Living room-bedroom 16 sq.m: choice of style and room zoning option (100+ photos)

A studio apartment has a lot of possibilities when choosing a design and comfortable arrangement, but if it is a small room and needs to be divided into a living room and a bedroom, then many people wonder how to make two out of a small room?

Bedroom-living room on an area of ​​16 sq. m. is an affordable way to rationally use space.

Consider the design options for a room of 16 square meters. m of bedroom-living room in the photo on the Internet, and, adhering to the basic rules of zoning, you can easily create two full-fledged rooms in your home for receiving guests and relaxing.

Rules for zoning a bedroom-living room with an area of ​​16 square meters. m.

At first glance, it is not possible to make a small room comfortable and beautiful, but it is possible. And there are a lot of options for zoning the total area: partitions and screens, racks and shelves, furniture and color solutions that can be easily implemented on your own come to the rescue.

The main thing is to choose the right style and zone the room.

The interior that will result after zoning the bedroom-living room of 16 square meters. m, you will be pleasantly surprised. First, decide what you want to do - a complete redevelopment of the common room or just decorate the bedroom. In this case, you need to consider what shape your room is – square or rectangular.

Basic rules for zoning premises:

  • if there are two windows in the room, you can use solid partitions or large cabinets for zoning; if there is only one window, it is better to use light hollow partitions and sliding screens;

The bedroom-living room is usually decorated with a folding sofa, which is both a place for daytime rest and night sleep.

  • If there is only one window, it would be better to leave it in the living room and add additional lighting to the bedroom area;

The best solution to the problem would be to use zoning - dividing the space into two independent zones.

  • It is better to zone a room with low ceilings with light partitions, otherwise you will visually reduce an already small room;

Thus, a hall of 16 squares forms a bedroom without losing its functions.

  • a rectangular room must be divided crosswise, otherwise you will end up with two small pencil cases that will not be comfortable;

If you decide to build a partition, then plasterboard or high-quality chipboard is best suited for this purpose.

  • in a small room you should not use a lot of decorative elements; stick to the minimalist style.

The resulting room will combine several purposes and become a cozy place in the apartment.

Differences in height and lighting of functional areas

This method of delimiting space involves differences in height within one room. To do this, raise the bed or the entire sleeping area onto the podium. Since this area is most often located near the window, part of the room is usually raised. Part of the living room usually remains below the bed, as it is used more often and has a larger volume. For unusual solutions, you can use the Western standard method - position the bed so that it can be hidden in a podium or raised into the wall during the daytime.

This method requires more costs, but seriously saves space in the room during the day. Another way to hide a bed is to transform it into a sofa. However, this method has not been popular lately, since comfort at night suffers greatly in this case. Placing accents with the help of lighting is called a design trick; it allows you to delimit the room without resorting to moving partitions, repair work or major restructuring of the room. It is enough just to select and correctly arrange ceiling, wall and floor lamps.

Types of zoning of the bedroom-living room

When creating a bedroom-living room in one room of 16 sq. m look at photos of design ideas and choose the most suitable interior option for yourself.

Wall loft

Such walls are used in square rooms, in a minimalist style, giving the design a slight touch of rebellion and originality. Loft wall decoration implies the natural rough texture of the natural materials from which the walls are built - concrete, brick or rough decorative plaster finishing.

The loft combines the hardness of brick walls and the softness of cozy furniture.

It is not necessary to make it from natural materials, which will take up the usable area of ​​the room; in a small room it is better to create an imitation.

You can make a wall of plywood or plasterboard and give it an imitation of brick: it can be red, which gives the room warmth and comfort, or white, which visually expands the space;

This style values ​​space, so there should be exactly as many pieces of furniture as needed for a comfortable stay.

Another option made of wood - finishing involves designing the entire room in a rustic style.

If you are completely satisfied with a partial partition, then for this purpose you can successfully use all kinds of metal or plastic arched structures, screens and gratings.

A concrete wall is created using decorative plaster or textured wallpaper under a cement screed. It is better to use metal on such a wall as separate design elements that will emphasize the main idea of ​​such a wall.

Loft also appreciates unusual shapes and modern technology.

Plasterboard partitions

With the help of this material you can easily bring any fantasy or design idea to life. Cheap material and ease of installation make it possible to create a masterpiece that will not only divide your room, but also decorate it. There are a lot of installation options, and you can easily do it yourself.

A solid frameless partition will completely divide the common room into two full rooms and will allow you to install an interior door or make an entrance in the form of an arch.

This partition is more suitable for large rooms.

A frame wall will take up a little more usable space, but makes it possible to use such a wall as efficiently as possible. You can mount shelves on it for books or family photos.

From plasterboard you can create a very original and complex structure that will visually divide the room and at the same time decorate it.

If there is one window in the room, such a partition is made hollow and light-transmitting materials are installed in the cavity. You can mount a full-fledged rack from plasterboard, and place indoor flowers or original lamps on the shelves.

The hollow design makes it possible to carry out communications in it for additional lighting.

Racks and shelves

Installing a shelving unit is the best option for zoning a small room, which will allow you to make the most efficient use of the usable area.

Manufacturers offer many options for this furniture:

  • open shelving does not clutter the room, making it airy and light; you can store books or favorite trinkets on the shelves;
  • partially closed - here the lower tiers are made with doors, which makes it possible to store any things;
  • cascading models - they partially cover the bedroom, and at the same time, individual zones together create a common large room.

To save space, it is recommended to use modular or built-in furniture.

The translucency of the rack allows sunlight to pass into all corners of the room, and the variety in the placement of shelves will allow you to choose the most optimal option for you.

The sleeping place should be elastic enough so as not to bend the sleeper's spine over time.

Retractable partitions

In order not to take up square meters of usable space in the room, consider the option of retractable partitions for zoning. This mobile design will allow you to create the most comfortable relaxation environment in the bedroom if you install it from floor to ceiling. The modern materials from which it is made create excellent sound insulation and almost completely isolate the bedroom from the living room. The lightweight design will allow you to move and move it apart if necessary, and the variety of materials from which it is made will add originality to the room.

The purchase of finishing materials depends on which style direction is preferred.

Retractable partitions are made of glass and mirrors, which visually expand the room, and of plastic, which can be transparent in different colors or with patterns.

The issue of choosing a style should be decided before the renovation begins, so that you don’t have to redo everything later.

If you live alone or have a young family, consider budget options for mobile partitions, such as screens or hanging curtains. These partitions can be easily moved apart and, if necessary, can be removed completely.

Designer tips: how to stylishly design a niche

When creating the interior of a one-room apartment, you need to pay attention not only to the functional features of the new corner of the house, but also its stylish design. To do this, you should follow the advice of experts.

In a small niche near the window you can place a sofa with pillows.

  1. Combine the colors used to decorate the entire room with the colors of the niche.
  2. Equip the additional area with high-quality lighting. It is best to use spotlights, LED lighting on the ceiling or along the entire perimeter of the structure.
  3. When the recess is planned to be used as a closed dressing room, it is better to use internal partitions rather than external walls. If there is no alternative, and the structure becomes part of the surface adjacent to the street, it is worthwhile to properly plan the ventilation system to avoid the formation of mold. This is done in two ways - by installing an additional layer of mineral wool or polystyrene foam on the rear partition. The second option is to close the wardrobe with a mesh door.

A dressing room in a one-room apartment is a real salvation for residents.

Often, a one-room apartment is enough for a comfortable stay for one or two people, but if you correctly arrange special structures in the form of partitions and niches, you can create a cozy environment for a family of three or four household members.

Additional lighting in a niche is the key to a comfortable stay there, regardless of its purpose.

See alsoOptimal design for a dressing room, photo.

Choosing furniture for the interior of the bedroom-living room

When designing a bedroom-living room of 16 square meters. Use photos on the Internet to correctly evaluate your actual premises. When choosing furniture, it is better to draw a furniture arrangement diagram with its dimensions; if the calculations are incorrect, you will clutter up your small room. The main thing is to decide what kind of bed you need to sleep in, and where the border of the rest area will be. Based on this, it will be clear whether it is possible to place a sofa, an armchair, a coffee table, the necessary wardrobe for clothes and bedding, and a TV.

For convenience, you can purchase a coffee table on wheels, which can be rearranged if desired.

A large wardrobe is perfect for such a room: it will create space for storing things, partition off the sleeping area and leave enough free space to install a small sofa with armchairs or a soft corner with a coffee table for entertaining guests.

Manufacturers offer double-sided versions of such cabinets: on one side there is a wardrobe, the other is equipped with shelves and niches for books or beautiful accessories.

An excellent option when choosing furniture for such a room is a transformable bedroom, when with a slight movement you remove the sleeping area into a niche in the wall. This bed is not cheap, but its ease of use is undeniable.

The only drawback is the daily transformation of the sleeping place.

Creating a podium

A small elevation in the area where the bed is installed visually divides the room. But this will be the optimal solution if there is free space in the rest of the area.

The podium is appropriate in apartments with a wall height of at least 2.8 m. This design requires the organization of the frame, so a lower height will “pressure”. Correct placement of lighting or a podium height of no more than 10–15 cm will help neutralize the effect.

You can combine the podium with a light partition made of glass or textiles. In this case, the place to sleep looks beautiful. Additional lighting from a LED strip or built-in lamps will add beauty. Examples of designing a sleeping area with a podium:

By raising the sleeping area, the owner has the opportunity to build retractable cabinets. An excellent storage system that does not take up much space and is suitable for bedding.

How to add visual volume to a room using color

When choosing the decoration of a small room, follow several rules that will visually make the room larger and brighter:

  • use only light shades of walls and floors and warm colors - beige, yellow and peach;

Real projects by experienced designers offer a lot of options for combining the living and sleeping areas in a square room.

  • use the decoration of the entire room in the same color scheme - only a variety of tones in the furniture, on the walls and curtains on the windows is permissible;

Brighter lighting is installed in the living room area, and in the part of the room reserved for the bedroom, a source of muted and soft light is selected.

  • do not use wallpaper with large patterns and exclude bright accents, they visually reduce the space.

For the design of the living room, it is better to choose brighter and more saturated colors, and for the bedroom, on the contrary, soft and muted shades.

Design styles such as minimalism, modern and classic will look more organic in your room. With the right choice of design and furniture, your living room-bedroom will become very cozy, comfortable and bright.

A little imagination, and 16 square meters will turn into a cozy bedroom and living room.

Modern style

When starting to decorate a bedroom, many people prefer a modern style. And this is a reasonable decision, since the choice is in favor of the quality and durability of materials, and a reasonable pricing policy.

The modern style is characterized by:

  • Use light shades. Very rarely the interior is diluted with dark tones.
  • Using laminate. It is practical, moisture resistant, does not require any special care, and is reasonably priced.
  • Using lightweight roller blinds.
  • Refusal of chandeliers.
  • Installation of a wardrobe or dressing room.
  • The bed is purchased with a soft headboard.
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