Do-it-yourself budget bathroom renovation: 7 right steps

In these difficult times, many of us often lack funds. However, repairs still need to be done. Moreover, so that the bathroom has a decent appearance and the possibility of its long-term use in the future.

Therefore, it will be useful to understand how to do a budget bathroom renovation with your own hands, spending as little money as possible.

What does “Budget Option” mean?

The budget option for renovation always puts cost savings first. Repair of economy class bathrooms and toilets is based on the following three pillars:

  • Doing all the work yourself . The entire process can be easily completed independently, thus significantly reducing costs. But for overly complex work, it’s better to hire professionals.
  • Economical materials . Today, stores are able to offer their customers an economical option for a wide variety of finishing materials. They are designed for buyers with different income levels and allow you to quickly make interesting, cheap bathroom renovations.
  • Having your own tool . For such work, it is important to have your own tool for all procedures performed.

Choosing plumbing fixtures for the bathroom

Bathroom plumbing not only allows you to maintain a design in a certain style, but is also the most used. You need to understand how important it is to choose quality plumbing fixtures. It is important not just to buy and install a sink, bathtub, toilet, but to think through everything down to the smallest detail, then the atmosphere and design will not only arouse admiration, but will also delight you with its functionality for many years.

When choosing plumbing fixtures, you will be faced with the following selection questions:

  • bath or shower;
  • type, size and color of plumbing fixtures;
  • production material and quality.

When starting to choose plumbing, many are faced with the main dilemma: bath or shower? Both one and the other have their undeniable advantages, but the room rarely allows for both. Therefore, a choice will have to be made.

ADVICE: Assess the price-quality ratio, determine the permissible dimensions, take all the necessary measurements and decide for yourself what will be more important: comfort or convenience.

If you can’t imagine life without long, relaxing baths and are willing to sacrifice space, then a shower stall is not for you. Consider an option like a corner bath: it will take up much less space, but will allow you to lie in hot water and relax not only in the shower.

Toilet: what could be simpler at first glance? But that's not true. It’s not enough to just go to the store and take the first option you come across. You also need to choose a toilet correctly, considering all the options. I can say that toilets have many differences: flush options, bowls of different shapes, water supply, half or full flush and other characteristics that affect not only the appearance, but also the functionality of the product. Gather information and decide what exactly you expect. Today, the rimless toilet model is popular - it is the most hygienic and easy to clean.

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Hire a designer or plan it yourself

Renovating is often intimidating, especially at first. Especially for the first time. Therefore, in order to think through everything as much as possible and protect themselves from mistakes and failures, some seek the help of a professional.

A good designer, when developing an interior project, helps to create and visualize the final goal that the client strives for.

In addition, the designer:

  • Will pay great attention to every element, thus ensuring long-lasting results and a well-balanced bathroom design that is sure to meet your wishes and expectations.
  • It will help you find solutions that potential buyers of your apartment will like if you want to sell it.
  • Will save your time.
  • Will help you decide on the choice of various design elements.

If you have a sense of taste, have free time and know how to generate various interesting ideas, then you may well try your hand at design.

Scope of renovation work

When calculating the costs required for repairs, it is important to determine the scale of the work. The budget does not always allow for major work.

  • You can save money by focusing on minimal cosmetic interventions.
  • Sometimes that's enough. The room will look fresh, and a properly completed renovation will last a long time.

If only a complete re-equipment suggests itself, then saving on materials to reduce costs is impossible.

Do not buy branded items and materials

Economy bathroom renovation involves the use of all kinds of budget materials. Thus, for such a process, it is advisable to choose all kinds of inexpensive materials for finishing the bathroom.

At the same time, it is important to understand that only obvious counterfeits of expensive brands and products of too poor quality can be extremely cheap.

Therefore, when choosing materials for repairs, it is better to buy something cheaper, but without fanaticism. After all, a stingy person always pays twice. Remember this!


A competent approach to lighting in the bathroom excludes chandeliers and incandescent lamps. The first option is due to unethicality and incompatibility with the functions of the room, the second option is due to impracticality and unsafety: the incandescent lamp heats up quickly, has thin glass and can burst if exposed to moisture. In rooms with high humidity, it is best to install LED and fluorescent lamps. Neon stripes and spotlights can provide additional lighting, giving the bathroom a calm and relaxing environment.

See what can be restored

Be sure to see what can be restored from the plumbing fixtures and furniture in the bathroom. For example, it is better not to throw away an old bathtub if it can be used for many more years.

It is much cheaper to restore the surface of a high-quality structure than to buy a new product. So, covering a bathtub with acrylic will cost only about three thousand rubles, and after such a procedure the product itself will again become sparkling and snow-white.

Thus, this solution is optimal. You can easily and cheaply cover the pipes with a plastic screen.

How to make your design modern

There are almost more design styles than there are interior designers themselves. In the case of a small bathroom, all directions working with the “antique” theme will have to be abandoned. But this is rather a forced plus, no matter how strange this formulation may seem.

Richness of decoration, gold and shine in interior elements, elaborate ornaments, abundance of draperies and non-functional “decorations” - all this was invented in the era of stone castles with spacious halls. What there was no need for in the Middle Ages was additional square meters. A modern person living in a house with a standard layout cannot afford to waste precious space.

The best solution for a typical bathroom would be hi-tech or minimalism styles. The classic also works well if you adapt it a little. Fortunately, all three styles do not go out of fashion, develop and remain relevant.

Fewer details, practicality, clean straight or smooth lines are current trends in modern design that are perfect for a small bathroom.

Designer lifehacks

Do-it-yourself bathroom renovation inexpensively step by step does not mean that you can save on design. It is important to simply approach the implementation of the project wisely.

DIY bathroom renovation interesting ideas:

  • In interior design, eclecticism, that is, the simultaneous use of different styles, is very popular today.
  • Light shades together with stone or wood materials will leave few people indifferent.
  • It is better to decorate a small bathroom with light colors in combination with a darker floor.
  • Bathrooms in dark shades are also popular today. The use of such colors together with a beautiful set will give the room a touch of real luxury.
  • The combination of white plastic panels with powder-colored walls in Provence style will give a romantic mood and comfort.

Color selection

Creates a visual perception of its expansion or, conversely, decrease. Wall shades and splashes of color create a certain psychological mood, emotional state and mental comfort.

There are several dominant colors and their combinations that need to be followed when designing a bathroom.


Achromatic white is a common color in small spaces. It enhances the perception of airiness and increases the volume of lighting, achieved with the help of ceiling lamps and LED lighting, highlighting individual design elements.

With white as the dominant color for all bathroom surfaces, it is necessary to provide bright spots of color in the design of accessories. This will avoid the negative impact of a monotonous space, which does not have the best effect on human energy.


Extravagant and energetic, very powerful and influential purple color for the bathroom is chosen by people according to their inner feelings, they think that it is right for them. It is important to analyze how comfortable all family members will feel in the updated space.

The first thing you need to do when you start decorating the interior of the bathroom is to correctly calculate the saturation of shades. It is not recommended to add a lot of dark color into a limited volume. It is advisable to choose a noble lilac tone that promotes relaxation.

To add dynamics, you can alternate wall tiles with varying degrees of purple tone saturation. At the same time, it is taken into account that this range requires addition with another less active color. The most harmonious is the white tone. Combines with purple, gray, green, and golden colors.

Black and white

The combination of two achromatic colors, black and white, is a classic solution for a large area.

Usually the floor, furniture, and accessories are decorated in black. This avoids some heaviness. The white solution of the upper surfaces and walls gives the room more light and visually increases its volume, so you should not skimp on its presence in the interior.

You can choose interesting, elegant, intertwined black patterns on a white tile background. A varied combination of these colors on the floor adds dynamics. Active red color in small quantities enhances the overall impression and emphasizes the noble depth of achromatic tones.


Solid brown color for the bathroom interior is chosen by calm and confident people. In contrast, it is possible to create a cozy, luxurious environment with cleanliness and order.

For small bathrooms, it is not recommended to paint all surfaces in brown. The notes of respectability will only intensify if you add elements of the universal white color.


The positive color of freshness, which is green, is associated with nature and spring. It simultaneously calms and fills with energy, creates an atmosphere of calm and gives a feeling of peace.

By shaping your future design in these shades, you are guaranteed to get an original and truly interesting bathroom interior.

For small rooms, you should not use too rich shades. The best choice is a light palette that harmonizes the space, making it balanced and welcoming. As additional color nuances, you can take almost any shade, but in small quantities. Successfully enhance the tonic energy of green: orange, white, yellow and beige accessories.


Relaxing blue has always been one of the popular colors in bathroom design. It does not stand out with expression, so sometimes it requires the addition of a contrasting texture. This can be a framing border, vertical or horizontal, a small fragment on the surface - floral, geometric, etc.

If by nature you are an introverted and irritable person, you should not choose dark varieties of blue for yourself, choose a calmer option. The ceiling can be made white, which will neutralize some of the sad note inherent in a large amount of blue.

Floor coverings. Here it is best to give preference to tiles made in light colors. We approach the choice of tiles with due attention, since a lot will depend on its quality.

Repair process

It is best to create a project where all dimensions, number of handles, shelves, and so on will be indicated.

It is important to carry out repairs in stages so that everything has time to dry and prepare for the next stage.

Communications in some apartments have to be updated, so it is important to pay attention to them and check whether they work well.

Rough and fine finishing of the premises

Firstly, it is necessary to deal with the placement of pipelines, which should be invisible after the completion of repair work. At this point, it is important to mark the places where hot and cold water will come out. The replacement must begin with the sewer pipes, not forgetting about the sealant for a reliable connection.

Next, you can start screeding the floor, insulating it in advance; glass-magnesite slabs are perfect for this. After the floor has been perfectly leveled with a fork, it must be brought to absolute smoothness using a polisher.

As for plastering walls, this procedure should be carried out exclusively on the beacons, and the plaster is applied in two layers, the last of which must be thoroughly sanded.

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In order to avoid the formation of condensation, the ceiling should be insulated.

Of several finishing options, a suspended ceiling is ideal, but you will need the help of a specialist to complete it.

Traditionally, the walls are tiled, but porcelain tiles are also suitable. It is also quite possible to use PVC panels, wallpaper or decorative plaster.

Ways to save on refurbishment

It is not always necessary to make repairs with a complete replacement of plumbing. Sometimes cosmetic intervention is enough. If a bathtub, faucets, heated towel rail and other functional devices can still be used, but they have lost their beauty in appearance, then the situation can be easily corrected.

For each element, there are tricks that will help solve the problem while saving replacement costs. The bathtub can be updated with acrylic, the faucets can be thoroughly cleaned, and the pipes can be coated with fresh enamel.

In large devices, important functional parts can be replaced, and the housing can be restored to its proper appearance.

Old pipes can be hidden in a special box. We must remember that the absence of functional impairment is more important, not appearance.

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