Wooden decor: beautiful DIY design ideas, photos, advantages of wood decor, tips for choosing furniture

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Despite the fact that progress is rapidly moving forward, people still try to choose natural materials for decorating their rooms. The most popular is wood. It is used to make furniture, doors, window frames, and various accessories. It is used for finishing and creating decorative elements.

Advantages of wooden decor

Elements of wooden decor can be incorporated into any interior, the main thing is that it is in moderation. Such things will have certain advantages:

  1. Things made of wood are practically durable, so this decor will last a very long time. This will help save money and time on constant repairs, especially if the decor affects a large area, for example, an entire wall;
  2. Wood accumulates heat very well, so this decor will also act as thermal insulation. You can put it on the floor or decorate the walls with it;
  3. Each cut of wood has its own unique pattern, so using an array, you get an individual decoration for your room.

Logs and stumps

You need to decorate the interior using logs or stumps wisely and with a sense of proportion. The final compositions are distinguished by sufficient volume and should fit organically into the overall concept of the room.

Logs can make good benches for the dressing room, and stumps, with the right skill, can make good places to sit near the dining table.

Wall decor

Most often, wooden styles in wall decor are presented from saw cuts.

  1. To do this, you first need to draw up a sketch of the decor and calculate its approximate size.
  2. Then the logs that were prepared to decorate the wall are sawn into even circles.
  3. They should be the same thickness so that when decorating the wall the surface remains smooth, without clearly protruding elements.
  4. The bark can be removed from the cuts, or you can leave it the same.
  5. After the cuts are prepared, they can be coated on the front with a special impregnation, thanks to which the tree will remain in its original form.
  6. Then the saw cuts will need to be glued to the walls.
  7. You can also use self-tapping screws, only in this case the cuts will be visible.

In the photo of wooden decor you can also see an interesting solution when using saw cuts. You can take long and spreading branches or the trunk of a small tree with branches and screw it to the wall. Small cuts can be glued directly to the branches, as if they were foliage.

The simplicity of driftwood and knots

Knots and snags must be processed to decorate a living space. Finding the required shape and correct arrangement of the material can give amazing results.

Decoration can be done using single objects if they have an intricate shape. Such material often becomes a godsend during a country holiday or sea vacation.

Sometimes a curious object may catch your eye not far from the river. A long-separated fragment of some wood turned out to be polished with water and now represents a priceless thing that can become a highlight of style in the hands of an experienced craftsman.

It is worth noting that some French decorators are happy to use such material when it comes to table setting. And the Germans prefer to decorate flower pots with it, decoratively covering the base of the plants on top of the ground.

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Wooden partitions

Wooden partitions can be either movable or not. You can zone the space using different materials, from solid pine to thin branches or a tree trunk.

Such a partition can be made at intervals, leaving empty space. You can install small shelves in it to accommodate books or indoor flowers. This will make the partition even more functional.

You can easily mount a horizontal or vertical partition from branch cuts:

  1. Measure the space and write down all the parameters on paper;
  2. Make a sketch based on the measured parameters, drawing all the details;
  3. On the floor and ceiling or walls you need to make a base for fastening where the branches will be inserted;
  4. Now you need to saw off the branches to the required length and treat them with a special solution that will preserve the appearance of the tree and protect it from moisture;
  5. All that remains is to secure the branches to the base.

Design Tips

If you want to use old boards to decorate your house or apartment, you should consider some recommendations:

  • Using wood when decorating a room is, of course, good, but it is always important to know when to stop. The boards should not attract too much attention, blending with the interior rather than standing out from it. They should not be too conspicuous, since the point of using them is to create a specific style. Everything should be in harmony, be organic. To do this, you should also carefully consider the choice of thickness, dimensions, color or even pattern of the material.
  • Professional designers recommend finishing not the entire space with old boards, but only a certain part of it. It is preferable to decorate part of the territory, and choose additional material for the rest. After all, if there is too much wood, it will seem that the room is littered with rubbish.
  • In order not to bring gloom into the environment, it is necessary to use high-quality textiles and add some modern finishing materials.

It is recommended to use brickwork when finishing the walls if the floor is lined with old boards. They complement each other delightfully, so the combination will look great indoors.

Based on these tips, try to find a balance when decorating your home. Find your own style, remembering to follow the recommendations of experienced professionals.

Wooden furniture

You can use not only wooden decor for furniture in the interior, but also make the furniture itself from solid wood yourself. Even an ordinary stump can easily turn into a table if you add a glass tabletop to it.

Tree trunks can be cleared of bark and soaked in a protective solution, then they can easily turn into shelf holders. You can also make chairs or stylish stools from tree cuts. It would be good to make a base for a floor lamp from willow twigs.

Moreover, even bathroom furniture is made from solid wood in an almost untouched form, for example, the base for installing a sink.

Solid wood furniture can be created using the following principles:

  1. Modular furniture, which will consist of several elements. The figure can be any, but the surface must be smooth;
  2. Furniture, the basis of which will be a solid element. Such furniture will be easier to work with, but you will have to try to find the right size.
  3. Because a dining table, for example, must be large and of a certain size, but finding wood of the required diameter will be difficult.
  4. In addition, sawing will cost several times more than small ones. But there is one big plus - you don’t need decor for a wooden table; it will look very impressive even without it.

Wood in the interior

Let's look at the most popular wood finishing options in different rooms. What styles will be suitable and how to decorate it beautifully?


Wood can make the kitchen interior cozy and original. Kitchens made from wood or finished with natural materials can be decorated in one of the following styles:

  • classical;
  • country;
  • Romanesque;
  • Scandinavian;
  • modern;
  • Gothic.

At the same time, wooden elements are not only kitchen units and accessories, but also decoration of walls, ceilings, and floors. The flooring is most often parquet or wood-imitation tiles.

Modern kitchen interior

Overview of each kitchen style:


Involves the use of expensive wood species. They provide a high social status for the kitchen. There are no bright provocative colors or unusual accessories here. Everything is strict and restrained. Wooden furniture is complemented by natural textiles, leather upholstery, gold or silver jewelry.

Classic style


Many associate it with rustic style. And a village implies an abundance of wood. The work area or part of the wall is decorated with wood, preference is given to wicker furniture. The color scheme involves a combination of warm colors and pastel tones. The style has a lot of small floral patterns and cotton curtain materials.

Country style

3Romanesque style

Suitable for spacious kitchens in your own homes. Kitchen wooden furniture is usually white or black. The facades are decorated with rough iron carvings. The general color scheme of the kitchen is dark brown or gray tones with the addition of white. All furniture should look heavy and massive. The stone floor adds heaviness to the setting. For decoration, ancient medieval weapons, knightly armor or similar imitations are used.

In a romantic style

4Scandinavian style

Can be used in kitchens of any size. The palette should be chosen exclusively light, with minor additions of black or dark blue colors. In a room where white or light colors predominate, there should be a lot of bright spots. Wallpaper or plaster is placed on the walls; when decorating the ceiling, it is necessary to use wooden elements. All furniture in the kitchen should be made either from natural raw materials or from high-quality imitation. Lots of lighting, no curtains, live plants in pots - these are the signs of Scandinavia.

Scandinavian style


In addition to wood, the interior should contain products made of glass, plastic, and metal. The combination of colors is very complex - white, gray, black are combined with bright blue, brown or beige. When decorating the walls, raw materials with the addition of metal are used.

Art Nouveau style


It assumes initially high ceilings in a room with wide wooden beams. Furniture is purchased from such species as walnut, oak, alder, cedar with bronze fittings. It is better to choose dark colors, mainly brown and red. They should be diluted with silver and gold threads. The lower part of the wall is decorated with wooden panels, the upper part with wallpaper. The interior is completed with metal window frames and forged parts.

Gothic style

Natural material in the bathroom

A bathroom is a place with high humidity, constant temperature changes, and a difficult microclimate. Therefore, when creating a bathroom interior, wood is not often used. Preference is given to already boring ceramic tiles.

Wood in the bathroom interior

Properly prepared wood trim can become a wonderful decoration for a bathroom. Such natural material can last a long time. All you have to do is choose from the following materials:

  • Natural wood is the most expensive type of decoration. This includes a block house, edged hardwood boards, and imitation timber. They have antiseptic impregnation and natural beauty of the design.
  • Wood-effect panels - there are laminated panels and wood chip boards that resemble wood in texture. They look no worse than natural wood. But they have better resistance to moisture.
  • Wood-look ceramic tiles – you can choose familiar tiles in new, non-standard colors. The tile conveys the texture, color and pattern of natural wood.

This bathroom requires special care

Wood, which is not a suitable material for a bathroom, always looks bright and original in this room. You don't have to use natural finishes to liven up your space. Multiple wood accents can be used.

They may be:

  • a wooden bathtub is an unusual item that requires special care;
  • wooden floor for the bathroom - you can also choose wood-look tiles or choose natural wood. It requires simple care;
  • wooden furniture - bedside tables and tables in eco style, rustic spa.

Tip For small bathrooms, you need to choose light-colored wood: pine, ash, maple. Dark wood makes the room look dark and cramped.

This material looks bright and original in this room.

In the bedroom

Bedroom interior design using wood can make the room cozy and relaxing. When choosing wood trim for a bedroom, you need to rely on the following criteria:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • admissibility of further processing;
  • good operating characteristics.

Natural raw materials are chosen for bedroom decor, as they meet all the listed criteria and are environmentally friendly. In terms of price, pine is considered an acceptable material.

Creative option for a bed

Tips for decorating your bedroom:

  • To visually expand the space, you need to choose light shades of wood, which can be complemented with small bright accents.
  • For a small bedroom, you need to choose the simplest but most functional furniture. Don't clutter up the space. Furniture should not take up most of the room. Good options are a transforming sofa, a neat wardrobe.
  • Natural wood tones will serve as a wonderful backdrop for other bright accents in the room.
  • Wood with a matte finish looks very natural.
  • Products with glossy varnish will need to be refinished over time.

When creating an eco-style in the bedroom, you can highlight an entire wall for wood trim. Usually it is the wall at the head of the bed. To do this, you can use economical clapboard design or buy elite decorative panels.

Cozy and modern bedroom

Paintings, sculptures, and lamps that match the style of the room will harmonize with this decoration. If you make a wooden ceiling in the bedroom, then you can get a lot of advantages from such an idea:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • excellent noise and heat insulation;
  • the ability to hide various communications;
  • beauty of appearance.

Living room

The design of any room begins with the selection of finishes. If you want to create a living room interior using natural materials, then you can’t do without wood.

For the floor you can choose:

  • deck board;
  • massive board;
  • parquet;
  • laminate or linoleum with a pattern reminiscent of the color and texture of wood.

A fireplace harmonizes perfectly with high-quality wooden furniture . Therefore, in your own homes, where the room space is quite large, you can place an artificial stone fireplace.

Wood in the living room interior is associated primarily with the classic style. To convey this style, you need to choose discreet colors. The style is suitable for both dark and light shades, natural materials and textiles. Wood is combined with heavy curtains for windows and natural materials for upholstering high-quality upholstered furniture.

Living room interior using natural materials

Homemade or purchased wooden accessories can decorate the living room interior. A low wooden table of our own production, chairs made of untreated wood, wooden frames for photographs and paintings will set the mood for such a living room.

Advice: Choose natural wood shades. You should not choose products and furniture with painted surfaces; the texture of the material is also very important.

Finishing loggias and balconies

Some apartment owners in multi-storey buildings have a balcony as another storage room. People put old, unnecessary trash there that they would hate to throw away. Any balcony can be turned into a functional space that will inspire admiration.

It is necessary to carry out high-quality wood finishing in order to profitably transform the space. Most often, the finishing of the balcony is carried out using wooden materials.

Loggia design option

Let's look at a few worthwhile ideas:

Wooden lining is a noble, warm, natural material that is environmentally friendly. They can be divided into several classes depending on the number of knots. The lining has a locking connection according to the tongue-and-groove principle. Therefore, finishing is carried out quickly and easily.

Tip You can use lining for lining a balcony in several positions. Most often this is a vertical fastening of the boards, but horizontal and diagonal laying can be done.

You can sheathe the balcony space with wood-look PVC slabs. They have excellent sound and heat insulation properties, are easy to install, and have a smooth surface. The joining seam is almost completely hidden in the upholstery.

MDF panels - with the right lighting on the balcony they look no worse than natural wood. This is also an environmentally friendly material, created from compressed wood waste. MDF is suitable for covering heated or already insulated balconies, as it has low moisture resistance.

Any balcony can be turned into a functional space

In summer, you can place fresh flowers on such a wooden balcony, which blend perfectly with the material.

Bathhouse interior

A traditional Russian bathhouse is a completely wooden room. It consists of a dressing room, a special steam room and a separate room for water procedures. Typically, all three rooms are finished with wood to simulate horizontal laying of logs.

This is a completely wooden room

All other items in the ordinary interior are also wooden.

The following materials are used for finishing the bath:

  • lining made of natural wood;
  • special wood-effect tiles for bath rooms;
  • imitation timber;
  • block house made of slab;
  • weave of vine or beech.

When decorating the dressing room, it is important to provide bathhouse visitors with comfort and coziness. This room should be warm. Therefore, it is necessary to use natural materials with good thermal conductivity. At the same time, the materials must be resistant to moisture.

Beautiful and cozy dressing room

This room contains a table and simple chairs for enjoying tea. The walls are decorated with paintings and shelves. You can purchase wicker furniture for the dressing room, which goes well with wood trim.

The steam room must use high quantities of materials that are resistant to high temperatures. It is also very important to properly organize the space in the steam room. This room should be a continuation of the dressing room style.

The last bathing room is characterized by high humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to select materials with high moisture resistance.

Since this room is usually combined with a steam room, it might make sense to use natural wood. This room has good air circulation and therefore wood is suitable.

Use natural materials with good thermal conductivity


To create this functional decor you will not need a lot of materials, and the practicality of such a product is difficult not to appreciate. So, you will need a wooden frame and several tree branches with knots.

Stages of work:

  1. You need to assemble a wooden frame of the size that will be needed for the future shelf. You can take a ready-made open shelf as such a frame;
  2. Now the frame needs to be fixed to the wall;
  3. Cut the branches into several parts according to the height of the shelf;
  4. Place each branch with the branch facing forward so that you can hang something on it, like on a hook.

There is another option for creating such work:
  1. Draw a tree with spreading branches on the wall;
  2. Now you need to select the material according to the drawing. You can cut out elements of the required size from the boards;
  3. The material must be prepared for use: sanded, treated with a special compound or varnished;
  4. Next comes installation of the material directly on the wall;
  5. All that remains is to attach the hooks to the branches.

The first option is more compact, the second will require more space.

Interesting facts about style

Nowadays wood is a frequently used material in interior decoration. It is perfect for decorating the interior of a residential building or apartment, as well as other places, such as canteens or restaurants.

Designers love old boards because they can come up with so many interesting ideas. After all, nowadays people like ancient, rare and unusual things.

Almost every owner of a residential property wants to stand out and arrange their place of residence in an original way. Many even go in search of their own style, considering all sorts of decoration options. People began decorating their houses with wood in ancient times. So they gave the home comfort and warmth.

Newly built wooden houses always smelled wonderful of fresh wood and resin. And after some time, they became even more comfortable, because the place was settling in, and the wooden surfaces were covered with small chips and cracks.

  • Recently, many modern materials such as plastic, concrete, metal and glass have appeared.
  • But they are never capable of becoming a replacement for wood.
  • Of course, they may look attractive and luxurious, but wood will always be much more soulful.
  • That is why, by the end of the last century, such style trends as vintage and eco-style gained popularity.

Many people who build a house on their own try to add as much comfort as possible, without forgetting about originality and uniqueness. Old boards are perfect for creating a similar atmosphere in a living space. Moreover, they can be used in different ways.

Elements of wooden decor

From solid wood you can make not only large decorative items, but also small elements:

  1. Watches - for them they often take a simple unprocessed cut, the bark of which is not cleaned, but remains. The more carelessness in the element, the more interesting it will look;
  2. Vases – you can paste over a ready-made glass vase with small curved branches or small saw cuts;
  3. Frame – for a mirror, a large cut is suitable, in which you need to cut a hole for the mirror;
  4. Fruit stand made from saw cuts;
  5. Candlesticks made from small tree trunks;
  6. Wall panel made from saw cuts.

Where to get old boards

This material is very popular, so you can find it almost anywhere. You can use existing boards if you have a dacha or a country house.

  • In addition, you can go to a hardware store and find a good option there.
  • However, you should know that the cost in the store will be rather high.
  • This is due to the fact that this material is manufactured in European countries and is of very high quality.

Old boards are gaining popularity every day, because they are an excellent and versatile material.

They will suit almost any style direction and will perfectly highlight it. Their environmental friendliness and ability to provide comfort and tranquility also stand out.

Photos of wooden decors

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