Bed for the bedroom: 170 photos of the best models and modern design. Instructions for placement and combination in the interior

According to statistics, each of us spends a third of our lives sleeping. This is one of our physiological needs. Therefore, it is in the interests of the person himself to make this process as pleasant as possible. A properly selected bed will ensure a good mood in the morning and a sound and healthy sleep. An uncomfortable and hard bed contributes to problems with the spine, a feeling of weakness and fatigue.

Width of the bed in the bedroom

When we are talking not about a folding sofa or chair, but about a full bed, it is very important to determine its size in advance. It is worth remembering that there should be at least 50 cm of free space between the sides of the bed and other pieces of furniture so that it is convenient to move around in the bedroom. Before going to the store, measure your bedroom and think about how you can place the bed in the bedroom so that it does not interfere.

Furniture experts advise choosing the largest size bed that will fit in your room, taking into account the aisles. In stores you can find beds of standard sizes:

  • 1 bedroom – 100 cm;
  • 1.5 bedroom – 140 cm;
  • 2-bedroom – 160 cm;
  • "Kingsize" - 180 cm;
  • Increased dimensions – 200 cm.

These dimensions refer only to the sleeping area; the frame may be larger. Take this into account when taking measurements.

The length of the bed is determined by adding 20 cm to the owner’s height if he sleeps on a “Euro-pillow” and 30 cm if he prefers a large square pillow. If the owner's height exceeds 190 cm, it is better to order a bed of non-standard length. This will cost more, but will provide comfortable sleep for many years.

Double frame beds made of wood or upholstered

These beds are adapted to a mattress, which can be purchased separately, taking into account the needs of the user. They are made from a strong and stable frame (wooden or steel), so that such double structures will last longer as a place to sleep than, for example, a sofa. There should be a profiled frame under the mattress that resists body pressure.

Wooden frame double beds

Wooden structures, which are usually cheaper than their competitors, however, have their drawbacks - every day, using this type of stock, you can accidentally injure yourself on its hard frame.

Soft frame beds

Soft frame beds have a layer of foam and upholstery in the form of fabric, genuine leather or eco-leather. An additional advantage of soft beds is the almost unlimited possibility of adjusting the color, type of upholstery and its texture.

Bedding container

Many manufacturers make good use of the space hidden under the container frame to store textiles. By having furniture that is only used for sleeping, there is no need to hide bedding and blankets every day. However, the container is a desirable feature among customers, providing a larger storage area, often replacing an additional closet or chest of drawers. The technology they use makes it easy to lift the frame and mattress, blanket and bedding, which together can weigh quite a lot.

Double beds with headboard

A headboard, also called a headboard, is a piece located at the back of a bed that extends above the frame. Its purpose is to support your back or head, so you can, for example, easily read a book or watch TV. Headboards also provide excellent aesthetic value, from retro style to completely new, making up the most important decorative accent in the bedroom.

Bed height for bedroom

Furniture manufacturers offer many models of different heights. The standard bed height is 50 cm. Higher beds are chosen for bedrooms in a classic or baroque style.

Very low modern beds located on a podium fit well into an ultra-modern or minimalist oriental style in the bedroom.

When choosing the height of the bed, you should also take into account the age of the owner of the bedroom. Elderly people will find it difficult to get up and sit down on a bed that is too low, and small children will find it difficult to climb into a bed that is too high.

Summary table of all sizes

Commonly accepted standard dimensions are presented in the table.

NameLength (m)Width (m)
One and a half1,80-21,60-1,80
King size2-2.20 or more2-2,20

Bed frame for bedroom

The frame of any bed consists of a headboard, legs and sides. In some models, the sides or legs can replace each other.

  • The headboard of the bed serves as a decoration for the furniture, but takes up extra centimeters. In very small bedrooms, it is sometimes better to abandon the bed with a headboard and move the bed against the wall. The wall can be painted in an accent color and decorated with interesting panels and complemented with shelves.
  • Beds without sides, only with legs, always look more airy. It is also important that the floors under such a bed will be easy to clean.
  • A bed with blank sides can do without legs at all. If both sides and legs are present, the sides are often part of a pull-out under-bed storage system.

Manufacturing technology

There are two ways to make original beds for the bedroom. The parts are different, although in both cases the metal is heated to a certain temperature. The first method is cold forging or casting; a technology in which the finished product is obtained after cooling the workpiece.

Sofa made by cold forging Source

Very often, casting is used in jewelry work, where precious metals are cooled, as well as in the manufacture of stairs. The process begins with the preparation of a prototype part (made of clay or plastic), based on which a casting mold is created. The hot (molten) metal is then poured into the mold. The cooled product is polished and finished.

Graceful simplicity Source

Casting is a time-consuming and very labor-intensive process, including the creation of a sample and a casting mold. To melt metal, you need a powerful furnace. In general, cold forging is a resource-intensive process associated with risk for the craftsman, but in this way a large number of identical parts can be obtained.

Ergonomic children's model Source

In hot forging, the metal is heated to its plastic temperature, after which it can be deformed into the desired shape using a hammer and anvil. The finished product is polished and finished. Hot forging takes less time and there is no need for complex equipment.

Hand forged bed Source

The finished bed is painted with powder paints. If the style requires it, the surface is artificially aged; To do this, a gold patina or silver plating is applied to certain elements.

Forging with gilding Source

Bedroom frame material

The most traditional and durable material for making furniture is natural wood. The price of a wooden bed may vary depending on the type of wood used. A bed made of birch or pine will cost much less than furniture made of teak or oak. The best beds for bedrooms are made from valuable wood species.

Among luxury bed models, metal frames are often found. They are made of steel or aluminum and coated with paint. This bed looks very noble, but is heavy. Not suitable for high-tech interiors.

The cheapest beds are made from chipboard, laminated chipboard, MDV and fibreboard. The frame of such beds is based on slabs of pressed chips or shavings of natural wood. The service life of such furniture is shorter than that of wooden furniture, but this is justified by the much lower price.

The base is placed on the bed frame. The best option is orthopedic lamellas - bendable strips. In the cheapest beds, the base is made of chipboard and plywood. If you choose such a bed, be sure to purchase a modern orthopedic mattress so that your back does not hurt after sleep.

Design selection

The bed frame is responsible for the solidity of the entire structure. It comes in two types:

  1. The bed frame is formed from four panels in the form of a rectangle. A headboard or two backrests are attached to these panels.
  2. A pair of panels connects to a pair of support backs.

The difference between these two types of structures is only external. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of material from which the furniture is made. Durability and strength are its main characteristics. No one likes having their sleep interrupted by a broken bed leg.

Manufacturers often choose MDF, fiberboard and chipboard when making furniture. For example, a cabinet made from the listed materials will last for many years. But these materials are not suitable for making beds. They quickly begin to creak and become loose. This is especially true for chipboard.

A base is attached to the frame, which serves as a support for the mattress. It looks like this - slats mounted on a grille or frame. The slats are stiffening ribs in the form of plates that further strengthen the bed structure. Their number for a double model must be at least 30 pieces, for a single model - at least 15 pieces. Modern bed models have a gas lift that can change the height of the base.

Upholstery of the headboard above the bed

If you choose a model with a headboard or sides, they can be upholstered in fabric. The quality of the material directly affects not only the appearance, but also the service life of the bed. The upholstery fabric depends on your bedroom bed design idea and your budget.

In the expensive segment of furniture fabrics, one can name Arpatek - this is a synthetic analogue of leather, which is made from polyurethane, cotton and viscose. This material is pleasant to the touch, lasts a long time and does not dry out. Beds are also often upholstered with Relax fabric; it is soft to the touch, but is not afraid of dirt and frequent cleaning.

Popular inexpensive upholstery fabrics include:

  • Eco leather;
  • Tapestry;
  • Flock;
  • Jacquard;
  • Chenille;
  • Velours.

Which is better – forging or casting

All bed models are made from several basic metals or alloys: iron, cast iron, bronze, copper, aluminum. Therefore, buyers have many questions about the features of technologies that affect the performance characteristics of beds. The answer to the question of what is best for you can be obtained using the following data:

  • Cast parts are strong and hard, but at the same time fragile. The method is suitable for the manufacture of elements that must withstand significant loads, for example, staircase steps. Forged parts are not as rigid, more flexible.

In the children's bedroom Source

  • Products created by hand forging can be repaired, which cannot be said about cast objects. In them, a crack means the presence of an internal cavity remaining after hardening.
  • Forged items require periodic processing; Once a year they are re-painted to protect them from corrosion. Cast products are less prone to corrosion; they last for decades without additional treatment.

With an antique pattern Source
Anyone who is thinking about purchasing a wrought-iron bed has the following questions:

  • How to distinguish casting from forging.

To understand what a bed made using the hot forging technique looks like, you need to remember that each of its elements is made by hand by a master. Therefore, such a bed has a pronounced texture: roughness and unevenness on the metal surface give it a special charm. Cast products always look shiny and their surface is smoother.

In the American outback Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in garden furniture

The easiest way to distinguish casting from forging is by decorative details. If the ends of the parts (especially spirals) end in an even cut or weld bead, then you have a serial stamped work. When produced by hand, the spiral is solid, with a beautifully curved tip.

  • Which is heavier?

Much depends on the material: a bronze or cast iron part will be heavier than the same one made of aluminum. For casting, cast iron and bronze are more often used, but if the part is hollow, then it can be comparable in weight to its forged counterpart.

Forged bed in a traditional European interior Source

  • Which of the processes is the most creative and the result unique?

Forging involves more manual work, while casting is more suitable for the production of similar parts. But the opposite statement is also true: with original casting, a temporary casting mold is created, and hand forging can be partially automated. Ultimately, the result depends on the experience, skill and imagination of the master.

Interior in colonial style Source

Lifting mechanism

Since a large bed takes up a lot of space in the bedroom, it is logical to use the space underneath it functionally. Sometimes drawers are made under the bed for storage. More often, manufacturers add a lifting mechanism to the design for the base of the bed, and a large box is placed under the slats. The price of the bed also depends on the type of this mechanism.

The cheapest and most reliable beds with a manual lifting mechanism. The entire load when lifting the bed is borne by the person. It is quite heavy, so it is not suitable for the elderly or children. However, the simplicity of this system ensures its longevity.

Beds with a spring lift mechanism are also inexpensive. In this case, lifting the bed will be much easier, but the springs will wear out over time and will need to be replaced.

The most expensive beds with a gas lift mechanism. The base of such a bed only needs to be pushed up a little, and the bed rises on its own. This occurs due to a cylinder with compressed gas, which is mounted under the bed. Even a child of primary school age can lift such a bed.

Design ideas in various styles

For each specific style, you can choose the ideal 2-bedroom model.


For an exquisite classic design, the widest, largest and heaviest king-size double beds made from natural solid wood with or without varnish are suitable. Products with high carved headboards and backs, luxurious combined designs decorated with semi-precious stones, gilded and bronze elements or a canopy would also be appropriate.

The photo shows a double bed with a soft figured headboard, decorated with a carriage frame in a classic bedroom.


Here, comfortable, roomy and spacious double beds with drawers, carved and forged wooden models, stylish designs made of antique wood or fabric upholstery in milky shades are more preferable.


Northern European style values ​​functionality over aesthetics. Therefore, products in a modest color palette, equipped with additional drawers or not too bulky double models with simple decor will look especially organic.


Beds with shapes that highlight the smooth curves and lines of the interior, made of light wood, such as alder, walnut or oak, products with complex headboards inlaid with ebony, ivory or mother-of-pearl, will add a refined and decorative atmosphere in the Art Nouveau style , an even more impressive appearance.


Models with a high or low headboard, upholstered in a variety of materials in any color scheme, reliable lifting structures equipped with niches for linen and other products thought out to the smallest detail will be the best choice for a stylish and modern design.

The photo shows a double rectangular bed, decorated with soft black upholstery in the bedroom interior.


For minimalism, simple and comfortable square, rectangular, round structures, low double beds in the Japanese style, futon beds or podium beds on a wooden base, which have a particularly delicate appearance, are best suited.

High tech

The high-tech direction involves low double beds, universal transformable beds or more modern floating models with metal, mirror or glass inserts.


Large and spacious double beds with a simple, solid and solid appearance in a country interior can be made of solid wood with a deliberately rough surface or have a forged metal frame on legs.


Comfortable hanging products with a slightly rough design, made of metal, mattresses on low platforms, lined with wood or upholstered in fabric, decorated with metal elements or various rivets, would be appropriate here. The main thing is that the design of the double bed should be as industrial as possible.

The photo shows a loft-style bedroom with a double hanging bed made of metal.

Bed mattress

When thinking about how to choose the right bed for your bedroom, you shouldn’t forget about a high-quality mattress. Mattresses come in three levels of hardness. Soft mattresses are very comfortable, but do not provide the necessary back support:

  • Hard mattresses are the most beneficial for the spine, but not everyone can sleep on them. The most versatile are medium-hard mattresses.
  • Mattresses can be filled with natural materials. You need to be very careful with them if you have allergies. In addition, natural mattresses are more likely to harbor mites.
  • It is better to choose safe and modern mattresses made of latex and polyurethane. They last a long time and can withstand almost any weight.

Shape and style

Quality is an important, but not the only criterion for choosing an artistic forged bed. The metal products on the market are amazing in their variety of shapes, but the design of a bedroom with a wrought-iron bed will be complete if you choose the right forging style. The following stylistic directions are considered the main ones:

  • Classic . Wrought iron beds in this style are massive and magnificent. They are decorated with high backs, symmetrical patterns with intricately placed curls, gilding, leather and expensive textiles. A canopy made of matching fabric will be a stylish addition.

Classic interior Source

  • Modern . The forging on the backs is done in an ascetic manner: clear geometric patterns, no smooth lines or frivolous curls.

In a modern style Source

  • Provence . A bedroom with a wrought iron bed in a French style looks romantic thanks to the characteristic forging elements with floral motifs. Patching on metal surfaces could not look better.

French comfort Source

  • Shabby chic . The stock is in many ways reminiscent of an analogue of the French style. Just like in Provence, metal aging techniques are used here to imitate the antique origin of the bed. Classical elements are mixed into the floral decor; the forging itself is painted with colors from a pastel palette: white, peach, beige, blue, pale pink.

Shabby chic Source

Folding beds

If your room is too small to fit a full-fledged stationary bed, it is not at all necessary to buy a folding sofa. Transformable beds are becoming increasingly common in furniture showrooms. At night, this bed stands on the floor, and during the day it rises and is placed against the wall, freeing up space.

The reverse side of such a bed is usually designed in the form of a wall panel, which can be decorated with a painting or other flat decor. Such beds are much more expensive than conventional models, but they allow you to place a full-fledged sleeping place even in a one-room apartment.

Choosing a bed is a very responsible matter. Before starting your search, look at photos of beds for your bedroom on the Internet to understand which models you like. Next, decide on the material and design of the frame and mattress. Our advice will help you make the right choice.

Briefly about the main thing

A wrought iron bed will decorate any interior. For its manufacture, hot or cold forging is used; Each method has advantages and disadvantages associated with the intricacies of technology. Casting and forging can be distinguished by external features, which is important when choosing a suitable stock.

The designs of different models differ in the frame, headboard and bottom; The design style can be determined by the shape and color of the frame, as well as by the type of decorative elements. The cost of a forged bed is influenced by the forging method, the complexity of the design, the amount of metal and time spent on manufacturing.

Photos of the best beds for the bedroom

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