Modern kitchen design trends in 2022

On the eve of the most cozy and long-awaited holiday by many - New Year 2022 - we want to touch on the topic of new kitchen trends 2022!

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It is no secret that in most families the kitchen space is perceived as a home, a center where all household members gather. Of course, comfort is very important here! Therefore, kitchens that will be relevant in 2022 should not lose this quality. Comfort plus the most functional, modern, aesthetic design - this is the formula for success!

Kitchen 2021-2022 – a design in which you will not see hackneyed patterns. Improvisations, unexpected combinations of fashionable shades, new interpretations of classics - everything here is carefully thought out and quite laconic. Ideal for a modern person with an active rhythm of life, isn’t it?

We will reveal the secrets of creation and the hottest kitchen trends of 2021-2022 in detail below. Enjoy reading!

For those who love minimalism

Fashionable kitchens 2022 for those who prefer minimalistic solutions are:

— shiny varnished facades of the kitchen unit in white;

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Tabletop Cedar 111/1 White

- simplicity of forms.

Such solutions will not only add modernity to the space, but will also make it visually wider and freer.

If decorating a space in a single white color bothers you a little and makes you want to dilute it with something else, inserting wood - natural or a material that imitates it well - will help support the fashionable image of the kitchen. This will make the space “warmer”.

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Table top Cedar 9022/S Whitened Oak

Don't want to use wood? As an alternative, muted basic shades are perfect - beige, gray, graphite, black.

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Tabletop Cedar 8227/PT Black Sugar

Such neutral solutions for façade design

kitchen set are very profitable. Because if you want to change the interior in the future, they will fit perfectly with any other color schemes. To update, it will be enough just to change the color of the walls and select other decorative details.

Rules for combining colors

Whatever scheme you choose, you need to paint walls, floors, ceilings, and facades taking into account simple rules:

  • Do not use more than five shades: the floor, walls, suspended ceilings, facades, and apron can be decorated in different shades. The top is usually lighter, the bottom is dark. The exception is kitchens in particularly spacious rooms.
  • The walls should be lighter than the flooring. If the floors are brown, the walls will be beige. If you choose a light floor covering, then other surfaces will be white or ivory. In such interiors, pastel shades are often chosen for painting furniture.
  • Kitchen facades should be darker than the walls. The dark shade for the walls is applicable only in the accent area.

  • Kitchen ceilings should be lighter than the walls and furniture. But there is also room for combination, where you can use a fairly dark tone for zoning or accentuation. If you choose suspended ceilings, you can use a multi-level design.
  • You can combine light and dark, bright and neutral, universal and catchy. Two bright ones cannot be used in equal proportions, just like two dark ones. But any light color, like universal tones, can occupy large areas - not only walls and floors, but also suspended ceilings, sets, corner sets and aprons.

For retro fans

Another fashionable kitchen trend 2022 proves that the new is the well-forgotten old. If you are a fan of traditions and elegant solutions, take a closer look at the style of the 50s and 60s. Here, against the backdrop of expressive walls, kitchens with celadon azure cabinets will look appropriate. Of course, the equipment needs to be chosen in accordance with such retro aesthetics. Fortunately, modern manufacturers provide this opportunity by releasing atypical retro models that perform all the functions characteristic of the technology of our time.

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Tabletop Cedar 5013/S Platinum

Also in such kitchens, sets with facades made of dark wood or materials imitating it will look great. Metal handles look especially good as accessories. And the countertops are “marbled”

will satisfy even the most demanding natures.

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Tabletop Cedar 3030/TI Black Markv Marble

If the kitchen is small and there is not enough natural light (windows face north or west), it is better to choose light-colored facades - white or beige.

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Tabletop Cedar 8050/soft Sandy Marble

Modern household appliances

Another mandatory attribute of the kitchen of the future is an interior filled with ultra-modern appliances and electronics, which can be controlled remotely through smartphone applications. And also “smart” hoods that independently select the mode, depending on the saturation of the air with vapors and odors; climate control; equipment that can prepare a full dinner before family members return from work or school.

And, of course, various little things that make life easier: a household waste shredder in the sink, a wine cabinet, cutting boards with electronic scales.

About kitchen furniture 2022 – new trends

A smooth surface, like satin, without handles - this is what the façade of a kitchen set looks like, 100% in line with fashion 2022. But this is not their only advantage. Also, such facades greatly facilitate the cleaning process, because they are easy to clean.

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Table top Cedar 2347/soft Blanco Marble

Fashionable kitchens 2022 are a design that assumes that kitchen cabinets will be placed along the entire length of the wall and, as a rule, appliances will be built into them. Open shelves on which you can beautifully place glass or porcelain items are an excellent option for visually facilitating such a design.

Two-tone cabinets, which began to be especially popular in fashionable kitchens in 2022, will continue this trend in 2022 and will not leave the list of must-have techniques of modern designers. What colors will they combine? It is better if these are contrasting solutions. For example, the classic duet of white and black or the non-trivial green and blue. And if you dilute them with a kitchen apron with a “marble” or “concrete” finish and a “wood” countertop, the result will be very unusual and highly relevant!

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Tabletop Cedar 4136/M Wood stripe

The kitchen island is another element of furniture that modern kitchens 2022 include, if space allows. This is not only a functional solution that allows you to increase the work surface or the number of storage spaces, but also practical - the island allows you to hide the clutter that sometimes reigns on the tabletop from the eyes of guests in the dining/living room area.

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Tabletop Cedar 3072/TI Granite white

Advantages and disadvantages

There are pros and cons to a built-in kitchen. Let's take a closer look.

  • Appearance. The kitchen set together with the built-in appliances looks like a single whole. Everything is arranged harmoniously, nothing spoils the overall picture.
  • Ergonomics. In a well-planned built-in kitchen, it is convenient to use everything - from cabinets to household appliances.
  • Space saving. By using every centimeter of space, you will be able to fit everything you need into a small area.
  • Expensive. A modular set + free-standing equipment will cost at least 20% less.
  • Statics. After assembling the kitchen, practically nothing can be changed, so the project has no room for error.
  • The problem of repairing and replacing equipment. When removing a failed item, you will have to disassemble the structures located nearby. To replace a broken one, only an option with similar parameters is suitable.

Materials for creating a kitchen 2022: new trends and photo examples

Considering kitchens 2021-2022, new trends, we can confidently say that design is becoming more and more exciting every year! The choice of materials surprises and delights! Let's look at the most popular solutions:

1) Glass

The interior of the kitchen 2022 involves the use of this material in sliding doors. Glass sliding doors will look great when choosing any modern style - from minimalism to neoclassicism. The differences lie in the type of glass used and the nature of the devitrification.

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2) Marble or its high-quality imitations

We are talking about the design of the work area - the kitchen apron and countertop. Marble has firmly entered the TOP of the most popular materials for kitchens, let’s not be afraid of this word, for decades! And in 2022, its popularity is only expected to grow. The space for using marble is expanding - floors, walls. In one room you can use several of its varieties at once.

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Table top Cedar 920/1 Milanese marble

3) Other natural stones (granite, onyx) or their high-quality imitations

The main advantages of these materials are a high level of practicality and wear resistance. Also great for kitchen backsplashes and countertops.

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Countertop Cedar 713/1 Black granite

4) Mirror

Namely, mirror tiles with tinting. This material began to be found in the design of kitchens relatively recently, and, most often, in luxury interiors in the Art Deco style. The atmosphere here is very cocktail-like, almost bar-like.

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Tabletop Cedar 4031/TI Calacatta

5) Glazed tiles

Kitchen 2021-2022, the interior design of which assumes precisely the geometric layout of such tiles, is also often found in references from modern designers. Laying can be vertical, horizontal or parquet. The distinctive features of glazed tiles are that they are more elongated, glossy and have small bulges around the perimeter.

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Tabletop Cedar 1012/Cr Ceramics white

6) Ceramic tiles imitating brickwork

If your plans are to create a kitchen in the loft style, then such tiles will come in handy.

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Tabletop Cedar 4137/M Vintage brown

7) Choosing the same or identical material for the design of the countertop and kitchen apron

So, the kitchen set will look as harmonious and holistic as possible.

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Table top Cedar 2384/S Greek marble

8) Wood or its high-quality imitations

Since naturalness is now in trend, wooden textures in kitchen design are also very relevant. They will fill the space of a modern kitchen with “living” energy. At the same time, the materials that will be used with wood or its imitations in a duet can influence how exactly the space will be perceived. For example, the addition of metal parts will make the decor more austere and elegant. And glass is more refined, light and airy.

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Tabletop Cedar 2238/S Breccia light

9) Complex combinations of various materials are perhaps the main trend in fashionable kitchens 2021-2022

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Tabletop Cedar 1021/Q Black

Modern ideas, modern design - all this is replete with great variety and wide scope for the manifestation of imagination. Granite, marble, wood of various species, their high-quality imitations, addition of brass or copper elements, glass, stone, concrete, tiles with various patterns - the number of possible options is endless.

Original lighting

lighting gives the room dynamics and volume, creating a feeling of large, open space. Next year, we expect increased interest in lighting accents on the upper tiers of hanging cabinets. For this purpose, track and pendant lamps with metal lampshades and spots are used.

Two-tone kitchens will continue to delight owners with their magnificent colors. You can choose a more traditional option, with a white or cream, grayish top and rich bottom. Or take a risk and combine two bright accents that will create a rich, fashionable design in the room for many years. Another unconventional solution would be a separate accent block on one of the walls of the room. Usually it is highlighted in a contrasting color, against a calmer general background. You can also choose an original solution for a dining room or a comfortable seating area with a bright corner and a sofa.

Glass sliding doors that separate the kitchen from the living room or dining room are also at the peak of popularity. Here you can choose from a great variety of options that become original decorations for rooms, from all-glass panels with a matte, mirror effect or with printed patterns, to retro-style doors with bindings. When choosing a kitchen apron, preference should be given to natural materials, bright, unusual patterns, mirror coatings, complex textures.


This style is distinguished by originality, naturalness and is very popular with those who love experiments.

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Tabletop Cedar 811/1 Metallic

Typical techniques used by designers to implement it include:

- unhidden ceiling beams;

- rough wall finishing or exposed brickwork;

— open wires, pipes and other communications;

— the predominance of materials such as metal, wood, glass, stone;

- furniture with an unusual design;

— original decorative details;

— modern devices;

— the predominance of brown, black, and white shades in the design palette.

Triangle principle

The most advantageous position for placing the refrigerator, stove and sink is considered triangular, when you first take something from the refrigerator, then you need to move to the sink to wash and prepare the food there and put it on the stove.

This triangle can be well used in a corner kitchen, which is actually very convenient for life and very often in modern apartments corner kitchens are the optimal solution.

Also, it can be used in a U-shaped kitchen, or in a kitchen where there is an island.

If the kitchen is linear, then the main thing is to simply take into account the sequence of refrigerator-sink-stove, but here you need to add such an important point as communications, because in addition to the convenience of the location, there are also sewerage outlets, water supplies, ventilation, so you need to take into account the fact that each of the appliances was close to its own communications - make the stove closer to the ventilation duct, the sink closer to the sewer drain.


A modern interpretation of the classics is very popular today, because kitchens

truly luxurious and innovative.

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Tabletop Cedar 111/1 White

To bring all this splendor to life, adhere to the following rules:

- think carefully about the lighting system - there should be as much light as possible;

— use warm shades in the palette;

— place a large glass or crystal chandelier in the center of the ceiling;

- use a lot of textiles made of silk, cotton or linen - curtains, tulle, napkins, tablecloths;

— order furniture, the design of which involves many curves and rounded outlines;

— for decoration, choose gold or silver;

— install, if possible, built-in equipment, leave a minimum of visibility;

- don’t save money - classics don’t like this.

Classic design: important features

Let the government change, the weather outside the window, views in society, the classic design options are immortal. According to designers, traditional neoclassicism is especially in trend.

The fashion trend is characterized by laconic forms of furniture and fundamental designs. The classic format is typical for a large space.

For decoration, it is recommended to choose wooden objects, stone, and natural fabrics. You won’t get much chic in a small space, but you can try not to overload the design with all sorts of appliances and decor.

By the way, the design with stucco and the inclusion of warm-colored metals creates harmony. The key “recipe” is adherence to geometry, symmetry, and restrained notes of decoration. Gold and stucco should not pull the “blanket” over themselves.

Scandinavian style


has not lost its popularity for several seasons now, and 2022 will be no exception. This is an excellent solution for owners of small kitchen spaces, as everything here is laconic, functional, and the predominance of light shades helps to visually expand the space.

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Table top Cedar 1210/Br diamond white

The main characteristics of the style include:

— practicality and simplicity in everything;

- predominance of white and other light shades;

— installation of a minimum amount of furniture;

— built-in equipment;

- the presence of decor in very small quantities or its complete absence;

- large window openings covered with laconic blinds or roller blinds;

- built-in lighting fixtures or protruding and performing an accent role

Kitchen-living room - a recipe for successful design

When choosing the design of a kitchen-living room, it is important to focus on different furnishing scenarios. Careful consideration should be given to the choice of materials. What do the world's interior designers advise?

  1. Properly zone the space using a sofa. This is the easiest and cheapest way. There should be a cooking area behind the back.
  2. You can connect the kitchen to the terrace if the latter is insulated and is a living space.
  3. A kitchen island equipped with a countertop, stove, and sink looks advantageous.


For fans of French chic Provence

– this is the dream kitchen of 2022!
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Countertop Cedar 2349/Pt Bernini Marble

What can you refuse?

It’s impossible to fit everything in at once, including a refrigerator, a four-burner stove, a separate oven, and a microwave. The homeowner will have to choose priority items. Do you often need to use a hood? Is a large refrigerator necessary? Is a microwave really necessary?

A person will have to answer these questions before planning begins. Modern style is suitable for Khrushchev buildings. It is somewhat strict, but functional. It is beneficial to use smooth facades, gloss, glass. Subdued tones look good.

High tech

The kitchen of 2022, the design of which is made in high-tech style, is also found quite often among the references of modern designers.

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Table top Cedar 2384/S Greek marble

The following will help create the necessary atmosphere:

— innovative household appliances – stove, refrigerator, microwave oven, food processor, etc. It is important that all household appliances are in harmony with each other, matched in color and material;

- shiny surfaces;

— solidity of structures;

— predominance of glass, metal, plastic;

— lack of wooden elements and decor;

- straight lines;

- a well-thought-out lighting system - high-tech kitchens should have a lot of light - both natural and artificial.

Metal in the interior

Metallized furniture facades are in favor. If earlier metallic was used in the high-tech direction, today it is used to decorate a wide variety of interiors. The designers also paid attention to the noble shine of golden brass accents, which gives the room a rich, respectable look. The photo shows a stylish design of a modern kitchen:


Kitchen interior design 2022 in vintage style is suitable for those who adore antiques. This style makes the interior as elegant, warm and cozy as possible.

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Tabletop Cedar 7053/FL* Taxus

The following details will help in its creation:

- indoor plants - add cheerfulness and freshness to the space. Tropical vines look very beautiful. Ornamental cereals, herbs, etc. are also appropriate;

- calm, unobtrusive design palette - beige, cream, light gray shades for walls, floors, and furniture;

— vintage decor;

— equipment in vintage style;

— artificially aged furniture;

— the presence of such useful things as a shelf for spices and canned goods in an original design.

This type of cuisine promotes a peaceful pastime. It's nice to be nostalgic here.

What's the best way to arrange a small kitchen?

Features of style formation in a small kitchen

Special rules apply to small spaces. In Khrushchev-era buildings, the design of a small kitchen involves the arrangement of furniture and household appliances in the form of the letters “P” and “G”. Be sure to leave 5 cm gaps between equipment.

It is better to select furniture that is capacious and has compact dimensions. The stove is often replaced with a hob. It is beneficial to widen the opening and replace the doors with an arch.


Kitchen trends for 2021-2022 also include country style. This is the epitome of simple-minded charm!

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Tabletop Cedar 5016/Pt Black Detroit

To embody a rustic style that meets all the trends and requirements of 2022, you should consider the following points:

— thoughtful arrangement of the work surface, appliances and kitchen island;

- furniture made from recycled wood, the texture of which makes all imperfections visible, which gives the space a special charm. Preferably dark shades;

- a combination of elements made of wood with bright decorative details;

- the presence of a kitchen island or accent wall - details that will add uniqueness to the design;

- use of such materials, artificial stone, ceramics.

Choosing a kitchen set

All kitchen sets are linear, corner or L-shaped, U-shaped and island. The last two are good for spacious kitchens and studios, but for standard apartments, take a closer look at the first. The materials used are mainly MDF, plastic, acrylic, glass, metal, artificial stone. Wood remains mainly only in classic interiors, as a more expensive and less practical material.

Kitchen design 2 by 3 meters: beautiful ideas (80 photos)

How to fit a refrigerator?

When deciding how to create a kitchen design with a refrigerator, it is recommended to follow the same triangle rule. In this case, it is convenient for the housewife to prepare food while being one step away from various objects.

The refrigerator should always be located close to the work surface. A snow-white design option is considered a fashionable trend in decorating a dining room.

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