TV in the kitchen: placement options

Cooking is considered a very serious undertaking. And in this process nothing should distract, otherwise the dish may be irretrievably spoiled. But besides cooking, a large number of tasks are performed in the kitchen that do not require special attention. Therefore, many housewives would like to equip their kitchen sets with TVs so as not to miss their favorite TV shows.

Hanging TV for the kitchen Source

Features of the room and choice of equipment

It has long been calculated at what distance it is safer for the eyes to watch television. And at the same time, the diagonal of the television receiver is important. It’s clear that the larger its size, the further away the viewer should be. And since few people have a truly spacious kitchen, buying a huge display for a small room is not justified.

TV above the countertop in the kitchen Source

Corner kitchen with TV on the wall Source

The easiest way is to make your own calculations. To do this, you need to measure the longest wall in the room. The found length must be converted into meters and multiplied by 6. The result obtained will be the recommended diagonal of the TV. But not in meters, but in inches.

Let's look at an example for the smallest kitchen. In a room with an area of ​​6 m2, the longest wall is 3 meters. Multiplying by 6 gives 18 (inches). This means you can use a TV with a diagonal of 14 to 20 inches. This coincides with the recommendations of experts.

Kitchen with TV on the wall Source

TV in the kitchen, located in a special niche Source

You can also measure the exact distance from the chair at the dining table to the future location of the TV in inches. This found length must be divided by 4. This will be the most accurate calculation. Eye specialists insist on following exactly these recommendations, even if the result was given by a ten-inch screen.

The second important value is screen resolution. Everyone already knows that a large number of pixels allows you to comfortably view all the details on the monitor even from a short distance. Therefore, if you choose a display with a resolution of HD-ready 720p (1280×720 pixels) for a small kitchen, then there is a possibility that squares on the screen will be noticeable when viewing. What will not happen if you take a Full HD 1080p display (1920x1080 pixels).

TV in the kitchen, mounted on the wall Source

TV in the interior of a modern kitchen Source

Something else needs to be said about the viewing angle. It is taken into account when they want the picture not to be distorted when viewed from the side. This is what will often happen in the kitchen. Because the viewer does not always sit in one place, but often moves around the room, doing homework.

As a rule, all modern TV models have a high viewing angle. But if there is a shortage of it, there are two ways to get out of the situation. Either mount the device on a special swivel bracket, or purchase a plasma panel whose picture remains high-quality when viewed from any location.

TV built into the kitchen unit Source

TV above the kitchen shelf Source

Or maybe from below?

An unusual design technique is to place the TV almost at floor level. This makes the TV look unusual and attracts attention.

If you purchased a kitchen island (a table with shelves that is not placed near a wall), try building a TV there. Of course, watching it will not be entirely convenient. However, if you love music channels and at the same time want to shock your guests, this method will be justified.

Location options

Before you go through the options for installing a TV in a room, you need to decide where you can’t put it. After all, the kitchen area is characterized not only by high humidity, but also by constant temperature changes.

Ceiling TV for the kitchen Source

TV on the wall opposite the cooking area Source

Therefore, you must adhere to some rules:

  • Do not place the appliance in close proximity to the hob or sink. Because splashing hot oil or water will negatively affect its performance. The minimum distance from these danger zones should be 0.6 meters.
  • Any of the screens does not tolerate direct exposure to sunlight. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid getting them on the TV.
  • In winter, it is necessary to protect the device from excessive heating by steam heating radiators and any other heaters. It is better not to place the TV closer than half a meter from them.
  • The operation of the device is extremely negatively affected by vibrations from the microwave and refrigerator. Therefore, it is not recommended to install the TV receiver on top of them.

It is also necessary to say a few words about the reliability of the fastening. After a fall, even from a small height, there is a possibility of injury, and the equipment will fail, possibly forever. Therefore, it is necessary to use only high-quality fixtures and anchors.

Location of the TV in the kitchen Source

Interior of a small kitchen with TV Source

Under the ceiling

The TV panel is mounted on a special bracket to the ceiling. Usually around the corner of the room. This option is perfect only for those who want to watch TV while cooking or doing household chores. That is, while on your feet. Only under these conditions will vision not deteriorate greatly.

TV in the kitchen under the ceiling Source

Ceiling bracket for TV Source VKontakte

If you watch TV while eating, you will have to constantly strain your eyesight, keeping your gaze directed upward. Also, in this position, the neck will become stiff very quickly and problems with osteochondrosis of the upper spine may arise.

On the wall

As a rule, the best option, if the space allows. In this case, the screen is located at eye level if you are sitting at a table while viewing. This will prevent your eyes from getting too tired. And even if you are on your feet, you don’t have to worry. Because when you look slightly downward, vision is not difficult.

Kitchen with TV on the wall Source

TV on the wall opposite the dining table Source

When hanging the TV on a special mount, you need to make sure that the back cover does not lean against the wall. And if the receiver has an LCD screen, then it is better to choose a rotating bracket. It will help you change the viewing angle and have a constant high-quality picture.

A little about design

How to decorate the wall on which the TV hangs? There are many answers to this question. It’s better not to decorate it in any way if the kitchen is small and kitchen modules occupy almost all of its space. To fence anything else on a small section of the wall is overkill.

In a spacious room it’s a different matter; there’s a lot of room for imagination. Here are just some solutions:

  • highlight the wall with a different color or texture;
  • place rectangular paintings, engravings or photographs around the perimeter;
  • highlight the TV with a frame of moldings;
  • hang interesting shelves that match in color and style;
  • draw abstract patterns or geometric shapes on the wall.

On the table

This option is only suitable for small samples with a tube kinescope. As a rule, they have a small diagonal and viewing at close range will not damage your eyesight. If there is no space on the table, then portable TVs are often placed on the windowsill.

Small TV for the kitchen Source

Small TV installed on the kitchen window sill Source

Since a large lamp model is very difficult to hang, and it takes up too much space on the dining table, a separate bedside table is allocated for it, if the size of the kitchen allows it. But such TVs are already quite rare, so the problem of placing them in a cramped kitchen space disappears by itself.

Use modern technologies

Anyone who has ever flown on an international flight has noticed small flip-up TVs. Their use in the kitchen is also justified.

The back panel of the TV can be beautifully decorated, thereby making it a full-fledged element of the interior.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of this solution is the limited dimensions of folding TVs. But if you are looking for the optimal model for a small kitchen, then a disadvantage can turn into a significant advantage.

The placement of such a TV can be arbitrary, but it must be taken into account that small dimensions do not imply large distances. A folding TV can fit well above the dining table or kitchen sink, depending on when you like to watch your favorite shows.

Placement options in the kitchen set

Most modern kitchens feature fashionable furniture sets. And many even have space for a TV. But in its absence, it is not difficult to independently organize the space for its installation.

TV in the niche of the kitchen unit Source

On the shelf

Since any narrow model has a stand, it can be used to easily install the TV on a shelf. It could just be an open shelving unit. Or the bottom tier of a kitchen cabinet. In this case, the doors can serve as screen protection when the device is not in use. When positioned open, it is better to stick a special film on the monitor. It will protect it from splashing water. It is also easier to remove fat deposits, which are inevitable in the kitchen.

TV hidden in the kitchen cabinet Source

Small TV standing on the kitchen shelf Source

Hygiene issue

No one will deny that the kitchen is a place with a high degree of pollution. Steam, greasy splashes, water... All this cannot but affect the longevity of the TV.

You will have to carefully consider the placement of your TV to prevent premature failure.

In addition to the placement recommendations already given, there is another way to solve this problem - a protective screen. Of course, for a TV simply placed on a shelf, this method is not feasible.

However, if you decide to build the equipment into a niche or place it on a special shelf, perhaps this decision will help you significantly extend the life of the TV.

The transparent screen is attached to the edges of the niche or the sides of the shelf. You can use durable glass or plastic for it - such materials do not interfere with the operation of the remote control, but will reliably protect the TV from dirt, grease and dust.

Another option has a more decorative function - sliding doors that will help hide the TV when you are not using it. If you choose a material that matches the kitchen set, no one will guess that there is a TV in the kitchen when the door is closed.

Alternatively, you can use contrasting colors - an interesting and not yet banal design technique.

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