(+135 photos) Partitions in the interior: types and functions

Partitions for room zoning

Having a large or small apartment area, there is often a question about zoning the space. Today we will talk about what types of partitions there are.

Let's look at the photo examples in the interior and find out what materials this design can be made from.

False walls

False walls have become a popular trend in recent years. This is the name given to any decorative partitions made from various materials.

Shelving partitions

They serve as an excellent decorative element, while providing great benefits for household members. In addition to its main purpose, it can be used to store any items: magazines, documents, flowers, etc.

They are also called “Partitions with shelves”, as they often play the role of an open cabinet.

Most often, shelves are used to store books, souvenirs, and decorative elements.


Lightly cover the space. Visually delineating zones.

Curtains are also classified as light delimiters.

Sliding partitions

They are installed to separate separate rooms. Choose comfortable designs that match the design. Glass material is often used.

A folding accordion partition is suitable for unusual requests. For example, it will save space on an area of ​​up to 2 meters.

For zoning, sliding doors, which we are accustomed to seeing in special cabinets, will be used.


Horizontal blinds may be used.

Or vertical blinds.

Screen for a room

There are many options for using screen partitions. The most popular ones are shown in the photo examples below.

Plasterboard partitions

The most popular solution for zoning space is plasterboard partitions.

The profile for drywall can be made into any shape that suits specific needs.

Make special niches in the cavity.

An option is also used to delimit rooms in tandem with a compartment door.

From MDF

Beautiful openwork partitions made of MDF will become the highlight of a modern interior.

They look decent in any room. Can be used for zoning interior space.

Glass partitions

Transparent glass partitions look airy and do not clutter up the space.

Using glass blocks you can completely fence off an area. For example, a sleeping area, a bathroom, a kitchenette.

Wooden partitions

Timber structures fit perfectly into eco style.

Wooden slatted partitions are usually used to delimit interior space.

They can also serve to delimit zones in a room.

You can use the original version - vertical partitions made of branches and bamboo.


Decorative interior partition made of metal rods with wooden bookshelves placed on one side.

Functional partition

A stylish partition that includes a storage system with many drawers, a work surface and a glass insert that adds lightness to this design.

Stationary partition

A blind partition to separate the space between the bedroom and the bathroom.


Stylish partition made from old windows.

Sliding or folding?

Folding or sliding space dividers are a convenient option for partitions; such a design can be easily folded or pushed in when not needed. Pieces of furniture, for example, a closet or shelving, can also delimit a room.

Sliding partitions simultaneously perform the functions of doors and walls. A sliding door-like structure or a book-folding structure performs the task of visual zoning of the room, and a ceiling-high fence muffles sounds.

A sliding partition takes up minimal space, divides the space and creates a functional interior. Using glass sliding doors, you can highlight a sleeping area in the living room or an office located in the room. Such partitions are distinguished by increased sound insulation properties, are strong and durable.

Recommendations for choosing materials

A decorative partition, made by hand or to order, can have high aesthetic value. Other piers perform a purely applied function, it all depends on the main or facing material.

This could be a special design idea, for example, with a fresco or painting for the interior in a historical style.

Somewhere, on the contrary, simply brickwork with emphasized urbanism is appropriate - for a partition in the design of a loft or high-tech apartment. Composite materials or combined shields are often used.

The choice of material also largely depends on the functionality of the structures:

  • zoning;
  • barrier between adjacent rooms;
  • protection (from odors, sounds, splashes, fumes);
  • visual separation for separation;
  • part of the furniture (shelves, racks, storage systems).


Get creative with your dividing wall. Consider the room divider as a decorative accent piece, highlighting it with a paint color, trim or pattern that contrasts with the rest of the space.

Modular partitions resemble Lego and other unique building block shapes. Sheathing and recycled pallets pair beautifully with any rustic or farmhouse inspired decorating ideas.

Place dried reeds, grass or tree branches in containers to create an organic room divider. If complete privacy isn't a must, experiment with using negative space in your temporary wall design.

Let's consider the properties of materials.

Brickwork does not have any particular aesthetics, but does not require additional cladding if a deliberately rough texture is appropriate. Refers to traditional building materials, recommended for the capital construction of partial walls in the loft style.

Among the advantages is the ability to choose porous, facing or refractory bricks (when adjacent to a stove and fireplace).

It’s quick and easy to install, the material is available, if you want to change the style of the wall, there’s no need to dismantle it, it’s easy to plaster and give it a new look. Disadvantages include large mass and construction dust during dismantling.

Transparent glass is a simple eco-friendly material, has excellent light transmittance, looks fragile and weightless.

The aesthetic and barrier properties of a transparent partition in the interior are undeniable. Other advantages include a large selection of glass, including stained glass and sandblasted patterns. It is indispensable for delimiting houses without walls of a large area. Among the disadvantages is that the “fingerprints” left behind have to be systematically wiped off.

It is difficult to install from floor to ceiling; it is better to entrust this to a specialized company.

Wood is an excellent natural basis that fits harmoniously into any style.

The aesthetics of wood texture is undeniable; you can choose any shade. The material is quite expensive, but it is possible to replace it with laminated chipboard, eco-veneer or decorative plywood. Among the disadvantages are possible knots and small defects in the fibers; when the wood dries out, cracks and curvature are possible.

The environmentally friendly material “breathes”, but warps with temperature changes and high humidity.

Metal forging looks light and aesthetically pleasing - it is an independent art object and a stationary barrier that allows light to pass through. With the help of decorative partitions in a house or apartment made of metal, you can delimit any adjacent rooms or functional areas. Modules with the same floral or geometric pattern, including bars on the windows of the 1st floor, look harmonious.

The grille rusts, so it requires priming and painting. But this is an affordable solution - in any workshop they will make it according to the sketch or offer ready-made options.

Drywall sheets (GKL) are an affordable base from which sides, arches and storage systems are most often constructed. When choosing the design of plasterboard partitions, it is important to take into account their functionality and the final coating - plaster and paint or wallpaper.

The profiled frame and easy-to-cut gypsum board material makes it possible to construct any niche arch, wall or cabinet.

After remodeling an old apartment, it’s easy to redistribute the usable space with them. By varying the final coating and lighting method, this material is chosen for spatial barriers in any style. But at high humidity, it is undesirable to use gypsum boards (bathrooms and adjacent parts of the apartment). Shelves made of gypsum board (cardboard with gypsum) need to be reinforced with more durable materials.

Stained glass products are “two in one”, glass and metal with high aesthetic properties. Any stained glass window is an independent art object.

Without them, interiors in the Art Nouveau style of the early 20th century Neo-Gothic are unthinkable, but they are applicable much more widely, depending on the design. They can be ordered from any specialized company or done independently, using the equipment. Practical inserts in a solid frame with a visual effect of lightness. A more affordable option is regular glass with stained glass film, but no one can vouch for their strength.

Shielded shields made of fabric or thick paper on a reliable frame were invented by the Japanese, so they are often used in decoration inspired by Japanese minimalism. The appearance of the screen can be easily varied, depending on the color and pattern.

Cloth and rice paper are not a reliable base; after damage, they can be easily replaced without changing the base.

Furniture racks are functional and have invaluable advantages when you need a barrier for zoning. On the shelves you can place any accessories and small items, equipment and stationery.

Open shelves let in enough light. They are built permanently - in the form of a low side or a full-fledged partition up to the ceiling. An excellent solution for separating an office, nursery or bedroom from the living room.

Portable screens are another mobile type. Their advantage is the ability to move, they are constructed from simple and affordable materials of small mass.


If you're aiming for a fresh interior design, the secret may lie in the temporary walls you already have. With the help of modern photo wallpaper, you can revive an existing wall with a decorative mural instead of erecting a new one.

Wall decals are ideal for adding intrigue to a single accent wall, but technically can be used anywhere. This product is especially popular among renters and those looking for short-term design solutions.

Of course, you can always combine removable wallpaper with any room division or temporary partition idea if you wish. You can even apply wallpaper to wood panels, creating a temporary wall that can be used in another room.

Decorative partitions for the interior of different rooms

Features of selecting the type, shape and style of decorative structures depend mainly on the room in which they will be installed.

Decorative elements will find their place in the interior of any room, especially if it is a one-room apartment.

Partitions are most often used between:

  • living room and hallway;
  • living room and kitchen;
  • kitchen and dining room.

Also, such structures are placed in one room to be divided into functional zones in the following rooms:

  • in children's rooms;
  • in the bedrooms;
  • in the bathrooms.

Living room

This room plays an important role in a house or apartment. The living room serves not only for receiving guests, but also for the daily gathering of household members, so it is very important to make the environment as good as possible. It is especially great if in the living room each family member has their own corner, and for this it is enough to use a partition of any type.

You can combine a stationary structure with an aquarium.

Open on almost all sides, it can become a real decoration of any area. Regardless of what zone you are in, the carefree life of the inhabitants of the aquarium will delight your eyes.

It is not so important what type of design you choose for the living room. It is much more important that the elements are in harmony with the interior of the room, the color of the wallpaper and furniture.

For such a room, I recommend paying attention to the design in the form of shelving, since it makes it possible to place books, figurines and other small items.

Kitchen and dining room

In the kitchen, a partition is needed when there is a need to conditionally divide the room into a dining and work area. Some structures are built only to prevent aroma from the kitchen from spreading throughout the apartment.

Of course, it’s easy to install a structure in the form of a wire mesh; you can even hang kitchen utensils on it, but not everything is as easy as it might seem.

I believe that it is not worth installing such structures in your kitchen for one simple reason: greasy deposits will make themselves felt, and it is very difficult to clean such elements from dirt.

Decorative partitions for children's rooms

Children can play, study and sleep in their own room. This means that the nursery should be divided into three zones. This approach is very convenient and allows you to do the right thing in each zone.

By separating the play area with the help of a decorative structure, toys will no longer be scattered throughout the room, but will only be located in a certain place.

This will help avoid clutter in the room or at least reduce it to a minimum. If you install partition shelves, this will significantly save space by placing toys or books on them.

By separating the study area using a decorative design of the desired type, the child will have everything at hand.

Such an area should not be small; it should fit everything a student needs: a table, chair, shelf or cabinet for textbooks. This division into zones will help the child have everything he needs for studying at hand and not be distracted by extraneous things, for example, toys or TV.


Separating structures can be made of several types of material.

Taking into account the interior of the room and personal wishes, the structure can be built from the following materials:

  • Brick or stone. The material is easy to purchase and easy to use.
  • Moisture-resistant plasterboard sheet. Allows you to decorate the structure for the most successful combination with the bathroom interior.
  • Glass. Glass blocks, tempered glass, etc. can be used. The material is not affordable for everyone, but it looks ideal in the bathroom.


Not often and not rarely, but in the bedrooms of modern people you can find a cozy place to work or study. This combination can interfere with both good work and good sleep, especially if the room belongs to a married couple.

In this case, a partition is the only way to change the situation and easily divide the room into two zones (for work and rest).

It is not necessary to install a stationary structure in the bedroom; you can get by with a sliding system or a screen on wheels. It is advisable to choose opaque elements, then the two zones will be securely separated from each other.

Living room

The interior partition can be both purely functional and stylish. When it comes to the living room, most temporary walls and partitions do double duty.

In addition, interior partitions can be used anywhere in the living room - not just in the center. If your home has an open floor plan, add a partition around the perimeter of the room to separate the space from adjacent rooms.

If the dividing wall in your living room doesn't have any original design elements, don't leave it blank. It is ideal for installing a TV and hanging entertainment center. Or you can build a bookshelf into the wall to display home decor items and thus make the overall space feel more spacious.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of partitions:

  • Zoning a room into two or three zones.
  • A bright and free space remains when using structures with good throughput.
  • Budget cost for consumables and construction of the structure.
  • The ability to transform your interior at low cost.


  • Wrong choice of installation location will clutter the space.
  • Non-standard premises are difficult to divide into proportional areas. Such “islands” further emphasize the weaknesses of the layout.
  • Solid structures in a darkened room deprive it of space and light.
  • Poor sound insulation between different areas.

Room partitions in the apartment are installed as necessary. When marking the premises, a reasonable balance is maintained in dividing the free space. An artificially created wall carries a functional or aesthetic load.

Desktop or mobile?

The construction of a permanent partition requires thought. The construction of a permanent structure for zoning a room is not always justified, and during installation and dismantling, the integrity of the coatings on the floor, ceiling and walls is compromised. Frame fencing is made in the form of a frame filled with material, for example, plasterboard.

For lovers of open spaces, it is better to get a mobile screen.

Advantages of mobile structures:

  • compact dimensions;
  • low price;
  • the ability to close any area when guests arrive: kitchen, bathroom or children's room.

Using a screen does not protect against extraneous sounds, unpleasant odors or moisture penetration. To ensure greater privacy, it is better to install a mobile structure mounted on casters.

The screen will take up a minimum of space, but will 100% fulfill the function of delimiting the room.

How to decorate the partition?

For plasterboard, furniture and modular structures, recessed LED lighting is used. Mirror and glass screens decorate:

  • sandblasting, film matting;
  • lakobel, colored film;
  • fusing, cast or film stained glass;
  • faceted elements;
  • engraving.

The smooth surface of the glass allows you to create fancy patterns. The decor turns decorative screens into miniature works of art.

A curtain

A curtain suggests itself in the interior if the bed is in a niche. A curtain made of heavy fabric on a cornice attached to the ceiling creates a theatrical effect in a small living room area. The side of the curtain facing the living room area should not stand out from the overall style. And the sleeping area behind it can be decorated as a real boudoir.

Minimalist interiorSource mydesignclub.info

High podium

A podium that occupies part of a small room may be more convenient than a closet. The storage space underneath must be properly designed and high-quality fittings installed. The entire bedroom area with a bedside table and a TV on the wall is placed on a podium. The remaining area of ​​the room is the living room. With such a division of space, there will be unexpectedly a lot of space.

How to visually enlarge a room with a partition?

With a lack of air and light, even the most spacious room will seem small. But when there is an abundance of them, the opposite feeling is created. This effect can be achieved using optical illusion techniques.

The presence of any partition clutters up the space, but by choosing the right type, you can visually enlarge the room.

Give preference to sliding partitions that boast versatility and mobility. When ordering stationary structures, pay attention to the color of the coating.

Light and pastel shades will make the space easier to perceive.

Through partitions provide good light transmission. And transparent, glossy, glare, reflective surfaces significantly increase the volume of incoming light. They give the impression of a spacious room.

For decoration, choose glass mosaics or mirrors. Thanks to them, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will decorate the partition and visually expand the room.

In rooms with low ceilings, place vertical accents. In this option, a partition of bright colors is appropriate. It should be against the background of light walls, and at the same time be painted in a contrasting shade.

Narrow structures or vertical louvered partitions, the slats of which are placed on edge, are also suitable.

A feeling of lightness and spaciousness occurs in rooms in which the partition does not reach the ceiling, but is adjacent to the wall. It can replace a regular table, a low shelving unit, or a bar counter.

A decorative partition refers to the fundamental zoning of space.

It divides the room into several functional areas, decorates the interior and replaces furniture. With its help, the kitchen is divided into a working and dining area, the living room into a relaxation area, a study, a sleeping place, a children's or playroom.

Solid or perforated?

Solid partitions are installed permanently and attached to the surface of the ceiling and floor, which helps to achieve heat and sound insulation. Durable structures are made to any size, and the design depends on the wishes of the apartment owner.

Perforated products are a universal way to solve various design problems . “Transparent” partitions do not block the penetration of light. The design helps to zone the space without losing precious space, while providing additional surfaces for mounting a TV or mirror.

Perforated fencing is a typical way to decorate a room, especially in combination with 3D panels of a similar design.

Aquarium-partition: an original way of zoning

This unusual design solution is rare: installation is labor-intensive and complex, the cost of products is in a high price range, and the mini-ecosystem needs constant care.

The first and most obvious way to use an aquarium as a partition is to use a ready-made cabinet with a container. The principle of placement is the same as in the case of zoning a room using furniture.

The second simple method is to erect a low partition, not reaching a meter in height, for further installation of an aquarium on it. The design will emphasize the functional division of space. This technique is often used to localize a corner as a study, to separate the living room and kitchen in studio-type housing.

A more complicated and more expensive option is a built-in aquarium-partition.

The products are produced according to an individual project; they require labor-intensive maintenance, since access to flora and fauna is usually difficult (there is even a special service for caring for such bowls). A compromise solution in this case is a “dry aquarium” - a completely separate imitation of the aquatic environment, colorful, realistic, and at the same time maintenance-free.

On the street

Temporary walls serve to separate living spaces and protect existing outdoor privacy. After all, almost everyone has nosy neighbors. Wood and bamboo are great materials if you prefer a natural look. In other cases, plastic and metal partitions look more modern.

You can also use exterior partitions to create much-needed shade on your patio or balcony. Consider installing louvre-type panels to control the amount of sunlight entering through your temporary wall.

Just because your temporary wall is outside doesn't mean you have to give up wall art. Hang string lights, climbing vines or seedlings from the divider panels to complete the project.

Technical aspects of designing a partition with an aquarium

Compared to partitions-stands, cabinets are less durable - this factor must be taken into account when designing the interior. If the choice fell on a large, capacious container, it is better to build a half-wall under it, which will protect the bowl.

Along the way, another question arises: will the floors withstand such a multiple increase in load? At this stage, professionals are brought in for a comprehensive analysis.

It is also important to think about where the equipment will be hidden later. To create partitions, it is customary to use large-capacity containers, and external filtration would be appropriate here. At the design stage, it is necessary to provide sockets both above and below the bowl.

You will also need a 5-10 centimeter trench for carrying electrics and hoses.

An excellent option is to install a filter on the side of the aquarium. With a width of only 15 cm, you can choose a model with sufficient power to purify a given volume of water. Naturally, the filter will take up a little usable space inside the container, but this measure is justified from an operational point of view.

There is a limitation: such filters can be built into models whose height does not exceed 60 cm.

Lighting components can be internal or external. In the first case, the equipment is supplied with the aquarium, and is masked with decorative elements on top. External lighting is performed separately, often installed in the ceiling space.

This scenario is justified if the aquarium has a fair amount of depth, and the light bulbs included in the kit are not able to illuminate its bottom. These models are operated open; they do not have a lid.

To prevent the product from becoming overgrown with algae, the partition must be designed in such a way that direct sunlight does not fall on it.

When zoning a room using the method under consideration, it is important to correctly select the dimensions of the base and the container itself. Many people strive to install a tall, narrow aquarium, but this decision is unjustified from the point of view of its design and maintenance.

If there are plants in the container, the maximum recommended height is 60 cm, for other types - no more than 70 cm, with a minimum depth of 40 cm.

Since all the decorations are concentrated on the bottom, if a tall aquarium is selected, its upper part will remain empty. Some people think that fish will frolic in this area, but no - most species prefer to swim closer to the bottom.

In narrow, tall models, there are areas that are difficult to reach during cleaning. Even if you use auxiliary devices, the quality of processing decreases, and from time to time you have to literally dive into the container.

Or a drastic measure - catch all living things, pour liquid into the aquarium to dissolve the growths, wash everything and then repopulate the aquarium within a month.

Finally, we should touch on the issue of price. As the height of the aquarium increases, the pressure on the walls increases and thicker material is needed. Glass 4 mm thick is more than 20 times cheaper than 19 mm glass of similar area.

It turns out that the cost of products increases exponentially with increasing dimensions.

Interior designers offer dozens of types of partitions for zoning: some require major construction work, others can be erected with your own hands in a couple of days. All of them are united by the possibility of convenient, functional segmentation of space in accordance with the needs of residents and the ability to decorate the room and make it unique.


The star of any bedroom is, without a doubt, the bed. It is therefore logical that most bedroom division ideas focus on this piece of furniture.

Install a half-partition around the bed to add privacy without disrupting the openness of the space. Wall-to-wall fabric partitions are great for a studio apartment or for dividing guest space in a multifunctional room.

For the separation effect, the partition does not have to be opaque. A room screen should simply deceive the eye, making it perceive the bedroom as two different spaces. Frosted glass panels or screens will provide you with the perfect amount of privacy without making you feel overly claustrophobic.

TOP 10 interesting designs

There are a number of successful studio redevelopment ideas to choose from. Partitions change the interior, making it cozy and functional. The TOP 10 included:

  1. "Living" wall . The plasterboard wall is decorated with a built-in terrarium and aquarium. Additional lighting will enhance the effect.
  2. Ropes, ropes . Inexpensive, but effective. Partitions made from woven ropes combine well with other decor.
  3. Bamboo, branches . The interweaving of natural branches looks original. The main thing is not to go wrong with style.
  4. "Accordion" . A classic that is fixed to a mortgage in the ceiling. Expands the boundaries of the opening, is easily removed and returns to its place at the right time.
  5. Glass portal . It is a sliding structure. Suitable for high ceilings and spacious rooms. Expands the space and looks solemn.
  6. Blinds . They are more suitable for the office, but they can also be used at home when you need to instantly create a light-proof wall. A suitable option for a minimalist design.
  7. "Pencil case" . The secret is in the hidden mechanism - the partition is hidden in the wall.
  8. Rack . A fashionable technique for dividing space. The light is not blocked, but a lot of convenient shelves are formed.
  9. Built-in TV . For practical people. The TV installed in the partition rotates at the desired angle to the viewer in any part of the room.
  10. Slatted partition . Trend 2022. The lath must be level, dry and covered with protective compounds. Lighting enhances the wow effect.
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