Living room with a fireplace as an element of the interior - secrets of placement and options for building a fireplace (165 photos)

06/23/2020 Read in 5 minutes.
A fireplace in a modern living room, as in ancient times, remains a symbol of comfort. A homely hearth not only creates a special atmosphere of comfort, but also adds additional value to the interior. So it’s not surprising that more and more people want to decorate their living room with a fireplace every day.

In this review, using photos from the renovation and design portfolio of the Group, which is the leader in the Moscow construction market, as an example, we will talk about the design features of a living room with a fireplace and popular models of these devices. We’ll also talk about options for designing a fireplace area in a modern and classic interior.

Types of fireplaces

The history of the appearance of open hearths for heating a home goes back to the distant past. Over the centuries, fireplaces have undergone a number of design changes depending on their purpose and shape. Currently, wood-burning fireplaces are used primarily for additional heating of country cottages.

Open hearths that use electric energy or natural gas as fuel can be used in apartment construction, decorating any interior. The classic design of the fireplace involves the use of fired clay bricks.

However, recently, fireplaces in which the firebox is made of cast iron are in deserved demand among the population. The qualitative characteristics of cast iron allow you to decorate the interior of the living room in an original style and enjoy the quiet crackling of firewood and the play of flames in the firebox for a long time.

Alcohol fireplaces in apartments are taking quite confident steps to occupy their niche in the field of interior design of living rooms. Alcohol fireplaces are made in a modern style from glass and metal, with an automatic fire extinguishing system, and the fuel for them is a special alcohol-based liquid.

A chimney is not needed, this allows you to change the location of the fireplace depending on the mood of the owner at least every year.

Portal design styles


The design of the portal in general is the most important element of the fireplace design. If the dimensions of the firebox, the design features of the chimney and other technical characteristics do not affect the design of the room, then the portal shapes the style of both the hearth itself and the entire interior. Regardless of what material and manufacturing method were chosen for the portal, there are 4 main design styles:

  • Classic;
  • Country;
  • High tech;
  • Bionics.

The classic portal is always U-shaped. In this case, the firebox is left open, only occasionally separated from the room by a door - usually not completely transparent, but equipped with forged elements. Such a portal is characterized by strict and massive forms, and a traditional mantelpiece is required. The portal materials are exclusively natural. Preference is given to marble, natural stone, aged wood of valuable species. Cast iron elements, such as a classic grill, are appropriate and even necessary. Even if the portal is decorated with a modern modular electric fireplace, it would be appropriate to place cast iron fireplace tools there - a spatula, poker, tongs. Of course, those made of metal are chosen, preferably by forging.

Country or Hi-Tech?

Country style, also called rustic (folklore), is distinguished by its D-shaped portal. The portal is suitable for wall or corner fireplaces, and is suitable for a room decorated in Provence or ethno-country style. The portal materials are chosen to be less expensive. Shell rock, sand stone, or imitation will do. A special feature of a country-style portal is the obligatory presence of a special niche for drying firewood. Firewood itself can become an original element of room design.

Hi-Tech is a minimalist style, popular in the seventies and nineties of the last century. Swift forms, an abundance of unpainted metal, chrome and silver elements – these are the differences between such portals. It is also possible to use stone, but it must be hewn and polished to a plastic sheen.

Bionics and tiles

Bionics is a new direction of design delights. The characteristic of the style is following natural principles. Like nature, a bionic-style portal avoids right angles, fixed forms and permanence. The feeling of movement, fluidity, irregular but smooth outlines - these are the features of the bio-portal. You should choose wood and wood-imitating plastic. The colors are soft and natural.

The fifth style, widespread in our country, is conventionally called tiled. This is an adaptation of traditional techniques for decorating a Russian stove using brown or white-blue unfired tiles to suit the Western fashion for fireplaces.

Recommendations from professionals

When developing a design project for a narrow living room with a fireplace in an apartment, you should be careful not to overload the room with unnecessary pieces of furniture. When designing a fireplace area, you should ensure a safe distance between upholstered furniture and carpets from an open fire. It should not be less than one and a half meters.

Specialized interior design specialists do not recommend installing a plasma television panel in the fireplace area of ​​the living room. These are two sources of attention of equal potential. However, this is just a recommendation from experts. Don't argue with yourself, install the TV in line with the fireplace and whatever happens.

At least this will avoid glare. Even each window has its own view of this world. During the operation of an open fireplace, fire safety rules must be observed. The room must have fresh ventilation.

If there are pets and small children living in the house, it is advisable to purchase fireplace models for the living room with a glass-covered firebox. It is worth realistically assessing your potential capabilities, but it is better to entrust the installation of a fireplace in the living room to professionals.

Operating principle and features

The main difference between a fireplace and household stoves is the principle of heat transfer. If in a stove most of the heat transfer occurs due to the passage of hot combustion products through the branched chimney channels, the main source of heat for a classic fireplace is the hearth itself. The home is heated to a greater extent due to the heating of objects located near the hearth, while the chimney practically does not serve as a heat exchanger.

A revolution in the fireplace business occurred with the widespread use of electric heating appliances. Already in the 70s, the production of electric fireplaces began - devices that produce heating using air heating elements, which were tubes made of a material with low electrical conductivity. As a result, after connecting the current, the material heated up and gave off heat to the air. The first electric fireplaces suffered from frequent failure of heating elements and poor quality of imitation of live fire, which did not allow them to be widely used in the interior. With the introduction of closed ceramic heating elements, which have operated for decades without any problems, the issue of the reliability of the electric fireplace was resolved. And the spread of 3D technologies has solved the issue of natural imitation of a living flame.

Ideas for placing a fireplace in the living room

Leading design studios do not recommend placing working fireplaces near the outer wall of the living room. The outside temperature is not constant and this will require additional costs for wall insulation to ensure normal operation of the fireplace.

For a small room, a corner location of the fireplace would be appropriate. The design of the portal with original decorative elements will go well with any style. You should also avoid placing an open fireplace near the stairs.

The most rational location for a working fireplace in a spacious living room of a private house is an island arrangement in the central part of the room. It should be noted the high heat transfer rates with this arrangement of the fireplace in the room.

To decorate the interior of a small living room, a built-in electric fireplace will be an ideal design solution. This will save useful space and create the desired atmosphere in the room.

Types by location


Structures are also divided by location. There are only four options for placing a fireplace in the rooms of the house. The room can be decorated with a classic wall-mounted, neat built-in, practical corner or spectacular island fireplace. Let's look at the features of each of them. A wall-mounted fireplace is the most classic option. It was these fireplaces that were built in rich houses in our country before the widespread use of steam heating. When manufactured correctly, it has good heating efficiency and looks stylish. There are also disadvantages to this design. First of all, you need to take into account that a wall-mounted fireplace requires space. Of course, if we are talking about a spacious cottage with a fireplace room, there will be no problems with space. But a standard apartment or a small private house is not the best place for such a structure. The way out of this situation is to install a version half recessed into the wall. The portal in this design protrudes only the width of the palm and does not require space.

Corner and island

A corner fireplace takes up no less space, but its location allows it to be installed in fairly modest rooms. In addition, the corner of the room is not often used to place furniture. Another advantage of this design is the relative ease of manufacture.

An island fireplace is the most impractical option. It requires a large room, it cannot be installed in many rooms - for example, a bedroom with a similar design is difficult to imagine, and a kitchen with an installed island fireplace must be truly enormous in size, otherwise moving around it will be inconvenient and unsafe. The main advantage of this option is the original design of the fireplace, which can enliven even a very dull interior.

Built-in and suspended

A built-in, and even more so a hanging fireplace is a mere baby compared to other types of these heating devices. After all, the modern wall-mounted version appeared only when advances made it possible not only to create a safe and reliable electric heater, but also to simulate the effect of a living flame with a sufficient degree of reliability.

And the device hung on the wall has come into use quite recently. There are many advantages to this option. The fireplace can be placed however you like; it does not require significant space, which means it is the only feasible solution for a city apartment. Small hanging fireplaces can be placed even in a compact kitchen. If installed correctly, an electric fireplace is absolutely fireproof, and it usually costs less than its wood-burning or even gas counterparts.

Styling the fireplace design

The presence of a fireplace in the room implies the use of the latest ideas and trends in the stylish design of the living room. You can choose a modern high-tech style or an elegant classic in the warm tones of solid wood.

When placing pieces of furniture in a living room with a fireplace in a modern style, you should take into account that the seats should be facing the flame.

The symmetrical arrangement of a soft sofa and armchairs will allow those present to look at the running lights of the flame without getting tired while waiting for aromatic tea.

Many day-old homeowners install rocking chairs in close proximity to the fireplace portal. This position of the chairs allows you to feel the warmth of the flame and encourages you to think about eternity and write memoirs.

The portal material is usually selected to match the overall style of the room. Decorative items can include family photographs, original souvenirs from exotic countries, speakers, and a rare telephone.

Interior solutions

Dimplex electric fireplaces fit into any interior - from strict classics to ultra-modern Loft style. This is confirmed by hundreds of completed projects, which you can familiarize yourself with right now. We offer a selection of interesting living room interiors with Dimplex fireplaces.

Classic style

In the photo: living room design in a classic style with an Albany fireplace

Interesting classic living room design with Albany fireplace with Opti-Myst flame technology. Thanks to the laconic frame of the hearth in black, the electric fireplace fits perfectly into the room. The decorative portal is made of natural wood of a noble shade, which fits perfectly with exquisite furniture. The wall where the frame framing the fireplace is installed is decorated with unusual accessories from the era of chivalry.

Hi-Teck style

In the photo: a living room in the Hi-Teck style combined with elements of a Chalet with a fireplace Juneau

Unusual living room in Hi-Teck style combined with Chalet elements. Gray and its shades are used as the main color; the design is laconic and restrained. A built-in cassette fireplace zones the space and makes the room warmer.

An electric fireplace performs several tasks - heating the house, humidifying the air, and aesthetics. It copes with all functions perfectly, guaranteeing safe operation. The fireplace is safe for children and animals, since it does not emit smoke and sparks will not fly from it. This is the best option for creating a sophisticated interior.


Despite the fact that the Minimalist style is characterized by a laconic design, the fireplace perfectly complements the interior.
The living room features a Cassette L hearth with Opti-Myst flame technology. In terms of style, it harmonizes perfectly with Minimalism, thanks to its strict lines and laconic design. In the photo: living room design in a minimalist style with a Cassette L fireplace

In the living room design, the emphasis is on a blue sofa and bright paintings; an open fireplace acts as a separate element. This design can be implemented in any home, since the electric fireplace is absolutely safe for adults, children and animals.


To implement this project, natural materials were used - wood, which serves as decoration for the entire living room, and stone.
Wood is the main element - a beautiful table with epoxy resin, an original TV stand installed along the wall, the floor and stairs - all made of noble solid wood. In the photo: living room design in Art Nouveau style with a Cassette 1000 fireplace

In such a living room, the fireplace is no longer the main object of the interior; it serves as a harmonious addition to the room. To implement the project, the Cassette 1000 fireplace with firewood became the optimal solution. The fireplace uses realistic firewood that simulates wood burning, but without the smell or smoke.


Pictured: avant-garde design with Cassette 400 NH fireplace

The unusual design of the living room with bright accents - a purple sofa and a gold armchair - evokes mixed emotions - delight, surprise, interest. The living room amazes with imagination and unconventional thinking, since it differs from generally accepted canons. The interior combines several style trends - Loft, Avant-garde, Minimalism.

The Cassette 400 NH fireplace with a decorative white frame took pride of place in the central wall of the living room, made of decorative brick. The presence of an electric fireplace in the room balanced the interior, adding sophistication, sophistication and homeliness to it.

Modern style

Pictured: modern design with Cassette 500 fireplace

The house, made in warm colors with the addition of natural wood, is ideally combined with the Cassette 500 open-type fireplace with wood that simulates the burning of wood. The room feels warm and spacious, without flashy accents or over-the-top accessories.

This is a peaceful living room where you want to spend time with your family - have leisurely conversations, watch your favorite films or read books. The fireplace blends harmoniously with the interior, bringing even more warmth and comfort to it. To create a relaxing atmosphere, the fireplace is not installed in a special niche, but on a coffee table near the sofa, which looks stylish and unusual.

Oriental style

Pictured: Oriental style design with Westbrook Basket hearth

An interior for lovers of bright accents and oriental motifs. When you get into the living room, it seems that you find yourself on another continent - somewhere in Morocco or Cairo. Beautiful mosaics, painted plates, a Persian carpet on the floor, decorative pillows on the sofa, massive gold frames create the right ambience and lift the mood of the guests of the house.

The Westbrook Basket fireplace, made in a noble style, adds a European touch to the interior and makes it more calm and relaxing. The decorative frame framing the hearth matches the design of the entire living room.

Fireplaces in this series are a godsend for designers, since you can choose original portals for them that match the design of the house. In addition, they are environmentally friendly, since they do not emit harmful substances during operation, and also eliminate the possibility of fire, since they use technology that simulates flame. A realistic fire in the fireplace creates comfort and a pleasant atmosphere.

Fireplace in the spacious living room

A modern loft style would be a justified solution for decorating a spacious living room with a fireplace. It is chosen by people who value the freedom of an open living space, a lot of light and strict lines.

The interior of the living room in a modern style suggests the presence of a built-in rectangular fireplace near one of the walls. Typically, the back wall is covered with a fire-resistant panel that imitates simple red brickwork.

The walls can be finished with medium-strength particle boards with a protective coating that imitates the expressive texture of dark wood. The top of the rectangular dining table is made of durable translucent glass.

All pieces of furniture in the fireplace area have the correct geometric shape and strict style. Ceramic tiles are usually used as flooring, repeating the pattern on the furniture.

Photo in a private house

In the living room in the interior of a country house, it is possible to install a real wood-burning fireplace. To do this, you need to take care of the good strength of the floor and walls, pay attention to the height of the ceiling and take care of fire safety. Due to the live fire, warm energy is formed in the home atmosphere, and the atmosphere is filled with comfort and acquires individual characteristics.

The layout of the house often involves a living room combined with a kitchen. In the design of a combined room, it will be interesting to look at the hearth, which acts as a dividing element between two functional zones.

The photo shows a living room in a country-style house with a corner fireplace lined with brickwork.

For the design of a spacious hall with a high ceiling, a portal made in a rustic country style is perfect. This D-shaped fireplace is large in size and has a design that is particularly rural in simplicity and naturalness. In order to achieve maximum effect, the portal is lined with stone or wood, and firewood is laid out in the fireplace niche.

Small living room with fireplace

Realizing that you are the owner of a small space, you should not grieve and be upset that during the viscous, sticky everyday life of gloomy autumn you will not have to sit with a cup of aromatic coffee by the fire. To decorate a small living room with a corner fireplace, specialized experts recommend using electric fireplaces.

They are quite economical and have high rates of safe operation over a long period of time. Decorative counterfeit fireplaces are in well-deserved demand among young families. Youth always has the right to make mistakes.

When designing the composition of the fireplace area in a small living room, you should understand that the dominant fact is the hearth itself in the room. Other decorative items are designed to complement and express the uniqueness of the fireplace. Let ceramic figurines, vases and clocks take their place on the stylish fireplace portal.

Designing portals yourself

If laying a fireplace is the domain of exclusively and only professional stove makers, anyone can design a fireplace portal. An affordable method is to create an imitation of masonry. For this, finishing bricks are purchased, one side of which resembles stone, and a special building mixture that can withstand high temperatures.

We place the base of the portal on the foundation of the fireplace - this is a fire safety requirement. First, the lower part of the vaults is laid. Next, the arch is laid out, and the following technique is common - the structure is laid solid, but the brick at the site of the span is not secured with mortar. Thanks to this, you can quickly and evenly lay out even complex structures.

After the mortar has dried, the portal is freed from the loose supporting brick. If the portal of a wood-burning fireplace is laid out in this way, you need a test, drying kindling, maintaining a moderate fire in the hearth for 4-6 hours. If an electric fireplace is used, we create conditions for drying the solution - the optimal temperature in the room with moderate humidity.

An electric fireplace in the interior is a way to make the decoration of a room stylish and create additional comfort. After all, the house, according to the proverb, begins with the hearth.

Colors for fireplaces

An important place when designing a living room with a fireplace in an apartment is occupied by the correct selection of colors and shades, which I aim to create a single harmonious ensemble in the room. The owner of a narrow and long living room can be offered a sequential arrangement of functional areas.

In this case, the fireplace seating area should be located near the window. The built-in fireplace in the living room is quite compact and perfectly divides the space of the room. The dominant color in such a room can be one of the milky shades.

The flooring can be made from high-strength particle boards, enriched with a protective polymer film that imitates silver oak. Curtains for the windows use light colors with delicate patterns. Upholstered furniture should be upholstered in light fabric.

The design of the fireplace portal should be done in dark colors made of artificial marble. Such a contrasting combination of decorative items will add expressiveness to the fireplace group and visually expand the space of the room.

Fireplace for small apartments and small rooms

For small rooms, it is better to pay attention to compact models of electric fireplaces.
These can be small electric stoves, made in the old English style. They are stylized as cast iron models with a door. An interesting solution would be free-standing fireplaces. For example, the Silverton hearth, which does not require additional framing and will help create a unique corner with a brightly burning fireplace even in the smallest room. Volterra and Cellini fireplaces, thanks to their unusual design, will become the center of attraction for all guests and residents of the apartment. Their compact dimensions allow them to be installed in any room. In the photo: corner fireplace, Silverton hearth and Numan electric stove in small apartments

Don't forget about corner fireplace models. Their installation allows you to significantly save space in the room, while visually the fireplace does not seem small. On the mantelpiece you can place interior items, books, photographs, that is, use the fireplace as an additional functional space.

Living-dining room with fireplace

Quite often, the living room in a country house combines the functions of a dining room and is decorated with a working wood-burning fireplace. This is a common case when it is necessary to visually divide a spacious living room - dining room with a fireplace into functional zones.

The eating area is represented by a dining table with chairs, a sideboard, and a serving table. Usually it is located in the central part of the room under a large ceiling chandelier on a metal frame.

As a floor covering, you can use high-strength particle boards with a protective coating that imitates the expressive structure of rare tree species.

The afternoon relaxation area can be represented by a television stand on the outer wall of the room and a set of upholstered furniture with a floor lamp. A light-colored wood floorboard would be quite appropriate for this area.

The open hearth area is usually located in one of the corners or between the windows. It is advisable to use terracotta tiles as flooring. The portal elements are made of natural marble, sometimes with fragments of artistic carvings. The shelf can be made of hardwood from noble trees.

Decoration of the fireplace room

Specialized interior design specialists recommend using pastel colors and shades when decorating the interior of the fireplace room. An abundance of light and properly installed additional local lighting will visually expand the space of the living room with a fireplace.

You should be aware that in the modern world, a fireplace is an object that determines the style of interior design. It attracts attention with the beautiful decoration of the portal and its living, warming flame.

Wealthy owners of country houses place figures of knights in steel armor in a place of honor near the fireplace, trying to create an atmosphere of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Large window openings are decorated with heavy curtains made of thick natural fabric.

An interesting concept for the design of the fireplace room is the walls trimmed with white oak and stools covered with natural leather. The walls can be decorated with paintings of natural landscapes in expensive frames. All decorative items should express the general design style of the fireplace room.

Zoning options for a living room with a fireplace

The use of modern technologies in the construction of multi-storey buildings opens up new horizons and creative space for designers to implement the most unexpected projects.

In order to place a fireplace in a living room with a radial apartment layout and rationally perform space zoning, it is advisable to use the services of professionals.

A modern biofuel fireplace built into the interior wall will allow you to enjoy a magnificent panoramic view from the window and the gentle play of flames in the evening. Furniture items are placed along the outer wall of the room.

The presence of a bay window in the living room with a fireplace implies the formation of two functional zones along the axis of symmetry of the room. Installed opposite the built-in biofuel fireplace, a huge wall mirror will reflect the dancing blue flames in the hearth, creating an incredible effect.

Organization of space

Often in small living rooms a modern electric “relative” of a wood-burning hearth is installed. At the same time, the external attractiveness and functionality of the design are preserved.

The design of the artificial hearth should be in harmony with the surrounding environment

The design of the fireplace is chosen in unison with the overall decoration of the living room. So, for a hall in a classic style, they choose a design with monograms, gilding and ornate decorative elements made from natural materials. For modern and high-tech style, a design made of glass and heat-resistant plastic is suitable. And the mantelpiece - no matter what style the hearth is made in - is a great place for decorative elements. Family photographs, figurines and boxes will add comfort and warmth to the overall atmosphere of the living room.

A stylishly designed fireplace will never cease to amaze you and your guests.

The wall above the mantelpiece is ideal for placing a painting or reproduction in the appropriate style on it.

A relaxation area is created in close proximity to the fireplace. It would not be an exaggeration to say that a fireplace is often installed precisely for this purpose. A pair of armchairs, a comfortable lamp and a table are the most suitable solution for such an area. The sizes of furniture pieces depend solely on personal preferences and the dimensions of the room. So, in a small living room with a small fireplace, compact armchairs and a small transforming coffee table will fit perfectly. The large living room can accommodate a couple of sofas and a medium-sized table for pleasant family evenings.

Seating area in a cozy rustic living room

Photo of a living room with a fireplace

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