Matte bathroom (150 photos): designer tips on combining matte surfaces, a review of interesting ideas

The bathroom is one of the most frequently visited rooms in an apartment or house. When purchasing a shower stall for your bathroom, it is recommended to take into account the area of ​​the bathroom and also take into account its design. Hence the choice of modification, shape, size, functionality, as well as the type of opening of the shower doors.

The shape of the cabin directly depends on the pallet. They come in round, semicircular, square, rectangular and pentagonal shapes. The height of the threshold and the depth of the tray deserve special attention.

The quality and cost are affected by the material used to make the pallets. They are usually made from steel, acrylic or composite materials.

As for modifications of shower cabins, there are several of them:
  • simple;
  • multifunctional;
  • with steam generator;
  • hydroboxes.

Semicircular cabins are ideal for small spaces. They take up minimal space, saving space and making various arrangements possible in the room. You can choose cabins with double or sliding doors with convenient handles. For installation in a larger bathroom, it is preferable to choose square cabins with more space for bathing.

They allow you to create an elegant bathroom style using the available space for a bathtub or Jacuzzi. You can purchase a simple cabin or one with hydromassage. Changing the nozzles in such a shower allows you to enjoy needle-shaped or pulsating streams of water, affecting the skin thermally and mechanically at the same time.

Choosing a shower cabin, attention to detail. When choosing a cabin, it is recommended to pay attention not only to the elegant profile of the product, but also to pay attention to the details and their finishing. It is the handles, hinges and hangers that determine the functionality of the cabin. Parts made from high-quality materials will ensure comfortable use and stable service of the shower cabin.

A little about the features

Frosted glass in the bathroom in the form of an attractive curtain was liked by both designers and owners due to its obvious advantages:

  • Special tempered glass;
  • Lightweight plastic or safety polycarbonate support parts;
  • Resistance to influences from outside inside, which is good for families with small children;
  • Service life of at least ten years;
  • Lack of sensitivity to high humidity and temperature changes, which allows you to fully use wellness treatments with a hot bath or contrast shower;
  • With proper daily care, wiping with glass surface cleaner, the possibility of a fungal effect is completely eliminated;
  • Tightness of the structure.

Stack curtains are so diverse that they will allow you to put any original idea into practice. Tinted, transparent, patterned, with a smooth or corrugated surface, matte - they all evoke admiration and interest.

For lovers of extravagant design, products with laser engraving and stained glass inserts are produced. The decoupage technique will help you quite easily transform an ordinary smooth surface into a unique interior element. Moreover, neither patterns nor colors affect the ability to transmit light in any way.

The curtain will look attractive and aesthetically pleasing for many years. Despite the high cost of such an investment, the expense is justified by a long period of operation.

Assortment of matte ceramics

Today, the use of tiles that imitate various materials and textiles is in fashion. Such stylizations look very believable on a non-shiny plane. Sand, clay, wood, linen and natural stone do not actually have a glossy surface. The closest imitation to reality is possible only on matte ceramics. Modern tile manufacturing technologies make it possible to recreate individual glossy areas on a non-shiny background of the coating, if this is necessary for a believable appearance of the material.

A realistic imitation of wood is suitable for country style

As for the color range, the choice is very large. Fans of dark, rich shades, light pastel palettes or bright designs will definitely be pleased with the range of colors offered. You can see photos of samples of matte tiles, their colors and textures in the gallery of this article.

At the same time discreet and bright interior

The surface texture itself can be smooth or embossed, with or without ornament. In a word, matte tiles in the bathroom leave only positive reviews about the design and texture of its surface.

Gray matte finish

Various photos of a matte bathtub show how strictly and at the same time chic this finish looks.

  • The entire huge palette of gray tones from very light to rich dark shows the endless possibilities of possible combinations.
  • Especially in this case, bright colors of red, turquoise, yellow and pink are good.
  • This color predisposes to its widespread use in gray matte bathroom finishes, without fear of a dull reaction to such a design.
  • This is one of the few shades that is a pleasure to work with.

The most interesting and balanced design projects are created thanks to this palette.

Accent fragments are best made from rich “wet asphalt”, graphite or anthracite. There are many original techniques that help to properly distribute light and shadows in a room, filling the room with an organic atmosphere and comfort.

“Mouse” color, steel, silver, shades of dusty gray and lead are perfect for rooms of any size. Design work pays special attention to the presence of a bluish color in the interior, along with gray. Great combinations arise when greyish is combined with purple or green.

It is only necessary to take into account two important factors:

  • Light level, individual for each case;
  • Selecting suitable accessories and furniture items.

How to choose

When choosing a material, first of all, you need to start from the desires of the owner and the intended interior.

You cannot compare glossy and matte tiles, because these are 2 different building materials, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

First you need to weigh the pros and cons:

  1. Glossy tiles look beautiful when they are completely polished. In everyday conditions, finger stains and water stains remain on it. On a matte finish, all errors are less visible.
  2. If there is a person with allergies in the house, it is better to veneer it with gloss, because... The matte surface is porous and can harbor fungus and bacteria.
  3. Visually, both types of tiles look good and aesthetically pleasing, but a shiny and reflective surface can visually make a room larger.
  4. If the housewife does not have enough time and desire for constant cleaning and cleaning, it is better to choose matte tiles.
  5. In poor lighting, it is better to place a shiny surface to make the room seem brighter.

Matte tiles. Flaws

The muted matte interior has the peculiarity of combining the perfect background with elegance. First of all, it attracts with its practicality and anti-slip effect.

Ceramics do not reflect light well, which allows you to not be too zealous in the struggle for perfect cleanliness. It is always pleasant to touch, not to mention the fact that minor scratches are not visible at all.

As for the disadvantages of matte bathroom tiles, they are very insignificant compared to the advantages:

  • Insufficient decorativeness makes it unattractive in rooms with small dimensions, where glossy surfaces are more preferable;
  • Excessive porosity means that removal of some contaminants takes longer and is more difficult.


In addition to white, only 1 tile can be made without texture - imitation marble. It suits both modern and classic bathroom design styles. But the main thing to understand is that marble is a risky option. It is difficult to formalize which marble tiles are good. Therefore, we look at specific examples. Very poor marble imitation:



There is a thin line between good and bad marble tiles, if you are not sure, choose something else.

To imitate all other materials, in addition to the pattern, the texture must also be conveyed. On stands this is usually not felt as much as after installation. Photos on the Internet also convey the texture very poorly. Everything needs to be seen live and definitely touched with your hands.

The hottest tile designs in 2022 are concrete and wood. The former look very cool in a matte finish (but matte is more expensive), and wood with a deep texture. Because the concrete is gray and uneven, even if there is no texture it is very practical and water stains are not visible on it. Let's look at the options for gray cladding in real photos.

Expensive matte concrete tiles:

Average price ($11/m2) gray tiles without texture from that bathroom with a shower from the 1st part:

And several economy class options from Belarusian:

Matte surface of bathroom doors

The latest fashion trends clearly show the continued relevance of the preference for installing frosted doors in the bathtub.

This type of glass has many advantages to become an organic additional element of a modern bathroom, namely:

  • Excellent soundproofing qualities that will not disturb those around you from going about their business without being distracted by the annoying noise of water;
  • A room equipped in this way will allow natural light to pass freely, thereby becoming visually more spacious;
  • There is no “hint” of corrosion;
  • High resistance to humid environments and temperature changes;
  • You can forget about fungi and mold;
  • Environmental friendliness combined with reliable performance;
  • Durability and immunity to shocks;
  • Comfortable pastime thanks to the created private atmosphere. You can only see vague outlines without any details;
  • The price range is so wide that you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Despite the fact that this fashion trend was born in European countries, it has become quite firmly established and to this day does not stop in its development.

Determining the design

Before you start renovating your bathroom, you need to prepare a design project. But first, a design style is chosen. It can be anything, it all depends on the taste of the owners.

The differences between the styles are:

  • in space zoning;
  • in the rationality of the distribution of bathroom space;
  • in expanding or reducing free space;
  • in decorating facing materials;
  • in a combination of tone and texture of materials;
  • convenient location of plumbing fixtures.

You should also familiarize yourself with the rules of interior design.

  1. Choice of colors. The bathroom palette is selected depending on the size of the room. For small rooms, choose one color and up to 3 shades of it. It can be white, black, beige, gold or interspersed with contrasting shades.
  2. The design of the bathroom can be in the same style as the apartment. It should not be overloaded with furniture and decor. This applies to both large and small rooms.
  3. Tiles for floors and walls are selected in tones of different intensities. The top is lighter, the bottom is darker. For small rooms, the color intensity between the floor and walls should differ by a couple of tones.
  4. With plain walls, the floor is made with tiles with a pattern or plain in different ways. This will avoid boredom in the interior of the bathroom and emphasize its modernity and style.
  5. Plumbing fixtures are most often chosen in a universal white palette. The color scheme may be different if provided for in the design project.
  6. Furniture can be matching tiles or contrasting, if required by the design project.

And tile size

The tiles are chosen in such a size that trimming is minimal. Square tiles measuring 20x20 cm look good on the walls and do not waste much; they are used for wall cladding. The tiles can be of other sizes.

Floor tiles are available in square and rectangular shapes. Standard sizes are from 10x10 to 60x60 cm for a square shape and from 20x10 to 40x30 cm for a rectangular shape of porcelain floor tiles. In a modern interior, bathroom tiles of 20x50 cm and other non-standard sizes can be used, if required by the design project.

Photo of a matte bathroom

Features of glossy tiles

Factories make tiles from ceramics, which are often called tiles. She enjoys wide popularity. Individual elements differ in shape, color, surface texture, pattern, and size. Products are divided into 2 types: matte and glossy. The last type is a wall covering material that has a smooth and shiny surface. Tiles are used in various objects: in houses and apartments, in bathhouses, swimming pools, in factories, in hospitals.

Glitter visually increases the area of ​​the room, giving it a more noble look. This material should not be placed on the floor to avoid injury after a fall. Sometimes the ceiling is tiled.

This is beautiful, but you should take into account the weight of the material, which can cause a lot of trouble if it falls from above. With the help of special adhesive solutions, tiles are easily laid on the surface, covering small flaws. Even a novice master can handle the job.

There are many tile manufacturers in Russia and abroad. Everyone independently chooses the size and shape of the ceramic products produced. These parameters are often the calling card of an enterprise. The most popular size options: 15x20, 20x30, 30x30 cm. There are various exotic shapes and sizes on the market: curved, diamond-shaped.

The products are produced mostly for finishing bathrooms. This affected their cold color shades: blue, blue, turquoise, green. Colors that imitate natural stone look good: granite, marble, onyx.

Operational advantages

  • Strength and wear resistance

Matte ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles are very durable. This type of finish can be confidently used for rooms subject to heavy traffic on a daily basis. At the same time, porcelain stoneware cladding can withstand even high pressure, direct impacts and heavy mechanical loads.

  • Durability

High-quality matte tiles are not afraid of high humidity, temperature changes, exposure to sunlight, and can serve for years, and in the case of porcelain stoneware, for decades, practically without losing their attractiveness.

  • Simple daily care

The absence of a glossy glaze minimizes routine maintenance of the rough ceramic surface. Due to the weak reflective effect, traces of drops, stains and streaks are practically invisible on the tiles.

  • Good surface adhesion and anti-slip properties

The surface is rough to the touch and significantly reduces slipping. Unlike glossy tiles, matte tiles remain safe even when exposed to water. Due to its good adhesion, matte ceramics can be freely used for finishing rooms used by children and people with disabilities.

  • Resistance to scratches and microdamages

The Mohs scale is responsible for the resistance of ceramics to microdamage. This characteristic is especially important for floor finishes that have a high risk of scratches. The highest properties are demonstrated by matte porcelain stoneware, which not only resists exposure for the longest possible time, but also, thanks to its low reflective effect, visually hides microdefects.

In the photo: GayaFores Carven

Is it possible to combine both types?

Often, when decorating premises, 2 types of tiles are used. It is placed on vertical surfaces in different ways: horizontally, vertically, diagonally, in the form of a mosaic and other methods. High-quality installation ensures a coating service life of tens of years. When using both types of ceramic products, elements with a glossy surface are used on the walls, and elements with a matte structure are used on the floor. The final choice is made by the homeowner.

You can use a compromise option - tiling the bathroom with semi-matte tiles. It is not conspicuous, does not shine, but combines the advantages of all types of ceramic products.

Types of flooring

For flooring options there are fewer options, there are the following types:

  1. Metlakh tiles are considered the most stable and frequently used material
  2. Clinker cladding is suitable for rooms with high levels of humidity, for example, a sauna. It washes off easily, is not slippery, and does not leave streaks.
  3. Glazed coating. It has increased strength and does not crack when laid. It is a material of increased brightness and does not lose it during operation.
  4. Pressed coating. Perfect for both modern and classic styles.
  5. With no enamel coating. Resistant material, does not slip, has sufficient hardness.
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