Paintings for the interior: fashionable options and tips on how to choose

For many centuries, objects of art served as decoration. Interior design depended on the era and time.

Paintings hung in the house regardless of financial situation. Portraits, landscapes, and still lifes were especially valued. Each had its own room and wall, and the surrounding space was selected according to color.

In the real world, little has changed in relation to art. People are drawn to him as before. Over time, new things have appeared, but this does not mean that the beloved classics have lost their popularity.

People buy paintings not because they like them; on the contrary, they like the paintings because they buy them.

What paintings are trending now?

Landscapes and still lifes are in demand. Modern paintings for the interior are made in different styles.

You can often find copies of works of the twentieth century (modern, expressionism, cubism, impressionism, etc.) or posters with high-quality photography.

Posters made in a designer style are very successful.

For example, a set of words, sometimes specific text, forming the image of a face, animal, etc.

Such work can be ordered as a print, then a designer or artist will do it on a computer. Or you can do it manually, but it will take more time.

People are interested in portraits of their family and children. Instead of photographs, hand-painted canvases are hung on the walls.

Any order can be made by both a novice artist and a professional one. You don't have to pose, just a digital image of yourself.

What is required of you is simple: make sure that the master’s style suits you (it’s different for everyone), agree on the choice of shades and decide in which genre to complete the order.

Abstract paintings are almost in first place in popularity. First of all, what attracts them is their simplicity.

They fit well into the living room interior. Abstraction will not distract you or your guests.

This type of work will create a calm atmosphere.

Pictures made from buttons, coins, beads and seed beads

Buttons and coins are usually used to fill only the accent areas of the picture. For example, the background is painted with paints and a brush, and a bouquet of flowers is made voluminous and convex. Buttons are secured with threads, and coins are glued or hooked onto rings, which are threaded into pre-drilled holes. Often these materials are combined with ribbons, beads and glass beads. If the picture is completely filled with buttons, then they need to be carefully selected by color. Beads are embroidered on fabric. For work, a hoop, a needle and a fishing line are used. This is the same painstaking work as thread embroidery. It will take a lot of time to create a small canvas. However, the design shimmering in the light will be a worthy reward for the master. Diamond embroidery is performed using a similar technique. Only the pebbles are not sewn on, but glued to a sticky base on which the design has already been applied. By the way, special fabrics with sketches are sold for beginners to make it easier to embroider with beads. The coins in the image decorate mainly the lush crowns of trees and fish scales.

Paintings and posters in the living room interior

The living room creates coziness in the apartment. In this room you meet with friends or relatives, relax, spend time with your family.

It is important to create the right environment. One artist whose work fits into living rooms is Andy Warhol.

His works are interior paintings of a new generation. They will not only surprise you, but also give the room a unique, original look.

Sand paintings

To create sand paintings, you can use both the painter’s own talent and templates.

To work you will need:

  • Colored sand (can be purchased at craft stores);
  • PVA glue;
  • A sheet of thick cardboard;
  • Marker and template;
  • Glue brush (bristles).

Begin work by transferring the outline of the image onto a sheet of cardboard. The template is applied to the paper and outlined with a marker. Then individual parts of the image, which should be painted in the same color, are coated with glue. The future painting is sprinkled with sand, the excess of which is swept back into the container. Now you need to wait until the glue dries and you can start working on the next fragments of the picture. Consistently, the entire canvas is “painted over” with sand. To prevent the image from crumbling over time, it is covered with a layer of transparent varnish. Sand paintings look unusual and creative. Craft stores sell entire kits in which you can find tools, a template and a cardboard canvas. This decor is ideal for decorating a children's room or kitchen if the center of the plot is a lush still life or a picturesque landscape.

Creating sand paintings is considered a rather complex technique. The higher the image clarity, the more colors you will have to use and the finer the individual details will be.

Dimensions and location

The size can be any (depending on location). In the living room, you can hang a canvas on the entire wall.

Please note that this size will attract attention.

The main thing is the combination of the color of the work and the interior.

A painting can consist of several canvases combined with each other into a single image (modular paintings).

The canvas over the sofa, table or chest of drawers can be medium or small in size.

There are two types of format: vertical (usually used for portraits) and horizontal (for landscapes and still lifes, for example).

Naturally, in modern art the laws of composition can be violated.

Listen to your own taste or trust a professional to make your choice.

Stylish modular paintings for the interior

Interior paintings of a new generation: an image divided into segments (depending on the order) is called modular.

The subject of such images is left to your imagination.

Popular subjects: photographs of people or nature, illustrations, landscapes.

The size is strictly individual.

Modular paintings in the living room interior fit into the space.

Stylish black and white paintings for interior

Black and white photographs or paintings will suit a richly colored interior.

Great for both apartments and offices.

It is possible to order original design work in a graphic style.

It will look impressive, interesting and original.

When converting color photographs to black and white, the main thing is not to over-dark.

Firstly, dark colors can make the picture not clear, and secondly, the joy when viewing it will be much less. This move is an opportunity for creative people to express themselves.

There will be an incentive to take more photographs and observe. If you put pleasant memories into a photo, it will become your favorite picture.

Last step: print, stretch on a stretcher and hang.

The concept of style, like the concept of taste, is very conditional. And the point is not at all that someone has good taste, and someone not so much, but what exactly suits this or that person.

Posters in style

Posters are one of the most cost-effective ways to decorate your living room. The poster is a flight of fancy. It could have anything on it:

  • text or word with the appropriate font and meaning;
  • poster plot;
  • favorite TV series or movie;
  • detail from photo.

And, for the most elegant, a poster can consist of several fragments connected to each other with meaning. The segments may differ from each other in size and color, but they are similar in tone.

You will get the impression that the paintings and posters in the living room interior are one whole. This method of decoration will suit young people. They like to experiment, create their own and select aesthetic objects to suit their inner world.

Drawing with threads

Thread painting is a type of needlework that includes many techniques. Pictures can be knitted and glued to canvas, embroidered, or created from pieces of wool, which are simply placed on the canvas and then pressed tightly with glass. More recently, another unusual technique has appeared, which has not yet received an “official” name. The thread is dipped in watercolor paint, and then it is carefully applied to a clean sheet of paper. You need to arrange it intricately with bends and loops. After this, the future picture is covered with a second sheet of paper and pressed down with something heavy. Now you need to pull the ends and sharply pull the thread out of the two-layer structure. In addition to the main outline, it will leave blurry marks on the paper. Using this technique, it is recommended to draw flowers or abstractions, that is, fuzzy images. This decor will look original in high-tech, minimalism, and loft styles.

Subject of the paintings

The plot is chosen based on the emotions that you are inclined to receive when looking at it. In living rooms, such aspects as the tone of the picture are taken into account (dark colors contribute to deterioration of mood; bright colors - replenish energy; light colors - calm and relax) and the plot.

Main themes:

  • animal painting - any works and photos with animals, would you like a canvas with your pet?;
  • architecture;
  • Marinism;
  • still life;
  • nude (nude human figure, inherent in classical art);
  • scenery;
  • portrait;
  • city ​​landscape.

From felt - felting technique

Using the felting technique, craftswomen create with their own hands genuine masterpieces of needlework: cute little animals with beady eyes, original dolls and bright, colorful paintings that exude homely warmth and comfort. The main material in this type of creativity is wool. It is felled in two ways:

  • Wet felting. The paintings turn out flat, like painted canvases.
  • Dry felting. The paintings turn out more voluminous, fluffy, and a slight 3D effect is created.

To work with wool you will need a special felting needle. First, a sketch of the image is applied to the canvas. It is gradually filled with scraps of wool of different colors, which are then tangled and compacted with a needle.


Copies of paintings by famous artists will enliven your space. This choice will show your knowledge in art and visually decorate a room in an apartment or house. Designers pay attention to such artists as Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, Gustav Klimt, Auguste Renoir, etc. Their works are unique. Most are filled with tenderness. At any time of the day, in any room, you will be pleased to contemplate them.

Reproduction can be made in other materials and genres. You are not required to order a one-to-one copy. Photographs are in greater demand: they are faster to take, they are cheaper, but they are considerably inferior in quality and impression.

Gluing technique

One of the simple but labor-intensive options for drawing with threads is flocking. To work with this technique you will need PVA glue, a paper base, scissors and multi-colored yarn. First, a sketch of the image is transferred to cardboard. The yarn is then cut into small pieces. Separate fragments of the design are coated with PVA glue and sprinkled with chopped threads. The work is somewhat similar to creating paintings from sand, instead of which yarn is used. The result is an interesting, beautiful decor that can decorate any room.

Leather as a material for creativity

Leather is used to create magnificent three-dimensional paintings with floral motifs. To work with the material you will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Glue gun;
  • Tweezers;
  • Paraffin candle;
  • Templates.

First, patterns are drawn along the contours of a piece of leather. Then they are cut out and a candle is lit. Each piece is brought to the fire in such a way that only the edges are heated. Under the influence of temperature, they will bend slightly inward, shrink and form a petal. They are collected into buds and held together with glue. The finished flowers are placed on a base covered with burlap. The leaves are simply crumpled with your hands along the “veins” to give them volume and glued in this form to the canvas.

Modular wallpaper paintings

Modular wallpaper paintings are made using a simple algorithm. First you need to get a plywood base for each segment of the future composition or regular blank canvases with stretchers. Then the wallpaper is cut into pieces of the required sizes (always with reserves for wrapping the edges). You can attach them to the base using wallpaper glue or paper clips. In the first case, the entire canvas must be coated, and the glued paper must be carefully leveled so that tubercles do not form from the air. By the way, they use not only wallpaper, but also fabric. A triptych or quadriptych will look stylish, in which modules with unobtrusive ornamentation and bright, rich subjects alternate. Such paintings will organically fit into the modern design of the kitchen, bedroom or living room.

Segments of modular paintings should be united by a common plot. If wallpaper is used, the composition will turn out abstract. In this situation, you need to combine shades and patterns.


Avoid images that evoke sadness or anxiety. You should feel as comfortable as possible in your own apartment, and military scenes have no place here. Dark colors are also not welcome.

For the bedroom, it is preferable to choose scenes of seascapes, city life, and still lifes. If you are a connoisseur of Art Nouveau, keep in mind that the range of modern paintings is now large, and you can choose exactly what you like.

In the children's room, place paintings in the pop art style with images of scenes from comic books (they are also suitable for the living room), or portraits of cartoon characters.

For the living room - portraits of classics, paintings of forests and animals. They pacify and create an atmosphere of calm.

A kitchen designed in a minimalist style means that “bright spots” in the form of contrasting abstractions should appear on its walls. Simplification of figures can reach simple geometric shapes. Rely on details like towels and upholstery to find a painting with matching colors.
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Drawing with spray paint and plants

Among designers, this method is called spray paint art or the “quick drawing” technique. For work, they use paints in cans, a sheet of paper, stencils (mostly improvised means), scrapers, and sharp metal sticks. The image is applied in several layers, simultaneously mixing colors using tools. The most popular theme for spray paint art is space. Fantastic, slightly abstract landscapes of distant planets can be easily created by mixing colors that create unusual “swirls” and shimmers. To create a plant pattern, real twigs, stems with leaves and flowers are used. They act as stencils. First, individual areas are painted with the color in which the plants will be painted. They are then applied to the canvas and background paint is sprayed on top.

When doing this type of work, be sure to use a respirator. The artist will inevitably inhale microparticles of paint, which can harm the respiratory system.

Other interesting ideas for creating paintings

Designer paintings are made using the quilling technique, from coffee beans and cereals, from bouquets of dried flowers, flour, multi-colored glass, twine, matches, pieces of ceramic tiles and even soft toys. The last method is original. The front of the teddy bear is sprinkled with flour and then the toy is pressed against a black canvas. The flour dust falls off, leaving a “cast” of the bear cub. Fix the image with varnish. You can make a picture from eggshells using the mosaic technique: it is glued to the canvas and then painted. This material perfectly imitates the texture of reptile skin. Tobacco connoisseurs create wonderful surreal paintings from cigar bows. The pictures turn out bright and contrasting. Cigar bows are glued to the base.

To make an airy, smoky image from tulle, you will have to work hard. The material must be folded in such a way that the contours of the image are blurred. Then the tulle is ironed so that it “melts” to the base, but does not burn. This technique produces luxurious portraits that will decorate the decor of any home. Paintings made from spare parts (bicycle chains, old batteries, bolts, wrenches, microcircuits) are suitable only for modern styles, steampunk, futurism. Pictures of butterfly wings look completely different in the interior. Delicate, soft subjects are made of fragile material, which is subsequently painted. The technique was created by our compatriot Vadim Zaritsky. In his studio, the experimental artist creates genuine masterpieces.

For another original “recipe” for creating a painting, sparklers, a template with an animal, water with citric acid, a spray bottle and a sheet of plywood painted with white paint for interior work are used. Liquid is sprayed onto the base and abstract lines are drawn with a brush. After the plywood has dried, animal silhouettes are applied. Then light the sparklers and carefully place them in a row on the base while they are still burning. You will get an original “pattern” with tree branches and white silhouettes of animals. Making an engraving using the grattage technique with your own hands is quite simple. Melted paraffin is applied to a white canvas. After it hardens, the surface is painted black. Then the design is “scratched” on it with a sharp needle. Animals are best produced using this technique, because you can get high detail and “draw” every hair.

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