How to divide a room into two zones: 12 ways and 25 original examples

Dividing a room into zones - this issue often worries owners of studios and apartments with an open plan. This problem is also relevant for one-room apartments, where one room, willy-nilly, performs several functions. The task becomes more complicated if the room is small and designed in the same style. However, designers believe that even in this case it is possible to create an interior that harmoniously combines several work functions (bedroom-living room, bedroom-office, etc.), without expensive redevelopment. You will get the answer to the question of how to divide a room into two zones by reading this article.

Office at home using a partition

Office partitions can be either opaque or translucent, installed not up to the ceiling.

They can be made of a frame made of aluminum or plastic. A filling material is mounted into the frame - glass, solid wood or aluminum sheets.

To zone an office space or create separate workplaces, install blank partitions up to the ceiling. They are made with increased sound insulation.

Required materials and tags

The structure will consist of two main elements - a metal frame and plasterboard sheets. For this purpose, you can use both standard material (hl) - Figure 1, and supersheet (gwl) - Figure 2.

There are several ways to crop one frame:

  • one layer;
  • two-layer;
  • Three-layer;
  • single layer lining made of super sheets;
  • two-layer lining made of super sheets;
  • Three-layer lining made of super sheets and steel sheets.

Mineral wool is usually used as a soundproofing filler. The process of dividing a room into several zones using plasterboard sheets can be considered using the example of a structure with a single-layer cladding from one frame, chap. It will consist of several stages:

  • drawing up a budget and purchasing necessary materials;
  • tags;
  • assembly of a metal frame;
  • installation of sound insulation, wires;
  • sheathing sheets;
  • finishing.

To install you need:

  • drywall;
  • CW profiles (guides);
  • UW profile (riser);
  • pins;
  • TN screws;
  • Set;
  • primer;
  • seam tape;
  • sound-absorbing material.

Don't go without tools. For installation you will need a hammer drill, screwdriver, hammer, metal scissors, measuring tool, laser level, pencil, screwdriver, knife. The process of designing a room with a blank partition begins with markers. First, determine the location of the future wall and place the axis of the partition using a tracing cord. The markers are then transferred to the walls and their position is controlled by the level.

Types of interior partitions

Depending on the design features, all partitions can be divided into two types:

• solid partitions; • frame-type partitions.

Solid interior partitions

Solid interior partitions can be built from gypsum concrete slabs and blocks, as well as laid out from brick (the width of such an interior partition is half a brick) or made from wooden lumber.

The design of frame-type interior partitions includes a frame, the internal space of which is filled with some kind of material (filler).

Frame-type interior partitions

The construction of frame-type interior partitions begins with the installation of the frame.

The materials used to construct the frame of such a partition are steel or aluminum profiles, profiles made of polymeric materials (in particular, PVC), and wooden beams.

To fill the frame space, sheets of plasterboard or polymer materials are used.

Plywood sheets, regular or eurolining, as well as other materials available on the market can also be used as filler.

Selection of materials for the construction of interior partitions

Gypsum concrete and brick interior partitions have significant strength, which makes it possible to further attach hanging furniture or other heavy objects to such partitions.

However, their construction and subsequent finishing require significant labor costs.

If the partition is planned to separate a room with high humidity (for example, a bathroom or shower room), then the use of materials that do not have a sufficient degree of moisture resistance is inappropriate.

So, in this case it is undesirable to use drywall.

Wooden interior partitions meet the highest environmental requirements.

Wood is easy to process and has sufficient strength, and after finishing it the entire room takes on a very attractive appearance. However, its disadvantage is low fire resistance.

Zoning rooms in an apartment

Zoning techniques can be used in any room, regardless of its purpose. This is especially true in one-room apartments or in houses in which the number of rooms does not correspond to the number of residents.

Kitchen and living room

Combining a kitchen with a living room is the most common story in modern apartments and studios. Here, the choice of solutions and materials is limited only by the area of ​​the room, your imagination and budget. Color zoning, multi-level lighting, and a combination of different finishing materials work well.

Carefully select the set itself: U-shaped and island kitchens zone the space on their own. And as a transitional stage between the working part and the relaxation area, a small bar counter has proven itself to be excellent.

Kitchen and dining room

If your family has evening feasts, family holidays and constant friendly meetings, you cannot do without a full-fledged dining area. The easiest way is to take it to the kitchen, if the area of ​​the room allows it.

For zoning, pay attention to low symbolic podiums, corner sets, and island layout. But massive partitions and screens are not so practical in a multifunctional room. Textiles for the kitchen are also not the best option: they inevitably get dirty, absorb odors and grease.

Living room and bedroom

To separate the sleeping area from the area for relaxation and entertainment, pay attention to static partitions, thick screens, tall cabinets or decorative curtains. This way you can achieve maximum privacy in the evening and hide the bed from prying eyes.

If the area of ​​the room is too small for massive solutions, use low, thin partitions with a shelf on top. And as an alternative - light double-sided shelving and low chests of drawers. To simply indicate a sleeping place, and not to completely hide it, a podium is enough.

Living room and children's room

Fencing off a children's area is always more difficult: on the one hand, the child needs personal space, on the other, it is important that the small child remains under supervision. Use light screens, airy curtains made of thin fabric, compact children's furniture. Older children are delighted with complex multi-level structures, transformers and two-story furniture.

Bedroom and office

If you need a quiet workspace at home, the easiest place to create it is in the bedroom. At a minimum, it is usually quieter there than in the living room or kitchen, where other household members gather.

Leave the brightest corner for your office, for example, right next to the window. Shelves and cabinets are well suited for zoning to accommodate all work materials. And low plasterboard structures can be combined with the tabletop and make a closed U-shaped corner.

Bedroom and balcony

Combining a bedroom with a balcony is a popular way to enlarge a room and make it brighter. For a clear separation, do not demolish the wall completely, but leave a low partition or arched structure in its place. And when you want to completely unite a room, use a play of shades and textures.

You can place a relaxation area on the balcony, separating it with low shelves. Or a green corner with flowerpots arranged on multi-level stands. And if you need the maximum possible, but mobile separation, use curtains and drapes, because in the bedroom textiles are more appropriate than ever.

Bathroom and toilet

Zoning a combined bathroom is not the most common phenomenon, but if the space allows, do not limit yourself. Just consider the humidity and temperature in the room. For example, curtains, drapes and fabric screens are not the best choice, and plasterboard structures require special moisture-resistant sheets.

In the bathroom, partitions made of glass blocks, stone and similar materials are appropriate. Proper placement of plumbing fixtures in itself zones the space. You can allocate a working part in a separate corner: a washing machine, a laundry basket, a cabinet with household chemicals.

Zoning the kitchen and living room: 65 beautiful ideas (photos)

From MDF

Beautiful openwork partitions made of MDF will decorate a modern interior.

They look great in every room. They can be used for zoning internal space.

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