How to decorate the interior of a kitchen with a sink by the window: useful tips and 58 photos

A kitchen with a sink by the window is an original design solution that is increasingly being used during renovations. This stylish solution has found its application both in apartments and in private houses and cottages. A kitchen sink in a window sill will become the center of attention in the room.

Many designers offer non-standard solutions for kitchen interiors.

Kitchen set design

The most optimal method of using free space in a small kitchen is to install a sink near the window. Agree that it will be very nice to cook food and at the same time watch what is happening on the street. You can organize a niche directly in the headset itself, or you can place it in the window sill. Today we will talk about what are the advantages and disadvantages, what design solutions exist.

One of the ergonomic and popular ideas was a sink for washing dishes by the window.

In a large room

The design of a large room can be interesting. At the moment, the solution to “unfinished repairs” is relevant, when the entire space near the opening is left without additional decor. In this case, an interesting solution would be if the frame is painted in a catchy color. If it would be difficult to do without curtains, then roller blinds would be the best option. If the room is large and has several windows, then you can consider the option of decorative curtains.

In Europe, such a decision is not uncommon.

It will not be difficult to place it directly under the window opening in the house, which cannot be said about a city apartment. The first problem you may encounter is the need to lengthen water communications. After this, it is necessary to position the countertop, which will involve installing a sink under the window opening. You can line up the entire set right next to the window opening. Near it there will be a sufficient niche for growing flowers.

The sink takes up a significant amount of space in the kitchen, which usually reduces the countertop area.

In a small room

The most optimal solution for placing elements in a small room would be lengthwise. In this case, you can make good use of every centimeter of space.

A kitchen sink combined with a window sill allows you to increase the work area, making the cooking process more comfortable.

If you think through everything down to the smallest detail, then the window opening will become the main decoration of the kitchen and its advantage. By using additional space, you can increase the working plane. While cooking, you can observe what is happening outside the apartment.

Even if one person washes the dishes, another can quite freely use any part of the kitchen set.

Most kitchens are slightly elongated. In this case, it would be advisable to arrange the furniture lengthwise. Nearby you can place not only cabinets, but also a sink. At the bottom you can make shelves for dishes and all sorts of small items. The advantage of this arrangement of furniture is that the battery will be completely covered by cabinets. There is also no need to overload the kitchen with decorative elements.

Proximity to the window allows you to avoid using artificial lighting for a longer period of time.

Corner kitchen set

With the correct placement in a corner kitchen, you can achieve a visual increase in the room. If the room is of a non-standard shape, then it would be advisable to place it on the side of the window opening to disguise the battery. An attractive corner kitchen cabinet can be placed in the corner area.

It is enough to open the window slightly while washing dishes, and excess moisture will evaporate much faster.

Note! In the corner part you can place a plasma or shelves for dishes. By designing a corner kitchen, you can create a comfortable work area that resembles a triangle in appearance.

During this work, it is much more pleasant to look out the window than at a bare wall or rest your forehead against a cupboard with dishes.

By arranging the furniture correctly, you can significantly save space, which is the optimal solution for small kitchens. With the help of wooden furniture you can add sophistication to the room and make the interior unique. In Europe, for example, this arrangement of the sink has become commonplace and it is difficult to surprise anyone with this.

The kitchen set must be planned so that the height of the countertop does not exceed the height of the window sill.

Where to place the sink

The most optimal location would be a sink opposite the window in the kitchen, installed under the opening. Agree, it’s very nice to wash dishes and at the same time watch what is happening in the yard? The tabletop can be placed on the window sill itself or an opening can be made in an already made one, but for this it is necessary to make it much wider.

It is better to purchase a sink as deep as possible to avoid splashes.

On the windowsill

A significant advantage is the space saving. At the same time, you get an additional working surface. This is very convenient for a studio where the kitchen with a sink by the window is combined with the living room.

The countertop must be plastic or natural stone, otherwise it may swell and deteriorate.

Near the window

Often, when planning a wash right next to the window opening, they create a wide work surface. Thus, the working area becomes wider, which will never be superfluous.

The installed sink and faucet should not interfere with the opening of the window.

Between two windows

If you are lucky and have two window openings in your kitchen, then the sink can be placed between them. There is much more light in such a room, which means that there is no need to install a large number of additional lamps. In addition, under it there will be an additional niche for various little things.

Planning the interior of a kitchen with a sink by the window depends on many factors: room area, shape, planned budget, preferred color scheme.

You can place indoor plants that will receive much more light and moisture. You can also place a greenhouse with shoots near the sink.

A cozy and good solution for a large kitchen space.

Recommendations for arrangement

What kind of kitchen the kitchen will look like depends not on the type of faucet or sink, but rather on the layout of the kitchen unit.

You can only place a direct kitchen under a window along a long wall (minimum size ~3 meters): keep in mind that approximately half of the space is eaten up by the opening, which does not allow the installation of upper cabinets.

A more ergonomic option is a corner one. There is a window on one wall, the main storage, hob, and cooking area on the other. The U-shaped one will also look advantageous, especially with a sink in the central part (the bridge of the letter P).

Disadvantages of moving the sink to the window and options for eliminating them

Among the disadvantages of the location are the following:

  1. Water and sewer lines need to be relocated.
  2. Wood may begin to swell due to temperature fluctuations, so it would be preferable to use artificial stone.
  3. When moving the pipeline, pay attention to the quality of installation. This will ensure that you can use the system for a long time and have peace of mind that you won’t flood your neighbors.

The sink is quite deep, and the distance from the glass is maximum, which will not allow splashes to reach the window.


In addition to significantly saving space, you also make work more comfortable. We are talking about natural light, due to which the need for additional lighting disappears. Especially if previously the sink was in the corner of the room, and even under the cabinets. The same solution will be significantly more comfortable.

Modern Western-style kitchens are often complemented by a sink located directly under the window.

Washing dishes will be much more enjoyable from a psychological point of view. After all, it will be much easier for every girl to switch from the daily routine if she sees picturesque beauty through the window opening.

Note! Ventilation is another advantage. Water near the window will dry out much faster, which will prevent furniture from swelling and dampness.

In addition, by arranging a workplace, you can create a unique kitchen design with a sink by the window, which is not yet so common in our country.

This solution is typical for kitchens in apartments and for rooms in country houses.

Subtleties of moving the sink to the window

There are some nuances of the location, which we want to talk about further. For example, to prevent splashes of water from scattering throughout the room and work surface, you can use a deeper sink, at the bottom of which you can put a rubber mat that will prevent water from splashing. An excellent solution would be to install a protective screen that will absorb all the splashes.

A sink like this will become the center of attention in your room.

When installing it near a window opening, pay attention to which direction the frame opens. If it cannot be moved to a more convenient place, then you may have to limit yourself to micro-ventilation. Think in advance about whether such ventilation will be enough for you.

The sink located under the window is a design solution that receives a lot of positive reviews.

Algorithm for moving a sink

First you need to dismantle the radiators and install heated floors if necessary. Next, water is supplied. A tabletop is installed where the hole will be made. Then the mixer is installed and directly connected to the water supply.

If you have a classic window with wooden frames, then it is better to replace it with something more modern.

Rules for choosing curtains for the kitchen

If there is access to the balcony from the kitchen, consider yourself lucky. Many housewives dream about this. You can bring a lot of ergonomic and design ideas to life.

But this will succeed if you take into account a number of conditions:

  • operations with curtains and access to the balcony should not be difficult;
  • Window drapery must be selected in accordance with the style and size of the kitchen.

Material for curtains is purchased taking into account the specifics of the room: humidity, soot, grease splashes.

Interesting ideas for decorating a window with a sink

A sink near the window in the kitchen, as in the photo, is an original solution for most kitchens. In a small apartment, this solution will significantly save space. If the sink is located under the window opening itself, and the dishes are placed on the window sill, then this creates more space for preparing food.

Double-glazed windows with plastic frames are the best option for such conditions of high humidity.

In the home, this solution also has its advantages. In this case, beautiful picturesque pictures will open before your eyes.

Window sink in different styles

More and more often, a sink is installed under a window opening, and at the same time, this design solution fits perfectly into various styles.

A sink located under the window is suitable for many kitchens.

For example, for a kitchen made in Provence style, a characteristic feature is the use of curtains. Most often, they are sewn using fabrics that allow air and light to pass through perfectly.

In the loft style there is no place for a cute print on the curtains. In this case, the windows may be left without decoration at all. More and more they resemble windows in a production facility.

In this case, it would be reasonable to use roller blinds or blinds.

In a minimalist style, the task of curtains is to add comfort and coziness to the room. The most common options for curtains in a minimalist style are blinds, roller blinds, Japanese curtains, Roman blinds. The most commonly used colors are blue, white, brown, milky, red or plum.

The print is used extremely rarely.

If the room is small and you are trying to save every cm, then this arrangement will be a reasonable solution. When decorating a kitchen in the same style, you can achieve an original solution and make the kitchen very similar to the room from European magazines. And cooking and eating in a beautiful kitchen is much more enjoyable.

Short curtains

Short curtains for the kitchen are a feature of country style. Until now, in the houses of village residents you can find a stretched wire in the middle of the window and short curtains on it. If your interior has a lot of wooden parts, open shelves, and decorative plates, short curtains will fit perfectly.

A special chic is hand-sewn or hand-knitted curtains. You can order their production in textile stores or from home craftswomen. They will be inexpensive due to their small size. As a result, you will get an interior in a handmade, shabby chic or country style.

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