Tulle design 2022 - 90 photos of new modern interior design products

In colloquial speech, the word “tulle” has come to be primarily used to name translucent curtains. But this material is also found in underwear, outerwear, and home textiles such as tablecloths or napkins.

If not so long ago it was a mesh or patterned, but exclusively white fabric, today the design of curtains of this type can boast of many models and colors. In addition, you have at your disposal a myriad of various accessories that can turn the most unsightly fabric into a decorative masterpiece.

Therefore, before buying tulle for the living room, be sure to familiarize yourself with the fashion trends in 2022, which will help to embody the most modern ideas and create a unique atmosphere. We will be happy to share the information available on this matter, confirming everything written with numerous photos.

Are you interested in the latest fashion design? Then you will hardly be surprised by the fact that today tulle is an independent means of decorating windows. Laconic and simple curtains have come into fashion, which are perfect for a modern-style room. It is no longer necessary to combine tulle with curtains.

Creating a feeling of weightlessness and symbolizing coziness, it is very functional in dimly lit or small spaces. But the main thing is that thanks to the variety of textures, colors and materials, translucent curtains are extremely versatile, because... suitable for every style direction.

Did you know that

Tulle is a semi-silk, cotton, and today also polyester, viscose, polyamide and other fabric. According to some sources, it came to us from Britain, according to others - from France, and was originally used for sewing clothes.

By the way, in the French city of Tulle, if not invented, then at least such material was sewn several centuries ago. Previously, it was made by hand and not everyone could afford such an expensive pleasure. With the advent of machine production, the scope of use of this fabric has expanded significantly.

What fabrics and materials for curtains will be fashionable in 2022

Naturalness and environmental friendliness are recognized as the main trends for next year. The harmony of man and nature can be seen in all fashion trends, and curtain design is no exception.

Natural fabrics, in addition to their natural origin, are very beautiful and will easily complement any interior. To decorate the windows of the hall next year, you should choose curtains from:

Curtains made from natural fabrics will also be popular due to the texture of the material. Curtains made of rough linen look good with textile upholstery of furniture in the living room or bedroom. Also an excellent solution for decorating living room windows would be a contrast of textures. It can be like voluminous patterns embroidered with coarse threads on silk, or transparent tulle with rough velvet.

A small moderate mixing of natural and artificial fabrics is allowed. So, to add tenderness and flirtatiousness to the interior, you can use a combination of taffeta and thin woolen fabrics and velvet. Curtains made of velor and delicate satin or silk will add solemnity and respectable gloss to the hall.

It is important not to forget about the fastenings for curtains, because naturalness should be adhered to here too. Decorative plastic cornices are a thing of the past; preference should be given to wooden or metal cornices and rings.


So, let's come to our topic and find out what kind of tulle will be in fashion in 2022. And since today's fashion is characterized by diversity, we will start with its types. It can be plain and colored, regular and smooth, patterned, with photo printing or decorative elements.

The ornament on tulle is created using:

  • patterns - printed, applied to the surface, or created by interweaving fibers;
  • textures, i.e. combinations of threads of different thicknesses;
  • lace, which makes curtains the main accent of the interior;
  • muslin - threads attached to braid, plain or with decorative elements;
  • compressed surface - the presence of convex and concave fragments;
  • embroidery, which looks extraordinary and corresponds to a number of popular styles;
  • applications of squares, circles, zigzags and other geometric shapes suitable for your interior.

It’s difficult to guess what will be more trendy – monochromatic or colorful. It would be more correct to say – both, both individually and in all sorts of combinations.

What color schemes should you give preference to?

Now the choice of colors for curtains for the hall is quite wide; many colors will remain fashionable next year.

Fashionable curtains for the hall, 2022 allows you to select based on the requirements of the room, attention should be paid to the following recommendations:

  1. Beautiful, and at the same time discreet shades of gray, coffee, olive and sand are immortal classics that will always be in fashion. Curtains in neutral shades will easily suit any interior.
  2. All shades of white are in fashion, from cold snow-white shades to the warm color of baked milk.
  3. Returning to the fashion for everything natural, let’s remember the shades given by nature. These include juicy greens, ripe cherries, plums, all the colors and shades of sky and sand.
  4. Bright colors are used as decorative elements for decorating curtains, but not as the base color of the fabric.
  5. Prints of floral and geometric patterns are coming back into fashion.
  6. A real fashion bomb of 2022 will be the combination of the pattern of curtains and wallpaper hung in the hall.

Turkish curtains for the hall

Turkish fashionable curtains for the bedroom and living room deserve special attention, which are now at the peak of popularity due to their versatility and the quality of the fabric used for sewing (photo). In addition to curtains, Turkish fabric is used for upholstery and other interior elements. Beautiful floral patterns, fancy printed patterns and unique designs of Turkish curtains help you plunge into the grace and endless magic of oriental culture. Kitchen, living room or bedroom - Turkish curtains will look gorgeous in any room.

The main distinctive features of Turkish curtains are:

  1. A variety of printed designs, which are often done by hand.
  2. Floral patterns used in curtain design. Cucumbers are a business card and the main ornament of Turkish curtains and other textile products.
  3. Applying an embroidery effect that creates an imitation of ancient handmade tapestries.
  4. Thematic scenes on fabric that set a certain style for the room.

The selection of Turkish fabrics is amazing in its quality and quantity. They are able to simultaneously create comfort and harmony in a room without losing its aesthetic appearance.

You can decide for yourself which curtains are suitable for your interior or use the services of a designer or decorator. Professionals will help you choose curtains and tell you what is best: buy a ready-made curtain, or have it sewn to order in a special studio.

Choosing tulle for the living room

The principle by which designers advise choosing curtains, as you guessed, is also not the only one. Color is often the determining factor. It is recommended to select curtains to match the furniture, wallpaper, textiles, carpet and general color scheme.

On the other hand, recently curtains have often become the main, contrasting accent of the interior. This was facilitated by the advent of photo printing and the possibility of applying any desired image to the curtains. Of course, this option is suitable for monochromatic or black and white interiors.

A popular trend in 2022 includes matching patterns on curtains with an enlarged or reduced “twin” in the living room setting. Thus, bamboo leaves on curtains will echo a living plant in a cute flower pot. This will certainly appeal to supporters of eco-, ethno-styles and Japanese minimalism, which is trendy today. Floral patterns can be present on sofa cushions, on paintings or just their frames, an accent wall, etc.

Plain tulle also promises to be in trend. In some cases, it merges with the walls, which is appropriate for certain directions. But it’s much more interesting when the colors of the walls and curtains are in harmony. For example, orange or cherry curtains on a gray background. The most fashionable this year will be all natural shades of green. But don’t rush to change the upholstery of your favorite sofa; lay down a blanket or add a couple of pillows.

White curtains are truly universal in this regard, because they can always be decorated with accessories of the required color. An addition to the interior will be vertical, horizontal or solid braid along the edges of the curtains, matched in color to the sofa, furniture or cornice.

A soft frill will also play its role - the main thing is that it does not contradict the style direction of the living room. We will touch on the topic of accessories a little later.


Austrian curtains are another type of lifting window curtains. They combine the elegance of French and the severity of Roman blinds. They are distinguished from the former by less lush folds and the presence of a lifting mechanism, and from the latter by smooth lines.

Such curtains look both cute and elegant, while they take up very little space and fit well into small rooms. They are best suited for light and bright interiors, such as shabby chic, Provence, Mediterranean.

On Austrian models, horizontal folds are not laid along the entire height, but only at the bottom of the canvas. They are used both gathered and loose and are sometimes complemented with a lambrequin and decorated with curtain decor: fringe, satin ribbons, bows, artificial flowers.

Classic Austrian curtains are made from fabric of delicate colors, plain or with small floral patterns. A large pattern is undesirable, as it will be distorted in the folds and the curtains will look untidy. But this season, small prints are not welcome, so for “Austrians” there is only a single-color option.

Design style

Agree, it plays a significant role when choosing tulle. The general rule is this: if you have a luxurious interior with a lot of object content, opt for simpler models. If there is not enough furniture and decor in the living room, you can afford a more complicated version of tulle.

Light Provence will suit curtains in light, pastel shades of blue, wheat, lavender, as well as with small floral patterns or stripes. Curtains consisting entirely of horizontal frills would also be appropriate.

The solemnity of a living room, decorated in a classic style, is characterized by a light base of curtains combined with complex details, and vice versa. Therefore, tulle with a lambrequin will come in handy. Lovers of classics and baroque should be pleased that in 2022 elegant lambrequins will be all the rage.

These decorative elements of a simpler and more austere design will complement modern styles. Initially, the purpose of lambrequins was to hide a heavy, nondescript or resonant cornice with the overall design of the room.

But today it is difficult to say what brought them popularity - this useful feature or aesthetic appearance. Elegantly flowing over the curtains, gracefully draped, consisting of one or two shiny fabrics, with or without luxurious braiding, they will add chic to any living room.

Minimalism, hi-tech and other progressive styles require maximum simplicity in everything. Plain plain tulle, without patterns or accessories, should blend into the overall background.

Modern design is as convenient and practical as possible, and light curtains with eyelets are an excellent confirmation of this. Metallic eyelets will harmonize with other fashionable elements and appliances, while colored eyelets will complement the interior with small bright splashes.

A hall decorated in ethno-style will be decorated with a curtain with national, floral, foliage or animal patterns. Eclecticism will be in fashion, so it is not at all necessary to adhere to strict conformity and belonging to one ethnic group.

The main modern trends in curtain design

At first glance, it seems that choosing suitable curtains for the hall is very simple. In fact, it turns out that this is a rather labor-intensive process that requires taking into account many nuances. If the bedroom is a room into which only the owners enter, the hall is the “face” of the house, put on public display for guests.

Living room with two-tone curtains

Fashionable interiors of the last few years have been a pronounced minimalism, both in furnishings and in decor. Curtains for such rooms were selected in Scandinavian or Japanese styles. Also now in trend are Roman and roller blinds, which do not take up much space and go well with light translucent curtains.

The coming year 2022 will not radically change fashion trends and naturalness, minimalism and conciseness will remain in trend. This applies to both the appearance of a person and the furnishings and design of his home.

Living room with bay window or balcony

Agree, this layout of the hall deserves special consideration. Tulle will be quite sufficient if there is little light entering the room, and also when the area of ​​the room is relatively small. In bright light, you can hang blinds or Roman shades in a living room with a small bay window, giving tulle a purely aesthetic function.

The color and texture of the tulle should be chosen depending on the purpose of the bay window - and it often acts as a separate seating area, enclosed by curtains. It is also important whether you will need access to the windows - to open them or, for example, to water the flowers.

Suspended from a bay window or ceiling semicircular cornice, solid tulle in this case is not the best option. It’s better to decorate each window with a separate curtain, straight or hourglass-shaped - whatever you want. In 2022, the trend will be stripes, both vertical and horizontal. So, you can decorate bay windows with two or three types of tulle of the same shade, or hang it with contrasting alternating stripes.

The stripes of another material present on the tulle will harmonize with the upholstery of the furniture in the bay window area - of course, if there is sufficient area. However, take a closer look at the short curtain models. If there is a partition in the living room with a bay window, it can be decorated with colorful tulle or muslin, which also looks very attractive.

A living room with a balcony also often has little light, especially if the balcony is glazed and curtained. If you often go out to the balcony, use two curtains for convenience. By tying one of them with a hook or beautifully tucking it and securing it with a magnet, you will not block access to the door.

Asymmetry has come into fashion, so you can raise one edge of the tulle. An unusual move is to use colorful tulle on top of plain curtains, which serve as an excellent background for the pattern. Alternatively, simple smooth tulle will be complemented by patterned curtains in the foreground, replacing heavy and thick curtains.

A bright contrast against the background of white tulle will be an oblique translucent red, orange, cherry, purple or other curtain that matches the color of the living room. A lambrequin is an excellent tool for smoothly opening a balcony door and achieving trendy asymmetry.

A curtain located on one side of a balcony door may differ from its neighbor not only in shade, color, but also in texture. Patterned, rich tulle covers most of the opening, and a light mesh curtain will flutter beautifully in a pleasant summer breeze.

And yet the veil!

It’s always like this: while some designers brush aside some design element, others extend their hand to it so that it does not disappear from the interior. This happened with the veil: the fair loudly announced farewell to it, but manufacturers, in collaboration with textile designers, threw a huge number of varieties of mesh fabrics onto the shelves.

Diamonds and flies in a tulle pattern for the hall

Only the grid has now become unusual. Some models playfully imitate the pattern of piquant nylon stockings: “flies” are scattered along the veil, and on some samples the weave in the form of thin diamonds is visible. It seems that the creators fell under the spell of the film La La La.

Veil textures

The new mesh tulle for the hall pleases with its intricate weave and new approach to the choice of threads. Modern weaving technologies have made it possible to use not only thin, smooth fibers, but also structured ones, and this is a real “Wow!” in the production of tulle for the bedroom or living room.

Technically, a veil can be woven - and it is done - even from flax fibers, another question: how much does it cost? As always, expensive samples serve as an ideal example - they show what is welcome in a fashionable interior. Next, manufacturers produce wonderful imitations made from synthetics: affordable and practical mesh tulle for the hall (photo).

People are often divided into two types: those who prefer to spend money on travel and invest the minimum in furnishing their own home, and those for whom the beauty, coziness and comfort of a home or apartment comes first. But no matter how much money is invested in repairs and the purchase of new furniture, it is quite expensive to completely replace the furniture every year. A great option for livening up a room is to change the curtains. Let's find out what fashionable curtains can be hung in the hall now, and what new items 2022 has in store for us.


Any inconspicuous curtains can easily be turned into a work of art. And here's what you can use for this:

  • eyelets, presented on today's market in a variety of shapes, materials, diameters and colors. Metal, plastic, black, colored, silver, with a bronze tint, round, square, in the shape of stars or flowers - this choice will satisfy even the most demanding taste;
  • tiebacks and decorative cords with tassels and flounces, which secure the tulle at the level of the window sill or at a level of 1 meter from the floor;
  • the same role is played by the kugel - a large bead of a round or other shape into which a curtain is threaded to create a graceful drapery;
  • fringe made of threads, bugles or beads is the ideal tulle design for a living room in a classic style.

To ensure that your curtains made of fine fabric retain their pristine beauty for as long as possible, provide them with proper care. They must be washed only in a gentle cycle at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. If the curtains are decorated with frills or fringes made of another material, the issue of washing needs to be approached even more seriously, taking into account the properties of the two fabrics.

By hanging contemporary tulle in your living room, whether it is decorated in a modern or classic style, you will fill the interior with a completely new atmosphere. Therefore, if you are not planning a complete change of environment in the near future, but want something new, try introducing just one element. The result will be amazing!

An alternative to the veil - photos of fashionable tulle and curtains for the hall in the spirit of the classics

The place of the veil will be taken by fabrics similar to delicate Chinese silk with characteristic shimmer, fluidity, weightlessness and a “chameleon” effect, when the color and reflection change depending on the angle and lighting. To maintain the design of a living room in the spirit of sublime classics, you need just such a tulle for the hall - as we see in the photo, it perfectly complements the velor curtains

Tulle with delicate tints goes perfectly with velvet curtains

Thin fabrics with a crepe weave have earned attention due to their changeable appearance, which depends on the angle of incidence of light. Movable crepe tulle lies in deep, voluminous folds and adds a romantic accent to the living room, which is what we see in these beautiful photos.

Deep folds of a crepe veil will add a romantic accent to the living room

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