Basic principles of creating Indian style in the interior + photos and videos

It will not be difficult to implement Indian style in the interior of a modern home if you take the national flavor as a basis, add gold colors and elegant furniture. We’ll tell you what other characteristic features the direction has, what decorative elements can best emphasize the originality of the culture of a vibrant eastern country. Read on and find out what accessories you need to purchase to create the right atmosphere.

Indian style in the interior of a modern home Source

General characteristics of the style

India is a big country. It is inhabited by people who attach great importance to the spirituality of existence. Their life is orderly, strict and full of asceticism, but even the most modest housing can demonstrate the presence of subtle taste. It definitely has a touch of sophistication. And this is the most important component of Indian design.

A beautiful combination of grace and simplicity Source

Another one is the presence of arches, columns, niches. Creating them is expensive. It’s cheaper to paint all this on the walls or use it to frame mirrors, chair backs, cabinet fronts and kitchen units. The head of a bed or the back of a soft sofa can have an arch shape.

Bright colors dominate the decoration of the walls. Lots of orange, crimson, yellow, turquoise. Warm tones are necessarily diluted with cold ones. In this way it is possible to give depth to the finished interior. White color is not suitable for the implementation of Indian style. It is considered a temple and symbolizes renunciation from the world of wealth and luxury. In the homeland, the soul of the entire design is generally the color of muskmelon. Its core has a pleasant color, which contains notes of rich orange and red. Wood, metal, ivory and rich fabric textures are harmoniously combined with them.

The color of honeydew melon is a mixture of rich orange and red. Source

However, such richness and brightness is not considered mandatory today. You can completely adhere to the basic concept, even if you use a calm, neutral color scheme, against which the decor will then fully reveal itself. In this case, it is advantageous to use sand paints, shades of dark brown or delicate orange.

Indian interior gravitates towards floristry. That's why there are a lot of live or artificial plants around. They decorate living rooms and bedrooms. The image of flowers may be present in finishing materials and fabrics. All steep surfaces are traditionally covered with wallpaper with a gold or mother-of-pearl pattern. Some of the walls are draped with beautiful fabrics, others are decorated with carved wooden panels or paintings depicting Indian deities.

Wallpaper with gold and fabrics with rich texture Source

The ceiling decoration can be just as rich. It is appropriate to install multi-level structures made of plasterboard, use suspended ceilings, or create a tent from the material. Against the background of this design, a chandelier made of brass looks luxurious. The light emanating from it, falling into the formed folds and bends, is reflected from them and creates the desired atmosphere.

Tent ceiling with a chandelier in the middle Source

The floor is usually covered with ceramic tiles with characteristic Indian patterns or natural stone in light shades. Since in India a tree is a symbol of wealth, its use can be called quite appropriate. If you choose the right laminate or parquet, it will fit perfectly into the overall picture of the interior. At the final stage, you need to fumigate it with the aroma of sandalwood or patchouli, and then everything will work out.

Floor tiles are a traditional finishing material Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in paints and finishing materials

Color palette

The color palette in Indian style does not have strict boundaries. Any colors can be used. Exception: white is rarely used. It was considered the color of the poor.

This style loves tasty and warm colors. Cool colors are rare. Preference is given to woody and fiery. These are shades of brown, red, yellow and rich orange.

Ripe and bright colors fill the room with light and warmth, giving a feeling of comfort.

India is a land of spices and dance. The motives of these traditions are reflected in the colors of the interior in the Indian style:

  • the colorful dresses of the dancers were reflected in the patterned fabrics on the pillows, sofas and curtains;
  • coriander, cinnamon and other spices echo the woody tones in the interior.

Despite the riot of color, Indian style in the interior does not like a combination of more than six colors in one room. It looks oversaturated. It is better to use 5 or 6 related tones.

The best color combinations.

Main colorAdditional shades
BrownOrange, crimson, yellow, red, dark green.
Ripe cherryPink, emerald, pistachio, orange, red.
Dark brownBurgundy, orange-white, emerald, red, gold.
RedCrimson, sky blue, yellow, copper, fiery orange.

The main color takes up 60% of the color scheme of the room. Additional ones are distributed in approximately equal proportions. Using a ready-made palette allows you to achieve a harmonious effect.


Initially, even the filling of palaces and houses of wealthy nobles was as simple as possible; the furnishings were formed using roughly knocked together objects. Today, national Indian furniture is a work of art. It is made of natural wood, and then additionally decorated with carved ornaments and elements of artistic forging, inlaid with stones, and at the finishing stage covered with glossy varnish. Tables and chairs, doors and shutters are made in this way. The interior necessarily contains elegant screens, wood panels, panels, and other decorative elements.

Furniture in ethnic Indian style Source

Traditional furniture does not have backs or armrests. She's all very low. There are sofas and armchairs; Indian style involves choosing velor or suede with a national pattern for their upholstery. It can also be used on skin for these purposes. In any case, the soft group, as in Europe, is additionally decorated with pillows. There should be a lot of them. Pillowcases for them are sewn from various “rich in texture” fabrics, and then additionally decorated with beads and large beads. The sofa may also have a coffee table with a glass top and massive, intricately curved legs.

Low furniture and a large number of soft pillows Source

Traditional patterns

The second, equally important element of Indian culture is their passion for certain patterns. Favorite patterns include the Indian version of paisley, intricate mandala motifs and themes inspired by nature, flowers, birds and animals.

Some motifs have deep religious and cultural symbolism. They can be found everywhere: on decorative tapestries, decorated tables, patchwork quilts, patterned mosaic floors.

Additional decorative elements

In addition to bright fabrics and plenty of pillows, accessories will help add completeness to the interior. These could be elephants displayed in a caravan, made of natural bone. Or wooden figurines of gods. Since there are an incredible variety of them in India, there are items on sale that can help decorate your bedroom, living room, and kitchen.

Figurines of gods will help emphasize the style of the interior Source


India is historically famous for producing fine textiles. They are everywhere in the interior: long, flowing curtains on the windows, fancy awnings over the beds, sheets thrown on the sofa. With the help of fabrics, Hindus show the hierarchy of things in the house: the main pieces of furniture or the pillows on them are upholstered with silk. Cotton is used for the side stools and plain fabrics like jute are used for the small foot stools. [sidebar:|»Carpets are important. In 1580, Emperor Akbar founded a carpet factory in Lahore. Later weaving spread throughout all Indian cities. The people learned to weave carpets from the Persians, but then began to use much more plant and animal motifs in"|]

Briefly about the main thing

It is impossible to reproduce exactly the Indian interior in a modern home. You can try to create a special colorful atmosphere. To do this, you need to paint the walls in bright orange, crimson or turquoise tones, lay a dark-colored laminate on the floor, and drape some of the walls with richly textured fabrics with traditional floral patterns.

Natural wood furniture is most suitable for filling the interior. It should have simple, streamlined shapes and a low-slung design. The upholstered group is covered with materials embroidered with gold thread; chairs, tables, beds, cabinets are additionally decorated with inlay and must be varnished.

If you put a figurine of Buddha or a multi-armed Ganesha on a carved chest of drawers, metal dishes decorated with chasing in the cabinets, and throw a brightly colored carpet on the floor, you will be able to completely create the Indian spirit.


Light adds harmony to the atmosphere of the finished interior. Indian style is characterized by:

  • using one main light source. This is usually a large and lavishly decorated chandelier;
  • lots of extra light. These are candles, aroma lamps, lamps and floor lamps. Their use instead of the main light creates a subdued and romantic atmosphere in the room.

For Indian style it is better to use warm lighting. It harmonizes perfectly with the color scheme of brown and reddish tones. Cold light will create an imbalance and distort the perception of style.


When bringing your ideas to life and introducing Indian features into the interior, do not forget about accessories; they complete the design and emphasize its features.

For decoration you can use:

  • Textiles, and there can’t be too much of it. Use various pillows, bedspreads, napkins. Such products can be brocade, silk or velvet. And be sure to transform them by embroidering them with gold threads or beads.
  • Flowers, and certainly alive and bright.
  • Various statues of Buddha, Indian dancers, elephants.
  • Carved boxes.
  • Bronze or gilded vases and jugs.
  • Mosaic or stained glass panels, complemented with semi-precious stones.

If you choose Indian style, then be sure that the room will be transformed and become colorful and bright. But to do this, adhere to the basic rules of design.


The interior should be dominated by warm shades - orange, raspberry, pink, brown. To decorate the walls, you can use paint or wallpaper that has a traditional oriental design. Textile wallpaper that imitates expensive fabric is suitable. Wood paneling with carvings is also acceptable for Indian style.

The ceiling can be decorated with rich shades. Paintable wallpaper is suitable for this. Stretch ceilings and plasterboard structures are also relevant. The most suitable option is to create a textile canopy, in the center of which there will be a huge chandelier.

As a floor covering, you can use stone, parquet or laminate, tiles. 3D self-leveling floors with an oriental style pattern are also suitable.

Indian ornaments with geometry: simplicity and perfection of forms

Geometry in India is widely used both on fabrics and household items, and in mehendi (henna painting). Each geometric figure woven into Indian ornaments has a sacred meaning for local residents:

  1. Angles and lines. The symbols that make up a triangle looking up mean fire. If the top of the triangle “looks” down, it is interpreted as water and mercy.
  2. The square is stability, a symbol of one’s own shelter.
  3. The star is a symbol of hope.
  4. The cross is a source of energy.
  5. The octagon is the personification of protection, a symbol of reliability.
  6. Variations of circles - life.

Stone patterns are the titanic work of sculptors of the past.
Each element of the pattern is elegant and precise in order to convey the meaning as best as possible. All Indian geometric patterns are meditative and attractive, with filigree elements.

Delhi markets are the best way to explore Indian designs

“Muslims can be safely ignored”

Country style in the interior (80 photos)
In turn, Bloomberg columnist Mihir Sharma recalls that “two impressive victories of Modi in the elections, according to nationalists, proved to India that the opinion of Muslims living in the country can be safely ignored.” According to the author, the ceremony in Ayodhya became evidence of “the transformation of India from a secular-nationalist republic into an ethno-nationalist state.” “Twenty, even ten years ago, there would have been an outcry in the press and the public over the leadership role played by the Prime Minister in such a religio-political spectacle,” writes Sharma, adding that now “Hindu nationalism has so captured the very soul of India that TV presenters indulged in religious chants, and the front pages of newspapers looked more like religious calendars.”

Strengthened faith

Photo: Global Look Press/Hindustan Times/imago stock&people

According to Alexey Kupriyanov, senior researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, after the official start of construction of the Hindu temple in Ayodhya, unrest among Muslims is possible, but there will most likely not be any powerful protests. “Muslims, who already do not particularly support Modi, will vote for him even less in the next elections,” the expert believes. “But the prime minister does not see anything dangerous in this for himself, since the majority of the population of India are Hindus.” By starting construction, Modi gains more votes than he loses.”

In India “there has always been a very specific understanding of a secular state”; it is “completely not secular according to the European model”, the specialist notes. Indicative in this regard is, for example, the absence of a unified civil code in the country. “When the country was created, it turned out that each religion lived according to its own law. That is, there was not, for example, a single marriage law, but there was a separate marriage law for Hindus, a separate law for Muslims and a separate law for Christians, depending on their religious customs,” the Indologist recalled.

The conclusion of the Ayodhya dispute is “another step in a process that has never stopped and became especially noticeable half a century ago.” Now this is “Modi’s attempt to create a national state in his understanding, which does not necessarily have to be secular,” says Kupriyanov. The prime minister’s policy, he said, is new steps to “transform India from a conglomerate of peoples with a mass of different languages ​​and religions into a state that rests on the Hindu majority.”

Taj Mahal, dawn

The story of the creation of the Taj Mahal is romantic. It was ordered to be erected by Shah Jahan I in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal after she died giving birth to her 14th child.

Photo: Getty Images/Prasit Chansareekorn

Taj Mahal

The construction itself took more than 20 years - starting in 1632, it was completed only in 1653


Taj Mahal, archive

The Taj Mahal building, surrounded by four minarets, in May 1910

Photo: Getty Images

Taj Mahal, interior

More than 20 thousand artisans and craftsmen and about 30 thousand ordinary workers worked on the construction of the architectural masterpiece


Taj Mahal

The main material from which the palace is made is translucent marble, which changes color depending on the time of day. It appears pink early in the morning, white during the day, and silver at night.


Taj Mahal, sunset

At first, marble was mined almost 300 km from the construction site; on the approach to the future Taj Mahal, a special ramp was built along which heavy blocks were pulled by teams, each of which consisted of 30 bulls

Photo: Getty Images

Taj Mahal

Inside, the walls of the palace are inlaid with turquoise, agate, malachite and carnelian

Photo: Getty Images/Zanariah Salam

Taj Mahal, India

Soon after the completion of construction, in 1658, Shah Jahan himself was buried in the Taj Mahal.

Photo: Getty Images/Amir Ghasemi

Taj Mahal, interior, India

Every year, the architectural monument is visited by several million tourists; their number can reach 10 thousand people per day. In the spring of 2018, the country's authorities announced that they would limit visiting hours, fearing for the safety of the building.


Taj Mahal, India

However, the ancient Taj Mahal suffers not only from the influx of people - cracks appeared on the walls due to the shallowing of the river flowing nearby (potentially this could also lead to subsidence of the ground under the building), in addition, due to air pollution, they lost their white color


Branded clothing in boho style: a silent dialogue with India

Boho fashion for India is a new take on old things with many stylish 'dialects'. It features lots of attractive layering, lace scarves, flannel, velvet and fringe. All fashion is convenient and comfortable, without a hint of leather or fur. But colorful prints of paisley, Indian elephants, and lotus literally “bloom” on bloomers, dresses, and saris.

You will have to work hard to create a boho look inspired by India.

How about a branded dress that resembles a sari?

So, in the Prada collections there are a lot of things with Indian quotes and geometric embroideries. Indian fashion combines tops with long skirts similar to lehengas. They are worn over trousers, representing a luxurious Indian boho style. Indian fashion takes a lot from the 60s: hippie headbands, maxi length, massive earrings, as well as a lot of things with different textures.

Airy sundresses in Indian colors and massive boots - a harmonious duet

A brand new checkered suit for real ladies will also fit into the Indian boho look

Some will be inspired by Indian boho from Christian Dior - cocktail dresses tailored like a sari, while others will mix Indian skirts, harem pants and vests with basic wardrobe items. Fashion designers and provocateurs Alpana & Neeraj will teach you how to present Indian boho style in a fashionable and modern way.

Boho from India is not devoid of grace and femininity

From general to specific

The elegance of Indian style is hidden in simple details and attention to the finishing of every element of the room. The walls are usually covered with warm-colored paint, decorated with characteristic ornaments, wooden carvings or wallpaper stylized as expensive fabrics.

A bright stretch or figured multi-level ceiling will ideally complement the room, and in some cases even correctly selected ceiling wallpaper will sparkle with new colors.

To cover the floor in Indian traditions, natural materials are used - wood and stone, and in the modern interpretation of the oriental style, 3D floors are perfect.

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