Window decoration - the best options and new designs for different rooms

Many decades ago, people sought to decorate the windows of their homes. They made intricate carvings and hung beautiful curtains. Modern window openings also become objects for decoration. This is a special place in any room that can highlight, complement the interior or become a key accent.

Window decoration option

Window decor in the apartment

Window decor idea

Fashion trends in window design

When purchasing curtains, the trend for which remains relevant, consider the following nuances.

  1. Give preference to curvy models with original draperies that add volume. If you once gave up heavy curtains, it's time to return to them.
  2. Dynamic and rich colors are at the height of fashion. They help create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. This is especially true with the onset of cold weather. A warm palette will warm the household;
  3. A key fashion trend is the use of natural materials. Silk and linen look great. Velvet ones also remain in demand.

Roller blinds, complemented by various prints, and Roman models made from natural materials continue to be very popular.

Window decoration

Beautiful window decor

See alsoCurtains for the doorway


Wooden windows are a sign of good taste, style and a certain social status. So why not use wood to design the slopes? In addition, this material provides incredibly many options for decoration.

Wooden cladding can be made from boards, plywood, carved panels, and decorative chips. Openwork panels and beautifully tinted solid boards look especially impressive.

This decoration gives the window a special colorful look. The room instantly becomes cozy and takes on a stylish look.

How to present beautiful windows

If light tulle is not suitable and some darkening of the space is required, it is recommended to supplement everything with roller blinds. They are fixed to the frame, which allows you to leave most of the details of the opening in sight. You can hang Roman blinds, complemented by a bright print. This option is suitable for apartments and country houses.

See alsoKitchen window design

Curtains with lambrequins

They perform several important functions.

  1. They give beauty and brightness.
  2. Helps hide imperfections in the area up to the ceiling.
  3. They make the room visually larger.

Lambrequins come in the following types.

  1. Tough. The basis is dense fabric together with non-woven fabric and dublerin, which is stretched over the frame;
  2. Soft. They are popular in the interior of the bedroom and living room. The material used is expensive fabric, complemented by lush drapery;
  3. Combined. The advantages of different designs are combined. You can place an openwork lambrequin, complemented by soft, elegant details.

Narrow rectangular models visually increase the space. When using wide ones, the dimensions of the room are reduced.

Window decoration option

Window decor in the apartment

Window decor idea

See alsoLarge clock in the interior: photos, views

Curtains with eyelets

Eyelets are an additional detail that can add special chic. Such curtains do not have the usual special loops with which they are attached to the cornice. They were replaced by large rings made of metal or plastic, located in the upper zone. Their diameter corresponds to the dimensions of the cornice tube.

Among the key advantages, they note that they glide easily and without noise, folds create smooth lines, and look attractive. They are suitable for any style, both modern and retro.

See alsoLarge paper flowers in hall decoration

Windows in the interior - a combination of beauty and functionality

There are now a lot of opportunities to create beautiful designer windows. When making a design project for an apartment or country house, you need to pay attention to the design of the windows. Now there is no need to choose between the beauty and functionality of a window - all its components can be both high-tech and fashionable at the same time.

Photo: Roto Swing handles – a distinctive shape, completely unusual for windows*, © Roto

Buy plastic windows with Roto Swing handles*

All models of Roto handles are presented in various modifications - standard, safe with a key, button. Handles and hinge covers for windows and panoramic doors are made in the same style, so they do not contradict each other in the same room. By complementing Roto handles with plain or contrasting hinge covers, you can create a unique window design for any interior.

*The article contains contextual and visual advertising

Rules and photos of window design with curtains

Window decoration with curtains must be done taking into account the following factors.

  1. Room size.
  2. How the room is located from the point of view of the cardinal directions.
  3. Is there natural light and how intense is it?
  4. Functionality of space.

The dimensions of the cornice and how correctly it is installed are important. It should be at least 30 cm wider than the window on each side. Fasten so that there is a space of 20 to 40 cm.

Among the key rules are the following.

  1. If the wallpaper is matte, choose synthetic or silk curtains that have a glossy sheen.
  2. If there are shiny embossings on the wallpaper, they are complemented by matte curtains to match.
  3. If the ceilings are low, it is not recommended to use lambrequins.
  4. The selected model should be combined with the overall style of the room.

Window decoration

Beautiful window decor

See alsoKnitted items for home decoration

Strip glazing

This is the name given to several consecutive glass blocks, which are located one after the other and from the outside resemble a transparent tape. Obviously, for certain premises the height and length of such tapes can vary significantly. Strip glazing can add light and air to a strict modern design.

Recently, in kitchen design projects you can often notice strip glazing, which serves as an apron (or part of it), located above the working surfaces of the kitchen space. Among the obvious advantages of this arrangement of window openings, one can note the high level of illumination of the most important areas of the kitchen, not to mention the fact that preparing a delicious dish or washing dishes is much more pleasant if you have the opportunity to look at an excellent view of nature outside the window.

Glazing can occupy the entire wall above the work surfaces or occupy only a narrow strip. It all depends on whether you planned to place an upper tier of kitchen cabinets in your cooking area.

There is an option to create parallel strip glazing, which will not require sacrificing the top tier of kitchen storage systems. Of course, this option for enriching the kitchen with natural light is suitable for rooms with fairly high shelves.

Of course, strip glazing can be used not only in kitchen areas. Living rooms, offices, dining rooms and even bedrooms can harmoniously fit a series of glass blocks one after another into their interior.

Decorating windows with curtains: if the window is narrow

There are two key problems in a narrow window opening:

  1. the space visually looks narrowed;
  2. Not enough light gets in.

Such problems can be solved with the help of a wide cornice. The difference should be about 50 cm between the product and the opening. Be sure to consider lighting. If it is impossible to place such an option, look for another. A pattern located horizontally helps to widen the opening. But not recommended for those with a low ceiling.

Window decoration option

Window decor in the apartment

Window decor idea

See alsoDecor in Provence style. Create a unique atmosphere of France with your own hands!

Panoramic windows

The latest trends in architecture and interior design are leaning towards the use of large panoramic windows. Wall-to-wall glazing, or even glass walls, is not only an opportunity to let in the maximum possible amount of natural light into a room, but also a way to radically change the appearance of a room, its character and essence.

Perhaps due to the mentality influenced by the climatic features of our country, the majority of our compatriots believe that panoramic windows are no longer for Russia, that it is “too cold.” For fear of freezing in the middle of the harsh Russian winter, many homeowners limit their ability to enjoy sunlight for as much time as possible during the day. And we are talking not only about personal and common rooms, but also about utilitarian premises. In our country, it is rare to see a bathroom in a standard apartment with a window. The same applies to utility rooms.

But modern energy-saving technologies allow us not to worry about frost; a large and bright window can be warm and functional. But this does not mean that the rule “the larger the window, the better” applies in all situations. Of course, it is necessary to consider the size and design of the window opening based on the general concept of the entire room.

Panoramic glazing can radically transform your bedroom, for example, erasing the boundaries of space. If there is a beautiful view outside your window, then why not let it flow inside the room? Thanks to modern technology, owners of private houses, mansions and cottages can afford the luxury of waking up with the first rays of the sun and watching the sunset from their own bedroom or living room.

Curtain design options for low windows

When it is low, you need to visually add height to it. Required to divert attention from the large distance between the ceiling and the opening. To raise it, it is recommended to follow a number of rules.

  1. Install the curtain rod as close to the ceiling as possible. Curtains will cover the lack of proportionality.
  2. Use curtains with eyelets. Attaching them will help to form folds on top that visually lift the opening.
  3. Make a ceiling cornice. It will cover a huge empty space.

If after this the space remains visible, use lambrequins to hide this area.

See alsoDecorative branches for a floor vase - environmentally friendly, original and stylish

Decorative plaster

This material looks great not only on walls or ceilings. Decorative plaster can also be used to decorate slopes on windows.

But there is a significant nuance - you need to use a material that is resistant to humidity and temperature changes. And, of course, the layer of plaster needs to be painted. This material can be supplemented with a variety of elements - shells, shiny stones, ornamental glass.

What if you need to reduce the window size?

Large opening dimensions can create a feeling of emptiness and discomfort. To reduce its size, you can use the correct window design with curtains. Products with large patterns help to visually reduce dimensions. Color details are placed at eye level, then the overall size will not look too significant. Complete everything with lambrequins. They will create a horizontal zone that will help visually lower the window and reduce the height of the ceiling.

Window decoration

Beautiful window decor

See alsoDecorative bottles - an unusual interior detail

Decorative molding or stucco

The use of decorative molding or stucco is a win-win option for decorating slopes, ideal for any interior. These materials perfectly highlight the window, frame details and even the landscape behind the glass. Window slopes designed in this way fit well into any interior.

The main nuance of this type of decoration of slopes is that the material partially transfers to the wall, creating a frame around the window. This technique helps to visually enlarge the window and at the same time highlight it and focus attention on it.

The wider the window slopes, the more options for decoration with molding or stucco. The width of the slope allows you to use different colors, use relief inserts or make other additions.

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Decorating with curtains: choosing fabric and color

Many products involve the appearance of waves and folds. Therefore, when choosing a fabric, it is worth considering how drapeable it is. Rely on the practical characteristics of the material. Buy ones that are durable, wear-resistant, and cannot absorb odors. It is better if the fabric is easy to care for.

The shade of the curtains should match the overall palette of the room. You can choose a color to match the furniture upholstery or decorative elements. It is important that the model stands out and does not merge with the adjacent wall.

When using a single-color covering, purchase curtains with patterns. If the walls are rich and bright, then buy plain textiles.

Window decoration option

Window decor in the apartment

Window decor idea

See alsoCreate New Year's home decor with your own hands

Examples of glazing rooms in a private house


Combining windows of various sizes and shapes within one room allows you to create not only an interesting interior, but also provide the room with the necessary level of natural light.

Living room

One of the most important rooms in a city private home or country home is the living room. As a rule, this is a fairly large room that can boast a whole set of windows of impressive size.

With the help of narrow, high windows, you can give the interior a touch of European style. Typically, similar models of window openings are used in English design projects.


In private houses, bathroom spaces can boast impressive sizes, unlike their urban counterparts, confined within the framework of urban standard apartments. And the consequence of this is, first of all, the opportunity, in principle, to install a window, and sometimes more than one, and quite a large one.

Office, library

In rooms where active work, creative activities, and reading will be carried out, it is necessary to ensure a high level of illumination, sometimes for this it is necessary to resort to additional installation of windows.

Children's room

For children's bedrooms and playrooms, in addition to the issue of sufficient lighting and ventilation, the issue of safety is quite acute. Currently, manufacturers of window profiles offer many options for “secret” locks that small children are unable to open on their own.

Options for beautiful window decoration with curtains

For indoor use, it is recommended to choose the following products.

  1. Rolled. Popularity is linked in a key way to the lifting mechanism located under the frame. To add natural light to your visit, just click on the button. The model will quickly turn into a roll.
  2. Curtains. They look like long curtains made of lightweight material. Look great on windows of any size. They help add a little lightness and airiness.
  3. Italian curtains consist of several parts. The free zone can be filled with beautiful tulle.

Window decoration

Beautiful window decor

See alsoWhat you need to know about wall design

Decorative brick

Window slopes trimmed with decorative bricks look incredibly impressive and immediately attract attention. This finish fits especially well into an interior that contains brick walls or decorative elements.

With this design of window slopes, it is important to choose the right material. You need to use decorative brick panels for exterior work. Those intended for internal use are made of plaster. This material does not tolerate temperature differences well and cracks. Therefore, brick-like gypsum panels cannot be used to decorate slopes.

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Patterns on fabric

The patterns on the material can be different, including geometry, stripes, prints, abstract patterns, etc. When purchasing such options, it is recommended to consider the following principles.

  1. When designing a room in calm colors, choose curtains with bright patterns. If, on the contrary, the interior is rich, buy products in calm, monochromatic shades.
  2. Dark material should be diluted with light patterns.
  3. Large sized patterns are suitable for spacious rooms.
  4. The image must be combined with the overall style.

Window decoration option

Window decor in the apartment

Window decor idea

Windows for attic rooms

Attic and attic spaces are not an easy place to organize living rooms. Roof designs that include windows in the original version are rare. Therefore, it is better to decide at the building planning stage whether you will use an attic or an attic and what kind of premises you want to place there; the number and scale of window openings will depend on this.

Obviously, when arranging an office, library or nursery in the attic or attic, it is necessary to provide the room with a sufficiently high level of illumination. In our country, there is a certain stereotype about attics - they are dark, dirty and non-residential premises, where, as a rule, the owners put all their unused (or rarely used) belongings. But these are additional square meters that can be rationally used by increasing the number of living rooms or utilitarian premises. After all, no matter how large a private house is, there is still not enough space.

Curtain decorations

Various curtain decorations are presented in the table.

Type of decoration Description
Lambrequins There are hard, soft and combined ones, complemented by folds and draperies.
Tiebacks The window will appear half open. Decorated with stones and beads.
Magnetic decorations, braid and ribbon Perform the same functions as grabs.

If you want to add a little sparkle, choose jewelry with beads.

Tiles or porcelain tiles

This material is the best solution for decorating window slopes in the kitchen. The tiles are also suitable for decorating window openings in bathrooms.

Design options when using these materials are not as few as it might seem at first glance. Even the way the tiles are laid - with or without a seam - affects the impression made by the window opening. And, of course, you can lay out a beautiful mosaic from tiles on the slopes.

Recommendations for choosing curtains and curtains

  1. To create coziness, use pastel shades, beige or peach. Especially if the room is on the north side. If you want to add coolness to the space, gray, blue and others are suitable.
  2. If the windows are on the sunny side, hang models that have reflective impregnation.
  3. Choose products for the summer period from chintz, satin or veneer. For the winter version, they are sewn from velvet, tapestry, velor, etc.

Window decoration

Beautiful window decor

Corner window

Not so long ago, designers around the world began to use this interesting design technique, with the help of which two windows are connected at right angles, forming a glass corner. If the windows are large enough, then the line between the external environment and the interior of the room is practically erased, creating the impression of the presence of a portal into nature.

Recommendations for choosing blinds

  1. For small rooms, purchase light-colored products;
  2. Dark shades of blinds suit spacious rooms;
  3. When choosing a color, take into account what room the product is intended for. Bright colors are suitable for the kitchen; buy a delicate palette for the nursery;
  4. Check how well all mechanisms work. There should be no jerking when opening and closing.

To find out the size of suitable blinds, contact a specialist so that he can take the correct measurements.


When planning to design window slopes in an original way, you should not neglect such material as paint. Enamels provide truly endless possibilities in the design of window openings.

Even if you simply paint the slopes without applying any painting or ornament, they will look great. But, of course, you need to use colored enamel. The color is selected in accordance with the interior or, vice versa, by contrast. You should not be afraid of bright colors, such as orange, red, yellow.

Main trends in the design of plastic windows in Russia

The lush and flashy window decor of the early 2000s is slowly but surely changing. Window decoration gains style and sophistication. Bright wood decors are being replaced by calm, noble shades - pastel monochromatic, strict metal, the most natural wood.

Photo: fashion for window color is changingThe fashion for decorative gold grilles in double-glazed windows, deliberately woody patterns on the profile and curtains with lambrequins is becoming a thing of the past, following carpets on the wall.

What windows are in fashion today?

Stylish color – anthracite and natural wood imitation

In recent years, the European trend for all shades of gray in window design is gradually winning the hearts of Russian fashionistas.

Photo: anthracite is a fashionable color today. Also today, plastic windows with imitation of natural wood are fashionable, the favorite among them is “bleached oak”.

Photo: colors of natural, aged wood and rich gray are today's favorites. Windows can be colored in two ways - lamination and painting.

Window lamination is a technology for imparting color to a PVC profile using a special film that is resistant to sun and precipitation. It can be one-sided or two-sided. Carried out in the factory, it is not possible on an installed window.

Today there are more than a hundred shades of lamination films. The latest developments have an appearance and surface structure that imitate visually and tactilely natural wood or metal. Single-sided lamination will add about 30% to the cost of the window, double-sided lamination will add about 50%.

Painting plastic profiles is still rare in Russia, but in Europe it is a fairly common technology. Modern water-based paints allow you to give the window any color on the RAL scale. High-quality painting of windows is possible in production in a special painting chamber, where dust cannot get on the fresh paint. In field conditions, painting installed windows is very problematic. The ability to paint a profile is truly a treasure for architects and designers.

Important! Attempting to change the color after installing windows by painting may result in warping and destruction of the window. Why? White and colored windows differ in the thickness of the internal reinforcement (metal that gives rigidity to the window). In white standard windows the reinforcement thickness is 1.5 mm, and in colored windows from 2 mm. If you paint an installed white window some color on the outside, the window will heat up more in the sun and become deformed. Therefore, the color of the window must be selected at the ordering stage.

Photo: hundreds of bright colors can transform any facade

Accent on the windowsill

If you think that a window sill can only be white and boring, and its purpose is to be a flower stand, then this is not so! A beautiful window sill is the same stylish interior detail as a window. Experiment! Choose to match the window or contrast.

Photo: now the window sills are not only white. They have become bright and can easily stand out in the interior. And they are not afraid of scratches. With the help of a beautiful window sill you can change the appearance of the window on a budget. A beautiful window sill will cost less than lamination and will last for several decades. The price of a beautiful, fashionable window sill starts from 1,500 rubles per meter.

Fashionable pens

Just as a theater begins with a hanger, so does a window with a window handle. Because it is through it that tactile contact with the window occurs. The handle is the most noticeable detail of the window and always attracts the eye. For fashionable windows, there is a huge selection of handles that will highlight the style and add a special charm to the “eyes” of the house. Especially if the handle itself has a unique shape and matches the color of the profile.

Photo: the brutal Roto Swing pen is a challenge pen! It will decorate a window of any color, the main thing is to find your individual combination *If Roto Swing is too bold and unusual for you, pay attention to the elegant Roto Line handles - elegant classics and nothing superfluous.

Photo: the classic Roto Line handle is suitable for windows of delicate colors *A correctly selected handle gives the window character, mood and individuality.

When purchasing a window with a beautiful handle, its price will increase by an average of 500 rubles.

Invisible loops

It’s good when the interior has a bright, noticeable accent, such as a window handle. But a lot of bright touches will be too much, stylish things like to go solo - one gold decoration is stylish, but three is already bad taste.

Window hinges are covered with decorative plugs, usually matching them to the color of the handle, and this overloads the window with details that are often difficult to match to a single shade. What to do with loops? Here I would like to recall the classics of Soviet cinema

Hidden fittings are at the peak of popularity today in furniture, interior doors and, of course, windows. Everything is removed out of sight, the doors of the furniture sets remain absolutely flat, without handles or hinges.

There is also a solution for stylish windows - hidden Roto Designo fittings. Designo hinges hidden inside the window are beautiful in their invisibility and have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Do not get dirty and do not require protection from dirt during repairs;
  • They are not blown out and do not freeze;
  • They limit the rotation of the sash and protect it from impacts on the slope.

Photo: no matter how harmoniously the hinges are matched to the color of the lamination, their absence still gives a greater chance for the beauty of the window to be revealed. Hidden hinges will add 10% to the cost of the window. Often window companies hold promotions and sell invisible hinges at the price of regular hinges.

Trendy opening

Functionality and ergonomics are the main trends and requirements for interior elements. Now everything is in fashion that does not take up much space, does not get in the way underfoot, and does not have to be touched while moving around the home space. The window or door should open so as not to interfere with other objects in the room. Designs with sliding door openings benefit from this trend. When opening, the sash moves along the window or door opening, as in the Roto Patio Alversa or Roto Patio Inowa doors.

Roto Patio Inowa is an innovative door opening principle that has no analogues on the market. The doors do not recline or rise, but simply move away from the frame when the handle is turned. All fittings are hidden in the profile and the door in any color looks like a solid structure.

Photo: Roto Patio Inowa is an excellent solution for connoisseurs of minimalist interiors - power, lightness, impressive size and laconicism*

4 models of Roto Patio Alversa sliding doors, including those with semi-automatic tilt control PS Air Com, are designed for those who value comfort.

Photo: Roto Patio Alversa tilt-sliding doors and windows with ergonomic handles and convenient ventilation functions fully meet the demand for ease of use of modern windows * Sliding opening automatically transforms the window structure into the category of premium products, the price rises accordingly - from 20,000 rubles / m2 without installation.

Buy windows with fashionable Roto* fittings

Fashionable window type - floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows

An absolute hit, the most popular type of glazing in luxury new buildings and cottages.

Photo: floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows have become a new trend in architecture. Windows become the most beautiful and dynamic picture in the house and emphasize the high status of the property. Special glass makes it possible to make such windows as warm as walls. For panoramic glazing, only high-quality materials are used: expensive glass with a thickness of 6 mm, a wide profile with powerful reinforcement. This premium type of glazing, like the previous one, cannot be cheap - the price per square meter of “solid” panoramic windows will be from 25,000 rubles/sq.m, sliding from 50,000 rubles/sq.m. without installation.

How to choose a color scheme

The color scheme of fabrics should be selected according to the design of the room. The canvases should not differ significantly in their tones from the color of the wall decoration. They must also go well with the furniture installed in the room and other types of textiles used (carpet, carpet, bedspreads, pillows). One additional color may be included. For halls in light, sand and cream tones it can be turquoise or light blue. For green and olive tones, orange can be complementary. For gray-black colors - lilac, blue. It is advisable to choose the shade of translucent fabrics according to the colors of the main material. But at the same time it should be several tones darker or lighter.

Window below eye level

This arrangement of the window opening maintains the relationship with the landscape surrounding the house, and in addition, it changes the direction of lighting in the rooms: the main part of the sun's rays will illuminate the space at floor level.

This is done intentionally to create new accents and focal points in the room. For example, such a window in the corridor “works” very well - in combination with a bright door, it can serve as a kind of direction indicator.

A competent combination of colors in the interior - the classic harmony of a dark floor and light walls - with this arrangement of the window opening seems even more successful. At the same time, the floor looks cozier and softer, and the white walls lose a hint of sterility. Well, the light streaming in the lower part of the room will allow everyone to feel a little higher and more confident.

Visual effect

Inspiring Movement; creating a mysterious and at the same time very discreet interior.

The pool, located just outside the window, which is directly above the floor, is the source of amazing lighting design. Sunlight, reflected from the water surface, penetrates the room and creates an excellent, cheerful mood. Ordinary decorative and interior items begin to look completely different.

For this gallery, soft, subdued light is perfect. In addition, the low location of the window allows you to use almost the entire wall area to place paintings.


To attract attention; game of reflections; unusual and comfortable interior lighting.

The opening, located much below eye level, in this case has a special purpose. Firstly, thanks to this simple move, the design of the large window was achieved at the highest level, and without significant additional effort. The play of contrasts and the forest landscape opening through the window is all that is needed to achieve success.

This arrangement of window openings and wall decoration , made using white sheets with a glossy surface, the interior design acquired visual dynamics and special originality.

Visual effect

Emphasizing the expressive geometry of space; creating a strong connection between the interior and the surroundings of the house.

A small window located in the lower right corner of the room offers an interesting view that combines natural and man-made details. Look how the metal pole and the tree trunk resonate! This is not just a window, but a picture frame!

Visual effect

Creating a real work of art from a simple surrounding view.

Curtains on open curtain rods

Using a custom curtain for hanging fabrics can change the look of the room beyond recognition. The product can take the form of a wooden branch, a club with figured tips. Such elements are made from both plastic and metal. They are easy to clean from dust, allowing you to maintain order in the room. They are optimally suited for long fabrics, but can also be used for short fabrics that cover the frame only to the middle or to the window sill. Metal elements in dark tones, silver or gold are perfect for rooms decorated in royal styles. They are well complemented by dark red, purple and blue fabrics. Light plastic elements allow you to emphasize the ease of design. It is recommended to complement them with light-colored canvases in a single color or with discreet pastel patterns.

Main trends

Curtains in a modern style are rather laconic products that are designed to provide maximum comfort in the room. Nor should they take a lot of time to form folds, wash and iron.

The more recently popular frills, ruffles, and flounces remain a thing of the past. The only exception would be curtains in rustic styles, which are still often used to decorate charming bedrooms or kitchens. But even in this case, the abundance of decor is replaced by cozy and simple elements.

Ideas for modern curtains suggest minimalism not only in design, but also in the selection of style and color scheme.

Kisey, curtains made of beads, bugles

Thread curtains (or muslin) are made of individual threads connected along the top edge into a single fabric. They transmit light and at the same time serve as protection from sunlight. They look interesting in the interior. Manufacturers offer a large assortment of muslins of different colors with decoration. For example, gold and silver threads and beads are woven into the structure of the threads.

Spectacular curtains made of glass beads and beads will decorate the living room. Crystal curtains can become an independent element of window decor, or appear in combination with a curtain fabric. Additional lighting will make the beads strung on threads sparkle and shimmer.

Curtains made of beads Source

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