How to make a beautiful design for a kitchen living room of 18 sq.m.

Design is of great importance. Well-thought-out finishing allows you to hide the shortcomings of the room and emphasize its advantages. If the kitchen and living room are combined in one room, you should carefully consider the design. It is important to visually delimit and designate each zone, but respect the general style of the space.

An area of ​​18 square meters is enough to organize a comfortable kitchen-living room

How to decorate a kitchen-living room of 18 sq. m.

To create a comfortable room where several rooms with different functional purposes will be combined requires maximum effort. In addition to personal taste preferences, you need to take into account the features of the space, pros and cons. You can use color contrast to designate zones.

Combining rooms expands the functionality of the room

Any redevelopment must be carefully considered

Before starting major repair work, you should carefully study the location of communications, window and door openings, and load-bearing walls. It is recommended to consider the following:

  1. The redevelopment must first be agreed upon with the relevant authorities and permission obtained.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the nuances that imply strict prohibitions.
  3. Determine in advance the availability of a gas point. The presence of a gas stove implies the impossibility of combining the kitchen and living room. This kind of thing should be abandoned.

Only after these issues have been resolved can we proceed to design development.

At the project development stage, it is necessary to take into account how the kitchen area will be separated from the living room

Interior design of the kitchen-living room requires knowledge of certain design tricks

See alsoKitchen living room 20 sq m with sofa

Difficulties with redevelopment

When deciding to combine a kitchen with a living room, the apartment owner is required to visit certain government agencies. In particular, coordinate the housing redevelopment project with the staff of the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI). Before that, you still have to compose it.

Design of a combined kitchen with a living room in a Euro two-room apartment Source

All this will require additional financial costs, as well as a fairly long period of time. After all, approval lasts from 3 to 6 months. And it is not yet clear whether the decision will be positive. If the wall that is about to be demolished turns out to be load-bearing, then you can receive a categorical refusal.

Interior of a kitchen combined with a living room Source

But there is a way to get around these difficulties. You will have to fork out a significant amount and hire a serious construction company that has sufficient experience in this area. The specialized organization will draw up a new project, which will indicate how the load on the load-bearing plane is compensated. And after its approval, he will carry out all the work.

Kitchen combined with living room, with loft elements Source

Unauthorized demolition of a load-bearing wall entails administrative liability. But some citizens are not afraid of penalties and carry out such actions illegally. In addition, they often trust non-professionals, and their intervention in the design of the house leads to disastrous results.

Connecting two rooms to create a kitchen-living room Source

Having lost its support points, the house may subsequently collapse. People may get hurt. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the laws and, before any redevelopment work, be sure to coordinate them with technical specialists.

Kitchen connected to the living room and decorated in light colors Source

Successful zoning of the kitchen and living room

Zoning allows you to combine several rooms on one territory without losing the individuality of each. It is recommended to decide in advance on the location of the segments, including the dining area and relaxation area. There are certain recommendations that should be followed. But you can add personality and make additions according to your preferences.

Usually in the kitchen-living room there are working and dining areas, as well as a place to relax

When planning your cooking space, it is important to follow the “working triangle” rule.

Useful tips:

  1. Find out in advance what exactly you will do in the kitchen and living room.
  2. Decide on the distance required to move comfortably around the existing area. There should be enough space to walk comfortably and perform various manipulations. It shouldn't be crowded.
  3. Make a floor plan of the room, noting the areas that are used most often.
  4. Based on your plan, draw out frequent travel routes. Assess how comfortable they are and whether they will be tight.
  5. It is recommended to arrange furniture so that it does not take up extra squares, but saves space.

Each functional area has its own set of furniture pieces

Important. To achieve a unified style, you should purchase furniture of the same shade for each area.

Kitchen-living room design in Provence style

See also Room design 18 sq. m.


All used parts of the headset are installed along two opposite walls with this layout. With its help, they create a practical and functional design.

The two-row option makes it possible to rationally use the available space, creating a comfortable environment for all family members. This set does not have end elements or corner storage systems.

The modules allow you to accommodate a large number of items that the housewife needs. You should not order a heavy table for the dining area; it is difficult to move it to the side if necessary.

Light colors are chosen for finishing surfaces to make the room seem more spacious. Glossy and glass elements will fill the interior with air and light.

Furnishing options

The highlighted segments should be different to identify each zone. But it is recommended to maintain a consistent design to create cohesion. Therefore, you should not purchase items that differ in style. A single furniture design will create the effect of completeness.

Furniture, decoration and decor - everything should be combined with each other

When choosing furniture, you should consider many important nuances. It is worth deciding in advance on its quality and appearance, so as not to waste the best time and money if a selection error is made. Rely on the following recommendations:

  • The material depends on the chosen style direction. Some interiors involve the use of exclusively natural raw materials. Buy models that are easy to care for. It is important that items can withstand high humidity atmospheres.
  • Give preference to ergonomics and simplicity. The selected models should not become an obstacle to convenient movement around the space.
  • Choose multifunctional furniture. Models that can be easily transformed are suitable. Such a solution will save more free space and will not take up extra squares. The room will look spacious.
  • For zoning, you can use special partitions. They are solid, portable, stationary. The choice is huge, which allows you to find the right option for a specific case.

Convenience and capacity are the main qualities of kitchen furniture

Avoid placing the chandelier on the border of zones. It is recommended to choose small luminaires for each segment.

See also Studio design 18 sq m

Decoration with color

Properly chosen shades can delimit several areas connected in one territory, visually making the space larger, lighter and more spacious. The style determines the basis of the tones used in the room. If you prefer Provence, then light shades will predominate. High-tech allows the use of contrasting, bright colors.

Different wall decorations are the most affordable way to divide space

You can choose wallpaper or paint as a finishing material. For the kitchen, you should choose coatings that can withstand certain, difficult conditions. This applies not only to covering walls, but also ceilings and floors. It is not recommended to use carpet in the kitchen. The option is not practical. Its frequent contamination and difficulty in maintaining it will cause a lot of trouble. For a living room, carpeting is more suitable. It will look organic and appropriate.

A large carpet will look stylish in the sofa area

There are several different color options:

  1. A light and warm palette for paint or wallpaper.
  2. A combination of contrasting and catchy tones.
  3. Classic design in black and white.

The final choice will depend on the basic design of the room. It is important that everything looks harmonious. Significant differences in palette between segments are unacceptable.

Window decoration plays an important role in creating a kitchen-living room design

See alsoDesign of a children's room for a girl 12 sq.m. m.

Selecting the interior style

Fresh and original rooms are obtained in various styles. By choosing a loft style, the unusual taste of the owners will be visible. Brickwork, concrete, metal, wooden elements and gloss are used for finishing.

Scandinavian design of a small kitchen-living room is filled with light and air. It is built on white colors and natural textures (wood, metal, stone). Everything is diluted with catchy colors - blue, red, green, yellow. But they should be in moderation so as not to drown out the white tone.

Modern styles are very functional and practical. Surfaces can be painted, covered with wallpaper, ceramic tiles, laminate. They do not require large expenses, so they are often used for houses and apartments.

Rustic Provence and country are gentle and elegant. They will allow you to plunge into a carefree, relaxed atmosphere. Curtains, wallpaper, furniture upholstery can be plain, checkered or with a floral print. Natural textures, such as wood, should also be used for furniture.

Classical trends will require clarity and canonicity of all details. Colors should be soft or bright, but noble and rich tones. The furniture should have carved elements and gilding.

Varied layout of the kitchen-living room 18 sq. m.

There are various types of layouts that allow you to conveniently place the necessary items and comfortably move around the area. The most suitable options for the specified area are shown in the table:

SquareItems are arranged according to the specified form. It is possible to change the placement of furniture according to your own choice.
L-shapedThe most common layout. Allows you to use the corner, which increases the useful use of the available space.
U-shapedAssumes the presence of only one free wall. The remaining three are occupied by necessary items and a dining area.

L-shaped layout is versatile, compact and convenient

It is reasonable to use a U-shaped layout if the room width is at least 2.5 m; with smaller sizes, the work area will simply be cramped and uncomfortable

If there is enough territory, you can place an island that will serve as a work area or dining segment. It will not be possible to implement such an idea in a small kitchen. But if there are enough meters, you should choose this option.

Walkways around the island must be at least 1 m wide

In a kitchen with an area of ​​18 square meters you can fit both an island and a dining table, but only if they are small in size

If the kitchen set is placed in one line, then you should delimit the work area and the relaxation segment. You can use an island or bar counter as a division.

A linear kitchen can be made more convenient by adding a peninsula to it

Planning can be done independently or with the help of professionals. They will help you correctly place accents and evaluate the available space. You can start zoning only after determining the layout.

Important. Proper placement of items will create practicality and comfort in one room. When installing furniture, remember that it should not create obstacles for movement.

The choice of furniture depends on the style direction and personal preferences

See also Kitchen design 6 sq. meters: choice of style, furniture, lighting.

Furniture arrangement

Before renovation, you should also take care of the arrangement of furniture. It should be placed based on the needs, size of the room and the chosen style. Basic rules to follow:

  • Availability of a balcony. If the room has a balcony, then it is necessary to leave free space and a passage to it. In this case, the furniture is located along the walls. If the layout is linear or parallel, then you should choose a table that can be removed or folded. This will significantly save space.
  • Windows and lighting. If the room is bright enough, then you can place the dining table in the middle, otherwise it is better to do it near the window. It is also important to take care of artificial lighting in advance, which is important in the evening and at night.

Subtleties of room zoning

A bar counter is often used as an element for dividing a room into segments. It can be stationary or retractable. Can serve as a work surface or dining table.

A small bar counter in the form of a peninsula can serve as a continuation of the work area and be used as a table for morning coffee

If you don't want to install partitions, you can create boundaries using color or furniture pieces. You can choose a corner sofa or several soft chairs arranged in a semicircle. The color palette should not create a sharp contrast between zones.

A popular zoning method is a multi-level ceiling or flooring. Tiles are often used in the kitchen; laminate or carpet are suitable for the living room.

A light wooden partition harmoniously divides the room into two functional zones

The most popular methods for dividing space should be noted:

  • bar counter;
  • dinner table;
  • dividing island;
  • floor with different height levels;
  • partitions or screen;
  • multi-level ceiling;
  • sofa.

The final option should be chosen based on convenience and personal preference.

A bar counter located at an angle successfully divides an irregularly shaped room

See alsoKitchen design 11 sq.m. with options for choosing furniture for different layouts

Choosing a gender

There are many nuances in choosing flooring. The area can be the same, emphasizing the unity, or zone the kitchen and living room separately, decide for yourself.

Floor coverings offered in stores:

  • Tile;
  • Carpet in the living room;
  • Linoleum;
  • Laminate;
  • Parquet board;
  • Self-leveling floor.

By removing the partitions, instead of small rooms we get one large, spacious and bright one, where the whole family and visiting guests can comfortably accommodate.

Ceramic floor tiles will fit well into the kitchen design; in addition, it becomes possible to make a heated floor. The tiles are chosen in one color or combined. The disadvantage of this coating is that accidentally dropped glassware will instantly break.

To organically merge two or more functional areas, it is necessary to create a single style design.

Perfectly smooth self-leveling flooring, distinguished by its unique beauty, modern style, and quality, is gaining popularity. It is made using self-leveling mixtures. You won’t be able to create it yourself; it requires masters. The self-leveling floor in the living room with a pattern looks impressive. A monochromatic option for the kitchen is also appropriate.

When using linoleum or laminate, lay the same type over the entire area, or make a combination by highlighting the kitchen area with a different color. Make the transition semicircular, diagonally, which looks beautiful. Hide the connection line with the living room with a strip, connecting profile or threshold that matches the color scheme.

Take care of a harmonious transition.

It is advisable to zone the space using a multi-level floor. A frame or monolithic podium is mounted, usually in the kitchen area. It is not difficult to make it on your own. To decorate the frame, different options are used: light elements, mosaics, mirror tiles, etc. This option is not suitable for families with children.

It is appropriate to complement the sitting area of ​​the living room with a soft carpet that matches the style; this will serve as a source of additional comfort and coziness. It is much more pleasant to walk on a warm, soft carpet than on a cold hard floor. To zone the space, choose a rug in a contrasting color.

Carpets vary not only in shape, but also in size. Determine which one is best suited for the interior.

Lighting is another important aspect

Lighting is of great importance. If a mistake is made, care will become gloomy and cold. Combining a living room and kitchen involves creating a work area, a dining segment and a place to relax. Individual lighting should be selected for each area. No chandelier at the junction of segments. Such a solution looks tasteless.

Pendant lamps above the bar counter also participate in zoning the kitchen-living room space

The workspace requires maximum lighting. Better cold light, spotlights in a suspended ceiling. Additionally, you can place lighting below and on the shelves for evening time. For the dining area, choose bright, warm light. The resting place should have dim and light lighting.

Spotlights on a dedicated ceiling beam look good

See alsoKitchen design 2022: fashionable interior design solutions

Finishing of various zones

Finishing allows you to visually differentiate several rooms without disturbing the overall style. It is important to consider the characteristics of each segment to select the correct material. Not just any covering is suitable for the kitchen. It is better to tiling the floor with tiles with a special surface that allows you to avoid slipping. The selected coatings should be as easy to care for as possible.

Tiled tiles, stone trim or porcelain tiles are appropriate for the kitchen backsplash

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Photo gallery

See also: Dining tables with marble tops: rules of use and care, useful recommendations

Kitchen-living room with corner set

See alsoDesign of a kitchen-living room with a bay window: layout, zoning

Kitchen-living room with partition

See alsoLight green kitchen design

Other ideas for a kitchen-living room with an area of ​​18 square meters

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