Cabinets for toys in a children's room: 90 bright and practical solutions for your baby

House-shaped toy cabinet

A toy cabinet in a children's room is not a child's whim, but a real necessity. Every parent who has a baby understands this. But choosing children's furniture is more difficult than choosing adult furniture, because practicality is not as important for a baby as the criterion of design and bright colors. Therefore, before going to the store, you need to carefully understand what exactly the baby needs.

Toy baskets are a stylish piece of furniture

In the closet of the children's room you can store books, toys and things for creativity.

Toy storage racks are perfect for a baby's room

Important criteria

When choosing a cabinet for a child's room, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the materials. They must be environmentally friendly and not emit toxic substances.

Practicality is not so important for a child; this is most likely the criterion of parents, because it is not for nothing that there is a joke that mothers put everything in the closet. And the child has to throw everything in its place. If a child is interested in putting toys in a closet, he will do it, but if it is a dull, adult-looking closet, then it is unlikely to attract the baby.

A multi-colored cabinet with many shelves is an excellent option for storing toys that will satisfy both the child and the parents.

The color of the furniture also matters, especially when decorating a girl's room. It is also worth choosing cabinets that can be used for more than one or two years. And it’s even better if it is modular or has the possibility of transformation.

Please note: more expensive is not always better, and a high price does not at all guarantee excellent quality. It is quite possible to find the optimal price-quality ratio.

You should not choose cabinet models with metal or glass elements, because they are quite dangerous and cold to the touch.

A basket for collecting textile toys is a safe and practical option

Ways to zone space in a nursery using shelving

Decorating a spacious apartment
The need for zoning arises in two opposite situations: if the room is small and the child lives in the same room with his parents, or vice versa, you need to create coziness and comfort in a spacious room.

A children's toy cabinet or an open shelving unit are the best helpers for proper zoning of premises.

To zone a room with one window, it is better to use open furniture

If there are two children in a family who are forced to live in one room, then the ideal option is to partition the nursery with a double-sided shelving unit - in the end, everyone will have their own shelves for toys. Such furniture can be inexpensively made with your own hands or ordered from specialists.

It is best for the furniture delimiting the space to be as high as possible. This will help create a feeling of coziness in each area. If the height is not enough, you need to block the upper space with flowers or toys.

When placing fresh flowers on top of furniture, you should think in advance about how to water them. It is not always convenient to constantly jump up to the ceiling with a watering can in your hands; besides, if water overflows from the pot, it can ruin the contents of the rack.

What should you store?

Only those who don’t have children think that all toys are a homogeneous mass. Everything a child plays with can be divided into groups according to which their storage can be organized.


  • Books. They are conveniently stored on hanging shelves or on the top shelf of a closet. A good solution for a sling shelf.

Open shelves in a children's interior are suitable for storing books, decor, and even children's ballet shoes.

  • Stuffed Toys. These are far from dust collectors. They are convenient to store in large boxes, preferably transparent.

In the chest of drawers you can store not only toys, but also necessary things for the child

  • Materials for creativity. All sorts of paints, markers, pencils, albums, etc. They need a separate place in the closet, ideally medium-sized drawers or open shelves so that the child has access to them.

Cabinets with many drawers are a great option for a creative corner in a children's room

  • Constructors, puzzles. For them, you can use wicker baskets and containers, or drawers. It is advisable to sort the puzzles into boxes.
  • Bath toys. It is better to keep them not with all the toys, but in the bathroom in a special net or basin.

Choice according to the child's age

Pull-out shelves - additional space for games
Depending on the age of the baby, the children's corner for toys should be organized differently:

  • For children under 2 years of age, toys are usually given to them by their parents; they can all be put in one box or basket. The most beautiful specimens can be arranged to suit your taste on the shelves in the nursery.
  • From about the age of two, there are a lot of toys, the child develops his own tastes and priorities. At this time, you should equip the room with racks, drawers and shelves for storing them, having previously discussed with the heir what arrangement of furniture would be convenient for him.
  • Starting from the age of five, the number of things and interests of a child increases; to store them, it is already necessary to sort them by type of toys or their belonging to any activity.

While the baby cannot read yet, you can use multi-colored storage containers, this will make it easier for the child to remember.

For example, the yellow box contains robots, and the green box contains cars. The advantage of this approach is that it helps to remember the names of colors and develops analytical thinking.

Storage features for boys and girls

The choice of a cabinet for storing toys in a children's room depends on the gender of the child, because even the toys that will be stored are different. For girls it’s dolls and all sorts of girly little things, for boys it’s cars and all sorts of equipment. There are constructors and educational toys for both, books and puzzles.

Cabinets for storing things in a girl's children's room

For boys, the closet should be as functional and practical as possible. Such a cabinet can be used as storage for construction toys, cars, and other important boy things. In this case, it is worth considering the option of a rack with many levels; the closet should have many shelves and compartments, and open ones.

There should be tenderness in a girls' room, and it simply must be confirmed in the furniture. The cabinet should be made in light colors; decorative furniture handles and relief elements will look great.

Please note: the more openwork there is in children's furniture for girls, the more your little princess will like it.

The furniture in a girl’s children’s room looks fabulous and toy-like


The modern furniture industry offers several types of storage systems that can be installed in a child’s room. By type of construction there are:

  • cabinet products - they have a supporting frame on which shelves, drawers, and rods are fixed. Classic cabinet products are equipped with hinged doors, while modern sliding wardrobes are produced with sliding doors. Cabinet models can be installed along the wall, in the corner of the room. The advantage of such products is their mobility; they are easy to move or carry when moving;
  • Built-in products have no side or back walls. The shelves are fixed directly to the wall. Toys, as a rule, are light in weight, so such compact cabinets can be created in plasterboard niches. For heavy toys and sports equipment, structures are mounted only on concrete walls. They are highly reliable. The disadvantages of such models include the inability to change their location and their production only to order.


Based on the method of designing the shelves there are:

  • open models have a back wall, unlike shelving. They allow all items to be visible. It will be easier for your baby to find and put any item in its place. The disadvantage of such models is the need to use drawers and boxes for small items that may fall from the shelves. In addition, dust will accumulate on shelves and toys, which is difficult to clean;
  • open narrow pencil cases with facades made of pipes. Such products are suitable for storing soft toys. Structurally, the shelves resemble cages that secure plush animals, but allow you to quickly get the toy;
  • closed models have hinged or sliding doors. Their cost is higher than that of open products. However, behind the doors, toys gather less dust. In addition to shelves, these cabinets have drawers.


According to the installation location, models are divided into:

  • free-standing products that are placed in any part of the room;
  • corner ones, which are designed for storing things in unoccupied corners of the room;
  • toy cabinets that are part of the loft bed;
  • built-in products.

A separate category includes modular systems, which include both free-standing and corner models of cabinets, with closed and open sections. Modules can be combined, rearranged, and added as needed. Having a large selection of cabinets allows you to choose the best option for a particular room.


Before choosing one or another toy cabinet for the children's room (see photo), you need to consider what material it is made of. There are these options:

  • Chipboard. Such cabinets are cheap, but if you have the budget, it’s still better to take a closer look at another option. The key disadvantage of such cabinets is the presence of formaldehyde in the composition. In modern chipboards their number is reduced to a minimum, but still without them it will not be possible to keep a chipboard in a compartment.

Please note: if there is no opportunity to buy a more expensive cabinet, then you should carefully consider the chipboard category. You need one that is allowed to be used indoors; such cabinets have a reduced level of formaldehyde.

  • MDF. A good alternative to chipboard. However, the price is only slightly higher. This material allows you to make furniture, including cabinets, of fancy shapes, since this version of the board is easy to process and can be easily colored.

White MDF cabinet in a nursery interior

  • Tree. An excellent solution for a closet, but also the most expensive. Environmental friendliness, durability and quality of workmanship. You can save a little here too by choosing a cabinet made of inexpensive wood.
  • Plastic. There are cabinets made of plastic, but not very many. They are lightweight, which means that a child can easily turn them over, which is not very good, but at the same time he can rearrange his room himself. An important criterion is the quality of the plastic - this is where the rule applies - the more expensive, the better.
  • Rattan, wicker, bamboo. Cabinets are not made from these materials, but some models have wicker drawers, for example, in open shelving. This is both a cabinet and a rack. Such furniture can be used for quite a long time.

Wicker boxes in open shelving

Please note: pine and birch do not like moisture and temperature changes; over time, cracks may appear on such a cabinet.

Options for finishing external facades

Colored cabinet models use laminated chipboard, MDF, and plastic facades. They are easy to clean, scratch-resistant, and available in almost any shade. Creative children will be delighted by new technologies for using black magnetic film in the design of facades. On their surface he will be able to draw, fix his drawings, frescoes and other pictures with magnets. This piece of furniture will replace a drawing board and prevent drawing on the walls and floor.

In stylized rooms, you can use models with facades decorated with photo printing, stickers, stickers, and laser engraving. Favorite characters depicted on the cabinets will improve your child’s mood and make cleaning a fun activity. The advantage of stickers is the ability to change them at the request of the child.

In a teenager's room it is possible to use mirrored facades and glass inserts. Girls love to look at themselves in the mirror, but such furniture is unsafe. In the production of children's lockers, a minimum of fittings are used on the facades. Handles and hooks are replaced with curly slots. When choosing accessories, give preference to round objects.

Important criteria for a toy storage facility

The place of refuge for toys must meet the following criteria:

  1. Separation into containers and boxes. It is not difficult to restore order in such a system, neither for you nor for the child. Cleaning can be done quickly.
  2. Cabinet height. Those things that the child uses constantly need to be within the child’s field of view and access. The cabinet should not be very high, then you will not need to give the child what he needs over and over again.
  3. Furniture safety. Almost all furniture is quite heavy, so it needs to be fixed to the wall. This will prevent the child from knocking the cabinet over on himself.
  4. Easy to use. All containers and surfaces must be washed thoroughly, because this will definitely be needed during operation.

Please note: you need to choose any furniture together with your child; if he is still small, then be guided by his preferences, and not your own.

A combination of several types of cabinets in the nursery: open shelves, chest of drawers, hanging cabinets in the shape of houses

Photo of children's toy cabinets in the interior



A closet for toys will teach your child to put them back in their place and maintain order in their possessions. Perhaps later he will come up with his own system, but at first, parents should help in organizing it. It is important that this piece of furniture matches the age and inclinations of the little person, and that its appearance brings him joy. Then the baby will be happy to put all the items back in their place without long reminders.


The design and the presence of certain elements largely depend on the gender of the child. For a girl, a wardrobe that reaches the ceiling would be a good option. Please note that the facade should be smooth, this will make it easier to remove stickers from it, which will definitely be stuck on by a child.

Wardrobe in the shape of a castle for a girl's room

A mirror is a must have in a girl’s room. But what if the baby is still very tiny, the mirror creates a danger for her. If you choose a wardrobe, it is worth making one of its facades full-length mirror, then another headache in adolescence will be avoided. The color palette is pink, lilac, beige shades.

Please note: you should not decorate the room with pink wallpaper, the baby will outgrow it quite quickly, it is better to make a universal decoration.

When choosing the design of a children's closet for clothes and toys, a boy needs to take into account his preferences and the general style of the room. If the boy is under 3 years old, then the closet should be safe, bright, and interesting for the child.

Growing up (3-5 years old), the boy begins to show individuality, curiosity, and mobility. At this age, a cabinet with a stylized facade, for example, with a geographical map, is suitable.

The wigwam is perfect for an inquisitive little sneaky boy

At the age of 7 years and older, it is necessary to provide clear zoning in the room, including a separate work area. The ideal solution would be a built-in or corner cabinet, these help save space.


The shape and size of all pieces of furniture must be chosen based on the dimensions of the room and the amount of free space. If the children's room is spacious, then you can install several toy storage systems or choose a modular option. In small rooms, you should limit yourself to small built-in, corner models. If the child’s height allows, then narrow, tall models are chosen. For children, low, wide cabinets are preferable.

Traditionally, cabinets are shaped like a rectangle or square. But children's toy storage cabinets come in fancy shapes. For boys, models are offered that imitate car bodies, ships or chests. Models for girls are made in the form of houses, castles with open shelves. Examples of unusual products can be seen in the photo.

For safe use, you should prefer stable products with rounded corners and a minimum number of protruding parts.

The color palette of children's furniture consists of light shades of wood combined with pink, light green, blue, and yellow. The choice of colors should be made by the child independently.

Various storage systems

You shouldn’t limit yourself to just cabinets. You can use the following toy storage systems.

An interesting option for a wall shelf in the shape of a panda


An open shelving unit and large drawers for it are perfect for a child's room. They can be plastic or wicker. The most important thing is that they can be easily pulled out and pushed in.

On open shelves it is convenient to place cars for boys and dishes for girls. This way everything will be in sight, which means the baby will be able to get to everything he needs. A whimsical form of shelving and stylization of your favorite cartoons is welcome.

Open wooden shelving - universal furniture for any children's room


And not simple, but playful. A garage-style cabinet for storing cars, for example, will definitely appeal to your child. Just like the doll's house. Moreover, this cabinet is not only a storage system, but also a toy - 2 in 1.

Hanging cabinet in the shape of a month in a children's room

Game tables

Often, manufacturers of children's furniture provide the possibility of multifunctionality, which means that such a table will have drawers, containers, and storage modules.

Please note: if such a table has wheels, it will be an excellent opportunity to provide personal space at your discretion.

Gaming table with shelves and drawers

Game containers

They can be stylized as “grown-up” things, for example, a stroller container, a chest container or a kitchen furniture container.

Wicker play containers will fit perfectly into an eco-friendly children's room

Drawers in furniture

For example, under the bed. Most cribs have drawers. Children simply love to put their toys in such secret places; bedding can be moved to another place.

Boxes for sorting children's things with signatures on open shelves


This is one of the most convenient places to store children's toys. You can store board games and creativity kits in it. When choosing this furniture, you should take a closer look at how easily the drawers can be pulled out, and they should be small enough to suit the child’s height. The more compartments in the chest of drawers, the better.

Chest of drawers in a children's room in white and pink tones

The benefits of creating a toy shelf with your own hands

Rack in the shape of a boat for young captains
Children's shelves for toys, created by the hands of parents, compare favorably with store-bought ones:

  • they fully correspond to the ideas and ideas about the convenience of their little owner;
  • a homemade shelving unit for a nursery will fit well into the interior of the room;
  • Parents can be sure that the furniture is assembled exclusively from materials that are safe for health.
  • the child will be proud that his dad can create beautiful things himself;
  • Helping parents in the process of creating shelves and racks will teach the child independence and creative thinking;
  • Furniture made by yourself is cheaper than purchased furniture.

You can invite your child to paint or decorate finished furniture themselves. Even if in the eyes of adults it will not be very beautiful or neat, for a child such a cabinet or rack will become an important element of his little world.

Book storage

Children always have a lot of books, as well as toys, so it’s worth providing a separate closet for storing books in the children’s room. Let it be small, but it will be easier for the child to figure out what to store where.

A bookcase, like all furniture in a nursery, should be selected in accordance with its age. There are several good options:

  • Hanging shelf. Moreover, it can be quite “adult” in size, just hang it not at the usual height, but ten centimeters above the floor. As the child gets older, you can raise the shelf higher.

Hanging shelf for books in a children's room

  • Wardrobe with one door, lockable. It should have 5-6 shelves of standard height. Toys can be stored on the bottom ones, and the child should have unlimited access to them; books can be placed on top.
  • Corner shelf. It helps to rationally use all the space in the house.
  • Combined cabinets. They can combine open shelves and doors, drawers and stationary shelves, and other options that will be convenient for the child.

Combined shelves for storing books and toys


A children's wardrobe for clothes and toys will save precious space in the room. By combining 2 in 1, you can, in one fell swoop, teach your child order. Features of choice:

  • Many shelves are the key to order. Due to his age, the child cannot yet neatly arrange things on large, standard-sized shelves. The best solution, of course, would be for each group of things to have its own shelf or compartment.

Practical design - shelves and drawers

  • Practical design - the shelves can be pulled out easily. The doors are easy to open even if you are short, and the drawers are small and therefore not heavy. For adults these are small things, but for a small person they can become an obstacle to using the closet.
  • Choose a cabinet with an attractive design - bright. If your child is of preschool age, you can choose a model stylized as your favorite cartoon.

Bright multi-colored cabinet in the shape of a castle

  • Consider modular furniture. Moreover, you can install all the modules as the child grows up.

How to combine with the interior

For the interior design of a children's room, choose light shades. Furniture should match the color of the walls and flooring:

  • when choosing a monodesign, the color of the furniture should be in the same range as the walls and floor. You can use lighter or darker shades. Color accents are added by drawings or stickers on the fronts of the toy cabinet. This product is optimal for small rooms, where the effect of a large space is achieved due to monochrome. Monochrome rooms are suitable for calm children;
  • furniture can be made in contrasting bright colors. In this case, it will be the accent of the children's interior. Bright pieces of furniture will appeal to energetic and active kids. As a rule, the entire room is not decorated brightly, so as not to overload the child’s psyche, but colored furniture is used.

You can install large storage systems in a teenager’s room; he will already have a lot of things accumulated. To prevent the furniture from looking massive, choose light shades.

A girl’s nursery should have a gentle and airy atmosphere. Floral, original elements are used in the decor; furniture with decorative handles and carved doors is preferable. Examples can be seen in the photo.

Volumetric toys: for each there is a place

There will be no problems with large soft toys. They can be placed on the mezzanine or closet, but a bicycle, scooter or street car will have to look for a place on the loggia or in the corridor. Since these toys are quite bulky, the rule of regularly returning them to the designated corner must strictly apply. If the apartment is too small, then the two-wheeled bicycle, along with the scooter, can be stored directly on the wall, hanging from the frame on special hooks. The child, of course, won’t be able to take them on his own, but there’s nothing you can do about it; you’ll have to help him take them off, as well as hang them up.

Let's return to soft toys. Take a closer look at them, maybe something can replace a pouffe in front of a chair or become a pillow? Or maybe what animal is rich in pockets? Then you can hide various little things in them. Sometimes adults choose places to store children's toys with double benefits. For example, in one family they placed a huge tiger on a closet. His hanging tail became a buffer, softening the blow against the wall of the interior door.

hundred with a niche

You've probably seen funny, bright bags in the shape of ducklings, frogs and little mice in stores. They are very convenient for collecting jump ropes, balls, and rackets. It is better not to put small toys in them, because the baby will quickly spill all their contents on the floor.

You can put small soft toys in such bags. Moreover, compact them tightly enough. Don't worry, nothing will happen to them. They will not wrinkle or lose their shape.

All crocodiles, raccoons, and elephants can, in turn, be sent to an improvised cage. For this, some transparent box equipped with twigs will do. This way, everything remains in sight, nothing falls off the hooks, and cleaning is greatly simplified.

For soldiers, mosaics and other small things, you can use boxes, small buckets with lids, for example, for mayonnaise or ice cream. The main thing is that all the toys of the same type fit into the selected container. In this case, the containers can be adequately labeled, and the child will always know what exactly he needs to take, and not empty the contents of all the boxes and buckets.

cabinet with pull-out containers

There are several other good ideas on this matter.

– Small boxes or baskets mounted on the wall are suitable for light and compact toys. The main thing is not to mount them high so that the baby can dig into them himself.

– Place small toys, such as Kinder Surprises and Lego, in plastic containers.

– If the room has high shelves, then you can display your child’s books and crafts on them.

textile bedside pockets are very convenient to use

– Hammocks where they plan to store toys are hung directly on the wall. They send rubber toys, dolls, along with their outfits, and plastic dishes.

The bathroom should also have a place where it is convenient to store children’s toys . Such storage can be an ordinary basin, standing somewhere under the sink. You can allocate a whole shelf for this or just put all the ducks and fish in a bag and hide it in the nightstand.

– It would be a good idea to put toys that go outside into a bright handbag that is convenient to carry with you. Inside it the child will always find:

  • pasochki;
  • shoulder blades;
  • bucket;
  • watering can;
  • ball.

– If you are inclined towards needlework, make an organizer for your child. These homemade pockets are the perfect place for pencils, brushes, glue and erasers. It is better to place the organizer in the creativity zone. For the play corner, you will need to sew larger pockets to accommodate dolls, robots, and cars.

children's dressing room

– In private homes, a large bucket with a lid can be allocated for “street” items. Convenient and inexpensive from any point of view.


To make using a toy box convenient, you need to think about the correct filling. This will help teach your child to be organized. It is very important that there is enough space for everything you need (school supplies, toys, other items). To do this, you need to choose the right “filling” for the cabinet. There are several filling options:

  • open shelves are ideal for storing everything you need. They store books, toys, magazines and much more. This is not a very good option for allergy sufferers; dust always accumulates on open shelves;
  • baskets - some models have baskets installed. With their help, you can easily sort toys and other accessories and store them separately from each other. This filling is convenient to use, such a box is easy to take out and assembling toys in it will be quite simple;
  • Drawers are the most common filling for cabinets. It is not recommended to have a drawer for a children's room due to the sharp corners. A child may forget to close the box and accidentally injure himself.
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