Hallway in the style of minimalism - a guide to design and style in 2022 with real photographs of projects

Today, a hallway in a minimalist style means a minimum of details in interior design and maximum comfort. The room should not lose its functions. It is still a buffer between the living space and the street. It should be comfortable here, change your shoes, take off your outerwear, and greet incoming guests. In this article we will talk about the general principles of organizing space, show what materials are best to use to decorate it, and what furniture to buy in order to support the chosen concept.

Minimum decor and maximum functionality Source yandex.net

Minimalism: Always for a small hallway

Of course, when there is little space, then there should be a minimum of things in the hallway. But even in a spacious corridor it is worth making such a design.

This will create the impression of spaciousness and sophistication, and will also demonstrate the good taste of the owners of the house, because the habit of not cluttering space is a sign of the intelligentsia.

General principles of space organization

You can achieve ideal minimalism in the hallway solely through experimental modeling of space using light, flat planes and a small number of urgently needed items. The main thing here is to properly think through, plan, organize the space, fill it with maximum light, so that the impression of self-luminous walls, floors, and individual objects is created. The light should not be aggressive, bright but not too bright, diffused, calm.

Advice! You can achieve the maximum possible space, its airiness, spaciousness, by completely freeing it from all “nooks and crannies”, partitions, niches, irregular angles, aligning all planes to the most correct geometric shape.

You can achieve ideal minimalism in the hallway solely through experimental modeling of space using light, flat planes and a small number of urgently needed items

Some designers believe that in a hallway designed according to the laws of minimalism, there should be nothing except a mirror and a built-in wardrobe. In some cases, this is quite justified, especially if the cabinet is decorated in such a way that it almost completely merges with the walls, creating the illusion of its absence. A minimalist hallway usually flows smoothly into the adjacent room - a corridor or living room. Therefore, it is finished with almost the same materials as them, and is maintained in the same color palette. Due to this, it is possible to “hide” its real dimensions, blur adjacent boundaries, as if depriving it of its own specific area.

Important! This hallway is decorated to a minimum. But there is one item that you can’t do without – a mirror. An exception would be the case when the wardrobe has mirrored opening doors.

A minimalist hallway usually flows smoothly into the adjacent room - a corridor or living room

You can choose any mirror for a minimalist hallway - flat, convex, rectangular, round. You should just refrain from using a reflective accessory that has eight corners.

Features of the “Minimalism” style

Everything here is orderly, stands and lies, as they say, in its place. This style is suitable for those who are not inclined to accumulate trash anywhere.

The main distinctive features of minimalism:

  • Conciseness.
  • Practicality.
  • A small amount of furniture and decor.
  • Visual expansion of space.
  • Excellent lighting.
  • Simple style furniture.

In the photo of the hallway in the minimalist style you can see a small set of necessary furniture. A hanger for outerwear or a small wardrobe built into a niche is enough.

Also in such a hallway there is a shoe rack and an ottoman or a small bench. A large mirror is a must.

Hallway decoration

It is better to put linoleum or laminate on the floor. Cover the ceiling with plastic panels, or make a tension version with built-in LED lamps. Wallpaper on the walls.

Non-woven or vinyl will do. They perfectly drape surfaces, do not deteriorate and do not fade. Multi-level ceilings and a large number of niches in the “minimalism” style are not welcome. Also, do not intensively decorate the hallway. A minimal set is enough: a door mat, a key holder.

How to think about decor

The decor for such a room is a separate topic. It is selected carefully, without any frills or flashy shades. A large photo, a calm painting depicting something black and white or chaotic, is hung on the wall. An ordinary vase looks great, without flowers. A mirror should perform a practical and decorative function.

But the main thing to remember is that you need to stop in time and observe the canons of style. There shouldn't be a lot of decorations here. When you want to put little things that are pleasing to the eye, you can do it on shelves or racks.

Which color scheme do you prefer?

For a hallway design in a minimalist style, it is better to choose light shades of finishes. For example, it is worth making a suspended ceiling, white, matte. It can also be glossy. This will visually make the ceiling higher. It is recommended to decorate the walls with gray or beige wallpaper without a pattern, or make an accent wall from a contrasting tone of wallpaper.

The walls can be simply painted or covered with paintable wallpaper. Tones in which to “dress” the hallway:

  1. Vanilla.
  2. Peach.
  3. Delicately smoky.
  4. Cream.

For those who don’t like pastel colors, designers suggest making the walls orange, hot pink with dark gray splashes, or rich blue.

In this case, it is advisable to fill the interior of the hallway in a minimalist style with furniture in neutral tones, not a brand name.

  • Wallpaper can be textured, but not too pretentious. It is also advisable to avoid drapery with shiny stripes and chaotic golden lines. This will make the design tasteless and mediocre.
  • It is better to pave the floor in a minimalist hallway with ceramic tiles, or finish it with laminate - a good option is linoleum. Choose dark, strict tones. A parquet pattern or imitation of masonry will look interesting.

It is desirable that the floor covering be durable and wear-resistant. Since people enter this room wearing shoes, ladies come in heels.

A durable floor can be guaranteed to be washed and cleaned as often as you like. In addition, it will not be subject to severe contamination or scratches.

Lighting design

Light plays a vital role in the design of any space in an apartment. For good lighting, it is necessary to install a large number of lamps with the same color.

Scattered light will significantly expand the space. In addition, such lighting gives additional light volume to the room.

If possible, do not use doors for transitions from room to room. The room next to the hallway should look like a continuation of it.

One option is to dismantle the partitions, which will allow you to combine the hallway with the adjacent room.

In a minimalist interior, lamps that respond to motion are often used: they do not require wiring, which will allow you to start lighting after the main repair work has been carried out.

Hallway furniture

The interior of a hallway in a minimalist style should be free of all kinds of zoning. The absence of partitions guarantees visual spaciousness. Moreover, there will be little furniture in the hallway.

A square or elongated hallway layout, where there are no corners or niches, is perfect for decorating in a minimalist style.

  • From furniture, the minimalist style “welcomes” a standard wardrobe and a large floor-length mirror.
  • The colors of the hallway furniture should be restrained and not flashy. This is exactly what minimalism “loves”.
  • It is recommended to place a full-fledged dressing room in the pantry.
  • In the hallway there is enough hanger for seasonal clothes and a closed compact shoe rack.

Minimalist furniture, usually of simple shapes, with clear geometric lines, is very simple.

Hallway lighting in minimalist style

Traditionally, a corridor from which windows are located relatively far away needs to be well lit. Many designers advise hanging a chandelier in the center and framing it with LED lighting or small wall sconces. There is no such thing as too much light, experienced designers say.

It is advisable to add lighting inside the cabinet, placing lights above the mirror. The light should be cool white if the walls are decorated in cool colors. A large amount of light gives the impression of space, freedom, and cleanliness.


Lighting is an important component of the design, primarily due to the lack of windows and natural light in the hallway. In addition, it has a direct impact on the perception of space.

So, a lack of light reduces it, and bright light, on the contrary, expands it. Often, several light sources are combined in the hallway: the main one in the form of a chandelier and an additional one in the form of spotlights or wall lamps.

Give preference to compact chandeliers for the ceiling with a good level of lighting. Even distribution of light makes the room more spacious. The chandelier should not attract too much attention to itself. Do not confuse the hallway with the living rooms where you spend most of your time.

In addition, install wall lights. In a small narrow hallway, LED strips or ceiling spotlights are even better suited.

Use energy saving lamps. They are more economical and at the same time illuminate the space better. For the corridor, choose “warm daylight”.

There are so many design ideas for a small hallway that it is sometimes difficult to choose a specific option. The main thing is that in the end you get a stylish, cozy and functional room. Experiment, but listen to the advice of professionals.

Several design ideas

An interior in a minimalist style will be enlivened by flowers in small pots, small framed photos, and miniature plastic figurines on open shelves. This is appropriate when the hallway is spacious and the presence of a wardrobe, shoe rack and ottoman creates a feeling of emptiness. You can complement this interior with a chest of drawers and a couple of open shelves.

However, in a large corridor, the fewer things, the more expedient.

A small apartment with a small corridor can be entirely decorated in a minimalist style. In this case, finishing elements and furniture for each room can be ordered in the same color scheme. This will give a feeling of uniformity of space, the impression of greater spaciousness.

  • It is advisable to adhere to the ideas of simplicity and conciseness.
  • Interesting decor will “dilute” the severity and take away from stiffness.
  • Small bright splashes of decor in the hallway will add zest to the interior and make it unique.

Modern minimalism is more of a way of life, a set of ideas for practical storage of things, a concern for peace of mind when everything is in its place. Moreover, the functionality does not suffer at all from such solutions.

Selection of colors for a minimalist hallway

A minimalist hallway perfectly organizes space even in a small area. And since this is what is most often found in domestic apartments, this style becomes a real salvation for owners of small premises. And in order to make the narrow hallway seem more spacious, the designers came up with an effective life hack. It's simple: light colors help to at least visually enlarge the space. It is better to choose neutral colors such as grey, beige, ivory or pearl. Pastel shades of blue, green or peach are also suitable.

Details can become stylish accents. Black or dark brown handles or a lamp frame will add liveliness and dynamics to the interior, it will no longer be boring and monotonous.

Sometimes designers make the hallway two-tone. To do this, they paint one wall with an accent color and leave the rest neutral. The result is a fairly stylish interior, in which the color scheme has become the best decor.

Recessed lamp BARRA Mat. white GU10 1*50W D89xH40 220V Without lamps


Recessed lamp BARRA Mat. white GU10 1*50W D89xH40 220V Without lamps

520 ₽

Photo of a hallway in the style of Minimalism

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