Bedroom 15 sq. m. - examples of successful layout and modern design (160 photos of new products)

If the windows face north, then the bedroom is darker. To prevent it from being too gloomy inside, choose peach, olive, pistachio, cream and other warm shades.

You can use bright inserts to divide the space into zones. It is important to maintain a balance here and not to oversaturate the design with colors, because the owner will quickly get tired of such a decision.

Please note!

The influence of flowers on a person’s state and mood has long been proven. The shade can both calm and relax, and encourage action and even increase appetite. Therefore, the place to sleep should be decorated in gentle and soft undertones to promote rapid falling asleep and healthy sleep.

It is recommended to make the ceiling beige or white, and cover the floor with wooden laminate or parquet. They are not only visually attractive and suitable for any style, but also pleasant to the touch when walking barefoot.

Territory delimitation

A bedroom of 15 square meters is not large. However, with the right approach, this is quite enough to make it a very comfortable corner and realize a huge number of design ideas.

To do this, you first need to delimit the entire bedroom area into several zones, each of which will perform a different function. For example, in one part there will be a place to sleep, and in the other a table for work.

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the layout so that the different functional parts of the room complement each other. Typically, bedroom zoning involves dividing the bedroom into no more than 3 parts.

Textiles and decor

Textile elements should be combined with each other - curtains with a bedspread or colored inserts in the closet, pillowcases with covers on chairs, trunks with the colors of the carpet, wallpaper. Some interiors involve decorating the ceiling with folds of fabric, decorating the walls, as well as textile canopies, canopies over the bed, and valances at the bottom of the bed or table. There should not be too much decor - a couple of framed pictures or photographs on the walls, an interesting design of the mirror, a “dream catcher” under the ceiling lamp. Homemade fabric organizers are placed on the wall near the dressing table or closet to store various secrets.

Rectangular bedroom shape

Due to its geometry, the room requires the use of design tricks to visually correct the non-standard shape. Rectangular bedroom 15 sq. m is limited in the choice of furniture, so compact models are almost always used.

The bed fits perfectly into one of the edges of the room, pressed against the short wall with its headboard. But in the middle of the bedroom it also looks attractive. An excellent solution would be to place a cabinet along a long wall.

Layout of small apartments

There are several win-win tricks that will help even in a small apartment feel spacious and comfortable:

An open floor plan is used to maintain the breadth of space. In this case, all rooms, except sanitary ones, are combined together, which allows you to increase the area. The absence of partitions makes the room spacious. The entire space is decorated in the same style. The exception is the kitchen area. When developing it, preference is given to ceramic tiles

Particular attention is paid to creating a powerful ventilation system that will reliably protect against food odors and fatty deposits. You can visually expand the space by increasing the flow of sunlight. This effect is obtained by increasing window openings

The event is expensive, but effective and worth it. You can visually increase the area by painting surfaces in different shades. The lightest tone is chosen for the ceiling, a little darker for the walls. The darkest shade remains for the floor. In small spaces they get rid of everything unnecessary. Preference is given to functional and built-in furniture. Decor is sometimes abandoned for the sake of functionality.

  • Light colors visually expand the space, the most successful of which is white. The peculiarity of white is that it smooths out all corners, bevels and niches. When painted in light colors, they dissolve and become less noticeable. You shouldn’t get carried away with white paint; such a space looks uninteresting and faded. A good solution is furniture or textiles and decorative elements in a contrasting color.
  • If the room has fairly high ceilings, then hanging modular systems around the bed can solve the problem of storing things without cluttering up the space.

Also look at the typical layouts of Khrushchev buildings and draw conclusions.

Square bedroom shape

Such a room is very convenient for implementing a large number of bedroom layout ideas of 15 square meters. m. There is no need to eliminate the feeling of asymmetry; there are no restrictions on the dimensions of furniture inherent in rectangular rooms. It is recommended that the visually largest component of the bedroom be the bed.

There are two basic types of furniture arrangement: symmetrical and asymmetrical. Using the first type, you need to decide on the reference point. From this, paired attributes are further arranged. For example, the bed is most often used as the center, and chairs or bedside tables are placed symmetrically away from it.

The asymmetry option is much more difficult to implement. It is necessary to select one object, and all the others will be located closer to it so that the logical center does not coincide with the geometric one. This method is also suitable for rectangular bedrooms.

Bedroom decoration - the best solutions

Everyone wants to surprise loved ones with the design features of their apartment. The bedroom is no exception. It should be designed so that when you look at it you always feel warm in your soul.

Bedroom and dressing room

Often in small apartments, a dressing room is installed in the bedrooms. Especially for this it is worth highlighting either an entire corner or the longest wall.

It’s good if the dressing room is installed in a niche in the room, then you can install sliding doors disguised as a wall or with a mirror finish.


The dressing room, which took up space in the bedroom, should be very spacious. A large number of shelves and hangers for the whole family, as well as free lower space for large items, such as suitcases.

Bedroom with balcony

This room is much warmer than other rooms. Therefore, most likely, the doors will be open often. The balcony should be cozy and tidy. Perhaps it will become a continuation of the room, regarding the interior and style.

In warmer regions, the balcony is equipped as an office or tea room, with a table and comfortable chairs.

Panoramic balconies can be hung with Greek curtains - this will protect the owners from sunlight and prying eyes.

Bedroom in the attic

If you organize a bedroom in the attic, you can gain space. Hanging the bed right under the roof.

The corner under the attic roof itself is well suited for installing a homemade wardrobe or chest of drawers.

In order not to take up wall space, windows can be built into the roof. For the same purpose, all shelves can also be removed along its base.

In southern cities, transverse walls can be observable, completely glazed. And in colder climates, in a bedroom located in the attic, you can install a fireplace.

Bedroom in the children's room

A children's room is a springboard for creativity; the main thing is to indicate the gender of the child in the subject matter and color scheme. All kinds of cartoon and fairy-tale characters and thematic themes are suitable as themes for decoration: sea, castle, jungle, fortress. The main thing is that the children find it interesting.

Some design tips:

  1. Furniture in a children's bedroom is best placed around the perimeter, leaving the center for battles and games.
  2. You can fence off the sleeping area or raise the bed to the second level.
  3. It is best to choose a bed with existing lower or side sections in order to fold toys without losing the main space of the room.
  4. You can fence off the bed with a screen or canopy.

Bright colors, fabulous furniture and soft fluffy textiles are what will delight every child.

Exit to the balcony

Quite often you can find a bedroom that has access to a balcony. This layout contributes to better ventilation of the room, and there is noticeably more light in it. It also becomes possible to form a single room with a bedroom and a balcony.

In this way, you can significantly increase the available area. The new space should be allocated as a relaxation area and a small chair with a coffee table should be placed there. Bedroom 15 sq. m with a balcony looks great and creates a feeling of comfort.


Bedrooms are usually not zoned. In a large room, the distance between groups of furniture is quite large, and the space itself will be visually divided into functional zones: a bed, a storage area, a relaxation area or a work area.

You can highlight the head of the bed or the mirror with lighting.

Merging with the living room

When merging two very different rooms, you should first consider the shape of the room. In a square bedroom-living room you will have to abandon the use of a bed.

An ideal replacement for a large and bulky sleeping place would be a folding sofa, which has a huge advantage - versatility. For example, after receiving guests, it can be unfolded and used for sleeping. It is also worth noting that a compact slide will fit much better than a bulky cabinet.

In a rectangular bedroom-living room, a tall closet serves as an excellent separator of the room into two different zones. At the same time, in one half you can arrange a reception for guests, and the second part can be equipped as a sleeping place.

Options for placing furniture and equipment

  1. Place a bed and a miniature sofa. Mount the TV on the wall, thereby saving space. Also, instead of a sofa, several armchairs or poufs will look good in the room.
  2. At the request of household members, a folding sofa can fully replace a bed. Additionally, there is a small sofa for relaxing and receiving guests.
  3. In the bedroom - living room, pieces of furniture “transformers” (tables, cabinets, armchairs) would be appropriate.

It is quite possible to decorate a bedroom in minimalist, country, classic or hi-tech styles.

See alsoDesign of small dressing rooms, photo.

Work space in the bedroom

As a result of the inability to find space for a desk in the apartment, part of the bedroom can be converted into an office. The furniture used should be compact and multifunctional.

By installing a large number of bulky fittings, you can end up with a room that is equally uncomfortable for both sleeping and working. A folding sofa with drawers and a wardrobe with a tabletop inside are ideal.

If possible, you should try to arrange a window sill and use it as a desktop. However, its dimensions are not always suitable for completely replacing the table, so you will have to carry out the process of lengthening the window sill.

Which style and design to choose

The room where they will relax and periodically receive guests should be cozy and comfortable. With a detailed study of the interior of the living room and bedroom in one room of 18 sq.m.

it is important not to rush to extremes and stick to the golden mean

You should not overload your perception with too bright colors, inappropriate installations or art objects, even if it is an apartment in the Art Deco or Art Nouveau style. It is better to display small items on glass shelves or open double-sided shelves, which are recommended to be used as partitions for zoning.

Many small souvenirs or hand-made items can clutter up a room, even if initially it is planned to place an exhibition of handmade products here. When they are placed everywhere, it resembles a cluttered warehouse, and not the interior design of an 18-square-meter living room-bedroom. Minimalism does not accept any decor, but the use of one large painting on a free wall is acceptable.

You need to hang pictures or portraits in frames not randomly, but adhering to a certain geometry if there is no symmetry. This decor is appropriate in classic, historical and retro styles.

It is undesirable to use a dark ceiling in a small space; it seems to be overhanging. However, in some modern styles, a stretch ceiling with a glossy (varnished) black fabric that has a mirror effect is acceptable. The “starry sky” effect with point diodes is applicable when zoning a bedroom area. This is especially beautiful when combined with white furniture and a beautifully decorated window opening.

The room can be decorated in any style

The minimalist style is best suited for a small room.

To visually expand the space, the shape and size of the windows matter. Low window sills or their absence - the so-called “French windows” look good in the modern interior of a room like a living room-bedroom (up to 18 meters). But this makes sense if there is a picturesque panorama behind the property - well-kept neighborhoods or a suburban forest. It is better to hide the industrial area behind the windows with multi-layer curtains with draperies or other complex styles.

If you want more free space, you need to give up bulky furniture and a large chandelier in the center of the room. A flattened ceiling lamp, spot lighting of local areas, a diode strip near the ceiling and a floor lamp - this is quite enough for good lighting of a living room in a modern style. It is recommended to install a safe lamp or “night light” above the bed or folding sofa, which can be conveniently turned off at arm’s length.

Bright colors can visually expand the boundaries of the room

In small rooms it is better to use compact furniture

Modern style is very suitable for the living room-bedroom

Many design methods are suitable for visually expanding the living room-bedroom.


1. Large mirror The ability to “double” the space of a room; they are not placed opposite another mirror or window
2. Bright hues The lighter the main background, the more spacious the room looks, white furniture is appropriate
3. Mirror sliding door on the front of the cabinet Built-in furniture with a sliding door and mirror does not take up space, but seems wider
4. Stripes and geometry of contrasts Horizontal lines of the ceiling, vertical stripes on the wallpaper will “expand” the walls
5. Glossy cladding effect Surfaces with a high coefficient of light reflection, but there should not be many of them
6. Mirror wall or panels Functional, effective, diffuse reflected light, “double” the room
7. Large drawing on the wall A large drawing suggests a lot of space and visually enlarges the wall
8. Photo wallpaper with illusions and 3D effect This works with a realistic panorama of the city or a photo of nature - it “blows down” the wall

A room in light colors will look larger

Spotlights, LED strip and chandelier will create a special atmosphere in the room

Matching colors

The use of a light tone visually makes the room more spacious, which is very important for a small bedroom. Many bedroom projects are 15 sq. m imply the use of white or light gray, since they are neutral as a background and allow the use of a huge number of styles in further arrangement. The palette should consist of two colors.

Furniture is often painted in one of the main tones, while the corners and legs are painted in bright colors. It looks very harmonious when the color of the curtains matches the color of various wall inserts.

Regardless of the chosen style, people rarely experiment with the ceiling and settle on the classic white version. This also applies to the floor, where wood or its imitation is mainly used.


Any light, delicate shades of the purple palette will be an excellent choice for the bedroom. They go perfectly with white, beige, gray.

We recommend reading:
  • Beautiful bedrooms - 120 photos of the best ideas, trends and new designs for bedrooms
  • Lamps for the bedroom - uses, combinations and stylish lighting ideas. 125 photos of modern lighting design ideas
  • Blue bedroom - 105 photos and video master class on how to decorate a bedroom in blue tones


There are many directions for arranging bedrooms. Following a certain style makes it easier to create the ideal comfortable zone.

First of all, you should pay attention to the classics, which will never cease to be popular. The reason for this is the harmony and comfort that it offers. Photos of bedrooms 15 sq. m in a classic style look very stylish and show the good taste of the owners.

Country music is reminiscent of the old bedrooms we saw in our grandmothers' homes as children. Style does not tolerate imitation of anything. Textiles, flowers, wood should be natural. Modern technology is not welcome, and absolutely does not fit in.

The walls are usually covered with photographs.

Provence, loft and Japanese style are also popular.

However, the current trend is minimalism. The interior of the bedroom is 15 sq. There shouldn’t be anything superfluous, because everything ingenious is simple. A minimum amount of furniture is installed, but it must be multifunctional.

The main color of this bedroom is white. In contrast with the black floor, you can achieve a visual increase in the height of the room.

Ready-made projects of small apartments

How to spell 100 square meters

The modern design of a small apartment allows for a wide variety of options when creating decoration. Experiments with materials, colors and textures are encouraged. If you have always been attracted to contrasts, now is the time to apply them in your design. Here are some ideas:

Combining styles. Even small apartments can become a testing ground for your imagination. Combine a classic sofa and an ethnic-style painting in one room? Victorian bed and Hi-Tech appliances? Why not, especially since eclecticism is in fashion now. The main thing is to show moderation. If you are not sure that you can harmoniously combine styles yourself, look for good options on design sites on the Internet. Contrasting colors

Combine calm tones with bright elements, choose unexpected combinations. Such a solution will look fresh and original, and will certainly attract attention.

Take only the essentials and spend more time choosing so that the furniture is practical, beautiful and comfortable at the same time. Tell the mirrors: "Yes." But what definitely won’t be superfluous when you are thinking about the design of small Khrushchev apartments is a mirror. It visually expands the space and adds light, so feel free to place reflective surfaces around the perimeter. It is better to choose vertical frames, as they additionally create the illusion of high ceilings. More light. An abundance of lighting fixtures is an easy way to visually add “air.” This is especially true if there are not enough windows in the house, they face the north side or are simply small in size. It is best to install not one large chandelier, but separate lamps in different areas. Don’t be afraid of unexpected decisions, for example, placing some of the lamps on the floor rather than on the ceiling. This will create a cozy atmosphere in the evenings.


Not the largest bedroom of 15 square meters can be visually enlarged. To do this, there must be stripes on the walls of the room. Vertical ones make the room taller, and horizontal ones make the room wider.

If the room has a rectangular shape, various options for correcting asymmetry are often used to decorate the walls. Using light colors for long walls and black for short ones will significantly balance the geometry of the room.

The wall located at the head of the bed is a very important part of the 15 sq.m. bedroom design. Decorative plaster is often used for finishing. There are photo wallpapers on it or plasterboard arches are built.

Modern modern

In contrast to the pompous and pretentious Art Nouveau style of the early twentieth century, modern Art Nouveau has retained only the general features of the style.

This is beautiful wooden (or veneered) lacquered furniture, soft rounded lines of the head of the bed, chairs, mirrors, armchairs.

Comfortable upholstered furniture in rich colors, beautiful drapery on the windows, a sufficient number of vases, sculptures, and souvenirs.

Art Nouveau is characterized by the use of floral motifs in furniture decoration, decor, furniture fittings, and the use of bronze in metal fittings.


  • Chest of drawers in the bedroom: TOP-180 photos and videos of options for a chest of drawers in the bedroom. Selecting size and location. Features of materials and colors. Types of models

  • Cozy bedroom: design and layout of a cozy bedroom. Zoning and placement of furniture. Setting the degree of illumination. Additional decor (photo + video reviews)
  • Bedroom in the loft style - TOP-200 photos and video reviews of bedrooms in the loft style. Principles and features of style. Furniture, lighting, accessories. Colors and textures


To finish the ceiling, standard painting and whitewashing are usually used. Stretch ceilings have also gained immense popularity. They rarely resort to wallpapering.

The design of ceilings can be different, it all depends on the chosen style. The classic direction involves the use of gypsum cornices. With a loft, ceiling beams are imitated and MDF panels are used.

Modern materials, finishing methods

Natural materials for the bedroom are preferred, but their choice depends on the style of the room. To decorate the floor, boards are used, which are usually painted, parquet, varnished, laminate of suitable colors, and carpet. Natural stone and ceramic tiles are rarely used - they are very cold. The walls are decorated with wallpaper, partially photo wallpaper, decorative plaster, wood or plastic panels. In particularly expensive interiors, the walls are upholstered in expensive fabrics and have fragments of leather and natural fur. The ceiling is made of suspended, suspended, multi-level plasterboard, decorated with textured ceiling tiles, foam stucco, glass or mirror panels.

Irregularities on the walls should be leveled so that the finish lays smoothly and beautifully on them.

Furniture selection

To save a huge amount of space, you can purchase a bed with a built-in box for bed linen. It is worth paying attention to the head of the bed. Many models offer different design solutions. You need to be responsible when buying a new bed. It is recommended to first test it for comfort directly on the bed.

On the sides of the bed there are usually bedside tables. For a bedroom 15 sq. m with a dressing room, it is worth purchasing a wardrobe. A stylish option with mirrors on the doors will fit perfectly into the interior.

Room decoration

Now let's talk about arranging the space. About the most important elements of a bedroom.

Double bed

This is a must-have attribute, since the bedroom is a resting place. The bed should be installed in such a way that it is comfortable to sleep on. So, let's look at examples of how you can set up a bed:

Centered . A win-win option, suitable for any room layout.

Closer to the window . Convenient location if you plan to place something in the room near the exit: for example, a sofa or a dressing room.

Place the head of the bed near the window . Suitable for elongated rooms. A different arrangement in this case will cause discomfort.


A closet is also an important element for small bedrooms. Follow the link for more detailed information about corner wardrobes for bedrooms.

Next, let's look at the successful placement of the wardrobe in space.

  1. Parallel to the bed.

  1. Perpendicular to the bed.
  1. Opposite the bed.

  1. Behind the bed.


Depending on the style and taste preferences of the owners, there may be a fireplace in the bedroom. And what it might look like is shown below.


This area allows you to allocate a small area in the bedroom for something else. For example:

  • space for a workspace;

  • resting place by the window;
  • living room;


The reality is that TV is usually installed not only in living rooms, but also in bedrooms. Standard location, opposite the bed.

You can also install it opposite the sofa.


Multi-level lighting is the most optimal. On the first and main floor there is a chandelier as the main light source. And in certain areas where it is necessary, floor lamps and table lamps will create enhanced lighting.

LED lighting around the perimeter of the room will add style and a cozy atmosphere. An additional lamp above the headboard will be very useful for those who like to read before bed.

Lighting solution

With the help of light you can successfully decorate any space. Bedside sconces, floor lamps on high legs, central lighting, additional light in the work area.

Light diffused light near the bed and bright in the library or office area.

Help from professionals

Due to the importance of proper planning and competent design, it is necessary to draw up a project. Without it, it is very common to renovate a 15 sq.m. bedroom. We have to modify it, correcting various details. To eliminate unexpected errors, many people turn to professional designers.

Specialists will draw up a detailed plan for the future bedroom and also demonstrate the result on a 3D model. This will help you visually evaluate the appearance of the room in order to avoid disappointment from the work done. You can also always see real examples of bedroom design from them.

Interior design

An important step in creating the optimal interior of a small living room is drawing up a detailed design project. A small living room needs a serious approach to organizing the space. Design will allow you to “try on” various decorative designs, calculate the most successful arrangement of all elements, and objectively evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the room.

Drawing up a design project will help you take a balanced approach to dividing the room into zones. The virtual distribution of objects can indicate shortcomings in the selected design schemes and arrangement

It is especially important to resort to design when equipping a multifunctional living room. Where it is necessary to combine zones of opposite importance in an extremely limited space: kitchen, bedroom, office

Increased attention is paid to the living room, which will be actively used by family members of different ages

Photos of bedrooms 15 sq. m.

Kitchen project

Before planning a space of 15 meters in a room, you need to use several recommendations from experts.

  • When designing a kitchen set, it is necessary to leave areas for hidden household appliances. Obviously, in such a small room it is inappropriate to place free-standing dishwashers and ovens.
  • Nowadays, it is customary to design kitchens in a bright and fashionable style. Don’t be afraid of rich colors, combine contrasting colors - this will give a 15-meter room a unique flavor.

  • By choosing a classic set, you can be sure of the durability of the structures. The basis of such a project is the heaviness of the interior items.
  • Ethnic style is suitable for housewives who are not used to standing at the stove for several hours a day. The project is based on minimalism, which is undoubtedly a very practical option for a small room.

Finishing and design

So that rooms of 15 square meters do not look tiny, the design of the living room is thought out with the possibility of visual expansion. The master’s task is to use every free centimeter of space in accordance with the functional load. The choice of methods depends on the purpose of the room, for example, 3D photo wallpaper visually “pushes back” the wall.

So that the efforts are not wasted, the wall with 3D decor is left open and not cluttered with furniture, an example is in the photo.

It is practical to place a low sofa next to it or create a corner for games and relaxation without blocking it with racks or shelves.

As for finishing, experts advise using exclusively natural materials. In small format spaces, costs will not be high, so you can shell out for quality finishes. The experts give special recommendations:

  • Walls. It is better to make cladding from natural materials in pastel colors, which visually increase the space, adding square meters to the interior. If you want to highlight a plane with a rich shade, apply it to one wall, otherwise the room will be “crowded” with color. Visual effects with vertical or horizontal stripes look beautiful. Designs with vertical patterns raise ceilings, while horizontal patterns expand the space.
  • Floors. There are many flooring design options, but there is a rule: dark floors should not contrast too much with the walls so that the room does not look “cut” into zones. For spaces with complex shapes, a monochromatic finish is often chosen, which smooths out the transitions - the room becomes a single whole, the walls “flow” into the floors and ceilings. In this case, it is permissible to choose floor coverings that are 5–7 tones darker than the walls.
  • Ceilings. There is only one rule: the less natural color in the living room, the lighter the ceiling. Glossy or satin stretch fabrics add special chic to the interior. The glossy reflections and matte silkiness of satin complement the comfort, making the space more spacious.

Multi-level structures on the ceiling are acceptable if the living room has walls with a height of 2.9 m. Otherwise, the decoration will hang over your head, making the room uncomfortable and visually concealing the space.

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