Corner kitchen design: 70+ photos of real interiors

The kitchen is an integral part of any apartment or house. Even if you don’t like to cook, then in any case this room should be cozy to have a cup of coffee or tea. Therefore, special attention is paid to the design and layout of the kitchen so that it is comfortable, functional and at the same time has a pleasant atmosphere and design.

Corner layout is the most popular due to space saving and additional use of the corner. It will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

Characteristics of corner kitchen layout

Corner kitchen sets are considered the most versatile because they are suitable for rooms of any size and also fit into any design. They will especially be an excellent solution for studio apartments and small kitchens. This is due to the fact that such a layout can save space and can divide it into separate zones.

A corner kitchen contains three main elements: a corner segment and two side segments. The location is carried out along two walls of the room.

In this case, the layout should begin from the central part, that is, from the corner segment, and then expand the set to the required length. The main elements here are wall cabinets and lower cabinets.

There are also a number of additional elements, such as:

Bar counter

False boxes intended for communications

Chrome roof rails

Sections for built-in equipment

Hanging cornices where additional lighting is installed

What is a niche in the kitchen?

The construction of apartment buildings was carried out according to the Khrushchev plan, which consisted of the construction of cramped apartments, but with elements of maximum convenience. The owners of the living space noted two types of niches in the kitchen - behind the sanitary mixer at the sink location and under the window sill. Each had its own function, which today interferes with the interior.

Modern kitchen with niche

Niche behind the sink

This is a recess in the wall along its entire height, located behind the sink, which does not interfere with the integrity of the space. The niches have a depth of no more than 15 cm and are intended for special cabinets where dishes are stored. Due to the small area of ​​the room, space is saved.

Pros and cons of corner layout

For any layout, you can highlight its pros and cons. This also applies to the angular location of the headset.

The positive aspects include the following:

  • Ability to create an ergonomic work triangle;
  • These are compact and roomy sets that allow you to save space in a small kitchen due to the presence of a large number of cabinets and smart fittings;
  • It becomes possible to fully use the corner as additional space;
  • You can zone the space into a dining and work area.

There are also negative aspects, namely:

  • It requires more space than a straight line, so it is not relevant in cases where people rarely cook on it and do not need many cabinets for storing utensils;
  • Not suitable for rooms with complex shapes, for example, in the presence of niches, ledges, air ducts, as well as in the presence of curved walls. In this case, the furniture will have to be made to order, which will increase its cost.

Option 2 - Place a refrigerator in a niche

Usually in a niche, in the very corner, there are drain pipes. You can use a plumber to remove them from there to the working wall. Then a refrigerator can easily fit into the vacated niche.

Kitchen furniture will line up in a straight line. Think carefully about the color scheme of the furniture, take into account the rules of ergonomics - and the interior will turn out harmonious.

The advantage in this case will be the following: if there is an urgent need to gain access to the sewer riser, you do not have to dismantle the kitchen unit, but simply move the refrigerator away - and woo-a-la!

The layout in this case is simple, which does not make the interior boring at all. Photos of similar options presented are proof.

Layout options

The corner kitchen can be arranged in several ways, taking into account the features and size of the room.

So, the first of them is the placement of the headset along two perpendicular walls. This is a classic option. It can also be considered the most versatile, as it is suitable for most rooms. In addition, in this case, appliances and cabinets can be arranged to your liking.

The layout in the second option is a corner kitchen with a peninsula. One side of the headset here is located along the wall, and the second is perpendicular to it, without affecting the other wall. The free-standing side of the headset is the peninsula. In this case, the room is divided into a working and dining area. This layout is only suitable for large kitchens.

Finally, the third option is a corner kitchen with a breakfast bar.
Most often, such a set is U-shaped. However, an F-shaped layout is also possible, when the bar counter is installed in the middle. This choice is more relevant for large rooms. Advice! This option would be a great way to replace the dining area in a small kitchen to save more space. If you are planning a full-fledged dining area, then there is unlikely to be room for a bar counter in a small area.

Option 3 - You can put a cabinet in a niche.

If you have extra space in the corner, why not use it. The only negative: the countertop and cabinets will be non-standard, they will have to be made according to an individual project - to order.

And they will be somewhat more expensive due to the fact that we will use a tabletop not 60 cm wide, but 80 or 90 cm, this will significantly increase the cost of the kitchen set.

The countertop is pushed into a niche, creating additional usable space in which you can put a microwave oven or other household appliances, which usually do not have enough space in the kitchen.

Particular attention should be paid to the ventilation duct, which runs at the top of the niche: it is important not to damage its integrity! We advise you to cover the part of the wall where the ventilation duct runs with plasterboard , and hang furniture on it.

Agree: it’s not enough to make renovations; you also need to decorate the kitchen beautifully and decorate it. Read about it here and here.

Textiles occupy a special place in the kitchen interior. Tablecloths, napkins, all kinds of little things make the kitchen cozy. Moreover, you can do a lot of things with your own hands; it’s inexpensive and will give the kitchen a special charm and personality.

Work triangle

The most convenient layout is considered to be the one that complies with the rules of ergonomics. It is the corner kitchen that allows them to best suit them by using a working triangle.

Its tops are the sink, hob and refrigerator. According to this principle, it is desirable to arrange these sectors in the form of an isosceles triangle. The order of elements is based on the cooking sequence.

This means that first the products are taken out of the refrigerator, then they are washed, and then they are prepared and heat treated. Due to this, cooking time is reduced, as the movements of the cook are minimized.

Kitchen with outside corner

In most cases, such kitchens are installed in large rooms where there is a lot of space. This set provides an additional work area or can be used as a dining space. Such furniture can be made in various stylistic solutions and color formats that match the lighting of the room.

When designing this kitchen, you should place the sink, stove and table for cooking in close proximity to each other. Thanks to this, the housewife will not have to move around the entire room while cooking, which means there will be no need to carry out additional cleaning.

Large corner kitchen combined with a living room Source

In the free area of ​​such a kitchen, you can place shelves, the width of which will correspond to the protrusion of the outer corner. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve discreetness of the existing protrusion angle.

Kitchen corner

The internal corner can be beveled or straight. The chamfered corner makes it easier to access the interior of the space. You don’t need any complex structures for this, just open the door.

Such corners are very roomy and also convenient, since there is much more space in front of the sink or stove. At the same time, the disadvantage will be a very deep beveled corner, which will complicate access to the apron. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the depth of the module is not large.

Right angles are relevant for small kitchens, as they take up less space. However, obtaining the internal content is often very difficult. At the same time, today there are many options for folding or pull-out cabinets, which greatly simplifies the task.

Decorating the corner of the work area

The angle in the working area can be made straight or beveled. Which one is more convenient?

A beveled corner is undoubtedly more convenient and practical, since there is no need to equip it with special roll-out sections.

In addition, there is more free space in front of furniture with a beveled corner, so it will be more convenient to use, for example, a corner sink or stove. And the cabinets themselves are much more spacious than usual.

But keep in mind that a beveled corner takes up more space, so it is not always suitable for small rooms.

Right angle. But for small, compact rooms, or a kitchen in a minimalist style, it is better to choose a right angle.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of furniture specifically for this layout.

These can be special corner-shaped drawers, folding doors that provide access to both sides of the corner at once, or rotating mechanisms that facilitate access to the internal contents of this part of the cabinet.

Corner with a protrusion. Often in a kitchen room a corner is occupied by a ventilation shaft or a decorative protrusion.

In this case, there is no point in connecting the two sides of the corner furniture into a single whole, by hook or by crook. A more practical option: “break” the corner by placing the furniture so that it is adjacent to the walls of the ledge on both sides. Don't want the protrusion to be noticeable?

Select finishing materials to match the furniture facades. Another option is to cover the ledge with mirror tiles. Such a frame will make the corner visually more weightless, and the presence of mirrors will work to expand the space.

What can be placed in the corner? We have already said that a sink is often placed in the corner. However, recently they prefer to place the sink near the window, using the window sill.

You can place a stove in the corner, and use the upper part of the corner to mount the hood. However, the shape of the corner for such a layout should be beveled. An unusual option: place a refrigerator in the corner by choosing a corner model of this appliance.

If the corner is beveled, then you can equip a full-fledged pencil case here. And if the pencil case has open shelves, then it will perfectly accommodate a built-in oven, microwave and even a TV. It is better then to define the lower part to accommodate a cabinet with drawers.

For a right angle, the only option remains: there will be a worktop for the kitchen here.

However, if you rarely use this part of the table as a work area, then you can put some kind of household appliance in the corner: a coffee maker, microwave or toaster.

Corner kitchen and bar counter

Quite often, a bar counter is simply an indispensable element in the kitchen.

It is capable of performing several tasks, such as:

  • Additional work surface;
  • Replacement for a dining table in a small kitchen;
  • Zoning the room, when there is a need to separate the work area from the dining area, the kitchen from the living room;
  • Extra storage space.

The bar counter can fit into any chosen style. There is a huge selection of furniture on the market with a built-in bar counter, or it is possible to make it to order, taking into account the features of the kitchen and wishes regarding shape and size.

Features of kitchens of panel houses with a niche

Houses of the 464 series, in addition to small kitchen spaces, are also characterized by a very uncomfortable, but very interesting from a design point of view, niche. It is located on the wall between the kitchen and the bathroom. For purely technical reasons, it was planned to install a sink in it, since there was a drain hole.

The sizes differed and could be 60-80 cm in width and 20-30 cm in depth. These were the sizes of standard Soviet sinks that fit perfectly into the recess. The difficulty of decorating a kitchen with a built-in set lay in the inconveniently located communications (hot and cold water pipes, sewerage) located in close proximity to the niche. It is difficult to create a beautiful, cohesive and functional space in such conditions without special skills.

Choosing an interior style

The style of a corner kitchen can be absolutely any depending on personal preferences. Let's talk about some of the most popular styles.

Classic style

This style has not lost its popularity to this day. It is practical and suitable for any interior.

The materials preferred here are natural wood. Most often this is massive furniture, so small kitchens are not recommended to be decorated in a classic style.

The set is decorated with decorated inserts, carvings, and expensive fittings. Insertion of glass facades is also allowed. Choose a noble color, such as brown, white, cream, plum.


This is a rustic and at the same time sophisticated style, attractive with simplicity and naturalness. It is characterized by a light palette of colors, floral prints, ornaments, the effect of aging furniture, and ceramic dishes.


This style is one of the most practical, so it is well suited for small kitchens. There is nothing superfluous here, only the essentials, without unnecessary parts and accessories.

Features include the presence of built-in appliances and a variety of hidden spacious cabinets. Materials can be very diverse, the main thing is to focus on lighting. Colors can be either bright or more subdued.

High tech

This is a modern style, rich in original solutions and technological innovations. Strict lines are important here, but at the same time glossy and glass surfaces make the design more original and unique. High-tech is suitable for a room of any size and shape.

Common mistakes

Many people try to design a future kitchen on their own, and in this case, similar mistakes often appear:

  1. Wrong sizes. Before starting to manufacture the headset, you should decide on the height of household appliances and their parameters. Furniture centers usually warn about this.
  2. Wrong choice of sink. As a rule, in the kitchen they use an expensive and ergonomic sink that will not spoil the decor.
  3. Inappropriate headset handles. Discomfort is unacceptable in a room where food is prepared. The selected handles can create inconvenience for the housewife.

If a person is not confident in his abilities, it is better to turn to professional designers for sketches.

Tips for choosing furniture

The size of the room and the style of the interior play a huge role when choosing furniture. Therefore, some tips can help with choosing a configuration.

If the kitchen is small, then it is recommended to place the lower and upper cabinets on either side of the corner to provide maximum storage space.

If the room is spacious, then it is advisable to install the upper cabinets only on one side of the corner, and decorate the other side, for example, with paintings or hang shelves. The second option would be to use cabinets on the other side, which will contain built-in appliances.

Advice! In the latter option, cabinets should have blank fronts. This will imitate a wall, which will prevent the interior from becoming cluttered.

Even if the choice is a corner kitchen, this is not a reason to refuse a corner sofa. It can also fit into the interior, the main thing is to match the chosen design. In addition, it is not only more compact than a table with chairs, but can also provide additional storage space located under the seats.

How to beat?

There are several ways to play up a niche, bringing it closer to the design and models of kitchen units. Choose a method of refining in accordance with the type of recess - in the wall or under the window sill.

In the wall

A niche in the wall is found in panel houses; it does not spoil the structure and can be useful to the owners of the apartment. You can play it in the following ways:

  • Covering with plasterboard is a method that does not require much thought. They get a flat wall for which they design a kitchen set.

Using a recess in the wall for oils

  • The niche is not always located behind the sink; it can also be seen near the window. When planning your kitchen set, place the refrigerator in a niche to save space in a small kitchen of 6 square meters. m . The sink can be moved further along the wall - installed near the window, and a refrigerator can be placed in the free space.
  • People who keep money at home make a safe in a niche - they separate a small space with shelves, and cover part with plasterboard. It is enough to hang kitchen cabinets on top of the safe door. You can use the cache after removing obstacles in the form of dishes or food.
  • Installing a cabinet - used when making kitchen cabinets narrower. Then dishes for constant use are stored in the cabinet above the sink - it is pre-made deeper, taking into account the wall recess.
  • Installation of small household appliances - a microwave oven is placed on a shelf, a cabinet is made for other small appliances. Apartment owners hang a small TV in a niche on a moving bracket.

Convenient place to store souvenirs

These are simple and interesting ways to decorate a wall niche in the kitchen. When choosing a method, pay attention to preferences.


Such a decorative component as an apron plays an important role in terms of functionality and design. For a corner kitchen, a single apron for both sides is preferable. If it is made in bright colors or there are eye-catching designs and patterns, then you need to choose simpler and calmer furniture.

At the same time, if, on the contrary, the set is bright, decorated with carvings, original fittings, and decorated elements, then the apron should be unobtrusive, simple, most often monochromatic, with a calm tone.

Bright aprons, with decorative elements, and a choice of glass materials are preferred for modern styles. The classic style prefers restrained tones and natural materials, for example, wood and stone.

Small corner kitchen

For a small kitchen, a corner set is best suited. When choosing a design here, it is better to focus on modern options, such as minimalism, hi-tech, modern. They are the most functional, contain modern technologies, functional cabinets and shelves, and built-in appliances.

To visually expand the space, you should pay attention to light. It is better to choose cabinets that are tall and narrow, without sharp corners.

It is also worth using the window sill. It can be expanded, thereby adding an additional working surface. It is possible to place shallow cabinets under the window, providing additional space for storing utensils.

Thus, the corner set can be used for any kitchen and any style. At the same time, there are several layout options, tips for using which will help make the room even more functional, comfortable and cozy, and even a small space can be used profitably, without forgetting about fashionable design solutions.

Option 1 - Get rid of the niche.

The easiest way to change the appearance of the kitchen involves filling a niche with plasterboard sheets. When choosing this option, the problem of selecting and ordering kitchen furniture disappears.

You can simply purchase it ready-made in a straight or angular design.

There was a case in my practice when a client, a real dreamer, decided to play up a niche in the following way: he built a hiding place in it!

To do this, you need to sew up the niche, leaving space inside for a small safe. The walls can be decorated with ceramic tiles.

One of the tiles acts as a disguised door, and the handle is a suction hook on which you can hang a towel or oven mitts. Unfortunately, I can’t show you a photo for obvious reasons.

Sometimes in our work there were moments when clients specially created a niche in the kitchen. So think carefully before getting rid of this “unfortunate misunderstanding.”

There are many different ways to play it beautifully. And the interior will be original, not like others.

Corner kitchen real photos

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