Curtain for the bathroom, how to choose and what to pay attention to? 135 photos of ideas for modern design and decoration of curtains

To save space and make the bathroom design more ergonomic and functional, a design such as a shower without a tray is now increasingly being used. In this case, the water falls directly onto the bathroom floor and is drained through the drain. Such a shower stall arrangement has a number of undeniable advantages - we’ll talk about all the features in the article.

Shower without tray in the bathroom

Rules for choosing curtains for the bathroom

When purchasing a product, it is important to pay attention to its appearance and a number of additional characteristics. This is necessary so that the curtain is not only beautiful, but also has a long service life.

The following factors should be taken into account:

  • Textile;
  • Mounting method;
  • Lenght and width.

The stores offer curtains made from the following materials:

  • Textile;
  • Vinyl products.


Useful recommendations for arranging a shower without a tray in an apartment.

Use non-slip tiles as flooring for the cabin. Smooth tiles are not used - water will make their surface too slippery, and going to the shower will turn into an unsafe quest. A design with ceramic tiles with a textured surface is perfect.

Spacious shower without tray

Installing a shower without a tray can even be done in the bedroom. This option is suitable if you do not want to cross the entire house in the morning to carry out hygiene procedures. This option is also suitable for people with disabilities who find it difficult to get to the bathroom. But in this case, the bedroom will require increased additional ventilation and good drainage so that moisture does not accumulate. A strong and reliable fence with sliding doors or curtains will also not be superfluous.

Shower without tray in a white and beige bathroom

If you want to make such a shower in your bathroom, be sure to think about not only the design, but also reliable waterproofing of the cabin. This is very important so that when draining, water does not get on the heating wiring or other communications in the floor - otherwise you and your neighbors will have a hard time.

Before installing such a shower stall in the bathroom, you need to carefully design this event. Designing the cabin will eliminate shortcomings and prevent flaws and flaws, which in this case can be dangerous. It will be necessary to somehow raise the floor level in order to arrange the required slope, which can be problematic in standard apartments. In addition, it is necessary to provide and make a good drain.

Glass shower without tray in the bathroom

If you are going to install a shower area without a tray in the bathroom of a private house, then there must be a separate drain for it in the sewer. If you live in a high-rise building, the cabin drain must be installed in the general sewer system that runs through the house. It is necessary to ensure that the drain pipe has a decent diameter to avoid stagnation of water and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.


Fabric bathroom curtains are made from polyester. Such products are characterized by elasticity, softness and good wear resistance. They are easy to care for; just wash them periodically. The products do not cause allergies. Thanks to these advantages, curtains are popular among the bulk of buyers.

A significant disadvantage of the material is the lack of water-repellent properties. Therefore, manufacturers cover it with a special water-repellent impregnation on both sides. But with frequent washing, the spraying is washed off.

  • To make it more comfortable to take water procedures with shower curtains, a heavy twine or border is sewn to the bottom, which helps the curtain plumb evenly.
  • In addition, the density of fabric curtains may differ. There are densities of 80 g/m2 and 180 g/m2. Curtains with this density do not require weights.
  • Wash products at 40 degrees. To avoid abrasion of the water-repellent impregnation, you can simply wipe the fabric with a cloth and soapy water.
  • It is not recommended to dry clean fabric curtains to avoid deformation of the fabric.

The main advantage of fabric curtains is the variety of designs. Therefore, everyone can choose a suitable curtain option for the bathroom. Adding natural threads to the composition allows you to get an unusual effect.

Example: When using shiny smooth threads, you can get a glossy shine effect, and when adding linen threads, the material becomes pleasant to the touch.

There are models with additions of organza and silk. You can also find embossed shower curtains on supermarket shelves. Thanks to the widest selection, textile curtains for the bathroom are in demand among buyers! There is no problem where to buy a bath curtain. They are sold in any construction supermarket.


Along with the advantages, a shower cabin without a tray also has its disadvantages. Let's consider them too.

Possible incorrect installation of the structure or insufficient level of inclination - in this case, water will accumulate on the floor. This can lead to both flooding of neighbors below and the appearance of dampness and mold due to constant humidity in the bathroom. Therefore, good drainage and proper slope are extremely important - much more than the latest sliding doors or glass curtains.

Shower without tray with wooden floor

Due to poor quality waterproofing, a short circuit can occur, which can lead to injury, electric shock, or even more tragic consequences. The bathroom, due to its humidity, is a dangerous room from an electrical safety point of view.

If the siphon is installed incorrectly, an unpleasant odor from the sewer may occur - the bathroom will not be the most fragrant place in the apartment. Therefore, the drain must be of high quality; it is better to entrust its installation to professionals.

Shower without tray in a black and beige bathroom

However, all these disadvantages arise only if the repairs are carried out by unqualified craftsmen. Therefore, it is highly recommended to install a shower without a tray by contacting a trusted company or entrusting its installation to professional plumbers.

Shower without tray in a cozy bathroom Shower without tray in a stylish bathroom

Vinyl curtains

These shower curtains have a vinyl waterproof backing. Vinyl is a durable polymer material. The smooth surface of the products prevents the formation of mold.

To ensure that the curtain retains its original appearance, it is recommended to periodically wipe it with soapy water.

There are two types of vinyl curtains:

  1. Ethylene vinyl acetate
  2. Polyvinyl chloride.

Ethylene vinyl acetate - EVA

A hygienic material, similar in characteristics to polyethylene, but significantly superior in elasticity. The product is hypoallergenic and does not pose a risk to human health, as it is made from environmentally friendly raw materials. Dense in structure. Has a matte or shiny structure.

Polyvinyl chloride - PVC

The products are characterized by glossy shine, translucency and elasticity. The maximum level of heat resistance is 65 degrees. Such qualities are characteristic only of vinyl products.

  • Curtains with a 3D effect are produced from PVC.
  • The image is applied to the surface of the canvas using laser embossing.

Curtain shapes

The most common type of curtain for the bathroom is rectilinear.

They are made in the shape of a rectangle. This is one of the types of products available in terms of ease of installation and reasonable price. But it is not always able to delimit the wet zone.

  • Having settled on this option, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the width of the curtain is 20 cm longer than the dimensions of the bath.
  • The height of the product can reach the middle of the bath or the floor.
  • Corner designs are those that have one or two corners, since the curtains cover the bathtub located in the corner of the room.
  • The curtains are long and therefore require reliable fastening.

A corner curtain for the bathroom will be the best option for the corner shape of the bath. Corner structures are mounted hinged if the bathtub bowl is made in the form of a quarter circle.

How to choose glass for a shower without a tray

An important criterion when choosing a shower cabin without a tray is its protection from water. Most often it is made of glass or plastic. Let's consider which types of fencing are best to give preference to.

  • Frosted glass. In this case, you can safely hide inside the booth - and you will be invisible to your household. Suitable if you have several generations living in your family: both children and the elderly.
  • Tinted. A very fashionable and stylish option. These curtains look chic and are suitable for ultra-modern bathrooms.
  • Stained glass. Probably the most expensive fencing device. Gives the bathroom a luxurious look and looks great. It is more suitable if the bathroom is decorated in a classical or historical style - Empire, Baroque, Rococo. Stained glass windows do not combine with modern interiors.
  • With photo printing. With this decorating technique, you can turn your bathroom into a jungle, a waterfall, or even a Barbie dollhouse. Modern photo printing capabilities are amazing.

Double shower without tray in the bathroom

Shower without a tray in a red and black bathroom Round shower without a tray in the bathroom

Shower without tray in black and white bathroom

Installation of corner cornice

First, brackets with bathroom curtain holders are attached to the wall. Next, a pre-prepared strip of the required shape is inserted into them.

Other corner cornices have no corners at all, but the metal tube is smoothly curved. As a rule, such options are optimal for asymmetrical bathtub models.

Curtain mounting options

Special curtain rods are sold for attaching shower curtains in the bathroom. Inexpensive models are made of hard plastic and are sliding. The design is good in that it allows you to adjust the length of the cornice to the required distance between the walls.

To do this, it will be enough to select the desired height, press one end tightly against the wall, and extend the other until it meets the opposite wall. Lightly twist the moving edge to secure it in the desired position.

  • Manufacturers on some models install rubber inserts along the edges of the cornices, which promotes reliable adhesion to the wall surface.
  • Sometimes manufacturers produce curtain rods from thin metal. Stainless steel models, which are hollow tubes, are considered the highest quality.

They come in round, rectangular, semicircular shapes. Metal curtain rods are fixed to the wall or ceiling using screws and dowels, often included with the purchased curtains for the bathroom.

There are several ways to hang a curtain in the bathroom.

Among them:

  • Crocodile-type clothespins;
  • Rings and hooks;
  • Eyelets;
  • Magnetic clips.

Alligator clips can be made of metal or plastic, depending on the material of the cornice. When using clips, there is no need to cut holes in the curtain.

The clips perfectly hold thick curtains that have an additional layer of fabric on top.

The disadvantages of alligator clips include poor interaction with a thin polyethylene shower curtain. Such clamps leave unsightly punctures on it.

The method of fastening in the form of rings and hooks placed on the cornice suggests the presence of slots in the upper part of the screen.

  • Eyelets are an aesthetic and effective option for attaching shower curtains.
  • They are most often used on fabric curtains, and much less often on vinyl curtains.
  • Round holes with a diameter slightly larger than the cross-section of the cornice are cut out in the canvas.

This is necessary for the curtain to slide freely and easily along the cornice. Then the eyelet parts are installed into the edges of the holes and pressed until they click. Eyelets create smooth, beautiful folds in the fabric. The price of the products is quite high. The photo of the bathroom curtains shows how impressive they look in the interior.

Magnetic holders are a kind of loop, at the ends of which decorative magnets are fixed. To secure the curtain to the cornice, you need to evenly place the magnets on it, and then insert the rod into the resulting loops. The holders fit tightly together.

Nowadays, choosing shower curtains from a wide variety is not a difficult task; the most important thing is to decide on a budget.


Most often, such a booth has a special fence that protects the bathroom from splashes. Typically, this fence is made of durable glass - transparent or frosted. This design is good because it does not clutter the room, making the space light, weightless, airy - an excellent solution for small bathrooms. Sometimes the fence also has sliding doors, which makes the shower stall even more convenient.

Glass shower without tray in the bathroom

A shower cabin without a tray can have various functional accessories. So, it can be equipped with stripes, holders, mirrors, lighting and even folding seats. All this “wealth” allows you to equip the cabin exactly the way you need. Sliding doors and curtains will also help make the cabin more ergonomic.

Modern shower without a tray in the bathroom
Water in such a shower flows down the floor through a specially equipped drain. It is imperative to make a certain slope of the floor so that puddles of water do not accumulate on the floor surface, but go through the drain into the sewer.

Shower without a tray with a glass partition in the bathroom Shower without a tray in a beige bathroom

Photo of curtains for the bathroom

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