at what height should a TV be hung in front of the bed in the bedroom?

A TV is not a luxury, but has long been a typical element of furniture for many families. TV for the bedroom is usually hung on the wall - all so that those who are resting on the bed can see the image on the screen from any angle. When placing it, you just need to follow a few simple rules that are useful for the interior and the convenience of the bedroom owners, and correctly determine the height.

Height of TV in the bedroom on the wall

People now have several TVs in their apartments. To save space or for convenience, the TV is hung on the wall. However, existing technologies that are used to create equipment entail new problems in operation. At what height to hang the TV, what mechanism is the safest, is not an easy task.

After purchasing new equipment, you should answer some questions: choosing a height that will not cause discomfort or affect your health, how to make the correct calculations and choose the optimal distance to the screen. Here you need to be guided not by knowledge of mathematics, but by practice and expert advice.

Placement in the bedroom

Placing a TV in the bedroom depends on many important reasons. One of the main things is what kind of bed you have. If you close your eyes while lying on your low bed and relax for a while, then you can take the most comfortable position for you when watching programs.

By opening your eyes and mentally marking the place on the wall where your gaze falls, you will receive an answer at what height is best to hang the TV in the bedroom.

Most likely, it will be slightly higher than where the TV is installed in the living room, but you should remember the advice of doctors - do not exceed the angle of deviation from the center of the screen when viewing, which Ideally it should be no more than 30 degrees.

Otherwise, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, which occurs due to incorrect head position and prolonged viewing of television, will soon make itself known.

To more accurately adjust the deflection angle, care should be taken to use high-quality mounts for brackets with a variable inclination angle for installing the TV on the wall. monitor plane.

It is advisable to use brackets that adjust the monitor position in two planes, not only in tilt, but also in rotating the screen left and right.

Before installing a TV in the bedroom, you need to find the place from which it is most likely to be viewed. For a lying position, you should choose a higher height: slightly higher than the usual direct gaze in a standing state.

The ideal option is still considered if the tilt angle during viewing changes no more than 30 degrees from the center of the screen.

As a way out, you can use a wall bracket. In this case, you can change the rotation of the TV at any time.

The bracket is attached as follows:

  • The middle of the bracket is fixed at a level of 150 cm from the floor.
  • Outlets for sockets and cables are mounted 25 cm above the bracket.

Standard height

Many of us buy a TV as a means of relaxation and comfortable pastime, but each zone in the house has its own height. What is the best viewing distance?

In order to determine the height of the monitor, it is necessary to proceed from maximum comfort when viewing, namely lying down. New improved technologies have reached the point that watching TV does not affect vision and the radiation is harmless to the body. Therefore, you can hang the device at any distance suitable for you. However, the existence of ideal proportions of the TV diagonal and distance to the eyes still exists.

REFERENCE! The area of ​​the room where the TV will be located deserves great attention.

Most ophthalmologists are based on the opinion that the ideal distance is the diagonal of the monitor multiplied by 2. Neither resolution nor display type are taken into account.
This method is suitable for old TVs. To ensure that you enjoy watching programs, follow these rules:


Large screens must be purchased only for large rooms, otherwise viewers will not be able to fully comprehend the image. If the device is positioned low, pixels will be tracked. Headaches may occur due to constant eye strain.

Rules to follow when watching TV:

Room and screen dimensions

When purchasing a television receiver, you should choose the screen diagonal in strict accordance with the dimensions of the room. A large display size at a short distance puts a lot of strain on the eyes, and a small one does not provide pleasure when viewing.

Expert opinion

Mikhailova Maria Vasilievna

Furniture store manager. Knows everything about comfort and interior design

It is necessary to remember that the distance to the display should be equal to two or three diagonals of the TV and be guided by this rule when choosing equipment.

How to calculate: methodology

Determining the height for installing a TV can be done in two ways.
The first is the experience of ordinary users. The second is based on the recommendations of doctors and equipment manufacturers. In this case, the distance from the viewing location to the TV and the diagonal of the device are not completely taken into account. These factors can affect your eyes.

You should lie down on the bed where you plan to watch TV, then close your eyes and open them. Where your gaze immediately goes is where you should hang the TV. Based on practice, it should be hung higher in the bedroom than in the living room. Although this method is quite simple, it is recommended to use the second one.

Mathematical calculations and doctors' prescriptions are used in this method.

The monitor should be hung at eye level. Changing the height distorts the image.

The optimal distance from the viewing point is considered to be a diagonal multiplied by 3. If you have a plasma TV, then you should multiply by 4.

If you have an LED or 3D screen, not only the diagonal, but also the resolution is taken into account. It can be 720p, 1080p and higher. Taking into account all these parameters, you will get a high-quality image and comfortable viewing pleasure. The height should be calculated according to this principle:


When you determine the height, you should take into account the distance from the viewing position to the panel, and in addition from the eyes to the TV.

In order not to harm health or affect the quality of vision, the diagonals of the device should be 4 times smaller relative to the distance of a person’s eyes.

Even before the installation process begins, you need to decide on the place where the TV will hang. This affects viewing comfort. To determine the most optimal point, you should stand in the viewing area. You should feel comfortable in this position, and then you can immediately determine where to hang the device.

Experts agree that the TV should be installed in a straight line. The height should be calculated much later. If you have an LCD panel, then everyone should sit at the viewing point and enjoy the movie.

Optimal distance

Many ophthalmologists say that the minimum distance from the eyes to the TV cannot be less than its diagonal multiplied by two. This recommendation is completely justified, but it does not take into account the type of screen of this device and its resolution.

Therefore, this method of calculating the distance from the eyes to the screen is applicable only to older models.

The distance from the eyes to the LCD TV should be no less than the sum of its two diagonals, and from the plasma monitor to the eyes - no less than the product of its diagonal and the number 3.

Why you shouldn't hang your TV high

If you purchased an LCD panel, you should consider the viewing angle.
If you place such a model too low, the monitor will be darker than it should be, and if you hang it high, then, on the contrary, it will be lighter. If malfunctions occur, the excessive height of the TV mechanism may affect its repair and dismantling. Also, if you use a flash drive or memory card to watch TV shows, then the height should be as convenient as possible to install it. Taking all this into account, each person chooses his favorite poses, which will be individual and comfortable for everyone. This can also be considered one of the factors that will affect the installation of the screen.


Useful tips

To make watching a wall-mounted TV not only convenient, but also safe, it is recommended to follow these tips when installing it:

  1. The maximum angle of deviation from the television screen when viewing should not exceed 30 degrees.
  2. The minimum height from the floor for installing a TV cannot be less than 1 meter. Otherwise, there is a risk that the TV may accidentally get caught and fall.
  3. It is best to place the sockets at a distance of no more than 45 cm from the central bracket.
  4. It is very important to take into account the height of the furniture above which the gadget will be located. The minimum distance from the chest of drawers or armrests of the sofa to it is 25 cm.
  5. If possible, it is better to install an adjustable bracket . This will allow you, if necessary, to change the angle of the TV depending on the position on the bed and the number of people who will watch it.
  6. If the TV is installed in a children's bedroom , then it is better not to limit yourself to just one bracket. It is best to purchase a special wall-mounted TV stand. In general, the height for its installation is selected by any of the methods described above.
  7. When purchasing a bracket , make sure it can support the weight of your TV. It is best to purchase brackets specifically designed for your TV model.
  8. Periodically it is recommended to check how securely the TV is mounted.

Finally, I would like to note once again that the correct height at which the TV should be mounted in the bedroom should be selected in accordance with all the given parameters, that is, the height of the furniture, the size of the room, the distance from the screen to the eyes. Only in this case can you choose the correct and safe height for attaching it.

Do you need a TV in the bedroom?

Of course, the bedroom is meant for relaxation, so it goes without saying that you want to watch shows while relaxing. However, you won’t be able to completely relax in front of the TV screen, since the flickering and sound of the TV make it difficult to do so.

Therefore, before you buy equipment for your bedroom, think about whether it is needed there? If you still think that this is necessary, then consider two factors:

Correct screen position

In order to determine the most convenient location for the TV, just sit in a familiar place (in a chair, on a bed or on a sofa, from which you are used to enjoying watching your favorite films or programs) and imagine a new screen on the wall in front of you. It is recommended to hang the equipment at eye level so that the focus point is in the center of the screen.

There are also certain recommendations regarding the height from the floor level. The maximum height of the screen in living rooms (hall, bedroom, living room) should be about 120 centimeters. If it is not possible to install the TV receiver at this point, it is better to raise it a little higher, but not lower it down.

Advice from experts.

  • You should not place equipment above the door. The height of even the most compact door is much higher than the acceptable range of eye-safe viewing angles. In the bedroom, where TV is often watched while lying down, this option is especially inappropriate.
  • If the monitor is placed in front of a window, sunlight will interfere with viewing. They are brighter than the screen saturation, so they will not only appear on the glass surface, but will also block the image.
  • Flat-panel TVs, which are often mounted to the wall, should be kept a short distance from it. Under no circumstances should the equipment be placed close together, as the equipment requires ventilation. Otherwise, the TV will overheat, resulting in damage or short circuit.

How to choose a TV for the bedroom

The choice of TV for the bedroom should be carefully thought out so that it brings pleasure and does not cause discomfort.

Here are 5 criteria for choosing the right TV for your bedroom:

Decide whether you need a function that allows you to view content from the Internet.

Placement in the kitchen

To determine the best place to hang a TV on the wall in the kitchen, you need to know the total footage of the room, as well as the length of the distance from the hostess’s workplace to the maximum possible height of the monitor installation location.

Considering the time component of viewing when working in the kitchen of the housewife, you should mainly take care of the safety of those around the installed monitor. If there are a large number of children in the house, you should think about the maximum possible suspension level and a safe mounting location for the monitor for everyone.

Therefore, it is worth assuming that in a small room, you should hang the TV at the maximum possible height of the suspension (175 cm), taking into account the use of metal anchors recessed into the wall to a sufficient depth and a reliable bracket with a variable viewing angle.

Given the small dimensions of current kitchens, this solution will be the only correct and safe one. But at the same time, we must not forget about the heating of the TV case and the need for its ventilation, that is, under no circumstances should it be placed in a furniture niche.

There are some contradictions here with the statements of doctors. Yes, the center of the TV monitor should be at eye level. But what about the fact that for many people, the kitchen is a small room, more like a pantry. In addition, a TV is usually installed in the kitchen so that the person cooking does not get bored.

Therefore, in most cases, people either glance at the monitor in passing, or simply listen. So, we ask ourselves a question. What height would be correct? Let's find a compromise in this case too.

If you purchased an LCD TV and the bracket for it has already been selected, then you need to understand that the viewing angle will be large with a small change in the contrast state.

This applies to horizontal placement. But in the vertical case, everything is a little more complicated. If the viewing angle is tilted downward, the contrast state will be increased and the monitor will appear darker in color. If the viewing angle is tilted upward, the contrast is minimized and the monitor brightens.

This means that you need to choose the place from which you expect the most frequent contact of your eyes with the TV screen.


In this case, the bracket is an irreplaceable thing. They definitely won’t be watching TV in the kitchen all day, which means their eyes won’t have time to get tired.

The best option for the kitchen is a height above your height. At this height you can safely hang a TV in the kitchen. But we must not forget about the bracket. Perhaps you couldn’t think of anything better for a small room called a kitchen.

Correct location

A television device is not only a source of information, but also an element of the interior. How to place it correctly in the bedroom so that it fits harmoniously into the decor and its location is safe and convenient?

Hang or put

From a design point of view, devices recessed into niches look much more attractive.


If there is a closet opposite the bed, then the TV can be mounted in it. In this case, you will not need to think about where to put the wires. You can hide them in furniture, and make a cut in the back of the cabinet and run a wire through it that goes to the outlet.


The option of installing a TV on a cabinet is less functional and attractive; it is better to use a chest of drawers, in which you can also hide things. The advantage is that this installation option does not require installation.

Calculation of the correct position

It is for the sake of comfortable relaxation and watching TV shows that a TV is actually purchased, but for each room the height of its placement will be different. Why and at what height is it better to hang a TV receiver?

Watching programs in the kitchen soon turns into listening, so the height of the screen is not very critical, and in the kitchen the TV panel is hung higher than the calculated height, so that it does not interfere with work. Such fastening does not cause discomfort when watching programs.

To decide at what height to hang the TV in the living room, they start from maximum comfort when watching.

Medical studies have proven that the most optimal way is to mount the TV so that the distance from the bottom edge of the screen to the floor is 0.75-1 m.

Doctors also give practical advice on how to intuitively calculate the distance from the viewer to the TV screen. To do this, sit in the place from which you plan to watch TV, close your eyes, and after a minute open them. Where your gaze immediately fell, that place should be the middle of the screen.

At what height should you hang the TV on the wall in the bedroom? The recommended installation height of the panel will be slightly higher than in the hall or living room, and you can determine the placement point of the device in the same way as with the previous solution, i.e. just lying on the bed. The main rule when calculating the installation height of a television panel is your comfort when viewing.

In modern TV models, the picture does not flicker, and the screen does not emit electromagnetic waves, that is, it does not pose a danger to the eyes.

Therefore, you can watch a liquid crystal or plasma panel at any convenient distance, and installing a TV on the wall is possible in any case.

But the optimal ratio between the TV diagonal (the diagonal is the length between the upper and lower corners of the screen) and the distance from it to the viewers’ eyes still exists.

Incorrect TV installation

If you place the TV screen very high, then while watching the head is not in a relaxed state, the neck muscles are stretched and tense. In this position, both muscle spasms and headaches can occur, and fatigue quickly sets in.

Positioning the monitor too low, with the head down, leads not only to discomfort, but also to headaches, blurred vision, poor posture and osteochondrosis.

Distance calculation

Before going to a retail outlet to buy a new television receiver, you need to clearly determine the room where it will be located, and also choose the optimal screen size.

Interesting room interior

A panel of large parameters is unlikely to look good in a small room, and vice versa, if the room is large, installing a small TV will force the owner to “break” it into sectors using furniture for comfortable viewing. So, let's consider which diagonal the owner should choose for installation for different room sizes.

At what height should you hang a TV in the bedroom?

There are no clear regulations on what height the TV screen should be; everyone chooses the option that is convenient for them.

There are several algorithms for correct placement.

The height of the TV also depends on the location of the windows, the height of the viewing places, the height of the viewers and even the furniture and style of the bedroom interior.

When installing the TV in front of a window, you need to take care to avoid glare and sunlight. Thick curtains, blinds or roller shutters will help with this.

Types of fasteners

Once you have determined at what height in the room to hang the TV, you should consider the options for fastening elements recommended by manufacturers. Basically, the following 3 types of brackets are suitable for all models:

  • Universal (turns up/down or sideways).
  • Inclined.
  • Hard.

Universal ones are the most expensive and convenient. The last two types are purchased in cases where you are sure that you will not be rearranging furniture in the near future. Rigid fastening means the use of a small gap - a few centimeters. The TV will be installed permanently, and the viewing angle will not be adjustable.

Slant brackets are used for the bedroom. There you can install a TV with the ability to change the vertical position of the screen. The distance from the panel to the wall should be approximately 10 cm.

When mounting a TV in the living room, you can use a universal mount. The user will be able to change and set the tilt angle, as well as rotate the panel to the right or left. When choosing this bracket, you should not skimp. Due to the large number of moving parts and the weight of the TV, there will be a constant load.

Design tips

Designers recommend making the wall on which the television device will be located an accent wall. This way it will not only perform its main function, but will also have a decorative value. This can be done by using decorative wallpaper or halogen lighting;

The recommendations taken into account can provide household members with comfort, pleasure from watching television programs and health safety.


How to attach an LCD TV to the wall - step-by-step instructions for mounting the bracket

Installing the TV takes place in several stages:

Step 1 - Selecting a location to mount the bracket.

First, attach the bracket to the wall where the future structure will be installed. Then use a pencil to mark the location where you need to drill the holes.

Step 2 - Forming the holes.

Take a hammer drill with a suitable drill bit and start creating holes. It is important that the drill enters perpendicular to the plane of the wall. Do not move the drill back and forth to remove crumbs. This will cause the formation of a hole and loose fit of the dowel, which will reduce its load capacity.

Step 3 - Installation of dowels.

Using a hammer, begin driving the dowels into the previously created holes. Fasteners should not protrude, but you should not drive them too deep either.

Step 4 - Installing the Bracket.

Next, you need to place the bracket on the dowels and place the bolts in the holes. It is important that the structure is installed strictly horizontally.

Step 5 - Tightening the fasteners.

This can be done using a screwdriver or wrench.

Step 6 - Place the TV.

If the equipment is light enough, this can be done by two people: one person holds the TV, while the other tightens the bolts. If the device is heavy, you need to separate the connecting parts from the bracket and secure them first. Only after this the structure with the TV is completely placed on the bracket.

Step 7 - Check the mechanism of action.

After installing the TV, check the operation of the tilt and swivel mechanism, if required by the design.

Placement of the TV in the bedroom: tips, recommendations

The main thing you need is to watch TV comfortably. Think about why you need it - for the background (if you are not used to falling asleep in silence), for cozy watching movies under the covers, or for a lazy weekend.

What you need to decide first:

A comfortable distance from the eyes to the TV screen should be 2-4 diagonals.

It is best not to take up extra space with bedside tables and fasteners - modern plasma TVs are well mounted on walls in the manner of paintings, where they do not interfere, do not take up space and are safe from children and pets.

How to properly position a TV on the wall

Not everyone can position the TV opposite the headboard. There are rooms where the walls opposite the bed are occupied by furniture or windows. For such a layout, there is only one way out - mounting the TV in the corner. Those lying on the bed will have to turn their heads a little, but overall it can be comfortable.

If both of these options are not possible, consider placing the TV in furniture (an actual solution if you have a continuous wall).

What to hang above the TV

If the user wants to decorate an entire TV area, then he can hang flower pots above the TV, thereby completely encircling the monitor screen. It is worth understanding that it is necessary to leave gaps for ventilation.

Often, when coming to visit, the user can see such a solution when frames and photographs are hung above the TV. In general, the choice is unlimited. The main thing is that it satisfies all safety conditions.

The height of the TV from the floor in the bedroom

There are no exact rules on this matter; it is recommended to rely solely on your needs.

Not sure where the most convenient point is for you? Lie on your back, relax, close your eyes and lie there for a while. Then open them and notice the point where your eyes are focused. Most likely, this is the ideal place for a TV.

However, it is not recommended to hang the TV at a distance of less than a meter from the floor - this is inconvenient and impractical, since at such a height the equipment can be harmed not only by children and animals, but also by an adult who may accidentally touch it.

Optimal height

The optimal height from the floor to the center of the TV is 1.4-1.6 meters for standard rooms and 1.6-1.8 meters for rooms with high ceilings.

If you don't know how high your ceilings are, it's easy to check - stand on a stool with a tape measure, touch the end of the tape to the ceiling and ask an assistant to take the measurement by pulling the tape measure down.

Living room

The owners in the living room receive relatives, friends, and celebrate various family holidays. In short, people spend a lot of time there.

TV is watched in the living room from different rooms: at the dining table, from the sofa, from armchairs or from behind the desk. Let's consider at what height you should hang the TV in the living room.

Conventionally, the best option is when the middle point of the TV is located at a distance of 70 - 175 cm from the floor. It is often placed at a height of 1.2 to 1.4 m.

Let's determine the indicators for the living room that should be taken into account first when determining at what distance from the floor to hang the TV:

  • Average height for all family members.
  • Diagonal.
  • From what place do you watch TV most often: from the table or from the sofa.

If in most cases you plan to watch TV while sitting on the sofa, then the height indicator should be lower, and from the table – higher. The most optimal height can be determined experimentally: you need to sit on the sofa and look at the wall. You should feel comfortable and comfortable. Doctors recommend the following tips on how high a TV should be hung:

  • The head should not be thrown back or forward. This can cause excessive stress on the cervical spine.
  • The distance from the eyes to the screen should be proportional to the diagonal of the monitor. The following standard has been established: 1:2(3), which means if the screen has a size of 100 cm, then the distance should be 200 - 300 cm for LCD panels, and for regular TVs 25% more.

Pay attention to how to hang the TV correctly. The top third of the monitor or its center should be in front of the eyes.

The fact that TV can have negative effects on vision for children and adults should not be overlooked. During viewing, the cervical spine is involved. Therefore, you should not discard the advice recommended by experts on the distance from the screen to your eyes.

Often the answer to what level to hang a TV on the wall comes naturally if there is a special niche in the furniture. This is not always correct.

With such an arrangement, the height of the TV may be higher/lower than required. Especially if the level of the sofa does not meet the standard.

Here you need to take into account your own growth. You can experience for yourself how comfortable the set height is.

If discomfort is observed, then it is necessary to adjust the location.

Where you can and cannot hang a TV

The final decision on where to place your TV will depend not only on personal convenience, but also on the safety of the equipment - no one would want to ruin a brand new TV a few months after purchase. There are several types of things and household appliances, the “neighborhood” of which with a TV can be harmful. Let's find out whether it is possible to hang a TV above the fireplace, radiator, opposite the window and under the air conditioner.

Above the fireplace

A real or electric fireplace, depending on the temperature maintained in it, can become quite hot. Also, do not forget that this is an open source of fire, which can sometimes cause sparks.

But modern fireplaces are completely insulated for reasons of compliance with fire safety regulations. The fire itself is framed by solid brickwork, grates and other barriers. Warm air does not go straight up - it first comes out as a warm stream forward.

Considering that things standing on the fireplace are completely safe, a TV located at a height of at least half a meter from the fireplace cannot be damaged in any way.

Above the battery

The battery itself rarely burns up to such an extent as to be dangerous for equipment. Moreover, now no one allows exposed pipes in their home - all modern batteries are in cases made of a similar material that allows heat to pass through, but does not allow you to get burned from careless touching.

If there is at least half a meter of free space between the TV and the battery, the equipment is not in danger. However, if the TV is located close to the heating element, you can expect damage to the housing and even the screen itself from prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

Across from the window

This is a rather rare arrangement - for this the bed must be under the window, but such a layout also happens. Hanging a TV opposite a window is possible, but not very convenient. During daylight hours, it will be difficult to see anything on the screen due to the glare of the sun - you will have to solve this problem by installing blinds or purchasing thick curtains.

If you have the opportunity not to mount the TV in front of the window, take advantage of it by choosing another option.

Under the air conditioner

If you properly care for the air conditioner, it does not pose any danger to the TV, but it is impossible to foresee everything. If the climate system suddenly breaks down - it starts to spark or leak condensation, the owners may not immediately notice the breakdown and begin to act only when the monitor is hopelessly damaged.

In addition, a TV under an air conditioner does not always look aesthetically pleasing - it is better to avoid this combination and try to separate the equipment in the bedroom on different walls.

It all depends on the space you have left above the TV screen and the overall interior style. You can decorate the space between the TV and the ceiling with small paintings, photos, garlands (if New Year's is at stake) or an original panel.

Avoid hanging bulky items above the TV, such as animal horns, other equipment, or poorly secured or overloaded shelves.

Is it possible to hang icons above the TV?

The only exception is handmade embroidered icons of large sizes - such creativity can be hung anywhere, like any other paintings.

Correctly positioning the TV in the bedroom is not at all difficult - the main thing is that you are comfortable and that nothing threatens the equipment in the room. By devoting some time to this decision now, you will benefit from convenience and coziness in the future.


We hang the panel ourselves

If you decide to hang the TV on the wall yourself, prepare a drill or hammer drill. It is necessary to make a mark how far from the floor to hang the TV.

A concrete or brick wall is very durable. It can support a weight of more than 30 kg.

For drywall, this indicator is the limit. The package includes a set of hardware required for attaching the wall part of the bracket.

It is enough to make a hole in the wall and secure the profile.

In masonry and concrete, a hammer drill and concrete drill are used to create a hole. In drywall or wood - a wood drill.

Then the 2nd part of the bracket is fixed to the panel, and the TV is mounted to the wall. After this, the installation is considered complete, you can start watching TV.

Installation height of TV in the bedroom on the wall

When mounting the TV on the wall in the bedroom, opposite the bed, it is very important to choose the correct installation height.

If you make a mistake by hanging the TV too high or, on the contrary, low, it will not only create constant discomfort and physical inconvenience when watching TV, but also with systematically incorrect body position, it can cause diseases such as: curvature of the spine, headaches, blurred vision and some others .

I’ll say right away that there is no universal height at which you can place any TV and it will be equally convenient for everyone. Too many conditions may vary depending on the situation, such as the size of the TV, the distance to it, the height of the viewer and the bed from which he is going to watch the broadcast, as well as many similar nuances that directly affect the choice of the location of the TV on the wall.

Most often, the installation height of a TV in the bedroom is 1300mm from the floor to the center of the TV.

But this is an average figure; the ideal option, the most comfortable and convenient, you can determine only by taking into account your individual characteristics.

Below I will tell you in detail how this value was obtained and show how the calculation was made. Based on this technique, you can easily choose the optimal height for you to install the TV in the bedroom yourself.


Before deciding at what height to hang the TV in the bedroom, you first need to decide where exactly it will be located. The correct choice of location will depend on both viewing comfort and the height at which the device itself will hang.

To determine the location, you need to lie on a sofa or bed in the bedroom in a position that is comfortable and familiar to you. Now you need to determine which wall the TV should be mounted on to make it as convenient and comfortable as possible to watch.

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Experienced experts say that the optimal location is a point drawn in a straight line from the center of the bed to the wall, and the height of this point will be adjusted later. It is with this arrangement that the TV will be clearly visible to all people located in the bedroom, and there will be no inconvenience when watching it.

If the device will be hung in a single bedroom or children's room, it must be placed along a diagonal line from the center of the bed. In this case, even when turning, there will be no discomfort when viewing, and the screen will be clearly visible from any position.

When a potential location for installing the TV has already been selected, you can directly begin to calculate the height at which it will need to be mounted.

Nuances of installation in different places

When choosing the final location for new equipment, you need to rely not only on personal comfort, but also on the safety of the equipment. Modern TV models are not cheap, especially when it comes to multifunctional models. It is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the “neighborhood” of certain types of equipment. Placing a monitor near them may be harmful to the equipment.

Above the fireplace

A fireplace, whether real or electric, is capable of maintaining high temperatures. If we are talking about a standard fireplace, then this is a source of open fire, from which sparks periodically fly out, which can cause damage to equipment. A fire may occur.

Most buyers are now opting for modern fireplaces. Unlike their counterparts, they are completely insulated and fireproof. The warm air coming from the flame first passes forward and only then exits through the top.

These characteristics indicate that objects placed on the fireplace are protected from flames. Despite this, you can only hang the TV at a distance of 0.5 meters from the edge of the fireplace.

Across from the window

The screen is very rarely hung opposite a window, as the sun's rays will interfere with enjoying the bright picture. But if there is no other option, then this placement option is also possible. In this case, the windows need to be covered with curtains made of thick fabrics that do not let in sunlight. Roller blinds are great. They are practical and can instantly darken windows.

Above the battery

As a rule, the batteries are located low enough so as not to cause damage to the equipment. Also, modern heating equipment is often covered with special heat-resistant structures or covers. Exposed pipes spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room.

In order for the equipment to perform all the necessary functions, it must be placed on the wall at a distance of approximately 0.5 meters from the battery. This way the equipment is not in danger. Otherwise, the case or the screen itself may be damaged under the negative influence of high temperatures.

Under the air conditioner

This arrangement is possible if you regularly maintain the split system. If the air conditioner suddenly breaks down or starts leaking, water will flow onto the TV, which may cause a short circuit. Also, moisture from the air conditioner may gradually enter under the TV case, which is often not noticed by the residents of the house.

It is better to avoid this combination of equipment, since an air conditioner together with a TV will not always look neat and aesthetically pleasing.

Ways to successfully position equipment.

A wall-mounted TV can become a key element of the interior. It can be used as a color decorative element

To draw attention to the technology, the wall on which the monitor is installed is decorated with bright colors. When choosing a color scheme, you need to select shades that will combine with each other

The style of the interior is also taken into account, because each direction is characterized by a certain set of colors.

If you are going to mount the TV to the wall, you need to choose a reliable ergonomic mount. The equipment is mounted on a special structure, which must be strong enough to support the weight of the equipment. It is recommended to entrust the installation of a TV receiver to professionals. If you hang a TV on the wall without securing it properly, it may collapse at any moment.

What to pay attention to

A new TV always means positive emotions, pleasant hopes and anticipation of something incredibly interesting. All this, of course, is incredibly good, but in the wake of enthusiasm it seems very important not to make a mistake with its correct installation on the wall

To do this, you need to take into account the following factors:

interior features - the location of the TV should be clearly visible and should not be overloaded with unnecessary details;

the size of the room is an important point that determines the location of the furniture for viewing;

the average height of family members - everything is simple here: we add up the total “footage” and divide by the number of household members;

placement of the outlet - any television receiver will require at least a pair of outlets, so pay attention to the distance to the nearest one if you don’t want to clutter the space with ugly wires;

dimensions of the device - the larger the diagonal, the higher you can fix it on the wall, this is due to the fact that the viewing angle narrows considerably with distance;

furniture features - the height of a sofa, armchair or any other furniture also affects the viewing angle, so not taking this information into account when deciding on the hanging height would be an unforgivable mistake.

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