We create simple and amazing wood decor with our own hands

People have been decorating their homes with their own hands since ancient times. At first, craftsmen used the gifts of nature for this, then they learned to make things from metal, and in the era of the development of the chemical industry, many synthetic materials appeared, which are successfully used in modern design.

Option for decorating the design with wood

Modern DIY wood decor

DIY wood decor idea

Of course, it is stupid to refuse the conveniences that have appeared with the development of industry and new technologies in the production of furniture and decorative items, but I really want to revive the house, create a special atmosphere of comfort and peace in any room with the help of natural materials! And the best material for this at all times has been and remains His Majesty wood.

Real masters create magnificent carved panels, exclusive solid wood furniture, and amazing paintings in the marquetry style. To implement the most daring ideas in the interior, you need skill, artistic taste, special tools, knowledge and skills. But anyone can make simple decorations with their own hands.

DIY wood decoration

Beautiful wood decor

Furniture, windows, doors in the interior

The easiest way to use wood is to abandon plastic frames, install wooden doors, and purchase furniture made from solid wood. This material has the ability to breathe. Wooden frames on the windows will help maintain a pleasant living atmosphere in the room.

A furniture set made of natural wood can give any apartment a feeling of good quality, prosperity, and act as an independent home decoration. True, not everyone can afford such luxury. However, even a few items can change the look of a modern apartment. They look very advantageous in any interior:

  • a coffee table, the surface of which is decorated using marquetry techniques or cuttings of valuable wood;
  • a chair hollowed out of solid wood;
  • wooden stands for house plants;
  • open shelves.

Option for decorating the design with wood

Modern DIY wood decor

DIY wood decor idea

Therefore, if it is not possible to furnish your home with expensive furniture, it is enough to purchase one or two products, or decorate existing furniture using decorative wood for the interior with your own hands.

When it comes to doors, there are many options. In order to isolate rooms, you can install:

  • Solid doors made of natural boards;
  • Canvas composed of slats;
  • Doors with glazing;
  • Sliding doors;
  • Screen doors in the common room, folding like an accordion.

The last two options can significantly save space in small rooms. You can make such doors yourself, or order them from an experienced craftsman.

DIY wood decoration

Beautiful wood decor

See alsoDoors in the interior: choice of color, type, shape.

Wooden decor in the bedroom

Wood is quite popular when decorating a bedroom, as this material adds coziness and, due to its naturalness, is ideal for sleeping. But do not forget that such material must be monitored so that mold does not form or various insects do not infest.

  • For the bedroom, elegant furniture is more suitable than massive and rough options.
  • For the bedroom it is best to choose calm and neutral colors, but if you want something unusual, then wood can be used in all existing styles and it all depends only on your desires and fantasies.
  • For example, in the photo of wooden decor, you can see how wood is ideal for decorating a bedroom in a Scandinavian style, in which the emphasis is on natural and environmentally friendly materials, light colors are used and almost the entire room is made of wood.

The ideal flooring for a bedroom is parquet; this is the most beautiful and sought-after type of wooden floor, but it has a high price.

There are cheaper coating options such as planks and laminate, which, although they do not look as luxurious as parquet, are in demand due to their price and durability.

Do-it-yourself wood in the interior: advantages

Since wood is one of the natural materials, it has many advantages for making various items with your own hands:

  • Environmental Safety. Can be used in the interior of any room without harm to health. In addition, according to popular belief, wood has the ability to heal - for example, aspen dies relieve inflammation, and oak dies give strength to a weakened body.
  • It’s practically free: it’s literally lying under our feet - snags and dried tree branches that can be found in the nearest forest will be used. Summer residents most often burn waste resulting from cleaning and thinning the garden. Or you can not burn all these pieces of wood, but make beautiful accessories out of them that can add individuality to your interior, giving it its own soul.
  • The ability to create wood decor with your own hands. Nature is unique, and you will not find two absolutely identical branches. Therefore, when working with natural materials, you create unique things every time that will give your home its own special style and appeal. In addition, there will be a reason to brag to your friends about your imagination and skillful hands.

Option for decorating the design with wood

Modern DIY wood decor

DIY wood decor idea

See alsoBeautiful things

How to decorate an interior space with wood?

Natural solid wood can take on different shapes and colors. This material retains home warmth, has good sound insulation and has a positive effect on human consciousness.

Wooden decorative elements add a unique zest to the interior space. Thanks to them, the design seems more comfortable and cozy. Textured lines on the surface of the wood add sophistication to the surrounding environment.

Such details can be present in any stylistic direction. In a classic design, carved wooden decor is used to add luxury to the room.

High-quality textiles and small decorative items help complement the composition. The array is used to decorate walls and ceilings. As a result, the plane acquires a beautiful appearance that fascinates.

Wooden crafts of unusual shapes are very often found in the minimalist or modern style. Thanks to them, the interior looks stylish and modern. In addition, in the space of the room you can find wooden vases, wall panels or figurines.

To decorate the kitchen area, a cutting board made of high-quality solid wood, fruit vases or wooden shelves for various small items are suitable.

Creating an exclusive design is quite simple. The main thing in this matter is to have a good imagination and a clear idea of ​​the desired result.

Home decorations made from wood slices

Anyone who knows how to hold a hammer and other simple tools in their hands can process wood with their own hands for the interior in order to obtain a suitable material. The wood can be cleared of bark in advance, or left in its original form - it all depends on what types of wood you have and where you are going to stick the wooden dies.

Here are just a few ideas where regular wood cuts can be useful in the interior:

  • finishing the walls with sections of logs;
  • furniture manufacturing;
  • decoration of individual pieces of furniture with wooden dies of various diameters.

DIY wood decoration

Beautiful wood decor

See alsoWood cuts for decoration

Which finish to choose for a wooden style

The variations in the use of this interior decoration are endless. You can use special prepared material, unprocessed or protected. The finish can be not only light or dark brown.

The panels can cover the entire wall or one wall, and can be used as decorative inserts near window sills, a TV, or a bed.

The finish can be selected in various colors:

  • Red wood. Suitable for creating a strict and rich style. Very compatible with brick or stone. If you dilute the wood with textured wallpaper, it will add coziness to the room.
  • White fills the room with light and adds nobility. In this case, the emphasis can be placed on furniture.
  • Gray wood is rare but adds a monochromatic touch to the design. As you know, gray color is calming, so you can safely decorate your sleeping area with gray walls made of wood.

Wood can be not only brown and beige, but also other colors.

DIY wood decor for walls

If you decide to use wood to decorate the walls, you can do it in two ways:

  1. cover the surface of one or all walls in the room with wooden dies;
  2. select a separate section of the wall and decorate it in the form of a panel.

The first option is not suitable for every room - it will fit better into the interior of a veranda, corridors, country-style kitchen or home bathhouse. But to decorate a separate section of the wall, you can show all your imagination. It can be:

  • Kitchen apron or panel above the work area. Beautiful saw cuts are obtained from different types of wood - apple, pear, plum, cherry, walnut, ash, where each has its own unique color. All you have to do is sand the surfaces of the dies well and cover the bright canvas with a protective layer of colorless varnish.
  • In the interior of a children's room, beautiful panels made of wooden saw cuts, made in the form of stylized butterflies, flowers or an entire fairy-tale landscape, are appropriate.
  • To decorate the walls of a spacious corridor, you can take wooden driftwood found in the forest, treated by time and nature. If you make cuts from them, leaving one side untouched, then you will have strange flowers on one of the walls, each of which will be unique in its natural beauty.

Option for decorating the design with wood

Modern DIY wood decor

DIY wood decor idea

See also DIY kitchen panels: 9 original ideas

Creating a designer wall

For decoration, it is advisable to choose one side of the room. The design of all planes is a sign of bad taste, and the room will look overloaded. Any room needs to be given air, and it’s not about the windows. It should breathe space, and light empty planes give this effect. Only one “woody” edge of the room will become a kind of accent, which will become its mood. You can lay out the “wood puzzle” yourself, and now we’ll talk about how it’s done.

Everyone has a dead tree in their yard that needs to be removed. Now it's time to chop it down. We take a branch and cut it into bars of medium thickness. You can remove the bark from the resulting “pancakes” and then sand it. Thanks to this, you will not drive a thorn when touching the wall. The resulting wood layers should be treated with a special insect repellent, and then placed on glue. It is advisable to varnish the resulting relief - varnished wood can last a long time.

On a note! Create a composition from branches of different sizes, starting from a massive trunk and ending with the thinnest branches. The composition breathes due to the voids formed between the cuts of different sizes.

Transforming furniture

To decorate a wooden interior with your own hands, you can use pieces of old furniture that you already have. Decorated with dies of different types of wood, it will acquire a second life and fit perfectly into the interior.

The main rule that should be followed is that all work must be carried out without haste, very carefully, in order to obtain the desired effect:

  • Select branches of the desired tree species of small diameter;
  • Dry them well, remove the bark if necessary;
  • Cut dies of equal thickness using a jigsaw or grinder;
  • Sand the cut surfaces with sandpaper on both sides;
  • Prepare the furniture that you are going to transform: clean it of old paint, varnish, level the surfaces with sandpaper;
  • Attach the cuts with wood glue - wood glue or PVA.
  • Let it dry thoroughly, then coat the treated surfaces with clear varnish.

This way you can decorate a chest of drawers, an old wardrobe, a table and other pieces of furniture.

DIY wood decoration

Beautiful wood decor

See alsoShells as an interior element

Original table made from blocks

To make a table from blocks, a dry birch trunk is selected, preferably with a diameter of no more than 10 cm. The log must be smooth, without knots.

Then a wooden box of a certain size is constructed, the bottom of which is 12 cm away from the walls. The length of the blanks is 3 cm higher than the box.

We saw the trunk to the dimensions of the blanks. The surface of the cut block should be smooth without knots or roughness. To do this, we sand each workpiece.

Next, we install blanks along the perimeter of the bottom of the box using glue. In this case, glue is coated with the bottom and side of the block, which is adjacent to the box.

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The log tabletop is finished with equal pieces (2 cm thick), which are glued to the table. By rubbing, the holes between the bars are removed.

After additional processing with sandpaper, the table is varnished. It is advisable to install wheels on the table so that it can be rolled, since the structure has significant weight.

The decor of a wooden table will look good in a country house or country house. To create it, you need simple materials, a little skill, and an unexpected effect.

Decor items

In addition to the techniques already listed, you can make other decorative items from wood with your own hands. Amateur photographs or small pictures placed in frames made from thin twigs look original in the interior of the office. You just need to cut 3-4 thin branches, slightly longer than the size of the photograph, and tie them around the perimeter at the joints with a regular rope or twine.

Using the same principle, you can make a pencil stand:

  1. Cut off the top of a plastic bottle or tin can to create a cup where you can put pencils.
  2. Cut thin branches so that their length is slightly greater than the height of the resulting glass;
  3. Glue them on using a glue gun and tie a few turns of twine or string around the top.

Option for decorating the design with wood

Modern DIY wood decor

DIY wood decor idea

With a little imagination and ingenuity, you can make a phone stand using twigs, a plastic bottle or a juice can. And if you work a little, you can, using suitable solid cuts, hollow out an iPhone docking station or an original candlestick.

Saw cuts of a suitable diameter can be used to make your own:

  • original coasters for cups in the form of topographical symbols;
  • from a bottle of an unusual shape of an original vessel, covering its surface with wooden dies;
  • hot stands, the basis for which can be a plywood sheet of any shape.

DIY wood decoration

Beautiful wood decor

A wine bottle covered with a wooden cut can be used as a base for a lamp in an eco-friendly interior. It is suitable for a lampshade made of ordinary cotton rope, which needs to be wound on a ready-made metal or wooden frame.

We have offered you just a few ideas for DIY wood decorations for your interior. There are many more options for how to make wooden decorations and beautiful accessories with your own hands using other gifts of nature. It all depends on the overall design, your imagination and the materials at hand.

See alsoWhy you need to make crafts for the interior with your own hands

Methods of decorative wood processing

Sometimes, to get a stylish craft, it is not enough to prepare the parts and carry out the final assembly.

Quite often you have to resort to the following wood processing methods:

  1. Surface brushing. This technique refers to artificial methods of aging wood. Parts for assembly are processed using special brushes. Then the surface of the wood is degreased, and at the final stage paint is applied. Coloring pigments are placed strictly along the prepared furrows, which creates an interesting visual effect.
  2. It is also very common to apply a patina to the surface of wooden objects. Beech, maple, and cherry are perfect for this purpose. If there is insufficient experience, the master has the opportunity to use step-by-step instructions on artificial aging of wood.
  3. All products made from solid wood can be fired. To do this, as a rule, a soldering iron or a gas burner with the ability to adjust the temperature is used.
  4. Using a torch or soldering iron, you can burn wood so that a beautiful design remains on the surface.

To give the wood a luxurious decor, you can prepare wax and tools for thoroughly polishing the surface. If the wood has a beautiful texture and natural relief, you should give preference to stain and transparent acrylic varnish.

This approach will not only give the craft a stylish glossy shine, but will also create an additional protective layer that prevents moisture from entering.

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