Living room without windows: optimal solutions for a complex task + 92 photos

A living room without windows is an exceptional space. They are the result of redevelopment or zoning of studio apartments.

To achieve an atmosphere of comfort and coziness, you need to make more efforts.

Without natural light, rooms look dark and dull.

No. 1. Proper lighting is the basis

Ideally, artificial lighting in a windowless room should be as close to natural as possible so that those in the room do not experience discomfort. You will have to give up your favorite warm light bulbs in favor of fluorescent lamps . The main task is to create uniform lighting in all areas of the room , since dark corners will once again remind you of the main problem of the room. To accomplish this task, designers recommend using the following techniques:

  • multi-zone lighting . To illuminate a room without windows, it is necessary to use ceiling lamps, wall lamps, table lamps, and floor lamps. Only in this case will it be possible to illuminate every corner and cope with the lack of light;
  • In addition to the central chandelier, it is better to use a system of spotlights that will evenly illuminate the entire room. Some experts advise making spot lighting as inconspicuous as possible in order to create the feeling of sunlight entering the room;
  • niches, paintings, furniture fronts, ceiling and floor skirting boards - everything that can be additionally illuminated should be equipped with a light source;
  • sconces, floor lamps and table lamps would also be appropriate. Don’t be afraid that the room will be too bright - you are unlikely to turn on all the light sources together, but you will provide yourself several comfortable lighting scenarios.

It is very important that those in a windowless room do not have the feeling of an enclosed space. To make such a room more comfortable and level out its peculiarity, you can use any tricks. Light up kitchen fronts or bed bases , creating the impression of sunlight penetrating. Illuminating cabinet furniture, especially if there is a lot of it in the room, will make the room brighter and lighter. Sometimes additional light sources are installed near the floor itself - it looks impressive and airy.

Sometimes ideas are born when you least expect them. For example, instead of the doors of a regular cabinet, you can use shutters (a frame structure with many horizontal panels and a small gap between them), and thanks to the LED strip, which is hidden behind the doors, it seems that sunlight is falling into the room through a window with shutters. The effect is so strong that even your brain, which knows the secret of the room, will perceive the stream of artificial light as natural rays.

Design depending on the purpose of the room

There are many options for decorating a room. The design, as well as the color scheme, directly depends on the purpose of the room.

Classic curtains hung on a curtain rod where there should have been a window will add a sense of spaciousness to the bedroom.

Living room without window

Comfortable textile furniture will complement the cozy atmosphere. Some people use false windows in their rooms. Special wall structures are created that imitate a window. The desired effect is achieved using lighting. It is mounted in a recess provided in the structure. Glass and curtains complement the false window.

Window imitation is one of the most common design techniques that does not require significant financial investments.

Another way to fill the living room with coziness is a fireplace. Such an element performs three functions simultaneously:

  • Gives the room a cozy feel.
  • Provides warmth.
  • Is a source of additional light.

If you use gentle and soft colors in the interior, the room is filled with light. Properly selected lamps help to hold it in place.

You can create the impression of natural light using LED lighting hidden behind the horizontal slats on the cabinet doors

If you use blue stretch ceilings, the room seems lighter and higher.

An artistic fresco or wallpaper with photo printing will decorate the interior of the room and visually expand the space

It is recommended to use an object of attention in every design. It helps those in the room to lose sight of the lack of windows. In its role, you can use absolutely any interesting object that fits into the interior. For a living room located in the hallway without a window, photo wallpaper is most often used.

A cityscape placed on the wall will create a perspective that will make you feel like you are standing near a window and enjoying the view.


Not many parents decide to equip such a room for a small child. A nursery without a window is not suitable for every child. At an early age, there are fears of the dark and closed spaces. Some still decide to undertake such experiments. During the arrangement, the following needs of the child should be taken into account:

  • High-quality lighting.
  • Comfort of the room.
  • Access to fresh air.

Modern technologies make it possible to organize artificial lighting at a fairly high level. Specially selected lamps will help get rid of the lack of light in the room.

Glossy furniture and light wall decoration will make the children's room much more spacious and brighter.

An additional source of lightening and at the same time comfort can be an interesting application with a backlight function. Parents often decorate the room with a space theme. The image of a galactic ship will not just fit into the interior, but will become the main feature.

The interior of a children's room without a window, made in the spirit of an intergalactic ship

The night city design is suitable for older children. It can be supplemented with photo wallpaper, and several spotlights can be placed on top. LED lamps between cabinets will help visually expand the area.

Wallpaper with a photo print of a cityscape in a teenager's room

Openings in the partitions are used for fresh air access. If they are placed correctly and visually hidden, there should be no problems with ventilation.

The most similar to natural light is yellow light.

No. 2. False windows - a spectacular optical illusion

A false window is the most popular design technique for a room without a window . It’s not that difficult to deceive the eye, and there are plenty of options for doing it today. So, false windows can have several options:

There is another option - to draw a window on the wall with the preferred landscape behind it, but this solution is for those who are familiar with fine art. And don’t forget about the indispensable companion of any window - curtains , unless, of course, we are talking about a ceiling window.

Another interesting and quick-to-implement solution is backlit blinds . These look like completely ordinary blinds that we are used to seeing on windows. They differ in the presence of LED lighting, which will help us create the effect of having a window. You just need to hang the blinds where you want to see the window opening and connect the structure to the network. Light, penetrating through the cracks in half-closed blinds, creates the illusion of a real window. All arrangement work will take a minimum of time. These blinds were originally designed to make ordinary window openings more interesting, but have found new uses.

Design techniques

Let's consider what design and decorative techniques we can use to achieve harmony in a windowless room:

Window simulation

This technique is the most common for a small room. A completely realistic impression of the presence of a window is created. After all, the absence of windows has a negative psychological impact on a person. Psychologists even claim that even if you just draw a window on a room wall with charcoal on a brick wall, this alone will have a positive effect on your mood and the state of your nervous system. Imitation techniques:

  • For authenticity, you can hang curtains in the place where you want the “window”. A nearby fan can create the feeling that the wind from the street is moving these curtains. And the lamp located behind the curtain will support the impression that the light is coming from outside. At the same time, the curtain itself should not be too thick, preferably translucent. Even a living room or bedroom can be decorated this way.
  • If you hang a large painting in a landscape or marine theme on the wall of a small kitchen or bedroom, this technique will help create the impression that there is a window in the room. But the picture should be in light, preferably blue, green tones. Photo wallpapers with landscapes and realistic plant images make the same impression - they can decorate both the living room and the bedroom.
  • An excellent solution would be a picture with an urban theme - for example, a brightly lit street in New York or another metropolis. Such a painting or photo wallpaper can give a completely reliable impression of the view from the window. A similar design can often be seen on television, when the presenter of the program is in a studio decorated with a realistic panel. All viewers get the impression that behind the presenter there is a window through which evening Moscow is visible, for example. A bedroom or small kitchen space without windows will sparkle in a new way thanks to this technique.
  • A great idea for a painting is a long alley going into the distance, into “infinity”. This technique visually expands the space of a small room without windows - the room will become visually larger.
  • Special plastic molding panels with built-in lighting can create the impression that there is a window in the room. This design looks especially decorative when the lights in the room are turned off. Not very suitable for a kitchen, especially a small one.
  • Use mirrors to decorate your interior. With their ability to reflect light, they can easily replace windows. In addition, they expand the interior of a small room.

Imitating a window using a mirror in a room

False window in the living room

Window to the next room

  • If having a window is vital for you, cut it into the next room. This way you can combine the space of the kitchen and dining room, bedroom and office. In any case, there will be a window in the next room - a small amount of natural light will also reach the room that does not have windows.
  • When you want privacy, such an internal window can be covered with blinds or decorative shutters.

Window to the next room in the interior

Large window into the kitchen from the living room

Stained glass

  • Along with imitation of a window opening, stained glass also serves as a stylish decorative decoration for the interior and is also suitable for a small room.
  • A source of artificial lighting can be placed behind the stained glass composition. This technique will illuminate the stained glass window, making the kitchen or bedroom space more voluminous and elegant.
  • Stained glass windows create a great mood due to their beauty and decorativeness, drive away the blues, depression and look original.
  • Stained glass decoration in the bathroom, kitchen and even hallway looks great.

Stained glass in the interior of a living room without windows


This is a special window, often internal, that does not open. In Soviet times, such an interior detail was often used between the bathroom and the kitchen. Not far from the ceiling there was a small window, which was most often decorated with frosted glass. People who now live in old houses still have such a transom. A similar element, only in a modern interpretation, can be used to decorate a room without windows, connecting the space of the living room and bedroom.

Transom in the bathroom interior

No. 3. skylight

A ceiling window is also a false window, but I would like to place it in a separate group of techniques for arranging a room without natural light. It would probably be unnecessary to say that such a design will make the room more comfortable, more harmonious and even brighter. There are several options for arranging a ceiling window:

  • stick photo wallpaper with a picture of the sky . It will be clear and blue, cloudy or night - it's up to you. To enhance the effect, you can direct the backlight to the photo wallpaper;
  • stretch ceilings with the image of the sky . You can draw anything on the film canvas; you can illuminate it both from the outside using standard methods, and from the inside using fiber optic threads and creating the effect of a “starry sky”;
  • on the ceiling you can use the same technology as when installing a false window on the wall. In the recess is created backlight, repeating the temperature of daylight, the structure closes frosted glass or glass with a sky image, branches against the sky, etc. True, this method will require the construction of a box made of plasterboard (suspended ceiling technology), and this takes away several centimeters of height, but an additional volumetric light source compensates for these losses.

Photos of examples of interiors in a room without windows

Modern designers have many options for decorating rooms without windows. Styles available for design:

  • Provence.
  • High tech.
  • Postmodernism.
  • Techno.
  • Classical.
  • And many others.

A living room in a neoclassical style, in which a stained glass window with a built-in light source successfully serves as a window.

Bedroom in a modern style with a false window occupying most of the wall

Cozy bedroom without a window, designed in the style of French Provence

Built-in wardrobes in a minimalist style bedroom

No. 4. Drawn curtains

If curtains are a mandatory attribute of a window, then their mere presence makes our brain believe that behind them lies an ordinary real window . This means that some wall, or part of it, can be covered with curtains, and their length can be any. Long curtains from ceiling to floor usually look best. You can place them behind the back of the sofa or the head of the bed. We will not receive additional light from such a design, but we will relieve the feeling of discomfort due to the lack of a window in the room.

No. 5. Creating a real window opening

Now don't be scared. This is not about cutting a window in a load-bearing wall and connecting the room to the street. Everything is much less radical, but the walls will still have to be torn down. The essence of the technique is to connect a windowless room with the most suitable neighboring room , if this is, of course, possible.

You won’t be able to dreamily look out of such a window, watching passers-by hurrying somewhere, the rain or a peaceful natural landscape, but there will definitely be more light - it will penetrate from the neighboring room. On the other hand, this does not mean at all that the artificial lighting system in such a room can be taken less seriously, because natural light in this situation is unlikely to be enough.

The window size can be any - it all depends on your preferences and the characteristics of the adjacent rooms. This can be a standard size opening or a floor-length glass partition. When you need privacy, blinds, regular or roller blinds will help you hide from prying eyes - in general, everything that saves us in the case of an ordinary window.

It is very important that such a solution will cope with the ventilation problem.

Features of arranging a room without a window

Creating a room without a window is, of course, a necessary measure. To make the room cozy and comfortable to live in, you need to take into account many features.

A bedroom without a window has a number of advantages:

  • The emergence of a separate room even in a very limited area.
  • Simplicity of room decoration due to the absence of a window and the need to select curtains.
  • Long-term preservation of finishing materials and furniture due to the absence of direct sunlight.
  • The ability to create complete darkness, which has a beneficial effect on the process of human relaxation.

There are also significant disadvantages:

  • It is necessary to think over a complete ventilation system.
  • The need for artificial lighting at any time of the day, which contributes to an increase in electricity bills.
  • It is impossible to place living plants in the room, because their growth requires a sufficient amount of sunlight and oxygen.

Functional bedroom without a window Source
What to consider when creating a design project:

  • You should not use a large number of dark colors and large patterns, only in the form of individual elements and accents.
  • Use techniques to visually expand space and add light to the room.
  • Using multifunctional and hidden furniture for more space.
  • The ceiling should be lighter than the walls.
  • Convenient lighting switching.

No. 6. Transom, or Hello from the past

Many of us are familiar firsthand with the idea of ​​​​having a small window near the ceiling. A similar solution was put into effect by the designers of Soviet Khrushchev apartments, who connected the bathroom and kitchen with a small window. There are still a lot of jokes about it, but such a life hack cannot be underestimated. The architects were then able to solve the problem of additional lighting in the event of a lack of electricity, making the bathroom a little lighter and more spacious. Residents of such apartments admit that in sunny weather the bathroom can be used without turning on artificial light. Everything new is well forgotten old, so we take this idea into service.

Creating a small window right under the ceiling and connecting the problem room with the adjacent room is an excellent solution and not as drastic as arranging a large window opening. Light will enter through the transom, and the neighboring rooms will remain isolated and secluded - what is needed for the design of a room without a window.

There is a slightly different variation of this method . Where does a windowless room come from in an apartment? After constructing a blank partition and separating the space from adjacent rooms. You can build a wall that is not full height , leaving a gap under the ceiling for the penetration of light and fresh air.

Room color schemes

The main problem that causes a dark room is the color scheme. Experienced designers recommend decorating a monochromatic interior. Bright posters, mirrors, false windows, paintings, and much more are perfect as objects of attention. A colorful photo can brighten up the design of a room without a window and make it creative.

In terms of light reflection ability, white color is unrivaled

The right color visually increases the space. The room seems more comfortable and fresh.

To decide on the color scheme, first of all, it is worth deciding the purpose of the allocated space. A living room without windows looks best in noble colors. These include:

  • Coffee.
  • Lactic.
  • Ivory.
  • Cream.

The bedroom is beautiful in bright colors. The most interesting ideas and colors are suitable for its design. The possibility of combination is limited only by the designer’s imagination.

Sliding doors with glass will let natural light into the room

No. 7. Magic of the mirror

The mirror surface can be used not only to create false windows. Everyone knows how a simple mirror can transform the interior of a small room. It doubles the space and light - just what you need for small rooms without windows.

You can choose a large solid mirror panel, make a composition from small mirrors, or lay out an entire wall or part of it with mirror tiles - there are plenty of options for every taste and interior style. Do not forget that part of the furniture facades can be mirrored. An interesting effect is achieved when decorating the upper part of the walls with a mirror . In a similar way, you can simulate the windows described above.

Installing the transom

The use of this special window, often internal, was practiced in the recent past. Traditionally, this solution was used to illuminate the bathtub from the kitchen. The small window was located under the ceiling. Frosted glass was used for its design. And now you can find similar structures in old apartment buildings.

A modern interpretation of this can be realized by connecting the space between rooms such as the living room and bedroom.

No. 8. Shine and metal

Glossy, shiny surfaces, like mirrors, are capable of reflecting light, which means they are very useful in arranging a room without windows. Metal (chrome and brass) frames and vases, a glass top of a dining or coffee table, a glossy furniture facade, a crystal chandelier - all these and many other metal, glass and glossy objects perfectly reflect light, fill the room with glare and make it more comfortable and illuminated. In each of these objects, light sources will be reflected, increasing the overall level of illumination.

Furniture facades and at least part of the doors in the wardrobe should be made glossy. Another opportunity to add volume and light to a room lies literally under our feet. We are talking about flooring: glazed tiles or varnished laminate will do an excellent job of reflecting light.

It is important not to play too much with mirrors, gloss and glitter . If you overdo it, the room will become bright, but still uncomfortable, and numerous reflections will irritate and cause discomfort.

We work with stained glass

In addition to the fact that these structures are able to imitate a window opening, they are also used as a stylish decorative decoration for the interior. A small room will look much more spacious with their use. Placing a source of artificial lighting in the background will illuminate the stained glass windows, giving the space such as the kitchen or bedroom more volume and grace.

Thanks to the creation of stained glass compositions, you can provide a special atmosphere of joy, successfully fight blues, depression, and get a spectacular look of the environment. This idea looks good when decorating the bathroom, kitchen and hallway.

No. 9. Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers are actively used when it is necessary to expand a small space or set a certain atmosphere in the room. In our case, photo wallpaper will also be useful. The classic technique is the image of an open window or balcony . Thus, the space visually expands, and a much-needed window appears in the room.

You can simply use natural or city landscapes, preferably with a noticeable perspective . It is desirable that the photo wallpaper occupies the entire wall or most of it, and that the image is somehow supported by interior items. For example, if the photo wallpaper depicts a forest, you can complement the picture with large living plants. It doesn’t hurt to additionally highlight the image. A correctly selected and designed landscape will change the room beyond recognition.

Furniture selection

Depending on the size of the bedroom, the furniture that will be located there is selected. In a small room, most likely, you can only place a bed and a small chest of drawers, but in a spacious room you can arrange several functional areas.

General recommendations:

  • The bed can be placed in the corner of the room or in a special niche.
  • Instead of bedside tables, you can hang shelves above the bed, or buy a bed with shelves at the head.
  • If it is impossible to place a full-fledged wardrobe in the room, you can purchase a bed with a box, or install it on a podium with many drawers.
  • The doors of the built-in closet can be disguised to match the color of the walls, then the space will visually expand.

Spacious and bright bedroom without a window Source
Experts identify a number of rules that should be followed when choosing furniture for a bedroom without a window:

  • Reflective surfaces - mirror, glass and glossy.
  • It is preferable to have legs for beds and chests of drawers.
  • It is better to make some furniture elements metal, since carved parts look lighter compared to a solid wooden surface.
  • Furniture in light colors to avoid the effect of cluttering the room.

No. 10. Interior tricks

Along with other techniques, in a room without a window you can use some tricks that will make the room even brighter or distract attention from its main drawback.

Additional light sources should be used to the maximum. An illuminated aquarium, a fireplace, candles and garlands are used . A bright painting, an interesting art object, furniture of an unusual shape can become a distraction , a focal point that will attract the eye, thereby leading it away from the imperfections of the space.

Features and advantages of a room without windows

A number of shortcomings initially discourage you from creating such a room:

  1. It is impossible to ventilate the room in the usual way.
  2. 24-hour lighting using electrical appliances is required. The result is additional energy costs.
  3. Not all plants thrive in such an atmosphere.
  4. Lack of pleasant views of the street.

A room without a window has its advantages:

  1. The room is warmer. It is easier to heat, and the heat is retained much longer.
  2. There are many options for interior design in such a room.

It is more practical to solve the problem of room design than to deal with the lack of lighting.

No. 11. Light colors

The ability to reflect light varies among different colors . For example, dark, saturated shades absorb a significant portion of the radiation, while light shades, on the contrary, mostly reflect it. White works best in this regard , which is why designers fell in love with it, actively using it in all small rooms. It is better to choose it for the ceiling. If it doesn’t quite fit into your interior plans, then choose another light shade. It is important that the ceiling is lighter than the walls.

unobtrusive light and pastel shades of for walls and furniture . Beige, cream, light blue and light peach will make the room cozy, create a feeling of open space and much-desired natural light. Do not forget about shiny finishing materials: metallic wallpaper, glossy plaster, etc.

To prevent the interior of the room from being completely boring, it can be complemented with several bright accessories. Natural shades are preferred. Two or three bright colors will be enough - otherwise you can overload the room.

Living room design without windows

Decorative elements will help fill the room with warmth and comfort:

  • soft pillows decorated with hand embroidery;
  • covers for chairs and sofas in bright colors and patterns;
  • carpets with floral patterns;
  • hand embroidered tablecloths.

It is preferable to use light shades in the main tone: milky, creamy, creamy, peach.

For furniture decorating a living room without windows, it is better to choose soft textile furniture. When it comes to colors, it is better to use a monochromatic palette.

No. 12. Sliding panels instead of walls

Replacing blank walls with mobile partitions would seem to be the simplest and least expensive solution, but, unfortunately, not always possible. A sliding partition is well suited for separating the bedroom from the living room, or the living space from the kitchen. When privacy is needed, the doors close, creating two separate, isolated spaces. Doors ajar or fully open will allow light and fresh air into a windowless room.

How to properly decorate a room without windows?

In the design of a living room without windows, preference is given to light shades: white, milky, ivory. These shades fill the room with light and make it feel more spacious.

The presence of warm shades visually brings the space closer together, while cold shades move it away.

It is better to leave the walls without placing paintings or panels.

If you want to decorate a wall, you can stick photo wallpaper on it.

A winter forest, lush grass, or the sea coast looks beautiful in a room without windows. Natural motifs will give the room freshness and warmth.

We will add fun and good mood to the interior with bright decorative elements.

No. 13. Green room decoration

A windowless room is a room with limited fresh air. In this case, it will be difficult to do without a normal ventilation system, but a few plants in the room still won’t hurt. They will decorate the room, bring life into it and give a little oxygen.

ficus plants are best suited because they can purify, moisturize the air and even remove toxins from it. Chlorophytum, begonia, aloe and Kalanchoe are also excellent

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