerator does not suffer from grease and steam during cooking.

It is not recommended to remove the dishwasher and washing machine from the water supply and drainage systems for installation if there are problems with water pressure. Also, when moving the sink, you should provide for this (for example, install a pump).

With high ceilings, a two-row arrangement of wall cabinets with different depths looks more modern than the classic increase in height and framing with a cornice.

Retractable work surfaces and bar counters will help you organize your workspace more conveniently when cooking.

Island compositions for studio kitchens and dining areas complemented by sideboards and wall cabinets make the design of a straight linear composition more interesting in the interior.

When developing a direct kitchen project in modules, you should adhere to generally accepted standards of kitchen furniture.

Drawing for a homemade headset

Manufacturers of kitchen furniture today offer their customers and potential clients a huge selection of finished products or custom-made projects. In stores you can find a wide variety of models of all colors, shapes, sizes and materials.

However, many craftsmen with skill and proper construction experience make furniture with their own hands. This task also requires a correctly drawn up drawing. What criteria should be displayed on the diagram:

  1. Dimensions of the future headset.
  2. Type of design and folding mechanism if such a function is available.
  3. Materials and individual parts, types of fasteners.
  4. For upholstered furniture, the upholstery and type of filling must be indicated.

In the process of preparing a drawing, you should focus on the plan of the room as a whole in order to correctly correlate the dimensions, location of furniture and window openings.

Drawings for a kitchen made of wood and metal (stone or other finishing material) have a number of significant differences, which the master simply needs to know.

Drawing for a wooden kitchen

Making a kitchen set from wood is an exclusively jewelry work, because every detail requires exact compliance with the given parameters. The same strict requirements are imposed on the quality of the drawing, so a master with the proper artistic skills can independently prepare a plan diagram.

Three types of drawings must be drawn on paper:

The first diagram should display the set as a whole, indicating all the furniture elements: dining table, worktops, wall and floor cabinets. All objects depicted must be presented to scale, but with actual dimensions included in the footnotes. The plans of the first type highlight the features of the external decor of the furniture set and the location of the set in the conditions of the available free space.

The second type of drawings contains information about built-in accessories: pull-out systems, open shelves, folding and sliding panels. Furniture is displayed on paper not only when folded, but also when unfolded. This is important for the optimal organization of free space and kitchen interior.

The third drawing shows the details: the dimensions of each workpiece, its shape and type of fastening. Also subject to accounting are fasteners: screws, self-tapping screws and metal corners, dowels and nails.

All prepared drawings must be as realistic as possible, and the quality of the plan diagram must allow the work to be carried out without gross errors.

Drawing for other types of kitchen

Modern interior styles involve the frequent use of not only wood for kitchen construction, but also other types of materials (natural or artificial stone, metal, plastic and glass).

For independent work, you need a slightly different type of drawing, which shows the features of the floor covering for the future set, the supply of electrical wiring and other communications, as well as the features of the masonry (stone or brick).

Using independent drawings, you can build any kitchen: 4 or 6 meters long, any shape and type of construction.

Photos of kitchen drawings

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