The best finishing materials for the ceiling in the toilet

Of course, the toilet occupies a non-central, but still extremely important place in a living space. From a visit there, guests often begin to get acquainted with the house, get a general idea of ​​it, and also form their own opinion about its owner. The specific sanitary conditions in this room force the use of special approaches when carrying out repair and decorative work.

The ceiling can make the interior of the toilet more attractive and comfortable

Which ceiling is better to make in the toilet

The ceiling in the toilet, as well as in the bathroom, must meet a high level of various requirements, which is explained by the specific operational features of these rooms: high humidity, limited space, and the need to create good ventilation. In addition, the bathroom should be exceptionally comfortable and functional, and the ceiling in the bathroom should fit harmoniously into the overall picture, since due to the small size of the room, all the details in it are visually perceived as an inseparable whole.

A well-chosen ceiling finish is an indicator of the good taste of the home owners

It is necessary to pay attention to the little things; even minor finishing elements must correspond to the overall design style and style.

Based on the above factors and nuances, the home owner makes a decision about which ceiling is best for the bathroom and toilet, what materials to use for finishing work, how to choose the appropriate color and texture, and what modern design developments to use.

A well-chosen color scheme for the ceiling covering significantly transforms the interior of the room

Vinyl wallpaper for ceiling

Vinyl wallpaper is a good choice for finishing the flow in the toilet. This material is inexpensive. The special technology of their manufacture allows them to cope with the requirements inherent in bathrooms. Vinyl wallpaper is affordable. They have an outer synthetic film that is resistant to moisture. If necessary, they can be changed without any effort.

However, in order for the room to acquire an aesthetic appearance, you need to carefully prepare the main surface.

Another disadvantage is their fragility, as a result they require frequent replacement. In addition, if there are joints, then fungus may well appear.

Which ceiling color is best to choose?

The main influence on the selection of the color palette and tonality of the ceiling finishing materials is exerted by the following factors: the overall dimensions of the room, its height, the style of decorative wall decoration, and their color scheme. It also matters: a combined bathroom or a separate one.

When choosing the shade of the ceiling in the toilet, be guided by the height and spatial dimensions of the room

In a room with a low ceiling level, lighter and calmer colors should be used compared to the colors of the walls: white, milky, light blue, light green, pastel pink, and the like. This approach will help expand the visual perception of the bathroom, remove or smooth out the feeling of cramped and enclosed space. For the same purpose, you can use mirrored trim elements, silver or golden slats and trims.

A coating that is lighter than the walls will visually raise the ceiling

If the room is high, the opposite approach is used: the ceiling is painted in a darker range of colors compared to the walls. Colors used: dark blue, burgundy, deep purple, red.

A glossy or mirror ceiling contributes to a visual increase in space

Also, when choosing colors, it is necessary to take into account not only the ceiling level, but also its relationship with other overall dimensions of the toilet: width and length.

The ceiling surface with realistic photo printing will become a bright decoration of the toilet room.

Is it rational to use a black ceiling in the toilet? It is not recommended to use a black ceiling color in the toilet, since in combination with the functional purpose of the room, it will evoke depressive thoughts about the frailty of human existence.

The use of black color for the ceiling of the toilet can be justified only when it is required by the chosen style direction of the interior

General information about the toilet ceiling

The toilet room is clearly not intended for admiring the ceiling surface. If it comes into a person’s field of vision, it is only at the entrance. In the future, attention is turned to completely different materials. However, it does not follow from this that the design of the ceiling in this room should be neglected. When decorating any room, it is very important to achieve complete unity of style. The smaller the room, the more complete it should look. For this reason, any detail, even a small one, is of great importance.

The building materials market presents many options for decorating the ceiling in the toilet. When choosing the color, texture and design of the system, it is important to take reasonable precautions. The restroom should not resemble the Palace of Versailles, because its purpose is completely different. Given the small area of ​​the floor, you can finish it yourself, without the involvement of professionals.

Requirements for finishing materials for the toilet

Plumbing equipment is installed in the toilet, sewer and water pipes are installed, which can leak and require frequent repairs. Due to moisture condensation, fungal and mold formations may appear on the surface.

The ceiling covering in the toilet must have high performance characteristics, primarily resistance to moisture.

Finishing materials for the toilet should be selected taking into account the following principles:

  1. High resistance to moisture, good water-repellent properties.
  2. Exceptional antibactericidal properties, the ability to prevent the appearance of fungi and mold.
  3. Compliance with the overall style of the room, harmonious combination with the floor, walls and plumbing equipment.
  4. Ease and simplicity of cleaning the ceiling surface.
  5. Structural options for the ceiling in the toilet should provide for the possibility of access to water supply and sewerage communications for repair work.
  6. Ceiling structures should not block the air movement in the ventilation hood.

Structures made of MDF or plastic panels

An excellent option for a budget solution to the problem, with finishing the upper part of the toilet rooms. The cost of plastic panels is very low, and some types of MDF finishes very successfully copy wooden or stone surfaces.

MDF parts, of course, will be more expensive, but what they have in common with plastic ones is the installation method and the simplicity of this process.

Everything can be done in half a day, and there is no need to call a construction team or installers. A design made from such elements can be perfectly done independently, if only you had the tools at hand.

If we talk about plastic panels, they are ideally suited for toilet rooms - they are not afraid of moisture, they look quite beautiful, and the cost is very low.

MDF planks are no longer so practical - humidity can damage them, but there are types coated with protective compounds and films that resist water well.

To install the entire structure, one person will be enough who can handle a hammer drill and a screwdriver. Finishing will take no more than half a day.

The disadvantages are not the most serious - it is very difficult to obtain a continuous surface from such parts. There are types of resulting surfaces that are called “seamless”, but their cost is quite high.

Another peculiar disadvantage of all panel coverings is the geometricity and direction of the pattern along the location of the parts.

Types of ceilings for toilets

In the existing wide range of methods and materials, it is difficult to make a sufficiently informed and expedient decision regarding what type of ceiling is best to make in the toilet. Initially, you need to figure out what types of ceiling finishes exist and summarize their advantages and disadvantages. Photos of successful design solutions will help you finally decide on the choice of ceilings in the toilet.

The textured surface of the ceiling will give the toilet a special look

Cork panels

Cork is a natural, environmentally friendly material. To attach a cork panel to the ceiling, special non-toxic adhesives are used, which are applied to a pre-treated surface.

If desired, you can line not only the ceiling with cork, but also the walls and even the floor of the toilet


  • Good sound insulation properties.
  • Natural origin of the material. The modern trend involves the predominant use of wooden and cork structures.
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations and moisture.


  • High price.
  • Limited use: the product range contains panels only in dark colors, which precludes their use in rooms with low ceilings.
  • There is a possibility of slight deformation in low quality products.

Plastic panels

Plastic panels are widely popular when finishing and repairing ceilings in bathrooms and toilets. Their installation and installation does not cause any particular difficulties. The panels are attached to the ceiling using glue; no additional fasteners are used.

PVC panels can be glued to a flat ceiling, which is extremely rare. Therefore, slats are usually mounted on a sheathing made of slats or galvanized profiles


  • Cheapness.
  • Aesthetic appeal. PVC can well imitate natural surfaces: wood, marble.
  • Simplicity and high speed of installation.
  • Waterproof, resistant to mechanical stress.


  • If the products are of low quality, over time, the panels may turn yellow and change shape.
  • After installation, joints and seams remain on the surface, which can be evident to extremely attentive and scrupulous visitors to the toilet.
  • Plastic material is not completely fireproof. When ignited, plastic releases caustic, harmful and dangerous smoke.

Ceilings finished with vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper for the ceiling consists of a paper (non-woven) base and an elastic PVC film covering. Wallpaper can be painted, decorated with various designs, and printed with engraving and ornamental patterns.

Vinyl wallpaper can be used to decorate one of the planes of a two-level ceiling

Positive features:

  • Low cost.
  • Easy to maintain - dirt can be wiped off with a damp sponge.
  • Unlimited range of colors and textures. Possibility of their use in various, most daring and spectacular design ideas.

The main disadvantages of the material:

  • The service life does not exceed five years.
  • Odors are absorbed under vinyl wallpaper.

Based on these shortcomings, the use of vinyl wallpaper in bathrooms is not recommended.

Slatted ceilings in bathrooms

Slatted ceilings can be made from plastic, but mainly metal is used for production: aluminum or galvanized steel. They are easy to assemble and, if repair work is necessary, just as easy to disassemble.

Slats located lengthwise visually lengthen the room, and slats stretched across significantly expand it.


  • Practical to use. Long service life.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Possibility of choosing glossy or matte finish of products.
  • Fire safety. Electrical communications can be installed under the slatted ceiling.
  • They do not rot or rust.


  • Reduce the height of the room: from twenty to five centimeters.
  • Limited color palette.
  • Limited use given the need for a harmonious combination of the interior.

Moisture-resistant plasterboard ceiling

Installing a plasterboard ceiling in a toilet is one of the most common and beautiful finishing methods. Used in bathrooms with sufficient height. It is easy to install, environmentally friendly, does not deform when wet, is aesthetically attractive, hides surface imperfections and unevenness, and can withstand significant temperature changes. There are an incredible number of options for decorating a room using it.

Plasterboard construction allows you to quite inexpensively level the surface or make a multi-level ceiling

The only disadvantage of drywall is that the use of this material significantly reduces the height of the toilet.

In spacious bathrooms, the plasterboard system is often combined with tension fabric

Suspended ceiling systems

Installing a stretch ceiling in a bathroom provides a high level of sound insulation. This design allows you to install spot lighting. It is durable; strength; resistance to moisture, temperature, chemical influences and ease of maintenance.

The surface of the stretch ceiling can be matte, glossy, with a pattern or photo printing

Disadvantages: relatively high price of structures, difficulty in disassembling if urgent repair work is necessary, absorbs odors, and when used there is a risk of fire.


Before whitewashing, the surface must be carefully leveled and puttied. The application procedure is quite complicated and tedious. Advantages: ease of maintenance, affordability.

Whitewashing the ceiling is chosen by owners who want to inexpensively update the coating


Water-based acrylic, latex and silicone paints are used in the toilet. The cheapest option is acrylic. The most expensive are silicone.

Painting is carried out in a similar way to whitewashing, but the paint lasts much longer than lime mortar.

Wallpapering the toilet ceiling

This type of ceiling decoration is gradually becoming a thing of the past, since wallpaper has low resistance to moisture, absorbs unpleasant odors, and wears out quickly. The only plus is low cost and availability.

Wallpaper is usually used if you want to decorate the ceiling with some original ornament or design you like.

Finishing the toilet ceiling with clapboard

Wood – has excellent performance properties. The wooden ceiling is very attractive, practical and functional. The resistance of the lining to moisture is ensured by special impregnation.

Wooden structures look luxurious in combination with decorative lighting

Cassette ceiling

Cassette ceilings come in several types: metal, mirror, fiberglass and wood. Advantages: high suitability for repairs, ease of access to the ceiling space, attractive appearance.

The mirror surface visually increases the height of the ceiling due to the reflective effect

Stained glass ceiling

A stained glass ceiling visually enlarges the room and goes well with various design styles. The downside is the high cost of the material itself and its installation.

The cost of interior lighting will also be added to the price of stained glass, without which this design will lose its attractiveness


Perhaps the most common way to give a beautiful look to the upper part of the room. Its advantages are low cost, ease of construction and the ability to perform all installation operations yourself.

If you get tired of the appearance, you can repaint it, or, if desired, cover it with new wallpaper or polyurethane tiles. There are a lot of options for how you can decorate drywall. And almost all of them can be used.

Another positive quality that is inherent in all suspended structures is the ability to hide almost any defects in the interfloor slab.

Unfortunately, such structures also have a common disadvantage due to the fact that when constructing a suspended base, the height of the room inevitably decreases.

Which lighting should you choose?

If the room has small dimensions, the use of wall lamps is not recommended. It is preferable to choose a ceiling lighting option.

Ceiling lighting allows you to create a subdued and calm atmosphere in the toilet; depending on the intensity, you can visually expand or reduce the space

If the dimensions of the room allow, you can mount wall lamps.

Built-in spotlights fit organically into the interior of the toilet, the number of which should provide the required level of illumination

It is considered bad manners to install a single light bulb in the center of the room.

Whitewashing Guide

Whitewashing is considered a traditional ceiling option in a bathroom. Its undeniable advantages are the speed of application, external decorativeness, and the presence of a beautiful white color and texture. In the toilet it is better to use lime whitewash, which is not afraid of mold. In addition, the surface finished in this way can “breathe”. When there are leaks from above, wet spots appear on the ceiling, precisely indicating the location of the leaks. The entire finishing process takes no more than 15 minutes.

Operating procedure:

  1. Leveling the base. For this, putty is usually used. Considering the fact that the ceiling in the toilet usually consists of one continuous slab, there is no need to seal the tile joints. This significantly saves time and increases the overall aesthetics of the surface. For example, in larger rooms there can be differences of up to 4-5 cm between individual slabs on the ceiling. To level one slab, it is enough to go over it with putty a couple of times.
  2. A pair of spatulas (one narrow, the other wide) are used as leveling tools. You will also need a mixing bucket and a construction mixer.
  3. You need to prepare the mixture in such a way that there is enough for one layer. Before the second application, a pause is made for several hours: during this time, the remaining putty will most likely dry out. A narrow spatula acts as a spatula for scooping mortar onto a large tool. Next, using semicircular movements, the mixture is spread over the slab that has been previously cleaned of the old finish. Elimination of excess is carried out with movements in a perpendicular direction.
  4. Having applied the second layer of putty, pause for it to dry completely. It's best if it's a full day. After this, the dried surface is sanded with fine paint sandpaper.
  5. To apply the finished lime whitewash, you can use a wide brush or spray, avoiding skips. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

After drying, the whitewashed ceiling becomes bright white. No special care is required during operation of the premises. In case of flooding from above, the surface is cleaned and whitewashed. Most often, this type of finishing is used in public toilets.

Photo: options for finishing the ceiling in the toilet


Painting can be used to make restroom ceilings waterproof. This is done using paint specially designed for rooms with high humidity. We are talking about oil, latex, silicone, acrylic and some water-dispersion paints.

Thanks to a significant range of colors and shades of modern materials, it becomes possible to choose the most suitable option for combination with wall decoration. Before applying paint, the ceiling surface in the toilet undergoes the same leveling procedure as before whitewashing. A fabric roller is used to apply paint to the leveled floor.

The paint is applied in several passes (usually 2-3), with pauses for drying. This will create a rich, waterproof surface. Even in the event of moisture condensation, such a ceiling will not suffer any harm. The accumulated drops can simply be wiped off with a rag, or left until they dry on their own. The main thing is to equip the room with effective ventilation.

Tile layout options

The horizontal layout of rectangular tiles will make the toilet visually wider, and the vertical layout will make it taller. If you use contrasting grout, this visual effect will appear even stronger. The diagonal layout of square tiles looks beautiful, increasing the space. Contrasting horizontal or vertical stripes will become a decorative feature in a monochrome finish.

For bathrooms in a classic style, a two-level finish is used; the border between the lower and upper parts is formed by a border. It is possible to combine several layout options in one room.

The photo shows a toilet in a modern style; the interior uses mosaic panels, glossy ceramics and satin porcelain tiles.

In the photo on the right, the border line separates the brick-like tiles and emerald paint.

Lighting and decor

Many people think that the smaller the room, the fewer light sources are needed.
This is wrong. One single lamp will not be able to cover all corners of the room. A good option is mini spotlights, which can be built into the center of the ceiling or along an extended row. Also, an LED strip for a mirror or floor lighting can become an additional stylish spotlight. Then the room will look small and cozy, and not narrow and gloomy. Original and practical decorative elements for a small toilet can be unusual towel organizers, soap dishes, small lamps of non-standard shapes, mirrors and even plants that do not require too much light (cyperus, cactus, ficus).

What should not be used for finishing

Not every material meets the criteria, and therefore is not suitable for use in a damp room. In order not to negate all your efforts and spoil the repair, you should discard the following materials:

  • Whitewashing, plaster. Categorically not suitable for use in the bathroom: it reacts poorly to dampness, needs periodic updating (otherwise it becomes a haven for mold).

Plaster Source

  • Chipboards. They are sensitive to dampness, which is why they become deformed and lose their appearance. Some species have noticeable emissions (they release formaldehyde, which is toxic to humans).

With oriental notes Source

  • Paper wallpaper. Inevitably they begin to absorb moisture, swell and peel off. If you don’t want to give up wallpaper, choose the option with a non-woven base.

Panel finishing (siding) Source

  • Oil paints, enamels. The highest quality composition will not tolerate excess moisture; over time it will begin to fade, become cracked and crumble.

Ceiling of complex shape Source
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in interior redevelopment

Installation of a plastic ceiling

Plastic ceiling panels are characterized by quick installation, ease of maintenance, moisture resistance, and a wide range of colors. During installation, a frame is used that reduces the overall ceiling height by 30-4 mm. In fact, this type of finishing can be classified as suspended systems. As for the pipes, you can cut holes in the panels for them: this will allow you to install lamellas over the entire area of ​​the toilet. There is also an option to make a separate box for the pipes. The remaining part of the ceiling is decorated with panels, cutting them to size.

When choosing a color for a PVC ceiling in a toilet, you can focus on the wall decoration. There is also an option with mirror elements or chameleon panels, matte, glossy, embossed, embossed, 3 D, rough, etc. The design of the PVC panel consists of a pair of sheets, with stiffeners located between them. The strength of the material is not very high: the panels can be easily pierced or damaged. The degree of strength is affected by the number, quality and stiffness of the ribs.

Based on the type of finishing surface, PVC panels are divided into the following types:

  • Seamless. This type of finish has no cracks or gaps.
  • Embossed. The individual panels are separated by a seam, like lining.
  • With rustication. Here the seam is very similar to the joint between floor panels (small and neat).

Installing a ceiling in a toilet made of plastic panels is carried out in several stages:

  1. Before you make a ceiling from panels in the toilet, you need to build a frame. For this purpose, 30x30 mm bars are used, pre-treated with antiseptic impregnations. The distance between individual elements is 40-50 cm. To fix the planks to the ceiling, anchors 70 mm long are used.
  2. In the case of installing built-in lamps during the construction of the sheathing, it is necessary to lay the necessary wiring to the location of the lighting fixtures.
  3. The first to be fixed is a special starting and finishing profile. The distance between them is indicated by the length of the panel.
  4. To cut the lamellas to size, use a simple hacksaw for metal.
  5. The panel is immersed in the side profile and moves towards the starting profile. After this, it needs to be fixed using self-tapping screws or a construction stapler. Fastening materials are installed in the groove.
  6. The next element must be inserted into the side profile, moved towards the first panel, inserted into the groove and snapped into place. To fasten it, you need to screw the self-tapping screw into the groove of the panel so that it fits into the sheathing.
  7. All other finishing elements are installed in a similar manner. The last lamella, as a rule, has to be cut along the size of the remaining niche.

To make a hole for the lamp, a drill with a special attachment is used. First, the lamp is installed, and then the panel. The width of the plastic panels may vary. It is selected for wall decoration: it looks very nice when the width of the tiles on the walls coincides with the width of the ceiling panel.

Designer tips for choosing tiles for a toilet

When choosing finishing materials, designers take into account the area of ​​the toilet, the height of the ceilings, and the lighting scheme.

  • For a narrow toilet, rectangular tiles with a horizontal layout are suitable.
  • To visually raise the ceiling, it is better to use vertical tile laying.
  • A small toilet in a Khrushchev or Brezhnevka building will appear larger if the walls and floor are tiled in light colors. The diagonal orientation of the finishing elements also expands the space.
  • In a combined bathroom, you can zone hygienic areas with tiles in contrasting colors.
  • The design of the toilet should correspond to the overall design of the apartment or house.

In the photo on the left, the walls of the toilet are lined with white “hog” up to the middle, the second half is painted lilac.

PVC panels

To fix PVC tiles or panels to the ceiling, no additional fastening is required. This material is characterized by light weight, ease of installation, and low cost. A ceiling made of panels in a toilet will cost much less than suspended systems made of similar plastic panels. However, there is some danger of deformation and peeling of individual lamellas. If you use a low-quality ceiling made of PVC panels in the toilet, it may become unevenly yellowed.

The procedure for gluing the ceiling in a toilet made of plastic panels:

  • The cleaned ceiling must be impregnated with waterproof glue.
  • After waiting for the primer to dry, spread the glue onto the back surface of the tile or panel in thin strips or islands.
  • The smeared lamella is applied to the ceiling and pressed.
  • The second tile is laid adjacent to the first one so that there is no gap left. PVC tiles can be softened in close proximity to hot pipes.
  • Upon completion of gluing the slabs, the perimeter of the contour can be decorated with a ceiling plinth.

Types of structures

Classifications of building structures are distributed according to the shape of the ceiling covering. Types of structures:

  1. Single-level.
  2. Multi-level.
  3. Stepped. The levels are arranged in the form of steps. Their shape can have strict geometric or rounded shapes.


The ceiling has one level that completely covers the surface. The film follows all the corners and curves of the ceiling. Smooth canvases help create the appearance of precise, clear transitions. The look of the entire room is neat, bright and original. Single-level ones are suitable for three-dimensional drawings, plain materials, and photo printing. This design is simple to use. Installation is quick. The effect is no less beautiful than that of multi-level forms.

Tension systems

Stretch ceilings in the bathroom are rarely used. This is due to the need to separate the pipes with a partition and create difficulties in accessing communications. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the high cost of the tension fabric.

In cases where the decision to use a suspended ceiling in the bathroom is still made, it is better to use a harpoon-type PVC system, which will allow you to dismantle the system if necessary. However, each re-installation will require inviting specialists with a heat gun, which entails additional costs.

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