Openwork lambrequin: tips for making it yourself

This page contains the forms of typical sets of openwork lambrequins, the design of which is based on various “classical motifs”. In some cases, these are patterns from masters of past centuries, processed and adapted for laser cutting.

  • Each design has its own name.
  • Based on one design, we have developed one or several standard forms of openwork lambrequins.
  • Each standard form corresponds to a specific set of parts.

The complete set of your lambrequin with individual elements may differ from the standard one. That is, you can, if you want, come up with the final shape yourself by assembling a lambrequin from your own set of parts taken from different forms of the same design. When ordering, please pay attention to both the full names of the sets and the article numbers of individual elements.

Openwork lambrequins design "Barcelona".

Price of lambrequin "Barcelona-1".

Price of lambrequin "Barcelona-2".

Advantages of lambrequins

A lambrequin is a horizontal decorative drapery at the top of a curtain composition across the entire width of the cornice. It harmoniously combines with the curtains, complements the whole image and decorates it.

The main functions and advantages of this type of decoration are:

  • Revitalizing the overall design;
  • Adding an accent;
  • Creation of a complete and unique image;
  • Masking flaws in a window opening, smoothing out uneven walls and ceilings.

At the same time, the upper drapery can be made either in the same style as tulle and curtains, or be a completely independent element.

Openwork lambrequins “Shabby chic” design.

Price of lambrequin “Shabby Chic-1”

Price of lambrequin “Shabby chic-2”

Price of lambrequin “Shabby chic-3”

Complex lambrequins in the living room

This type of lambrequins for the hall is obtained from draping fabric in various ways, followed by a combination of decorative elements into a single design. What types of folds are used today?


A traditional element in lambrequin design. It looks like a folded semicircle. This is the least suitable lambrequin for masking a cornice, as it is often attached to it on only two sides. Accordingly, the fabric sags and creates a semicircle of empty space underneath. Swags can be symmetrical or asymmetrical, used as a separate part or attached in pairs, fixed on an overlay, or even intersect with other components of a soft structure.

Lambrequin swag


An element similar to swag, but obtained in a slightly different way. A strip of fabric here is simply thrown over the cornice, forming semicircles familiar from swag. The most impressive look is the transition over a pipe-shaped modern cornice, especially if the lambrequin is matched to the rest of the window textiles.

Lambrequin with crossover


Asymmetrical solution for lambrequin design. It is characterized by vertical folding and bevel of the lower edge. The location of the element is the side zones of the window opening.

Jabot with flip


The element is cut according to the jabot pattern, but is placed differently into the fold in the lambrequin. The bends do not go in one direction, but are made overlay.

Lambrequin with tie


The central component of the lambrequin. Located surrounded by swag. The mold is a symmetrical element and can also have a paired appearance. Outwardly it looks like two shortened narrow swags, touching with their long sides. Look for examples of such lambrequin decors in the photo.

Chill mold on a lambrequin


The name itself speaks about the shape of this element. It is added in the form of sagging inserts, which can be located both along the edges of the lambrequin and between the swags.

Lambrequin with bells

The design of lambrequins for the hall should be spectacular, so when combining decorative elements, do not be afraid to use a play of colors. Make them in contrasting or balanced shades. Be sure to highlight the leading line. It’s good if it matches the color scheme of the curtains.

Openwork lambrequins design "Seville".

Price of lambrequin “Seville-1”

Price of lambrequin “Seville-2”

Price of lambrequin “Seville-3”

Price of lambrequin “Seville-4”

Decorative design of lambrequins for the hall

As for the complex lambrequin, it will not go unnoticed in the interior. Its very structure will attract attention, what can we say if it is also made in colorful colors. With simpler models you will have to tinker. In order to make simple lambrequins for the hall attractive, look for new items, or use already proven elements.

The easiest way to refine it is to decorate the edges in an original way.


Ideal edging for velvet and velor lambrequins. Often found in taffeta lambrequin designs.

Fringe edging of lambrequin


Original, variously shaped serrated protrusions. Their appearance can radically change the perception of the textile design of a window opening.

Lambrequin for the hall with festoons


The method, although simple, is no less interesting than the previous ones. If you want to decorate a lambrequin for the hall with your own hands, then you shouldn’t look for a less troublesome solution. A narrow textile tape is simply adjusted to the edge. The main thing is to choose a good combination.

Lambrequin decor with braid to match the curtains

Of the other methods, in principle, any handmade method is suitable:

  • embroidery;
  • beads;
  • rhinestones.

Lambrequins with such decoration are especially in demand in oriental interiors and glamorous living rooms.

Photos present rigid lambrequins in a different kind of decor. Volumetric parts are attached to them. They can be an imitation of stucco or look like soft flowers cut from fabric. There is something new in the design of lambrequins for the hall - they began to be decorated with photo printing.

Lambrequin decor with fabric flowers

Openwork lambrequins design "Verona".

Price of lambrequin “Verona-1”

Price of lambrequin “Verona-2”

Price of lambrequin “Verona-3”

Price of lambrequin “Verona-4”

Price of lambrequin “Verona-5”

Lambrequins for the hall: a seasonal novelty

Designers predict a surge in the popularity of rigid lambrequins. For finishing the window area, straight, laconic models are offered, not burdened with excess decorative elements. It is acceptable to have stripes or a simple geometric pattern; ideally, order plain lambrequins for the hall. For classic living rooms, you can choose curtains printed with monograms.

Some loss of position by Scandinavian and minimalist trends has allowed rich and bright shades of window textiles to return to interiors. Such a design will look most attractive on a window in the winter season, when the warmth of the sun's rays and the riot of natural colors are so lacking. At the peak of popularity are rich colors of the jungle, emerald and sea green.

Lambrequins for the hall in a modern style

Lovers of extravagant settings can sew lambrequins for the hall with their own hands from chameleon fabrics. The lambrequin, which changes color in accordance with the intensity and quality of lighting, will become the accent of the design composition. Chameleon curtains can both make the atmosphere super festive and bring mystery and romanticism into it.

Lambrequin made of chameleon fabric

Such a decorative feature as a floral ornament will not give up its position. Tangles of the thinnest branches of plants framed by flowers, spread across the lambrequin, will allow the element to fit into any interior.

For those who are not inspired by the symbiosis of pistils and stamens, there is also an original idea. Next season, shiny curtains will come into fashion, as well as lambrequins, where the fold will be replaced by a combination of stripes of shiny and matte fabrics. The option is designed for classic interiors, however, some modification will help adapt the idea for use in other settings.

Lambrequin made of shiny fabric

The openwork lambrequin cornice has quickly burst onto the fashion Olympus and is gaining popularity. It is impossible to make this magnificent representative of rigid lambrequins with your own hands at home, since the designs in this case are cut out using laser technology. In general, get ready to pay a tidy sum for beauty.

Openwork lambrequin cornice

Buffs. This is a noteworthy model of lambrequins for the hall, since this new interior decor product is easy to do with your own hands. It is assembled from a single piece of fabric laced in an original way. The puff can be the only design element of the window area or combined with curtains. For examples of solo and compositional use of lambrequin, see the photo.

Window decor with puffs

Openwork lambrequins design "Damascus".

Price of lambrequin "Damascus-1"

Price of lambrequin "Damascus-2"


Openwork patterns have long been considered an elegant decoration. Thanks to them, the product acquires an elegant and original appearance. This design is found in clothing, furniture decoration, and also in interiors. The latter option has not gone out of fashion for many years. The carved openwork lambrequin is proof of this. These models appeared relatively recently, but quickly became popular and fell in love with people.

Probably no one will argue that the windows in the room occupy one of the main places in the interior. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the appropriate drapery for them. Tulle, curtains, cornice make up a single composition. However, simple models, as a rule, do not carry a semantic load, they simply perform a functional role, and in order to give them a decorative one, you can use an openwork lambrequin (photos of options are presented in the article).

Bando: introduction to rigid lambrequins

Bando is a certain type of rigid lambrequins, which is made using special technology. As a rule, they are given a variety of styles, which are filled with intricate, sinuous and smooth lines. The basis of such a product is a rigid frame that retains its given shape. Curtains with an openwork lambrequin fit perfectly into any interior: classic, Provence, Renaissance, country, etc. Also, using a bandeau, you can reproduce several effects. For example, a fixed cornice with drapery under the ceiling will visually increase the height of the room, and a lambrequin wider than the window opening will give the room additional volume.

The manufacturing technology of such a product is quite simple. An openwork pattern is drawn on a rigid base, cut out, then the fabric is glued on and decorated with braid. In this article we will conduct a master class on making openwork lambrequins.

What you will need during the work process

First of all, in order to make an openwork lambrequin, you will need a base (bando). It comes in several types: hot-melt and self-adhesive. Next you will need to choose the main type of fabric.

The material must be: sufficiently dense; non-flowing; retaining its shape, that is, not stretching

. The next stage of preparation is choosing a lining. As a rule, these types of fabrics are currently presented in a wide range in stores. The purchase of adhesive tape is mandatory, since it will be responsible for the quality of fastening the fabric to the base. And the final touch is the decor. To do this, use braid or braided cord. Its color should be contrasting with the main fabric. This is what will highlight the openwork of the ornament.

When making a carved lambrequin yourself, you must have an overlocker and a sewing machine.

Three rules for successful selection

In order for the openwork lambrequin to fit into the overall interior as harmoniously as possible, you must adhere to the basic rules.

1. Product shape. The determining factor here is the size of the room and its style. It must be remembered that an overly intricate and complex ornament can significantly narrow the space, so it is recommended to use simple shapes in small areas, but in large areas, give free rein to your imagination.

2. Color scheme. The palette of colors used in the interior is one of its most important components. It is thanks to the play of shades that maximum harmony can be achieved. A win-win solution is a lambrequin of the dominant color. This will complement the overall composition, however, there is no need to try to match the tone to the tone, just opt ​​for compatible shades. Contrasting solutions are also a good option. For example, brown curtains are a golden lambrequin. However, there is one caveat: these colors must be duplicated in the interior.

3. Optimal size. The overall impression of the room will depend on the width and length of the lambrequin. If it is very narrow, then the size of the drapery should be from one wall to the other, and vice versa, in large rooms the dimensions of the window side slopes are taken as the basis.

What to pay special attention to when making

1. Before you start sewing, you need to take accurate measurements from the window. The length of the lambrequins directly depends on the size of the cornice.

2. If you need to make a fairly wide base, then it is preferable to choose doublerin, since the width of the bardo pro does not exceed 45 cm.

3. The pattern is drawn up taking into account all the measurements taken, as well as roundings, angles and features of the ornament.

4. Before cutting out an openwork lambrequin, be sure to make a trial version to assess the quality of the ornament. And only after that can you transfer it directly to the base.

Manufacturing technology

Making the base for a rigid lambrequin is already half the battle. Now you can start decorating it.

1. In order for the openwork lambrequin to have the appropriate appearance, it is necessary to glue fabric material onto the workpiece. The front side is processed first. The gluing process itself takes place using an iron in two passes: the first with steam, the second without.

2. Processing the wrong side. The prepared base is placed on the lining and stitched along the edges with a zigzag seam. For strength, you can use adhesive tape.

3. Trim excess fabric.

4. Decoration stage. Fringe or braid is ideal for this. It is glued using hot glue.

How to make an openwork lambrequin: subtleties of work

- Be sure to leave 1-2 cm for the hem.

— When using bias tape, no allowance is needed.

— The upper edge of the lambrequin is treated with Velcro, with which the product will be attached to the cornice. The tape is sewn below 5 mm from the fold.

The master class on making a carved openwork lambrequin is over. Good luck to you.


More photos (for inspiration)


Openwork lambrequins "Renaissance" design.

Price of lambrequin "Renaissance-1".

Price of lambrequin "Renaissance-2".

Price of lambrequin "Renaissance-3".

Design of curtains for the hall: curtains - new items 2022 with photos

Curtains are exactly that part of the curtains that creates maximum comfort in the room. Initially intended to cut off the wind blowing through the doorway, they have long become a familiar and practically the main subject for draping the windows of large halls and living rooms. The use of rather massive-looking curtains in small rooms is less common, but not by much. This is due to the following functional advantages of such curtains for a hall without a lambrequin, photos of which you will find at the end of the article:

  • excellent protection of the interior space from the outside world - both from the vagaries of the weather and from overly curious glances from the street;
  • convenience and ease of regulation of the intensity of natural light in the room;
  • curtains do an excellent job of acting as a heat shield, keeping the room at a comfortable temperature - cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather;
  • high decorative qualities of curtains, making it possible to use them in interiors of any style and making such curtains universal not in words, but in deeds.

Curtains regulate the amount of natural light

Traditionally, curtains were used in conjunction with lambrequins - this created the optical illusion of expanding the window opening. But at the same time, paradoxically, it “weighted down” the overall design, visually giving the room a palace-like splendor. However, pomp has long gone out of fashion, and the modern way of visually increasing the size of a window opening involves using an elongated cornice together with a large amount of fabric in the design of the window. When choosing such a solution, a lambrequin is simply not needed, it only worsens the result.

Lambrequin creates an optical illusion of window expansion

Openwork lambrequins design "Florence".

Price of lambrequin "Florence-1".

Price of lambrequin "Florence-2".

Beautiful curtains for the hall with eyelets: photos of new products 2022

Recently, curtains with grommets have gained great popularity - special rings sewn into the curtain fabric, through which a round cornice or a stretched string is passed. These rings carry not only a purely utilitarian purpose - they usually also play a decorative role, and in some cases even act as the center of the composition. Due to the fact that it is easy to give the eyelets the most “technogenic” look, such curtains are widely used in modern interior styles.

Curtains with eyelets are widely used in modern interiors

As you can see in the photo, curtains for the hall without lambrequins on eyelets are unique and have a pronounced individuality; they are usually made in one color, without overloading them with decorative elements that distract attention. If necessary, you can decorate the cornice with picturesque details. If the monotony of the colors of such curtains does not please the eye, it is quite acceptable to make them striped or with a large geometric pattern.

A distinctive feature of beautiful curtains for the hall with grommets, which is clearly visible in the photo, is the difficulty of fixing them on the curtain rod in case of incomplete opening. In the open position, such curtains are secured with ordinary tiebacks, traditionally made from the same fabric as the curtains themselves. When decorating a very large window, it is recommended to use not two, but four canvases - but always painted in contrasting colors.

Bright curtains with geometric patterns on eyelets

Fastening to the cornice with grommets is used not only for thick and fairly heavy curtains - grommets are often used for hanging light curtains like organza or traditional tulle. Only in these cases, so that the upper edge of the material does not wrinkle, it is reinforced by sewing a narrow strip of fabric or a special eyelet tape.

Openwork lambrequin design “Byzantium”.

Price of lambrequin “Byzantium”.

Openwork lambrequins design “Antique”.

Price available upon request.

Price available upon request.

Tips and tricks

Any interior detail should complement the existing decor. So, when choosing a lambrequin, you should focus on three main principles:

  • The fabric should match the curtains and tulle in texture, texture and shade.
  • The combination of tone and color should be as appropriate and harmonious as possible.
  • It is important to follow the length proportions exactly.

It’s easy to get lost among the variety, especially if you search without the help of a decorator or qualified consultant. Therefore, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some rules in advance that can make choosing the right decoration easier:

  • It is important to take into account the dimensions of the room: abundant decoration is appropriate for large areas, and for small spaces it is better to choose compact and laconic models;
  • An incorrectly selected lambrequin can visually reduce the height of the ceilings and the size of the room, so it is purchased only for those rooms where the wall height exceeds 2.5 meters;
  • The optimal “top” is considered to have a maximum sagging depth of no more than 1/6 of the length of the curtains or about 40 cm of width;
  • The shade must correspond to the overall scheme of the interior: curtains or other accessories, pieces of furniture;
  • It is ideal to buy a set of curtain compositions;
  • The tulle lambrequin is chosen to be as contrasting as possible to the main shade;
  • In small rooms, lush folds and gathers should be avoided;
  • It is important to properly care for your new jewelry: vacuum regularly, wipe with a damp sponge or wash at least once every six months, without twisting the product.

Creating a harmonious design of a window space is a complex matter and requires a certain taste, imagination and experience. The final and connecting element of all the details of the curtain decor is a lambrequin, the choice of which must be approached as seriously and thoroughly as possible.

Openwork lambrequins design “Classic”.

Price available upon request.

Price available upon request.

Price available upon request.

Price available upon request.

What kind of lace is used for curtains. Methods and types of production.

The advantage of light openwork fabric is its high breathability, relative anti-dust resistance, as well as simplicity and some ease of care (the latter statement is more like machine-made lace).

Therefore, it is more advisable to use this type of fabric in the warm season, that is, from late spring to early autumn.

Depending on the preferences of the apartment owners, lace of completely different natures can be used with decorative openwork bandeaus or lambrequins for curtains.

Such as:

Made with bobbins

A special “manual” method of making openwork items by craftswomen using wooden sticks, bobbins, with slots for threads at the ends. According to a special, hand-drawn sketch. This product has the highest price, like any handmade product.

Needle stitched

In this case, the product is made half by hand and half by machine. Has the most “democratic” price rate.

Working palettes of fabric colors for openwork lambrequins.

Palette of fabrics “Soft” No. 1 for openwork lambrequins.
Palette of fabrics “Soft”, “Satin” and “Brocade” No. 2 for openwork lambrequins. All prices of lambrequins published on the pages of this site are calculated based on the use in the production of products of our standard fabrics “Soft”, “Atlas” and “Brocade”, included in palettes No. 1 and No. 2. When using other fabrics, including customer fabrics, the price of products must be calculated individually.

How to fasten a lambrequin?

The openwork lambrequin is fixed to the ceiling cornice using Velcro tape (this part of the kit exactly matches the length of the cornice strip). It is enough to apply the fleecy surface of the decorative product to it to securely fix it! Unlike multi-layer draperies, a figured lambrequin

does not accumulate dust, so it is even easier to care for it - just vacuum it or clean it with a damp sponge if the front part is dirty.

Buy an openwork lambrequin

in our online store means having the opportunity to move away from templates and make any non-standard size or pattern. Give your home coziness, beauty and comfort by completing the interior with such an elegant decorative element!

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