One-room apartment in Art Nouveau style: renovation, decoration and furnishing

The broad concept of Art Nouveau is used not only in artistic art, but also in architectural style. Its origins at the beginning of the 20th century were marked by rapid spread throughout the world. At that time, the ideological component of the new trend corresponded to its name. Despite the short period of its heyday, this style managed to leave a serious legacy. Many people still strive to recreate Art Nouveau design in their home. We will describe in more detail below what needs to be done for this.

History of the emergence of Art Nouveau

Its appearance was due to the chaos in interior design that developed at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Most designers experimented with eclecticism, without introducing anything new into the already existing pantheon of styles. Everyone tried to strike a spark from a simple mixture. There was no originality in this, since any combinations left the design still recognizable. Therefore, the emergence of Art Nouveau was the answer of time to a question hanging in the air. His rapid pace was initially met with hostility: the fresh style was instantly dubbed “bad taste.” However, the speed with which Art Nouveau burst into architectural design could not go unnoticed.

It was used by the most brilliant innovators of the time. They were the first to realize the exclusivity and difference of the style from everything that came before. Many were also attracted by the purity of Art Nouveau, driven by the complexity of manufacturing signature attributes. However, this later ruined him: during the period of growth of mass industry, the high cost of furniture in the Art Nouveau style seemed inappropriate. Therefore, with the beginning of the First World War and the financial crisis in Europe, fashion stylistics lost its leading position. Nevertheless, he managed to gain a foothold in the consciousness and vocabulary of many countries of the world (Art Nouveau, Tiffany, Liberty).

Mysterious and philosophical Japanese style

A Japanese-style one-room apartment is a phenomenon that is quite common in Europe, despite the different natural conditions. Well suited for people who love openness and cleanliness, admire Eastern philosophy, are interested in Asian cuisine, and study languages.

The room should be:

  • Open. It does not imply special partitions, but they can also be organized using screens. Well suited even for a large one-room apartment of 42 m, 45 m and more. Although it will look good in a small one.
  • Well lit. Lighting should be natural, large windows, ideally panoramic.

In the traditional classic Japanese style, a one-room apartment should be decorated in the most natural colors possible - white, pastel shades, natural wood color.

The format must include the following:

  • the furniture - in a one-room apartment in the Japanese style is low, maximally functional, you are supposed to sit on the floor, sleep too, cabinets and shelves are neatly hidden in the walls;
  • lighting - natural as bright as possible, artificial - dimmed by screens and lampshades in red or orange;
  • accessories - a few, in the Asian style, such as a bonsai, a statue of Buddha or a “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” monkey.

The Japanese style is characterized by three motifs that are rarely found in European interiors. This:

  • Screens. Paper or bamboo with traditional designs - the same bamboo, dancing cranes, sages meditating or performing peculiar feats. Using screens, you can zone a room (and zones can change at will or be strictly limited at a specific point in time), you can hide some things from guests. Screens can even replace traditional European curtains.
  • Sliding doors. They are made from paper, bamboo, thin sheets of wood and are used everywhere. Their main advantage is that for planning a one-room apartment in a modern style, they allow you to make the most efficient use of space. A door that opens to someone entering takes up space that cannot be occupied by anything so that it can open. The traditional Japanese door slides to the side, taking up no space at all.
  • Hieroglyphs. They can decorate screens and lampshades, they can be used to decorate sliding doors, and even hang them on the walls on small signs. The main thing is to find out its meaning before decorating your house with another hieroglyph. Otherwise, instead of wishes for happiness, there may be something completely different on the wall.

The design of a one-room apartment in the classic Japanese style means that you will have to sleep on the floor - on futon mattresses.

Distinctive features of the style

The bright appearance of an interior in the Art Nouveau style is easy to recognize by the following features:

Emphasis on the use of wooden elementsThis is due to the fact that the style recognizes only natural things. The most suitable option is oak or beech wood, with an obvious grain structure.
Using smooth shapesSymmetry and straight lines are categorically denied. The softness of the contours and the patterned flow of elements into each other can be seen throughout. The corners are smoothed.
Plant themeArt Nouveau ornaments often contain references to images of real flowers or animals. These can be graceful lilies, exotic butterflies.
Decoration using stained glassTheir use in room decor is strongly encouraged. The subject matter of the drawings is characterized by exquisite abstraction and branched plants.
Arched windowsHigh openings are ideal for these purposes and complement the overall impression of the interior of the room.
Doors with windowsDecorative slots in the wide leaves of rectangular doors are decorated with the same stained glass windows. Mosaic decor is also allowed.
Forged elements on staircasesGraceful railings look harmonious with wide steps.

Style layout features

In order to decorate a space in this style, it is advisable to be the owner of a studio apartment. Because modernity requires a solid square footage. The layout involves the use of various zoning methods: using patterned flooring, furniture partitions, and various accessories. All of them should be without corners, with smooth and even openwork lines. The separation of parts of the room is extremely soft and free.

The peculiarity of decorative modernism is that it can be used to hide the unsuccessful layout of an apartment with a non-standard arrangement of rooms. An asymmetrical interior design that gravitates towards ornate wavy textures will easily fit into it.

Apartment design, how not to make a mistake in it?

Before you finally decide on the interior style, you should carefully analyze your own life. After all, a house, as they say, is a continuation of the owner’s personality, therefore the style is selected that corresponds to the way of life and rhythm of life of the household. Therefore, your own author’s apartment design is even more valuable. Do not forget about global trends in interior design; by choosing a fashionable direction, the owners will not feel inconvenienced in front of the visiting guests; on the contrary, the fashionable design of an apartment is a source of pride.

An important point in the formation of a new project is the budget. For one style of interior, you may need much less money - usually this is a simple apartment design, but for another, finance, on the contrary, you need much more. Since some styles require rare and expensive materials, complex work processes, with the involvement of expensive professionals, such things increase the budget significantly. Therefore, details and estimates are thought out at the initial stage.

The layout and area of ​​an apartment often become serious reasons for choosing one or another style of interior design. Other physical characteristics also matter a lot: ceiling height, type of windows, degree of natural light. This will influence the choice of color and decorative concept for decorating the entire interior of the apartment.

Style color scheme

A distinctive feature of natural style elements is their natural color in the interior. Therefore, you should not be surprised at the abundance of pastel, muted tones. These include: all shades of brown (from milky to the color of coffee), tones of the achromatic palette (from silver to the color of wet asphalt), green. The latter’s task is to enliven the decor with its presence. Sometimes a strong contrast is used - the same red as the opposite color in the palette.

The use of elements with a pronounced shade is allowed in minimal quantities.

To create harmony of decoration, furniture and textile elements, designers select the ideal color balance. However, the artist’s soul must know when to stop, since too many shades will evoke associations with vulgar eclecticism. Therefore, the first thing is to look for an accent element, so that there is something to build on. If this is an exquisite piece of furniture, then the background color of the walls or the delicacy of the ceiling covering should play a secondary role. In any case, you should not use a large number of colors - the rainbow has no place in modern style.

General tips for modern apartment design in a panel house


Of course, you can choose a variety of interior styles that can be used in apartments in panel houses. But the most common options will be minimalism, country and ethnic styles.

Here the main rule will be to use as little massive furniture as possible, and the highlight is simplicity and a feeling of lightness in the atmosphere of the room.

Cleaning the premises

It is recommended to collect all unnecessary things, as well as those that you rarely use, and simply take them to the country house or garage. This way you can perfectly unload the space.

Hallway in a panel house

Modern hallway designs often use small compact ottomans or bedside tables, sometimes a wardrobe or a hanger for storing outerwear. There is also a shoe locker. These pieces of furniture are quite important, because then all your things will be organized and systematized, and will not be scattered around the house.

Bathroom in a panel apartment

Usually in panel houses the bathroom does not have a large square area, so it often occurs to residents to combine it. This is a great idea, you just need to get permission first, and also consult with experienced people on all issues. If your layout option has such an opportunity, then you can safely start a renovation and get an excellent bath and toilet in one combined room. They can be designed in various ways, taking into account modern trends and ideas.

Related article: DIY stone wallpaper: installation on the wall

Color design of apartments in a panel house

There are also many different nuances here and they will depend only on what final result you want to achieve. If you want to visually expand the room, use light colors of paint. Very often now they create a designer accent wall on which a picture can hang, a bed can stand, or a TV can hang on it. In fact, there are many different ideas here, so you can safely choose any one.

Balcony and loggia

If you have them, you are just lucky. And you shouldn’t load them with all sorts of unnecessary things. A balcony in a panel house can be used as an additional room where a work area or a relaxation corner can be located.

Art Nouveau walls

They are intended for background purposes only. Their dominance is not allowed a priori. Therefore, the coloring is devoid of flashy tones and excessive texture. Pearl, beige, heavenly shades are welcome. Only in the sleeping area is it possible to use more saturated brown tones. The matte background is decorated with the image of a branchy plant. In this case, the stem must stretch upward, symbolizing growth and development.

Some interior designers install wall panels in the lower plane, based on practical purposes. The material for such a sophistication is natural wood or a more budget laminate. The upper plane is covered with muted tones of wallpaper or paint. The key here is to create a background rather than an accent to attract attention.

Ceiling decoration in Art Nouveau style

There are special requirements for the ceiling covering. Contrary to popular practice, more attention is paid to its decoration than the same walls. Relief stucco molding and volumetric elements made of natural wood are often found. In this one can see the monumentality of the classics: when the combination of wavy lines and floral patterns with static elements on the ceiling forms the dynamics of asymmetry.

There are also exquisite stained glass windows on the ceiling, combined with dim lighting. Thanks to the play of multi-colored glass, a chamber mood is created. This is the best way to highlight a living room in an original way. Owners can also be involved in the process of creating stained-glass ceilings. Because the atmosphere in the room directly depends on the quality of light.

Art Nouveau floor

Like the walls, the bottom plane of the room plays a secondary role. Its main task in the Art Nouveau style is to combine harmoniously with other elements. Therefore, the tonality of the flooring depends on the overall decor of the room. Natural wood parquet and wild stone remain a popular option. If most modern flooring involves a checkerboard layout of wooden panels, then modernist floors involve a herringbone pattern. Budget flooring options should accurately imitate natural materials. With the help of modern technologies, it is possible to create an elegant design even on wild stone.

To save money, it is permissible to use porcelain stoneware or laminate as flooring.

Comfort and coziness in high-tech style

A one-room apartment in a high-tech style is another hymn to functionality, which is sung in an environment similar to the interior of a spaceship. Translated from English, “high-tech” means “high technology”, so the apartment must be furnished with the latest technology.

The room should be:

  • Not necessarily open. High-tech allows partitions if they are made of metal and glass. Also, the size of the apartment can be any.
  • Decorated in materials that are easy to wash and clean. Self-leveling concrete floors or laminate. The walls are painted one color or imitate brickwork.

A one-room apartment in this style can be made in contrasting colors - black, white, metal.

The format should be as follows:

  • furniture - cabinet, hard, metal with glass inserts;
  • lighting - built into the floor, ceiling, walls, roller blinds are used instead of curtains;
  • accessories are either completely absent or reduced to a mirror and a flower in a pot.

The main feature of the style is the most modern technology. It is better to install a large plasma panel, equip the kitchen with the latest technology with a food processor, coffee maker, microwave, sandwich maker and hundreds of other useful little things, and install a shower with an adjustment panel in the bathroom. The main thing is that the result looks fantastic, almost like something from a movie about the future.

It’s interesting that high-tech can include not the most functional design items, if they look technological. For example, a round metal door, similar to the entrance to a spaceship, will fit well into high-tech. And it also contains a holographic projector that can create the illusion of a starry sky in the room.

Furniture selection

The smooth contour of the furniture set in the style in question seems to invite guests to relax. The absence of sharp corners, natural materials for manufacturing, the presence of asymmetry, muted color finishes - all this contributes to a comfortable stay in the room. At the same time, cabinet furniture stretches upward, like all the plants in the images. The vertical dominant, combined with bizarre forms, maximally expresses the idea of ​​modernity.

The amount of furniture paraphernalia depends on the functional purpose of the room. The need for free space eliminates clutter in the home. At the same time, the presence of upholstered furniture does not belong to modernity. It is covered with textile elements, fitting into the overall picture of the style. The wood base of the furniture comes first. It is advisable to avoid a large number of corners and focus on elegant armrests.

Standard apartment

If redevelopment is not possible, it is important to correctly zone the space, use tricks to visually expand it, and use highly functional furniture.

In old apartments - Khrushchev, Brezhnevka, Czech - the kitchen can be very small, as well as the bathroom and the corridor, and a room of 16-18 square meters even allows you to divide it with a partition, making a separate bedroom and living room.

If possible, some of the storage systems should be placed in the hallway in order to free up the only room and not overly clutter it.

If there is a balcony, a storage room, a niche - all this must be used to the maximum, building in storage systems even where at first glance this is impossible.


Classic lighting principles work here, since the location of lighting fixtures in modernist decor plays a primary role. The following types of lamps are considered constant attributes of the style:

  1. Crystal chandelier of impressive size. It should attract attention with its iridescent light. Gold plating on the metal structure of the product is encouraged. Some lamps are made not from crystal, but from multi-colored stained glass.
  2. Floor lamps match the main element. The natural base should emphasize the ideology of modernity, regardless of whether they are floor lamps or table lamps.
  3. Conical wall lamps can have monograms and asymmetrical lines. Their complex form echoes the floral patterns on the walls.


Dense natural fabrics complement the overall modern ensemble. Massive satin curtains in the window openings, exquisite velvet pillows on the sofa. Silk curtains are sewn with asymmetry, which allows them to imitate the movement of waves when opened. Forged cornices and lambrequins decorate the window landscape. Plain fabric can be complemented with an interesting pattern without flashy colors. The purpose of the curtains is to harmonize with the upholstery and flowing style of the furniture set. A complete image is created through soft play with the tones of the material.

What decorative elements will suit this style?

The final touch in the design of a room is the arrangement of decorative accessories that have no practical functions. They are designed to fill the atmosphere with comfort:

  • Crystal, bronze or porcelain products;
  • Fine watches;
  • Candlesticks, sculptures;
  • Wooden pictures and frames;
  • Silk decorative pillows;
  • Stained glass windows, etc.

The main principle in the case of Art Nouveau is the color harmony of products made from natural materials. The theme remains the same: flora and fauna. Sometimes the advantages of Japanese painting are used, whose love for calligraphy and flowering gardens fits perfectly into the style. In Europe, the works of Klimt and Mucha are considered recognized masterpieces of Art Nouveau. In America - Birbank.

The use of a fireplace in Art Nouveau stands out. Its classic lines and forged elements will decorate any interior.


In a cramped corridor, designers focus on the doorway. The canvas with soft curves of fittings and stained glass inserts attracts attention. Walls and ceilings rarely stand out from the general background, since expressive lines and patterns can disrupt the calm atmosphere of the style. That's why pastel paint is used instead of wallpaper. Together with lighting, it can combine the walls with the ceiling. The flooring is a continuation of the room floor, which means it is made of wooden parquet.

Furnishing the hallway involves the use of built-in cabinet furniture in the form of sliding wardrobes. Mandatory attributes include a dressing table with curved asymmetrical shapes. Bright colors of natural wood are allowed. For comfort, several wall lamps are installed at once at a small height from the floor.

The main accessories in the corridor are decorative mirrors and thematic paintings. But textile elements should be avoided.

Provence style for romantic natures

A one-room apartment in the Provence style is distinguished by its simplicity and special airiness, which is generally characteristic of interiors originally from France. The room should be:

  • Light. The bigger it is, the better. If it itself is small, you can paint it in light colors and decorate it with mirrors; fortunately, the style allows this.
  • With a ceiling painted or finished with wooden beams. It is important that it appears tall and light.
  • With walls covered with wallpaper or covered with decorative plaster. Wallpaper should be light shades, floral. Decorative plaster - with wavy smooth patterns or also with a floral pattern.
  • With a tiled or parquet floor. The best option is a solid board.

The finishing colors are light, light, airy, with a pastel slant. But the furniture should be in bright colors - emerald, lavender, ocher, purple. Floral prints are also suitable for her.

The format should be as follows:

  • furniture - wood or rattan, wicker or covered with fabric;
  • accessories - plentiful, old dishes, textiles with floral prints;
  • the lighting is rich, the curtains are light, flowery, artificial overhead light, but one or two lamps will not be superfluous.

Provence is a bright, cheerful and romantic style. It will fit well with fresh flowers that can be placed on the tables, as well as a fluffy white cat (it’s good if you have one from the start; of course, you shouldn’t get one specifically for your apartment).

Living room

To most fully recreate the style in the living room, you will need a spacious room. The planes are designed with smooth transitions, painted in the ashy tones of the selected color palette. It is allowed to use a gradient to emphasize zones. It is not recommended to use paper wallpaper or plaster to decorate walls. Perhaps liquid wallpaper with a barely noticeable pattern. For ceiling coverings, painting seems to be the best option. No plastic or textured lining. Diffused lighting matters.

A wear-resistant floor in the form of plain parquet can be complemented with decorative carpets in a contrasting color. However, carpet should absolutely not be used in the Art Nouveau style. The same can be said about linoleum or ceramic tiles.

For furniture, an L-shaped or U-shaped arrangement is selected. Monochrome products are located in the center of the room, on the carpet. Dark tree species with pastel textiles without colorful elements. The set of furniture items is minimal: a sofa, several armchairs, a table with low legs and a tabletop.

A large chandelier can be complemented by local lighting from wall lamps made of forged metal. The light should softly emphasize the tonality of textile components (pillows, carpet, curtains).

Accessories made of metal rods, wood or crystal play an important role in the living room. Elegant Art Nouveau paintings will be the perfect accent.

Progress of renovation in a one-room apartment

Before starting construction work in a one-room apartment, it is worth assessing the condition of the housing together with a qualified finishing team and deciding whether to carry out major or cosmetic repairs. Take measurements, purchase the necessary materials, prepare a design project and draw up an estimate. After completing the preparatory work, you can begin repairs:

  1. Interior partitions are being dismantled and new ones are installed.
  2. All communications are carried out.
  3. The floor is being screeded and insulated.
  4. The walls are leveled.
  5. Finishing and puttying work is being carried out.
  6. The premises are cleaned upon completion of repairs.
  7. Furniture and decorative elements are being installed.

There are several ways to increase space in a one-room apartment in the Art Nouveau style:

  • The use of light colors will allow you to visually increase the space of a one-room apartment at minimal cost. Suitable shades include milky, beige, delicate shades of pink and blue, light gray and gold.
  • When choosing furniture, choose built-in and space-saving options. An example would be the installation of a kitchen corner with built-in appliances and a bar counter in the kitchen, a built-in wardrobe in the hallway and a folding sofa in the room. You can install a folding table and wall cabinets at your workplace - this will save a sufficient amount of space. Try to place furniture in the corners, which will optimize the space of a one-room apartment and free up the center of the room.
  • Experiment with spot lighting - install sconces, corner lamps, etc. You can combine several light sources at the same time.
  • Mirrors and mirror surfaces will add spaciousness and lightness to the interior of a one-room apartment. These can be either wall decorative elements or mirrors installed in window and door openings.


A characteristic feature of a bedroom in this style is the minimalism of accessories, color palette and soft lighting. When decorating walls, textured plastering in the best traditions of classicism and wallpapering without bright patterns is allowed. The ceiling serves as a continuation of the walls, so it is lined with the same materials. Fashionable tension coverings are successfully combined with diffused light. But antique stucco should be avoided. Expensive parquet made of valuable wood species is installed as flooring.

The furnishings include an emphasis on a luxurious bed with an asymmetrical headboard. Low tables and bedside tables look contrasting against the background of a massive wardrobe with colored glass doors. The bed linen is in the same range as the finishing of the planes. This is necessary to create a calming atmosphere. However, true comfort is created by the lighting on the bedside tables. Floor lamps and wall lamps provide soft, diffused light. But there should be a minimum number of accessories. It is possible to place vases or figurines of the Art Nouveau era on the table.


Practical and functional style will easily fit even into a small kitchen. Plain wall decoration serves only as a background, so painting is used. Glass wallpaper looks slightly better than ceramic tiles, since the sharp rectangular shapes of the latter disrupt the harmony of the style. The ceiling covering merges with the walls using smooth transitions. Sometimes a suspended ceiling without an expressive texture is used. The floor also plays a passive role, harmonizing with the furniture set. The best option is self-leveling floors. Plain granite that matches the color of the furniture is rarely used. Practical laminate is gaining popularity: its range allows you to choose the desired shade that contrasts with the background of the planes.

The arrangement of furniture is determined by simple geometry and asceticism of color. Its attributes are disguised as walls, and have soft contour lines. No other frills are allowed in the kitchen. In the center of the room there is a massive tabletop on thin legs. It is up to the owners to decide whether to place an emphasis on the table or not. The designer will complement their selection with classic chairs with beautiful patterns.

Unlike other rooms, lighting in the kitchen has functional purposes. Its placement in a furniture set fully meets the style requirements. Sometimes just a background ceiling light is enough. If the owner chooses frameless glazing, then the rounded shape of the window is created using rough curtains. Small accessories on the dining table should be related to the functional purpose of the room: dishes, decorative vase.

Key details in the design of different rooms

The interior design of apartment rooms has one or two details around which the rest of the interior decorations are built. They contain the functional meaning of the room. For example, for a bedroom there is a bed, for a living room there is a sofa, for a kitchen there is a set.

Living room

It is customary to receive guests in the living room, hence the name of this room. Therefore, the design is built in such a way that guests and family feel comfortable in the living room on vacation in the evenings and weekends. This is the center of the house, so the atmosphere in it is created to be moderately solemn and cozy. The center of the room will be the part where the sofa will be placed. By the way, in the interior design of living rooms, the trend is to install a group of sofas opposite each other in a square or semicircle, with a coffee table in the center. This creates an area for active conversations among friends and like-minded people. But this option is suitable for houses and apartments with spacious rooms.

The design of a living room in a standard-sized apartment consists of the following details: a sofa; design of the view opposite - TV and wall decoration; wall decor above the sofa; window decoration; lighting; with a sofa area. Details are selected within the same design concept and with the participation of colors, shapes and decors that resonate with each other. This creates a harmonious and stylish environment.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the lighting. Since we have festive feasts in the living room, notes of solemnity are only in place. The chandelier is considered such a symbol in it. A carefully selected option reflects both the idea of ​​the holiday and the interior style in which the room is decorated. According to the rules of modern interior design, it is customary to move the dining area into the living room. The chandelier is hung above the table exactly in the center.

Additional lighting for the rest of the living room comes from built-in spotlights, LED lighting, wall sconces and a floor lamp.

Bedroom design in an apartment

The main point in creating a bedroom design is creating conditions for relaxation and recuperation. In this context, furniture equipment and interior design are equally important: the color of finishing materials, textiles, lighting. Sometimes, in order to save money, it is more advisable to focus on a comfortable bed, or more precisely on a mattress. Anatomical models are preferable. The mattress is moderately soft and moderately elastic - this is an option that can provide a comfortable sleep. In the design of the bedroom, do not use bright and irritating colors and details. We come there to relax, so the details in the interior are adjusted in this direction. It’s not for nothing that in addition to the bed, some people buy a canopy made of white plain fabric; it helps to privacy and relax.

Kitchen design in an apartment

Appearance in kitchen design is not the primary detail, although no less important than the rest. In fact, every issue related to kitchen arrangement directly relates to the issue of practicality. An unsuccessfully chosen color or type of surface will require periodic attention; for example, white glossy facades are less practical than matte ones of the same color. Another question concerns technical equipment. It lies in choosing the right equipment and location in the kitchen. A conveniently located “work triangle”: refrigerator, cooking area, sink can save the housewife time and effort. At first glance, details that are not obvious ultimately become the foundation for a comfortable kitchen. And for this to happen, the issue of planning, color design and selection of materials is worked out at the stage of drawing up the design of the project.


The room into which a person enters for the first time appears before him as it is; the guest’s “uncluttered” eye will see every flaw in the design, if any, and emphasize the advantages. Therefore, the design of the hallway in the apartment is thought out to the smallest detail. Furniture, lighting, a rug on the floor, a key holder on the wall are parts of the house’s business card, which speak about the further contents of the interior and a lot about the owners. Designers recommend not allowing an excessive amount of detail in the design of the hallway. Laconism and functionality are the main features in the design. They place things that are necessary to ensure unhindered preparation before going out. Unnecessary elements are removed from it, especially since there is rarely enough space in it. It is important to select finishing materials for decoration that can withstand brushing and wet cleaning.


Ceramic tiles are a clear favorite among finishing materials for walls and floors in the bathroom and toilet. Beautiful material, waterproof and durable - what is needed where there is a humid, aggressive environment. In the bathroom interior, wall decoration is a sign of nobility. A front wall decorated with mosaics or tiles with photo printing will act as a panel. The theme chosen for this, as befits where there is a lot of water, is sea. Although it depends on the style. Let’s say that for classical design, the use of images with Greek motifs is justified. If the bathroom is small, a panoramic image on the wall will have a positive effect: visually it becomes larger, and thus the bathroom design looks stylish. A large mirror in the bathroom will give the same effect in the interior.

PS glossy magazines with designer advice and sources from the Internet allow you to design an apartment yourself or with the participation of the whole family. It is important to provide for this a leisurely, thorough analysis of all aspects of this issue; this will ultimately give a result of 5+.


To decorate this room, two layers are used: background and decorative. The first implies a gradation of color, and the second - an unusual texture of the decor. Ceramic tiles, painting, colored mosaics - these options are the most common. All planes are covered with materials. Unless the floor covering can be self-leveling. Its color scheme in this case is characterized by a gradient: from the lightest section of the walls to the darkest.

It is difficult to talk about furnishing the bathroom, since it is not always possible to place anything else here besides the cabinet. Sometimes a chair with a cosmetic table is placed. The color of the attributes complements the flooring.

But the elements of plumbing allow us to embody modernity in all its glory: forged, non-standard materials are selected to match the color of the finish, and are embedded in the walls. Curly heated towel rails and futuristic bathtubs decorate any room. The emphasis on asymmetry is created with the help of spot lighting and mirrors. Bathroom accessories include original glasses for toothbrushes, clothes hangers, and artificial flowers.

Design secrets for expanding space

Not all residents are always satisfied with the square footage of their apartment. But, as they say, you need to proceed from what you have.

In fact, you can try a little and make the space of your apartment visually a little larger. Here are some ideas on how you can achieve this.

  1. Color . If you make the end walls a little brighter than the side walls, you get the effect of expansion. You can also play on the curtains by hanging brighter options than wallpaper. Such color contrasts play perfectly on the overall atmosphere and perception of the room.
  2. Furniture .
    Of course, light furniture will also play a role in shaping the modern design of the apartment. It will not clutter up the space and will make it lighter and more spacious. At the same time, if you use dark-colored furniture, you can play with accents and highlight certain areas. Here it is important not only to choose the furniture itself and its color, but also to make the correct arrangement, taking into account some rules and nuances. If you place massive furniture near the end wall, it will not look so voluminous and will unload the room.
  3. Zoning . One of the favorite techniques in modern design, which allows you to conditionally divide the space into the zones you need, while using the most basic techniques. Zoning is very important because it allows you to achieve a comfortable and convenient division of the room. All this can be achieved simply by using shelving or bookcases, minimal partitions in the form of a bar counter or living plants.
  4. Arch. This option is often used in design; it can be especially suitable for panel apartments where partitions cannot be demolished. Now the door can be decorated in the form of an arch, which will unusually combine two rooms into one and add some zest to your interior.

  5. Room decor . This is one of the final stages in decorating an apartment. It is aimed at achieving maximum comfort in the room in which you are. In modern designs, such additional items can be a vase of flowers, a painting, a small rug and much more that brings peace and a feeling of comfort.
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