How to decorate the interior of a kitchen in the country: stylistic solutions and 45+ photo ideas


Typically, country kitchens have a small area, so it is better to use the space as rationally as possible and make the design in advance.
Decide what you can give up: perhaps upper cabinets or bulky chairs. Install the set linearly or in the form of the letter L: in the first case, there will be more space for the dining area, but the working surface area will be reduced. The corner location is considered more practical and spacious, and the additional countertop allows you to cook more conveniently.

If possible, place the sink or work area near a window: this way you will save on electricity thanks to natural light, and cooking and washing dishes surrounded by nature will become more pleasant and meditative.

Why should you order a kitchen for your dacha?

Angstrem is a Russian manufacturer of home furniture. Our products belong to the middle price category and even a little higher. We focus on durability, elegance, functionality and individuality of furniture.

Of course, if your budget is severely limited and you want to buy a kitchen for three or four seasons, this can be done on the mass market. It doesn’t matter that the cabinets won’t fit into the intended space, and after wintering their doors will warp. In the end, the door handles can be tied with string, and the extra cabinet can be hung in another room.

By contacting the designers and craftsmen of our company, you will spend a little more financially, but you will get the ideal kitchen for your garden, which will last like new even in the most extreme conditions for at least 10 years. Thanks to individual design, you will get the ideal place for preparing and eating food, for bold culinary experiments, for storing food, preparations and utensils.

Angstrom facades are made from Turkish MDF profile and three-layer particle boards EGGER (Austria), Uva-Drev (Russia), Swiss Krono Group (Switzerland). To fasten and open moving elements, fittings from Hettich (Germany), Titus (England), Bosetti Marella and Giusti (Italy) are used. The external decorative coating is attached to Kleiberit thermosetting polyurethane adhesive, which meets European requirements for adhesion and environmental friendliness.

When buying furniture for their dacha, people make two types of mistakes: they try to buy a kitchen as cheaply as possible and inevitably lose in quality, or they pay unreasonably expensive prices. By contacting us, you will find a golden mean!

Color spectrum

A cramped country kitchen is not the best place for experimental color combinations. Stick to a light, understated palette in natural tones: white, sand, blue and green. Wood textures and natural metal will look good. Contrasting black elements are suitable as accents.

Flashy colors in furniture and wall decoration should be avoided: decor or textiles can be bright. Saturated colors attract attention and, if you overdo them, the kitchen will visually shrink.

White color expands space, so don't be afraid to use it in your kitchen design. Snow-white facades get no more dirty than usual, and manufacturers have long taken care of coatings that are easy to keep clean even in the countryside.

General recommendations

Whatever option you choose for the location of the kitchen, you should plan its arrangement in advance, at the project stage. It is necessary to decide on water supply, electrical wiring and ventilation before moving on to choosing furniture or wall coverings. This will make the kitchen as convenient as possible and avoid annoying mistakes.

Due to the fact that the dacha is not intended for permanent residence, here you can allow yourself to experiment with styles and colors that you would not dare to do in the city. Perhaps it is the choice of country kitchen design that will allow you to express your taste and find interesting combinations.


Before renovating or arranging a compact kitchen, it is better to determine in advance the location of utilities, the layout of sockets and wiring. If necessary, equip the room with a ventilation system to ensure reliable air inflow and outflow.

The main household communications for a country kitchen are electricity and water. If there is a centralized water supply or a local water supply network, it is better to connect to it; otherwise, make do with a well or imported water. Each case requires its own plumbing and special devices, for example, an electric water heater.

If there is no running water, provide a place to store water: for example, under the countertop.

A stove is required for cooking: electric ones consume a lot of energy, so the most budget-friendly option is a gas stove. If the gas is not supplied, it is used in the form of a cylinder. To save space in a cramped kitchen, you can purchase a two-burner cooktop. This is especially convenient for those who do not use an oven: the solution will help free up more space for storing kitchen utensils.

Furniture for the kitchen combined with the hallway (living room)

Today, thanks to designers and manufacturers, there are a large number of options for modern furniture and kitchen equipment for small apartments. Moreover, the small sizes do not at all affect the comfort of furniture items and the functionality of household appliances. For example, one wardrobe, a compartment divided into compartments, replaces:

  • Wardrobe
  • A cabinet for storing shoes.
  • A stand for umbrellas and a free-standing hanger for outerwear.

In addition, such a wardrobe with mirrored sliding doors can be installed either against the main wall of the hallway or as a dividing partition with the living room. Kitchen appliances and furniture are manufactured using the same principles (multifunctionality) and technologies. For the living room, a good solution would be to use ready-made sofas, armchairs, and transformable tables. If none of the pieces of furniture available for sale are suitable in size, quality, or design for the kitchen, living room and hallway combined in one room, then it can always be made to order. Taking into account all the wishes and requirements of the future owner.


This is the main design that forms the image of the kitchen: both design and convenience during cooking depend on it. First, decide on how to assemble it. Custom-made furniture will be much more expensive than using an old set from an apartment or from an online flea market. If the facades are covered with film, it is easy to remove it with a hairdryer and repaint the doors in any color.

You can also look for affordable modular sets in the mass market: for a compact kitchen you won’t need a lot of furniture, the purchase will be economical, and installation will not be difficult.

Hang overhead cabinets from the ceiling to visually lift it and create a sense of unified space. It’s fortunate that almost no dust will accumulate on them.

To visually lighten the situation, you can use open shelves. The main thing is not to overload the space or clutter it, otherwise cleaning will become much more difficult, and the room will seem even cramped.

The Queen among the New Year's decorations - a spruce tree in the kitchen

If the kitchen is connected to the living room, or has a large area, then its best decoration will be a traditional Christmas tree with toys, rain, and twinkling lights. It is installed near the dining area, so that the tree does not block the usual paths of movement to the sink, refrigerator, or stove.

Compact Christmas trees are placed directly on the table, on the refrigerator or shelf, or placed on a wide windowsill. You can limit yourself to a pair of lush spruce or pine paws placed in a tall bottle or vase. Or prefer artificial Christmas trees of any color and from any materials. They have a couple of significant advantages:

  • can be used repeatedly over the next few years;
  • there are no crumbling needles, which causes noticeable discomfort.

If the worktops of the set are wide and long enough, you can create a magnificent composition from a Christmas tree, toys and artificial snow.


The floor in a country kitchen should be moisture-resistant and durable: wood, laminate, ceramic tiles are suitable. The most budget option is linoleum, but in order not to disturb the idyll of country life, it is worth abandoning artificial materials where possible. Choose a light pattern without contrasts so that the floor reflects light and optically enlarges a small room.

For wall decoration, wear-resistant non-woven or vinyl wallpaper is suitable (paper wallpaper will quickly lose its appearance), and for the apron area - tiles. If the dacha is built of brick, the masonry can be partially left in sight, emphasizing the naturalness of the interior. Lining, moisture-resistant paint and decorative panels are also suitable, but it is better not to use PVC substitutes.

It is more economical to cover the ceiling in a country kitchen with paint or, if it is wooden, with stain. But the lighter the ceiling, the brighter the small room will be. If the house has beams, we do not recommend covering them up: emphasize the structures to make the interior more expressive.

Choosing a style for a kitchen in light colors

To many, a light color palette may seem monotonous, but in fact, the same shade is perceived in completely different ways. This is influenced by the texture of materials and interior style, lighting and other factors. It should be noted that light colors suit almost all design trends, both classic and more modern.

Let's look at specific examples:

  • Modern style. Strict lines and a light metallic sheen will fill a bright kitchen with coziness, increase the space and make the room more comfortable. If the monochrome white color and steel furniture do not look at home, then you can add wooden elements (beams on the ceiling, flooring or dining table).

  • Classic style. This direction captivates with luxury, sophistication and nobility. When renovating a kitchen, the main emphasis is on natural wood, the color of which in a shade of ivory or white chocolate will make the interior very unusual and attractive. Gilding and metal fittings, pilasters and symmetrical decor with antique ornaments will make the kitchen a real work of art. This interior will be complemented by a marble countertop or an apron made of artificial stone.

  • Provence is a style for which pastel colors serve as a calling card. This trend is gaining popularity, because many owners of country houses like “country” romance, a feeling of comfort and warmth. When choosing furniture, special attention is paid to vintage wooden cabinets and a massive table. No less important elements of a bright kitchen will be textiles with floral motifs and ceramic dishes.

  • Scandinavian style is a direction characterized by restraint, simplicity and conciseness, convenience and functionality. This style always puts the emphasis on white, which is combined with steel elements, gray or cooling blue details. Wooden floors and textiles made in ethnic style will help fill the interior of the kitchen with warmth.

  • Loft is a style whose sophistication is determined not by the furniture, but by the background decoration. The direction is ideal for large rooms with high ceilings. As for the finishing, it can be neglected, leaving the walls “bare”. An alternative option is smooth concrete walls, brickwork or its imitation.


Don’t try to make your country kitchen look like a modern city kitchen, because in a country house it’s easiest to stick to the country style. It will successfully fit into the interior of the entire house and become a harmonious continuation of the surrounding landscape.

Thanks to the rustic theme, you don’t have to look for special decor and dishes: assorted pots, baskets and grandma’s curtains will add character to the atmosphere and will not require special expenses.

Do you want to achieve harmony when arranging your country kitchen? Avoid gloss, neon lighting, high-tech technology - everything that openly indicates city life. The attributes of a modern house will look out of place in a dacha.

Decorating the New Year's kitchen with simple and scented candles

Candles are a great way to create a real New Year's mood. Living lights bring people together and give special, wonderful moments of anticipation for a miracle.

They are used as atmospheric decor in a variety of areas of the kitchen:

  • when serving a festive table. Arrange massive candelabra or elegant candlesticks, original group compositions of twigs, tangerines or pine cones and candles, miniature candles in glass containers;
  • decorate the window sill. Here candles can be part of a New Year's scene, illuminate a space or an interesting painting on glass;
  • placed on open shelves, tabletops or bar counters, mounted next to wreaths and a Christmas tree.

When using candles as decoration, you must follow safety precautions and do not place flammable objects nearby.


There is often not enough light in the kitchen, so it is better to avoid thick curtains. Let light enter the room unhindered: empty the window sill and hang roller blinds. You can get by with light cotton curtains or transparent tulle.

An interesting option is short cafe curtains, which add coziness and hardly block out the light. They are hung on a cornice located in the center of the window opening.

Tablecloths made from natural fabrics, towels and potholders hanging in plain sight will not hurt. You can sew them with your own hands, creating a single set. Instead of doors on the lower cabinets, you can use dense material, but keep in mind that the material should not require special care.

Do not bring to your dacha the towels that have become unusable that you used in your apartment - this is unhygienic.

Decorating the New Year's kitchen with festive illumination

The New Year is a great opportunity to decorate your kitchen with glowing, rainbow-colored illumination. It is recommended to use a variety of options, combining them creatively:

  • LED garlands in the form of a grid, thread or rain;
  • neon and LED threads;
  • lanterns, themed night lights in the form of snowmen, Father Frost, Snow Maiden and other New Year's characters;
  • decorative lamps in the form of candles, Christmas trees, ice floes, houses.

Not only the Christmas tree or pine paws, garlands are decorated with light decor. You can decorate a glowing Christmas tree on a wall or cabinet, stretch it across the entire kitchen, or frame a window with lighting. Small products are placed on the table, shelves and any horizontal surfaces.


If you made open shelves instead of upper cabinets, they will serve as an excellent showcase for beautiful things: jars, colorful dishes, vases, baskets. Use family heirlooms in your interior: if there is no place in the apartment for crystal salad bowls, a tea set and a samovar, at the dacha they will look harmonious and will be used for their intended purpose. They will serve as an excellent decoration for the environment.

But to prevent your kitchen from turning into a museum, try not to keep all your treasures in plain sight. Choose something that fits in style and color. Many things can easily become friends with modern elements.

You can paint pictures with your own hands, put garden or wildflowers in vases, and decorate the table with a plate of fruit.

Bright kitchen in the house: finishing materials

For a bright kitchen, you need to choose finishing materials of the appropriate color scheme. If the interior needs bright accents, then textiles, dishes and accessories, countertops and household appliances are used for this. In some cases, a dark floor design is allowed, but in most cases, neutral-pastel materials are chosen for finishing the walls, floors and ceilings.

A kitchen is a room where there are constant temperature changes and high humidity, therefore, finishing materials should not only be beautiful, but also reliable and resistant to negative influences. If we talk about floor finishing, the best option would be self-leveling flooring, ceramic or porcelain tiles. These materials have a long service life, high strength and resistance to frequent cleaning. If the dining area is located away from the stove and sink, then you can use laminate, parquet or light-colored boards.

Regardless of the interior style, the walls in the kitchen should have a uniform pastel color. An exception will be Provence, which allows the use of wallpaper with a small pattern or pattern, as well as loft, an integral element of which is brickwork. As for modern styles, the emphasis is on a bright apron made of plastic or glass. In other cases, the apron is decorated in light colors, using ceramics, tiles or stone (granite or marble).

As for the ceiling space, everything is simple here, because painting the surface white is the optimal and affordable solution. If you want to make the ceiling more elegant, then you can install stretch ceilings with a white glossy surface. Decorating the ceiling with a bright or saturated color is excluded, as this will reduce the height of the kitchen and disrupt the harmony of the interior space. An exception will be ceiling beams, appropriate in the loft style and ethnic styles (Scandinavian style and country).

Dinner Zone

Table gatherings make up a significant part of life outside the city. Particular attention should be paid to the dining area. The table can be folding or folding, mounted on the wall. Instead of chairs, you can choose stools - products knocked together from pine beams are inexpensive and look authentic. They won't take up much space if you slide them under the table.

You can also purchase comfortable folding chairs: they weigh little and are suitable for both the garden and the street. If the family is large, it is not difficult to set up a dining room on the attached veranda or in a closed gazebo on the site.

Place a separate light above the table or add a lamp to make the atmosphere more cozy. Place narrow shelves above the table so that all the necessary utensils (salt shakers, napkins, cups) are at hand and do not take up space on the countertop.

Even for a small kitchen it is not difficult to create a truly cozy and cute interior. This does not always require special expenses, but always requires thoughtfulness and a sense of style.

Types of country kitchens

Here we will not talk about design, but about placement and layout options, there are 3 in total:

  1. Kitchen in the house;
  2. Kitchen for a guest house or a small kitchen in the dressing room;
  3. Summer cuisine.

All of these options are initially intended for one purpose - to prepare food, but they differ quite greatly both in content and in specific tasks, from the dining area to the auxiliary space.

Beautiful dishes for the New Year holidays in the kitchen

For the New Year it is worth updating the festive service. Today, stunningly atmospheric designs created specifically for winter feasts are available.

Even one single dish, several decorative plates or a salad bowl serve as a great addition to the interior.

Functionality of a summer kitchen

If the summer kitchen is planned to be used not only for cooking, but also for other purposes - dining room, guest room, family vacation spot, then all these facts should be taken into account.

Very often there are cases when part of the kitchen is supposed to be used as a workshop, a closet for household equipment, a drying room for gardening products, and even a work office, and this is a significant factor influencing the size of the kitchen area.

Construction on a summer cottage site, which usually occupies no more than 6 acres, is more rational to carry out vertically. This means designing with a cellar (the purpose is known) and an attic, which can be used according to one of the above options.

Important: preliminary design will save a significant part of the budget and avoid possible long-term construction, since during construction “by eye” it is difficult to calculate construction costs.

Decorating the kitchen for the New Year with wall decor

When decorating your kitchen, don’t forget about the walls. You can attach them to:

  • colorful New Year themed posters;
  • flags, large figures of fairy-tale characters;
  • stickers in the form of Christmas trees, stars, snowflakes;
  • decorative elements in the form of clock towers and congratulatory inscriptions;
  • luminous and plant garlands, rain, tinsel.

Another inexpensive and effective way to transform a room is to paint it with colors of your choice. To do this you will need a large sheet of Whatman paper, any canvas in a frame, glass. If you don't have artistic talent, you can use stencils. This decor is easy to fix and easy to remove at the end of the holiday, unlike painting on plaster.

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