Wallpaper in an elegant frame - an expressive touch of a stylish space

Spectacular wallpaper in a beautiful frame is an original element of apartment design. They become a winning accent of any interior - classic, avant-garde or retro-stylized. A wall decorated with a trendy design element attracts the eye, creating an impression of integrity, beauty and unity of style.

Wallpaper framed on the wall in the interior: photos of original design and beautiful decor

Bright wallpaper in a beautiful frame acts as a unique decorative element in the apartment.
They will highlight any interior in an original way - classic, avant-garde, retro. A wall decorated with fashionable design trends attracts attention, creating a feeling of completeness, beauty and a unified style. Framed wallpaper on the wall in the interior will become an unusual decoration.

Chosen taking into account the general direction, they form the interior message, sense of style, and tone of the decoration. Using pictures from the wallpaper, they highlight the decoration. It can be an accent in the room, catching the eye, or be in tune with the decoration of the room as a whole, emphasizing the completeness of the interior.

Which moldings to choose?

When searching for decorative elements, we are often guided by the appearance and price of the jewelry. It is advisable to choose a solution that is not only aesthetic, but also durable.

Wood, MDF

Chipped pieces or dents on the moldings will not decorate the interior. The best choice is reliable wood products, MDF, they are durable and will not be damaged by an accidental impact. Wooden decor will not lose its beauty for a long time.

A wide selection of wall decorations will allow everyone to find the ideal model. The offer includes moldings with LED strip lighting, which will become an additional decoration of the interior.

Expanded polystyrene

Due to its low price and a number of other qualities, the most popular material is polystyrene foam. The main advantages of expanded polystyrene:

  • a light weight;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of processing;
  • ease of installation.

To attach decor made of foamed polystyrene, it is necessary to use a special glue that is characterized by high adhesion strength to the surface and does not destroy the thin decorative elements of the material.

Foam moldings take the following forms:

  • cornices,
  • sockets,
  • panels,
  • skirting boards,
  • decorative stripes with geometric, floral motifs,
  • decor with original stucco molding and artistic patterns.

The finished elements are mounted on untreated or unpainted plaster, or on an unpainted gypsum wall surface.


Gypsum moldings are painted with emulsions and oil paints; their surface must first be primed. Products made of polystyrene foam are coated only with emulsion paint - with a brush or spray.

Wallpaper design in a frame

If you frame the accent trellises with a baguette, then you will get a picture of wallpaper. Its formation and installation do not require large financial expenditures, and it ceases to look like wallpaper, but like an impressive decorative element.

Next we will talk about how to frame wallpaper so that it looks great? Framed wallpaper is often used in classical styles, but the panel technique is also known in the latest interior style. In this matter, it is important to comply with the principles of compliance with standards:

  • distinctiveness compared to other wallpapers. It is not always necessary to create panels in a bright and expressive way. The frame itself will draw attention to the decoration and highlight it. In this case, it is done so that the canvas does not match the general color of the trellis;
  • The size of the picture should match the dimensions of the panel. If the picture is small, then you should take wallpaper with small ornaments for it, because several details of a large picture often look bad. The finishing design should be in tune with the interior;
  • the project must fit the interior. The shade of the wallpaper for the picture, as well as the style of the project, should be completely compatible with the rest of the wallpaper and the decoration of the room.

Those who want to make their own can make a panel themselves using the example of an appliqué. First you need to cut out flaps from separate canvases and then glue them to the wall.

Wall decorations

First of all, we, of course, assume that there should be ready-made ideas for decorating walls with the remains of wallpaper, and, undoubtedly, this is the case. You can use the remnants of wallpaper both to create unusual panels and paintings, and to decorate the entire wall with remnants of wallpaper using the patchwork method of pasting .

Paintings from leftovers

One of the simplest, brightest and most unusual ways to decorate a room is paintings created from the remains of paintings . They are easy to make, they look stylish and immediately make the interior look more thoughtful, complete and with a designer touch.

To create such a picture with your own hands, you will need the wallpaper itself (vinyl, non-woven, and even bamboo are suitable) and a suitable frame for it. Whether it will be with or without glass depends on your desire.

With the help of leftovers, you can inexpensively and quickly decorate a rented room in which you do not plan to make repairs, or if you do not have the funds for high-quality repairs, but want beauty and zest in the interior.

In both cases, you can create paintings from the remnants and scraps of wallpaper after renovation and hang them on the wall - it will no longer be bare, it will sparkle with new colors, and removing such a work of art is much easier than removing wallpaper from the walls.

Even the most beautiful painting will look bad if it does not fit into the interior.

Original panel

Another option for wall decoration is a panel. A panel is a decorative element that serves to permanently fill a section of a wall.

When we talk about a wall panel, we mean that part of the wall surface that is framed and filled with painting, mosaic or, in our case, the remains of wallpaper. The main difference between a panel and a painting is that to create a panel we cover the walls themselves, and in the case of a painting, we simply frame the wallpaper .

To make a panel with your own hands from leftover wallpaper on the wall, you will need wallpaper scraps with a contrasting pattern, design and color, molding, border or frame . You must decide where you want to see the panels and what shape the inserts will be, carefully cut them out from the remains of the wallpaper and stick them on the wall. The edges should be framed.

Patchwork technique - now on walls

Another way to decorate walls from leftover wallpaper is to create accent elements in the form of patches . Most of all, this technique resembles patchwork, only small scraps of wallpaper are used instead of textiles.

The complexity of this method is that you will need to very carefully think through the options for placing the flaps, cut them carefully and accurately, and just as carefully stick them on the wall .

In this case, all the flaps should be approximately the same density and, preferably, from the same materials , otherwise the chance that the seams will come apart will significantly increase and the entire wall will look sloppy.

Decorative elements for children's rooms

One of the best options for using leftover wallpaper in the interior is to decorate a child’s room with it. Due to the fact that brightness, creativity and diversity are appropriate in this room, you can come up with a variety of appliqué options for decoration.

You can cut out birds, animals, trees, or even an entire map of the world from bright leftover wallpaper - everything will look organic in the nursery.

Furniture update

If you are quite happy with the design of your walls and you don’t want to change it, but are looking for a place to use leftover wallpaper, then updating your furniture would be an excellent solution to this problem.

This simple, but very original method can breathe new life into old furniture , help it fit into the interior of the room and simply become an unusual, bright accent in the design.

Below we will try to introduce you to several more of the most popular options for what you can make from leftover wallpaper with your own hands.

Decorating the headboard of the bed

Increasingly, modern designers give preference to hand-made furniture design. A few simple manipulations - and you will get a bed that will match the main design of the room a hundred times better than a ready-made one bought in a store.

A bed with a high headboard is an integral element of a bedroom in a classic and English style, but buying a ready-made one is too expensive. If you have an old bed with a high headboard, you can decorate this part with wallpaper, and if there is no headboard, create a visual illusion of it , as in the photo above.

Decorating open shelves

If you are interested in what to make from leftover wallpaper to make the design look beautiful and unusual, it makes sense to try creating a stylish decor for open shelves .

Beautifully selected wallpaper will help complete the design, the shelves will not look so bare, and the walls will acquire a special accent. Typically, to achieve this result, the wall behind the shelves is covered and the visual illusion of a cabinet is created.

Pasting the interior surfaces of furniture

This method of decoration is probably well known to those who have ever been to a village and are familiar with the style of the past, often called rustic. As we see, our grandmothers were also interested in the question of how to hang up the remaining wallpaper so that it would not go to waste.

In fact, this custom came to Russia from Europe, where it is used to this day to create that same rustic style.

Pasting external surfaces and furniture facades

Pasting furniture is a very popular design technique, as it simultaneously helps to use leftover wallpaper in the interior to good effect and update old furniture . And if you also add fresh painting, new handles and hinges, then you will be completely amazed at the degree of transformation of the chest of drawers, cabinet or bookcase.

Before pasting, you will need to remove all uneven surfaces of the furniture, fill the cracks and degrease the wood. After pasting, the furniture is varnished so that it does not wear out.

It is usually customary to wallpaper cabinets, stools, chairs and tables , although there are no special restrictions. Among the styles, the most common ideas from remnant wallpaper are found in rustic, old England, classic, modern and shabby chic.

Other decorative elements

There are many different options for using leftover wallpaper, and unusual crafts are not the least popular.

It’s not at all difficult to create crafts with your own hands from leftover wallpaper; the main thing is to know what to strive for and have good taste. You can quickly and easily create the following elements:

  • frames : frames covered with wallpaper will become a simple but stylish accent in any interior;
  • boxes : it’s very easy to make beautiful boxes with your own hands from leftover wallpaper. These will look elegant in a closet, and in a prominent place they will become a good accent element;
  • lampshades : a lampshade covered with suitable wallpaper will definitely match the new design of the room;
  • Blinds : You can even use thick wallpaper as paper blinds on your windows. You just need to fold the canvas into a beautiful accordion and insert a cord on the sides.

As you can see, there are a huge variety of ways to hang wallpaper from leftovers, create unique decorative elements from them with your own hands, and even update furniture. Desire, perseverance and careful selection of colors and patterns will help you in these tasks.

But remember that the enemies that are always lurking - haste and excessive diversity - can easily ruin everything, so try not to make mistakes when working on the interior of your dreams.

In some interiors you can find a division of wall zones, one of which is painted with decorative paint, and the other is covered with wallpaper. Inserts, decorated pictures, as well as homemade panels can be framed with molding, thanks to which they will be separated from the total wall area and become more attractive. Mostly designers use moldings in styles such as baroque and classic.

Design options

There are different design ideas and options for decorating framed wallpaper on the wall. Here are the possible options:

  1. For the younger generation. Every home will benefit from family photos. In today's fast-paced times, few people look into photo albums; many people like to look at photos in digital form. Therefore, portraits of relatives: grandfathers and grandmothers can be put out in the open for viewing.
  2. Wallpaper with print. For those who do not want to drill into the wall for holders, you can buy wallpaper with imitation frames - it can be in a simple form or with a cartoon pattern. The depicted frames of these wallpapers can be left unoccupied, but can be filled with photographs or small paintings.
  3. For replaced compositions. When you are tired of looking at certain drawings, it is recommended to make a frame for a replaceable illustration using clothespins or hang the decor at the top.

Where to start

To make your photo wallpaper look beautiful, like a real picture in a frame, you need to carry out a set of preparatory measures that will provide the wall with the best appearance. First, you should pay attention to preparing the surface on which gluing will be done. It consists of carefully removing all traces of the old finish. If you are not planning to level the wall, then you just need to remove the remnants of the old wallpaper.

If the wall is uneven, then it will be necessary to level the plane on which it is supposed to be decorated in the form of photo wallpaper enclosed in a frame. Doing this is not always easy, but this stage is necessary. The next stage is the obligatory priming of the wall and drying. After this, they move on to marking.

Using a pencil or marker, mark the area on the plane where the canvas will be glued. The area must match the size of the panel being glued. Subsequently, a frame will be glued around the photo wallpaper and this must be taken into account when choosing the location of the picture and, accordingly, applying markings.

Selection of various profiles

Correctly choosing wallpaper in profile finishing for a separate room is not an easy task. It is important to maintain the correct color scheme of the decor.

It is recommended to combine bright textured wallpapers using moldings of pastel colors, and products made in soothing shades should be combined with a baguette of bright colors.

Large planks create volume to the walls, giving the interior uniqueness. Moldings are made from gypsum and expanded polystyrene. Wooden planks will be a great idea for decorating walls in a room expressed in a classic or country style. They will make the room cozy and warm.

Optical tricks

Moldings improve the optical proportions of space, which is why they often appear among the latest interior design trends. This finish is not only fashionable, it will solve some problems.

  • If the ceilings are too low, wide profiled strips that hide the line between the walls and the ceiling, made in the same color as the ceiling, in combination with vertical striped wallpaper, create the impression that the interior is higher than in reality. By lifting the baseboard from the ceiling and lighting it, we visually make the ceiling higher.

  • If you want to get the opposite effect, you should place the ceiling plinth lower, separating the white ceiling from the wall of a different color.
  • A flat wall looks boring. Introducing frames and dividing the wall into fragments will create texture and the effect of depth.

  • Horizontal lines make a high room smaller, while vertical lines raise the ceiling.
  • Rectangular wall sections filled with wallpaper, even painted a different shade than the other walls, create illusions.
  • Lines of moldings divide the room optically and serve as a way to hide the edges of the wallpaper at the junction of the walls of doors or windows.
  • Skillfully placed decors will optically reduce the curvature of the walls.

Profiles made of gypsum, plastic, polyurethane

Plaster moldings remain popular. They are spectacular in appearance, consistent with the design of ceiling cornices, and endow the room with artistic completeness of style. The advantage of gypsum products is the ability to acquire any round shape.

Products made of polyurethane and plastic are often used to decorate rooms. They are easy to use, aesthetically pleasing, lightweight, and easy to install.

Polystyrene moldings vary in shape, patterns, and are resistant to humid environments. Easily painted in the desired shade. Plastic slats are perfect for the bathroom, because they are not afraid of moisture and are resistant to steam.

Types of moldings for the interior

Today, in the production of decorative moldings, various materials are used that differ in quality and durability.

The following moldings are popular:

  • wooden;

  • from MDF;

  • from plaster;
  • made of polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam;
  • made of plastic, metal.

Examples of beautiful design

Themes for wall photo collections are selected based on the needs and purpose of the room. Therefore, it is worth choosing suitable themes, type of finish, materials and method of placing frames.

The style can be highlighted by making a framed picture from the remaining wallpaper after the renovation is completed. You can take into account examples of beautiful design of wallpaper in a frame on the wall, which serves as a decoration for the wall at the head of the bed.

To do this, glue the wallpaper onto cardboard of equal size and insert it into frames, or take a baguette and then stick it along the edges of the wallpaper as a border. DIY wallpaper frames look great.

False panels are also installed - this solution can be implemented in many ways. After gluing and drying, they can be used to create a frame with wooden slats, choosing an expressive color.

The gaps of the false panels are filled with decorations: lighting fixtures, clocks, mirrors, filling the missing volume with details.

When the bed does not have a headboard, then the use of wallpaper that will depict it will become a stylish and inexpensive option for the classic bedroom style. Wallpaper can be applied to a sheet of plywood; the backrest must be cut to the width of the bed.

An unusual picture is created by elements inserted into frames and moldings. Against the background of the calm color of the trellises there may be inserts with intricate patterns. This combination is suitable for a classic style.

DIY decor - subtleties of manufacturing

First, you need to decide on the type of moldings, color, texture of the canvas, and the location of the molding on the wall. To install the decor you will need the following materials:

  • glue for the frame (gypsum or liquid nails);
  • penetrating soil;
  • miter box (for processing the edges of the planks);
  • wallpaper glue;
  • water based paint.

The next stage is marking the future decor. It is important that the angles are exactly 90 degrees. Then the moldings are cut, taking into account the size of the decorative element. Apply glue around the perimeter. Apply the moldings, holding them for a while. If necessary, they are fixed with self-tapping screws. Putty is used to mask the cracks at the joints.

Next, the surface is treated with a primer, then paint in two layers. Then the main fabric is glued on, smoothing it from the center to the periphery. The edges of the wallpaper are trimmed with a sharp knife.

A carefully thought out wall composition will add variety to the interior. It will allow you to realize artistic fantasies and bold plans, bringing coziness, style, and individual comfort to your living space.

Beautiful finishing options

Beautiful design options for wallpaper in a frame for the living room can be used to create an unusual decor on the wall from trellises with an ornament or pattern.

You can, for example, make all the walls a light shade, and arrange several parts dark with a pattern. They can be placed in a frame made of: metal, plastic, wood. Framed wallpaper is often used in bedrooms, living rooms, and offices.

What's next

The next operation is actually gluing the wallpaper and framing. However, when figuring out how to highlight photo wallpaper on a wall with a frame, you can find two options:

  • The canvas of the painting is glued first, and then the frame is attached
  • First, the frame is mounted, and only then the wallpaper is pasted.

Which method to choose is up to you, since there are no fundamental differences between them. The only case where the order of gluing matters is when using ready-made frames. In such a situation, you will have to be guided by the dimensions of the frame and it is better to install it first.

Popular “complex” colors

Nowadays, “complex” colors with all sorts of tones and halftones are considered popular. You need to remember the rule of three: when decorating the interior, do not use more than three colors so that the interior does not look tasteless.

When experimenting with contrasts, you should not get too carried away, so as not to overdo it with colors. Nowadays, large color patterns with bright, highlighting shades are in fashion. This wallpaper is recommended as accents on one or two walls.

Decorating walls with moldings: color solutions

By choosing the right colors of moldings, you can create delightful architectural masterpieces. To do this, you need to plan everything and add a little imagination.

A light molding will look great against a dark background or in poorly lit rooms. This way you can decorate not only walls, but also doors, ceilings and pieces of furniture.

Light molding on a dark background

To create comfort and coziness, pastel shades should be introduced into recreation areas, as well as into the living room - with the help of such moldings you can concentrate attention on paintings, memorable photographs and other interior items.

Pastel shades

To create an original interior, you can safely use bright or colored moldings. They should be painted several tones higher or lower than the wall color, or in rich shades.

Colored moldings for an original interior

Important! With the help of moldings you can hide defects that appear during finishing or long-term use of the room. They distract attention to themselves, and the cladding material fades into the background.

Implementation of design ideas

Thoughtful wall design will add charm and personality to the interior. The wallpaper is decorated with moldings around the edges, bringing various design ideas to life:

  • help divide the room into zones;
  • improve the proportions of the room;
  • act as accents of space;
  • allow you to emphasize the texture of the wall covering.

Decorative strips can effectively differentiate between individual finishing textures - paint and wallpaper. At the same time, the popular combination of materials will organically fit into the design.

Prices for apartment design in Moscow from the Fundament Group of Companies

Standard project

3200 2500 RUR/m2

  • Dimensional and installation plans
  • Working drawings for electrical, plumbing, etc.
  • Three-dimensional visualization of the interior in 3DSMAX
  • Selection of finishing materials
  • Drawing up an estimate for repairs

Total: 15,000 rub.


Optimal project

4200 3500 RUR/m2

  • Everything that is in the Standard Project
  • Full interior furnishings, including ordering, delivery and acceptance of materials in terms of quality and quantity
  • Design and creation of individual furniture and custom doors

Total: 15,000 rub.


Full project

5200 4500 RUR/m2

  • Everything that is in the Optimal Project
  • Architectural supervision, including site visits, correction of drawings and control of compliance with the interior design project
  • Development and approval of an engineering project for power supply

Total: 15,000 rub.


What replaces the usual pictures

Impressive wallpaper in a frame creates a stylish decor that replaces ordinary paintings. It is important to make a suitable choice of border and pattern, the structure of the internal filling.

For example, silk embossed wallpaper in a wooden frame with complex inlay will appear as a kind of art object in the room, pleasing the eyes of aesthetes. Flower trellises in a minimalist style border diversify the dullness of the covering of one tone.

Graphic decor

Moldings can also act as an unexpected graphic decorative element of wall decoration. Just look at these amazing examples! Isn't it a bit far from the classics?

Photo: Instagram id4u_studio

Photo: Instagram id4u_studio

Photo: Instagram id4u_studio

Pictures from the remaining wallpaper

Let's consider one of the easy, expressive and unusual ways to decorate a room - paintings made from leftover wallpaper. They are not difficult to make, they look stylish and force the interior to be considered thoughtful, complete, with the signature of a designer's thought.

To create such a picture on your own, the following wallpapers are suitable for you: non-woven, vinyl, bamboo and the necessary decorative strip. The picture can be made both under glass and without it.

With the help of leftovers, you can cheaply and quickly decorate a rented apartment in which renovations are not planned or if there is no money for full renovations, but decoration needs to be done. In such circumstances, you will be able to combine paintings from pieces of wallpaper left after renovation and decorate the wall with them.

The wall will no longer be empty and will delight you with new compositions. It is necessary to take into account that a very beautiful painting will not look good if it does not fit the interior.

How to do it right

In order for the panel to be beautiful, you need to follow the stages of manufacturing work. The first thing to do is to select all the tools and materials that will be needed. These include: gypsum and wallpaper glue, wallpaper, baguette (for the frame), primer.

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Next, we begin making the frame. To do this, you need to cut out the details of the baguettes depending on what size the frame should be. Then we connect it using gypsum glue. You can also use fasteners. After this, we prepare the base for wallpapering. This could be cardboard or other thick paper. We attach it to the created frame, and then treat it with primer. Next, we paste the wallpaper in the same way as during finishing. It is very important that there are no irregularities in the created picture. Such wall decor will not be very neat and can ruin the interior. If there is some excess wallpaper left on the sides, you can trim it off with a utility knife.

Photo of wallpaper framed on the wall

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