Bar counters for the kitchen: features, advantages, varieties and material, 50 photo ideas

For a bar, cafe or restaurant, the bar counter is an organic element in the design of the room. However, in our time, the original detail of the kitchen interior is the bar counter. Its popularity lies not only in its aesthetic properties, but also in its functionality. They are comfortable, roomy, great for saving space, and also look stylish. In order to fit the structure into the architecture of the room according to the rules, you need to have an idea of ​​the features of this type of furniture. In this article we will look at bar counters for the kitchen: features, advantages, varieties and materials, 50 photo ideas.

Features and Benefits

The classic bar counter is a high structural element located on bar consoles. Located at a height of 115 cm from the floor. High chairs with a crossbar or stools are perfect for this option. Combined compositions are located mainly on two levels. The bar counter is located above and the table below. This option is suitable for separating the kitchen and living room. However, as a result of the combined composition, one should not forget about the aesthetic characteristics of the resulting structure. The advantages in favor of such a piece of furniture are as follows:

  • zoning element (divides the space between the living room and kitchen, becomes the border of the dining room and work area in a large kitchen);
  • compactness (thanks to various mini-racks, kitchen space is saved);
  • mobility (there are a large number of racks: sliding and retractable, rotating, mobile and others);
  • variety of designs (variety of shapes, stylistic treatments, colors);
  • replacement of the dining table (relevant for small kitchens);
  • availability of additional space for storing kitchen utensils;
  • auxiliary work surface.

What are the racks made of?

The design of any bar counter implies the presence of:

  • countertops, the material of which determines its appearance, as well as performance;
  • base, the material of which affects the appearance less, but on which reliability greatly depends.

Pay attention to the material of the tabletop

The combination determines how the stand will behave in everyday life and how it will look.

Natural materials

The materials from which countertops for bar counters are made are usually divided into two groups.

The first one is natural

Among them, wood is the most classic of all possible materials. When no one had ever heard of acrylic, tempered glass and chipboard, wood was already in full use. Its current properties, however, differ from those of the old days - even at the production stage, the boards are impregnated with special compounds that protect them from moisture and biological irritants.

Wood is a classic material of choice


  • Beauty. Each tabletop is unique, in a noble warm shade. Gives the room coziness and fits well with classic styles.
  • Reliability. Expensive wood is processed in such a way that it is not afraid of anything except fire and some mechanical damage. Can serve for decades.

The only disadvantage of wood is that it requires careful care; it cannot be cleaned with aggressive agents. In addition, marks can be left on it if you cut food on it without a board.

Combines harmoniously with laminate

Among them is natural stone.

The material is expensive, but not without its advantages:

  • Beauty. Just as every wood countertop is unique, so is every stone countertop. Veins, a specific color inherent in a particular variety - if done correctly, it will look chic.
  • Reliability. If wood needs to be processed to make it stable, stone is not afraid of anything at all. It does not burn, does not rot, does not fade, it can be washed with aggressive agents and cleaned with metal sponges. Temperature changes won't do anything to him.

The disadvantages of the stone are price and weight. To ensure that the base does not sag or crack under the tabletop, you will need to carry out calculations, and to ensure that nothing happens to the load-bearing slab, you will have to calculate the load on it as well. In addition, a stone countertop is difficult to transport and bring into the apartment.

An option that everyone will like

Among them is also metal.

It is distinguished by:

  • Beauty. For high-tech, for example, the metallic shine of the tabletop is simply irreplaceable. It will also look good in a modern style.
  • Reliability. For the kitchen, they usually buy stainless steel - it is not sensitive to fire and moisture, it can be processed by any means, and is easy to clean.

Metal has two disadvantages - price and specific appearance . The interior with it immediately begins to seem strict, a little cold. If this is not the impression you want to achieve, it is better to choose other options.

Metal countertop in the kitchen interior

Advice: Buy natural materials for your stand, not only if your budget allows, but also if your design and soul require it. In other cases, there is simply no need to pay more - yes, a counter with a stone countertop will last for decades, but do you need this level of reliability when artificial stone is cheaper and wears out only a little faster?

Synthetic materials for countertops

The second group is synthetic materials

These include:


A material that consists of compressed sawdust with the addition of specific resins that can emit fumes harmful to humans if the manufacturer has not been conscientious.
It wears out quickly and is fragile - if you hit it hard, a crack will remain; if you run it with a knife, there will be a mark. But cheap, not afraid of temperature changes. However, humidity can cause it to deteriorate. It is not recommended to treat with aggressive chemicals. Option for planning convenient accommodation


A material made from wood waste - it is heated, ground, mixed with resins, and pressed into slabs. The result is thicker and stronger than chipboard, but if you hit it, it will leave a dent. Parasites can live in the depths of the countertop. However, less often than chipboard, it turns out to be of poor quality and harmful to health, it is reliable, and can last for decades.


Purely plastic countertops are not common in everyday life; they would be too fragile, but countertops made of chipboard and MDF are often lined with plastic.
This allows you to protect them from moisture and give them a more interesting look. Plastic melts if you put something hot on it, it can be scratched, it wears out over time, and is afraid of aggressive chemicals. But it is very diverse - any colors, any patterns. You can use it to imitate wood or stone. Plastic - as an additional coating


It is also an artificial stone. It is not afraid of moisture, but, unlike natural stone, it can be scratched. Does not change due to temperature changes, does not fade, scratches can be removed by polishing the damaged area. But its main advantage is not this, but the fact that with its help you can create any shape - round tabletops, tabletops that look like a blot, tabletops whose surface curves bizarrely, forming depressions where you can put, for example, fruit. Any color, pleasant to the touch smoothness - no other material provides such freedom of imagination.

Glass – looks beautiful and is not afraid of high temperatures


A beautiful material that can be of any color or even in the form of a stained glass window.
It is distinguished by some fragility - mechanical impacts leave chips on it, makes sounds during operation (for example, a wet squeak when a rag is passed over it), and is afraid of aggressive chemicals and abrasive powders. It can be scratched. But at the same time, it is not afraid of high temperatures (you can safely place a hot frying pan on it), high humidity, biological threats, and dirt. Gives the interior a wonderful cool airiness. It has a high price. Synthetic materials are in no way inferior to natural ones (unless we are talking about the lower price segment of chipboard), therefore you should choose solely according to technical characteristics and aesthetic preferences.

It has a different shape and carries unusual decor

Advice If you decide to go with glass, keep in mind that it can be matte or transparent, colored or colorless, and can also be processed with sand, diamond, or hand-painted. Think about what will look good in your kitchen.

Base materials

The base of the bar counter should be in harmony with both the countertop and the rest of the kitchen. It can be made from different materials:

  • Chipboard and MDF . They are usually combined with a tabletop made of the same material. They are cheap and look good, since they are usually made to look like natural wood. The only drawback is that they are fragile; if someone accidentally kicks such a base, a sloppy dent will remain on it.
  • Drywall . Often used when a person wants to make a stand with his own hands. One hundred tabletops can be combined from virtually anything, the main thing is to choose the right color and texture. It is a metal frame covered with sheets of plasterboard. It is also not resistant to mechanical damage - the dent will remain, but there are many design options.
  • Brick . The material is heavy, requires a certain dexterity in handling, fits well into high-tech and minimalism, but is very limited in expressive means. The color of a brick is always approximately the same; it simply doesn’t make sense to finish it additionally - it’s easier to install chipboard or drywall. But it is completely insensitive to damage and can stand in the kitchen for ten years.
  • Tree . Real wood is used only if the naturalness of the material is important. In terms of properties, it is not much different from the others, only in appearance.
  • Metal . A solid metal base will be too heavy, so metal is usually used to make a round tube on which one edge of the tabletop can rest. It is used in minimalism and hi-tech, or where the owner wants the stand to look classic.
  • Partition . In some apartments, the partition between the living room and kitchen is destroyed to create a single room that can be zoned. In this case, the tabletop can be placed on the remains of such a partition - the result will be very reliable, and most likely it will not be damaged.

Selecting material for the base

Advice If you want to make a stand with your own hands, choose drywall or bricks - they are the easiest to work with, even a beginner who has never done anything like this can handle it.

For a spacious kitchen

The stand can look like a free-standing island structure that is located in the center of the room. It is imperative that the interior item and the set must be made from the same material and have the same color scheme. This idea is just a godsend to please those who love noisy parties at home.

This solution is excellent for decorating a spacious kitchen, so the space does not look empty, and the counter can also be used as a work surface. All participants in the feast take an active part in the cooking process; those who wish can demonstrate their culinary skills themselves. Very often, the bar counter is simply an addition to the dining table; it is extended upward above the surface of a large tabletop. In principle, a good option. Especially in favor of those in whose kitchen several generations gather.

Options for successful interior design for cafes and bars in recent years

Some 10-15 years ago, an entire VIP room was allocated for special guests. But this option is far in the past. Now, if you want to separate a zone from another, they simply use a different color scheme and move the tables away from each other.

The family cafe option is very popular. His idea is very simple: feed the whole family deliciously and let the children play while the parents have lunch or dinner. The interior of such a cafe is characterized by simple tables and chairs of light materials, light walls with interesting paintings. But the most distinctive part is the gaming area. After all, if you look at it, it’s really easier to go to establishments where children have something to do. On holidays or weekends, when a full boarding of people is planned, it would be a good idea to hire an animator and announce it on social networks. The family cafe exudes comfort and some spontaneity.

The fashion trend of recent years is a lot of greenery. Because it immediately makes the interior more alive. It is worth choosing unpretentious flowers and plants. Pots can be of different colors, but in the same color scheme as the furniture or walls. There can also be plants on window sills and in vases.

For a small kitchen

Let us immediately note that we will have to abandon the full-fledged bar element! In a small kitchen it will only be possible to accommodate a tabletop up to 90 cm, which will be part of the wall or other pieces of furniture. The interior element should combine the functions of a mini-stand and a dining table. For the sake of convenience, it is best to make the combined option multi-level. If space allows, the bar counter will be an excellent continuation of the kitchen unit.

The corner option will make it possible to free up space and not overload it with a dining table. For kitchens that are too small, a countertop mounted on the wall will come to the rescue. Today this option is presented as stationary and folding. A bar counter near the wall will free up space for the necessary pieces of furniture in the kitchen.

What is the secret of her popularity?

The bar counter, which came from the culture of Western European countries and America, is essentially a type of ordinary kitchen table. It is in this capacity that our compatriots often use it.

It should be noted that many Russians often associate a bar counter in their home with success and luxury.

This piece of furniture indicates that the owner of the home has such qualities as self-sufficiency, originality and a sense of style. And the image of a successful and self-confident person is considered extremely attractive not only among young people, but also among older people.

Of course, this is not the only reason for the popularity of bar counters in our country. In addition to stylishness and originality, this type of kitchen table attracts Russians with many useful functions.

Therefore, there is reason to assume that the number of fans of bar counters in interior design will increase significantly in the coming years.


For anyone who has decided on the design of their kitchen with a breakfast bar, there are many design possibilities. The item must correspond to the size (mini or tall) and correspond to the main outline in the kitchen design, then the element will be in harmony with the design of the entire room. This functional piece of furniture is divided by configuration and location.

The tabletop comes in narrow or medium width. Sometimes it has a canopy located parallel to the tabletop and is equipped with a bracket for glasses and spotlights. The shape of the stand has a regular geometric or wave-like design. It can be made in the form of a corner part that is adjacent to the furniture. There are types with legs, without them, console options and others. According to the type of execution there are the following types:

  • island;
  • partition stand;
  • built into furniture;
  • folding;
  • two-level.

Let's talk about each type in more detail.


Such a design is designed to separate the kitchen, otherwise it can exist on its own, as the central element of the interior, and the rest of the components of the set will be grouped around it. It is recommended to install such a rack in a large room or in a kitchen combined with a living room. The “island” is suitable as a table surface; a stove and oven can be built into it. This solution makes it possible to observe the cooking process. The shapes of the island model are varied: semicircular, L- or U-shaped. The second and third are the breakfast bar, the place where they have breakfast, which is a real reflection of its functionality in a modern apartment.

A rather convenient option for placing elements occurs when a bar counter is attached to an L-shaped surface in such a way that the kitchen forms a U shape in plan. This option allows you to organize an ergonomic workplace, while providing the opportunity to place equipment or containers for storing food. Racks come in open and closed types. In the second case, there are many different shelves and cabinets, which makes it as convenient and functional as possible, but the appearance is cumbersome. And the open design looks light and does not overload the kitchen.


The most common solution for studio apartments with an open plan, which necessitates a logical zoning of space. Using a bar counter, you can rationally separate the kitchen from the living room, providing a convenient place for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Often, a model in the form of a partition continues the wall. It is possible to place it in parallel in relation to the main pieces of furniture. The height of the structure is usually standard and high chairs are installed for its sake.

Built into furniture

The stand is structurally combined with a tabletop or other furniture element. There are many variations of placement: as a section of a kitchen island, the surface of a work area, and sometimes even a window sill. The latter type is ideal for small kitchens, as it utilizes the usually inactive area next to the window. Built-in models are often equipped with additional shelves to store household appliances, dishes, and household items.


You can often see an interior element with a folding structure, when one end is fixed to the wall and the other is supported on a support. This is quite convenient when decorating cramped kitchens, but there is a better solution, a transforming bar counter. Folding elements of the transforming stand increase the number of seats and adjust the area of ​​the tabletop depending on the number of people at the table.


A great option for a studio kitchen or when you need to separate the kitchen and living room. The design is functional and large. In one half there is a dining table, in the other (which is higher) there is a bar counter. Most often, the low part is located on the kitchen side, and the high part on the living room side. The model is convenient because each part can be used by different family members.

Basic design mistakes

  1. 1 Incorrect location. Make sure that once the bar counter is installed it is easy to access. It is better not to install the stand directly at the entrance or near the refrigerator.
  2. 2 Discomfort during operation. Often, carried away by design delights, we forget that the base of the bar counter should be narrower than the tabletop. Otherwise, you will simply rest your knees, which is extremely inconvenient.
  3. 3 Overload. Do not overload the structure by equipping the rack with all possible rails, holders and shelves. An overloaded top or an overly massive bottom will make your stand too bulky. This is especially true for counters for kitchens with a modest area.
  4. 4 Incorrect shape of the stand. The most popular are rectangular, round and semicircular racks. The main thing to consider is that the shape of the stand should be repeated in the interior. So, for example, if you have furniture of laconic shapes with regular straight lines, then the stand should be rectangular. If you definitely want to choose a semicircular counter, then think about how to repeat these smooth lines in the interior. You can repeat the semicircle in the shape of a suspended ceiling, you can design the floor in a semicircle, laying it with tiles around the perimeter of the counter. The easiest way is to choose textiles with smooth lines or images of circles and ovals. This remark especially applies to stands of abstract forms. If you have a counter, for example, in the form of a cascading wave, then there should be smooth lines in the interior.

As you can see, a bar counter is not just a luxury item, but a completely functional piece of furniture that will solve several problems at once and emphasize the chosen design style. We hope that our tips will give you the idea of ​​​​creating your own original bar counter that will fit perfectly into the interior of your kitchen.


Not only the appearance of the decorative element of the interior, but also the characteristics, method of care, and cost depend on the choice of the necessary material. Let's look at the most common options today:

  • acrylic;
  • a natural stone;
  • tree;
  • glass.

Below you will learn all the features of each material.


The material is characterized by good flexibility combined with pliability, which is the basis for creating furniture with different shapes, complex geometry, the presence of bends and bulges. This option is suitable for a modern kitchen with interesting design ideas. Ordering a futuristic set means including in the list an acrylic stand that has a glossy surface with smooth curves.

A natural stone

It is luxurious and rich in texture. A stone counter will always be a spectacular element of the interior. This design should be ordered together with the rest of the furniture so that they all look like one. The furniture will not be cheap, but the high costs will definitely be worth it - the kitchen will look chic and will last for many generations of homeowners. But it should be noted that this type of furniture requires special care.


A solid wood stand always looks immaculate. Naturalness makes it wear-resistant, safe and reliable. This expensive piece of furniture is often made according to individual sketches; valuable species of wood (walnut, oak, beech, ash, wenge, pine and some other species) can be used in its creation.

Due to the fact that wood is easy to process, wooden bar counters are usually decorated with hand carvings, gilding and platinum. In a room with large dimensions, decorated in vintage, art deco and country styles, the stand will fit perfectly. But even in modern interiors such a stand will feel great. Wood requires delicate care, but the appearance of a product made from this material will be approved by the most severe critic in the field of design.


A glass product is an impractical solution, which, even after special treatment, remains fragile when compared with other materials.

The glass surface is quite cold and “inhospitable” to touch. But the unique appearance has an unusually stylish aesthetic that compensates for the listed disadvantages. Transparent texture, variety of colors, compatibility with various materials, the glass stand can serve as a key element of the interior. It creates a special, airy atmosphere in the kitchen, looks harmonious with any type of design solution, is not afraid of chemical care products, and grease, dust and other contaminants are easily removed. When using a glass stand, you must protect it from impacts; place hot items only on a special stand.

Stylish design ideas

To confirm that the bar counter is a stylish, functional and versatile piece of furniture, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our photo selection, which will clearly illustrate the variety of solutions. Enjoy watching!

Lounge bar design - a cozy environment for relaxation

The word lounge was translated as “idleness.” Previously, it was used in music. Now, this is the most popular interior style, be it a small cafe, coffee shop or restaurant.

The main components of this style are smoothness, a lot of light at different levels, and round shapes.

Colors should be pastel. And the sofas have soft pillows.


For the most part, bar counters are valued for their lightness and compactness. However, massive options made of natural or artificial stone and wood look no worse. They add fundamentality and nobility to the interior.

Sports bar interior: simplicity, accessibility, functionality

Sports fans most often gather in this bar. This means you need to decorate it with cups, sports equipment, and a billiards table in the center of the hall.

  • You need to make a soft covering on the floor.
  • TV panels are an integral part of the design.
  • Here simplicity will give way to sophistication and luxury.

Particular attention should be paid to:

  • Comfort of furniture. The sofas should be soft and large, because large groups often come to the sports bar.
  • TVs should be big and loud. It turns out that good sound insulation is also needed.
  • The walls can be decorated with the names of famous athletes.


The number of drinks for each bar is individual and depends on the concept of the restaurant. The assortment should be quite diverse. At the same time, the alcoholic drinks presented should be in demand, and not just for show.

Don't skimp on bar equipment. Choose professional equipment and you will never regret this investment. What to choose?

Spidrek is a wall-mounted or built-in shelf for alcohol, a “pocket for bottles.” Provides quick access to the main ingredients when preparing drinks or cocktails.

Container for chopped fruit.

Glasstation - a rack for dishes from lower and frequently used to higher. Usually located on the left.

Icebucket is a large bucket for ice.

Powerful ice maker . The preparation of some drinks requires a large amount of ice, which should always be available.

Coffee machine and blender made of metal.

professional refrigerators at the bottom of the rear display case so that visitors cannot see them

Wine cabinet

The wine cabinet for storing drinks is a high-tech modern product. Wine cabinets maintain an optimal microclimate for storing wine and are installed in any heated room with a stable power supply.

A wine cabinet, whiskey cabinet or cognac cabinet are responsible for long-term storage and do an excellent job of displaying drinks in a retail space. That is why special attention is paid to their design.

Expensive, reputable restaurants prefer wine cabinets finished with natural wood (beech, poplar, cherry, oak) or genuine leather. Impeccable maintenance of the required temperature inside the refrigeration cabinet is the main characteristic of cabinets for elite alcohol.

The wine cabinet for bottles is equipped with several temperature zones:

  • for storage
  • to give the required temperature before pouring into glasses

Most wine coolers are equipped with carbon filters. They do not allow pungent odors to penetrate inside and affect the quality of the wine. Note that some wine cabinets do not have compressors and are equipped with thermoelectric cooling, which allows you to avoid vibration and store wine in ideal conditions.

Unusual interior designs of bars and cafes in the world

Giger bar in Switzerland. Created based on the movie "Alien".

The brandy library. Interior in the form of a library.

Faraday in Antarctica. This is the most difficult bar in the world to reach.

Clinic bar in Singapore. The project was created based on the quote “Art is like medicine.”

Celica in Slovenia. Made in the likeness of prison cells, which actually once were in the building of the current bar.

Tips for opening a bar:

  • A huge part of success depends on the team. Choose your employees carefully.
  • It’s good if the bar is located in a residential area where there are no competitors.
  • Make sure you have a good beer list.
  • The bar, despite drinks and snacks, must have hot dishes.
  • For a pub, choose rough wooden furniture in a rustic style.

Opening a bar can quickly bring in your first income if you follow all the above tips and guidelines.

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