Examples of choosing the design of photo wallpaper for the interior of children's rooms

The child’s room is made not only clean, safe, cozy, but also beautiful. Modern photo wallpapers in the interior of a nursery are pasted onto one of the walls, decorating the room and allowing you to create a unique design. By choosing the right image, it is easy to create a uniquely beautiful world in a room at minimal cost.

Photo wallpaper significantly influences the harmonious perception of the interior of the room, so the choice of composition should be taken with full responsibility

Features of photo wallpaper in the interior of a children's room

By gluing photo wallpaper to the entire wall in a child’s room, it’s easy to create a unique design. The baby spends a lot of time in his room; his mood and psychological comfort depend on the design of this space. Properly selected thematic wallpaper develops imagination and spatial thinking.

Wallpaper with specific images gives the child an initial understanding of the world around him

For infants, options are selected in gentle, calm shades, for preschoolers - brighter ones, and it is advisable to purchase photo wallpapers for teenage children along with them.

When purchasing wallpaper, you should know that the canvas, as well as the glue for it, must be made from materials that are safe for health.

It is not advisable to overcrowd a wall with photo wallpaper with pieces of furniture.

Matte or glossy surface

Gloss is not suitable for a very bright room located in the south. Due to this, the drawing will blur and merge with the wall. The way out of this situation is to purchase matte materials. There are excellent products with a special composition, which allows them to be used perfectly. For example, vinyl flooring.

Photo wallpapers should be produced only from trusted manufacturers from pure hypoallergenic, natural materials. These parameters can be read before purchasing the product using special instructions.

Design options for photo wallpaper depending on the gender of the child

Modern photo wallpapers are a great way to zone a room without erecting partitions or moving furniture. When several children live in a room, including children of different sexes, it is advisable for each to have their own corner - in this case, you need to select several different, but compatible pictures.

When choosing photo wallpaper, it is important to take into account the interests and hobbies of the child.

For girl

The most suitable photo wallpapers for girls in their bedroom are made in soft, pastel colors. It doesn’t have to be pink or white, used in the Barbie room; “sea” pictures depicting the little mermaid and fantastic fish from the cartoon, pale yellow with Winnie the Pooh or purple-beige with ancient castles are suitable.

Photo wallpaper with fairies in a preschool girl's room

More romantic motifs are suitable for a teenage girl

For boy

The best photo wallpaper for a teenage boy’s room is one that matches his interests and hobbies. Hot air balloons and airships are popular; for younger children, stories about super cars and transformers, and pirate ships are suitable. as well as little animals. The most commonly used tones are blue, green, gray, purple. The colors are not too dark, this is especially important when the room is cramped.

For the smallest boys, wallpaper with smooth, elegant lines depicting animals or plants will suit them.

A school-age boy is already able to independently choose a theme for decorating a wall in his room

Room decor

When the product has already been selected, you can begin installing it indoors; they should be placed very carefully, in open places, not hidden behind furniture. It is advisable to choose a specific image for a specific area, correctly defining the image and style. For example, where there is a place to sleep, you can place a product with a pattern of the sky, sunset or sunrise, many planets, stars. In the play area - favorite characters, cartoon characters. Educational - interesting world maps, globes, paintings. Girls will love any room option.

Many photographs of interiors using photo wallpaper can be found on the Internet, or thanks to literary sources. They will suggest an interesting solution and direct your imagination in the right direction. And the recommendations provided will help you make the right decision.

Having learned about the thoughts and dreams of your baby, you can create for her a room with a real magical world, in which she will feel calm and comfortable, and most importantly, protected. Do not ignore photo wallpapers, because they are exactly the element that will help you realize your ideas in decorating a room for your daughter.


Design ideas, drawings for photo wallpapers

Wallpaper and photo wallpaper for any children's room should not be replete with cold, dark colors - this is especially true for babies, who can be frightened by such tones. It is recommended to give preference to warm, light colors, rich tones that create a cozy atmosphere and set a positive mood.

The plot on the photo wallpaper can serve as inspiration for the overall design of the room and the choice of children's furniture

3D Wallpaper

3D photo wallpapers look three-dimensional, and all the objects and characters on them look literally ready to come off the wall. These are flowers and castles, imitations of open windows with fantastic landscapes behind them, and three-dimensional animals.

3D wallpaper with perspective can visually expand the space of a small room

Nature Wallpaper

Natural motifs are an idea suitable for almost any interior style. These are trees with birds sitting on them, an autumn red-yellow-green forest, a river bank and a winding path running into the distance, to a forest hut on a hill.

Girls love flowers and choose them depending on their age: little ones like fairy-tale drawings, and older girls like delicate watercolors with lilies or orchids


Stories from fairy tales are the most popular children's themes. These are “Alice in Wonderland” and “Pinocchio”, panels with Moomins and the Snow Queen, dragons and hobbits. Russian fairy tales for the little ones, cartoon stories with Smeshariki, Spider-Man, rescue puppies, etc. are also popular.

Fairy-tale landscapes stimulate the child’s imagination and immerse him in a creative atmosphere

With animals

The “animal” theme is suitable for both kids and schoolchildren and teenagers. The little ones will love the canvases depicting cute kittens, puppies, hares, hamsters, etc. Those who are older will love the animals of the forests (foxes, raccoons) and savannahs (lions, tigers, elephants), as well as the Arctic and Antarctica (penguins, polar bears , seals). Birds, fish, dinosaurs are also very popular.

Older children often choose spectacular, realistic images of animals


“Teaching” pictures are a great idea not only to decorate a child’s room, but also to do it usefully. Canvases with letters and numbers are suitable for kids; older ones are encouraged to place all sorts of useful formulas and multiplication tables among the bright pictures. Maps of the world, the starry sky, and a three-dimensional image of the solar system will also be useful.

Wall maps are suitable for fans of travel and adventure. The options can be very different - an antique map, a political or physical map of the world or your country

Using contrasting photo wallpaper you can highlight the accent wall of a child's room.

Selection rules

It is important to know that the child is constantly growing and developing, and therefore, frequent changes of photo wallpaper should become commonplace. Drawings should be changed approximately every three to four years.

Color selection based on photos of ready-made solutions:

  • the main rule is combination with the general appearance of the room. You can’t highlight such wallpaper too much or merge it with the image. Everything should be as harmonious as possible. No oversaturation, bright, caustic contrasts;
  • color affects the state of the body, so knowledge in this area can be useful. It is advisable to decorate the corner in calm tones so as not to overstimulate the body;
  • it is required to maintain specific proportions, take into account the dependence of the area on the number of bright solar tones;
  • It is not recommended to violate the general style unless it is a major renovation. Photos of new, interesting interiors are widely presented on the Internet and in book sources. It is better not to disturb the image of the entire territory of the apartment;
  • If parents purchased a product that does not match the surrounding furniture, then adding color accessories (lamps, paintings, figurines) will be an excellent option.

It is necessary to exclude too bright colors (pink, light green, orange), add contrasting shades. Photo wallpaper should add a certain mood to the design, not in any way unambiguous.

Choosing wallpaper to suit the style of the room

Photo wallpaper for the nursery is selected to match the existing interior design. Usually the product decorates only one, completely empty wall. It is also permissible to use two different canvases on different walls, but they should fit well with each other, without merging, without creating unnecessary unsightly variegation. They are usually separated by a single-color coating of a neutral color.

When choosing photo wallpaper, it is better to give preference to light pastel colors, contrasting with the rest of the decoration, but not too bright


The best wallpapers of this style are often decorated with many different images at the same time. They are bright, memorable, not boring. Suitable options include voluminous flowers (roses, orchids, peonies, tulips), abstractions of geometric shapes, and an antique world map.

Bright wallpaper with large petals of roses or peonies is a suitable solution for a girl’s room


Here the sea is raging on one wall, and near the other there is a sailboat bed. The ship on the wallpaper is a steamship, a pirate ship or a small boat. There is always an endless sea, and in the background there is a sunset, an island with palm trees, a mysterious city on the horizon.

Young sailors will appreciate the sailboat, seascapes and underwater world


Eco-style wallpaper is reminiscent of nature in all its manifestations. These are reeds up to the sky or endless fields, large-format images of grass with insects sitting on it (butterflies, beetles, ladybugs), pictures like “bears in the forest,” streams with fish and dragonflies. Photo wallpaper for a nursery with a large tree, driftwood, stumps, and mossy huts will also fit the theme.

Wallpaper with images of nature will create a positive atmosphere in the children's room.


The style of the French village is associated with floral motifs - these are purple lavender fields, trees blooming in white and pink, ancient narrow streets paved with stone and buried in flowers, landscapes with mills and rural life, as well as cockerels and sunflowers.

Cozy little girl's room with photo wallpaper in the spirit of a French village


These are palm trees and sand, silhouettes of elephants and giraffes, antelopes and rhinoceroses, tigers and zebras. This also includes red-orange sunsets with spreading trees in their background, stylized figures of Africans in colorful outfits, geometric abstractions with palm trees.

Images of animals are appropriate in the room for children of all genders and ages.

Design solution

If your daughter has grown up, then you can apply the following style solutions in the photo images on the wallpaper, highlighted in the following table.

Fashion & StyleCurrent fashion trends will completely revitalize and stylize the nursery beyond what it looks like.
NatureNot like children's pictures, but like real, beautiful, bottomless, deep nature. Various landscapes, plants, sky, space.
CelebritiesFamous film actresses, actors, famous musical groups, soloists.
Sports and physical educationPhotos of sports celebrities will decorate any wallpaper, give you confidence and more strength.
CreationIf a girl is interested in painting, then famous paintings are the best option for developing her creative abilities.

All these proposals are no longer chosen by the parents, this is a decision only for the daughter, who has grown from infancy and can decide for herself which photo wallpaper will be appropriate in her room.

Photos of children's room design with photo wallpaper

Modern photo wallpaper on the wall for a child’s room is a great decor idea. Volumetric flowers that seem to be growing right in the room, fantastic castles with paths leading to them, funny fairy-tale characters, and various cars will delight the baby and decorate the room.

Your child will appreciate photo wallpapers with themes from their favorite games or cartoons.

Stylish photo wallpaper in the room of a modern teenage girl

Rebellious character expressed on the wallpaper in the children's room

Children's bedroom

If a separate room is allocated for the baby, parents try to make it cozy. Yes, wallpapers with cheerful colors and fairy-tale illustrations look good. But keep in mind that at this age children do not care about the colors of the walls and ceiling. All that makes them happy is the presence of their parents.

According to experts, it is better to choose pastel colors. When the child grows up, it will be easier to change the design. In addition, such a range will have a calming effect on adults, and the baby will feel it. Over time, children will become attracted to toys. Interest in the design will arise much later. A possible wallpaper design for a children's bedroom is shown in the photo.

Photo gallery

For small and large

How to choose photo wallpaper for a children's room so that it suits children of different ages? This question often arises in families where there are children with an age difference of more than 5 years. Of course, in this case, you should rather focus on the eldest or middle child. Children's photo wallpapers with nature can be called quite universal in terms of age. Drawings with beautiful landscapes, cute animals and birds look solid enough for teenagers, but at the same time fun enough for kids.

Neutral photo wallpaper in a teenager's bedroom

As an option, you can use such wallpaper to zone the room.

For example, stylish photo wallpapers of cars on the side intended for a twelve-year-old teenager and bright 3D photo wallpapers with a cartoon theme for his five-year-old brother. Or a romantic landscape for a thirteen-year-old girl and a company of fairy fairies for her little sister.

A few recommendations

  • Up to 3 years. We can recommend clean, but not harsh colors, preferably warm tones and calm image subjects. Parents usually don’t even have time to look back when their baby begins to become interested in the surrounding environment. Let her be as friendly as possible!
  • From 3 to 6 years. The child no longer masters the room, he actively uses it. He perfectly understands what is painted on the walls (and is sometimes ready to add to the images). It's time to move on to pictures that are familiar and understandable to him and inspire confidence. Photo wallpaper designs should be cheerful and moderately bright, and images of princesses or bears should not be too large. It's better not much bigger than the child himself.
  • From 6 to 9 years. The child’s energy becomes especially applied, his imagination becomes especially rich. It’s better to get by with a small pattern in bright but natural colors. Please note: bears and elephants may already seem “too baby” to a child, but princesses, fairies and superheroes come into their own.
  • Over 9-10 years old. The child is almost a teenager! The time has come to listen to his opinion. He has acquired very specific tastes, but they can still be delicately adjusted.

What type of wallpaper is best to choose for a girl's nursery?

Today, on the shelves of construction stores there is a huge selection of materials that combine several qualities; for children, the most important is environmental friendliness. Another important factor is appearance and ability to maintain. First, look at how to decorate a nursery for a girl.

Paper wallpaper

Not a bad choice for a child's room. They are environmentally friendly, breathable and absolutely safe for children. Paper wallpapers are available in a wide variety of colors, so it will be easy to choose a design for a girl. However, the paper coating cannot be washed off from pencils and markers, and they have a short service life. But given their low cost and the constantly changing hobbies of children, it will be possible to easily update the interior after a while.


A more durable type of coating consisting of non-woven fabric

The wallpaper “breathes” and will withstand mechanical damage and wet cleaning, which is important for a child’s room. Manufactured in two variations: completely non-woven and only with a non-woven base

The first type has a textured top layer and is often used for painting; the second type has a top coat that can be made of different materials, maintaining a solid base.

The photo shows the original non-woven wallpaper in the children's room.

Vinyl wallpapers

They are distinguished by great variety; they are manufactured using different technologies with different final results. This type of coating is convenient for children's rooms for several reasons: they can be washed, some coatings can withstand brushing, the wallpaper has high strength, long service life, good soundproofing qualities and their design will not fade in the sun. However, the main disadvantage for a children's room is that some types of vinyl coverings do not allow air to pass through, and low-quality products can even emit harmful substances. It is worth taking a responsible approach to the choice of material.

Liquid wallpaper

This is a safe and non-allergenic option for children. The peculiarity of the composition allows finishing without seams, with an even canvas. And with a little imagination, you can depict a multi-colored pattern or design on the wall. The good thing about the coating is that, if necessary, it can be replaced only in the damaged area. However, liquid wallpaper still cannot boast the variety that other types offer.


Eco-friendly coating with beautiful appearance. The coating allows air to pass through well and improves sound insulation in the room. The disadvantages include their need for frequent cleaning; textile wallpapers attract dust well; it will be difficult to get rid of “drawings” on the walls.

Photo wallpaper

A universal finishing method that is suitable for girls and boys. Colorful images help development and excite the child’s imagination. The drawing can reflect the girl’s hobbies and character. It is applied to a paper base, so the walls will “breathe” and delight you with their appearance. For children's rooms, it is better to use laminated photo wallpaper; the protective layer allows you to easily get rid of traces of “creativity” on the wall.


First of all, it is a completely natural, eco-friendly finishing material, which is created from natural raw materials. Bamboo or cork wallpaper will “protect” from extraneous noise and make the children’s room more interesting. Natural wallpaper will be a good idea for a themed design.

Wallpaper for drawing

One of the best solutions for decorating a children's room. Wallpaper for drawing can be of several types: chalk, coloring or for marker. Chalk wallpaper is a self-adhesive film that resembles a blackboard; you can draw on it with crayons, and the drawing can be erased with a damp cloth.

The coloring canvas has a black outline pattern on it that needs to be colored. There are cloths on sale that can be cleaned.

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