Design of a living room combined with a bedroom: 9 tips from professionals

If the bed is away from the window, good ventilation is important. / Photo:

If you decide to place the bed in an area without windows, for example, in a niche, then even at the renovation stage you need to think about ventilation, since it is very important to have a flow of fresh air during sleep.

So, for example, if you separate a sleeping area with a partition made of glass or plasterboard, you can use supply and exhaust ventilation.

Does not work? Then abandon the solid partition in favor of a slatted structure, light curtains or shelving - in this case, air will flow freely to all parts of the room.

Also, many people prefer decorative partitions, for example, wooden beams from floor to ceiling.

Technique 2: Place a bed

The room must have both a sofa and a bed for quality rest. / Photo:

Many people choose to give up a bed in an effort to increase the available space in the room. However, most designers unanimously argue that this is a bad idea, since the sofa cannot provide adequate rest. In their opinion, only a bed with a back-friendly orthopedic mattress can provide sound and healthy sleep.

Even if the area of ​​the room is not too large, you can resort to some tricks to make it accommodate a full-fledged living room and bedroom. For example, there are systems with which you can hide the bed in a closet or raise it to the ceiling so that it does not interfere during the day. Please note that it is better to place the sleeping area near the window to provide more light and air. However, it must be properly hidden so that the bed and sofa do not “conflict” with each other and perform the functions assigned to them.

If you understand that you will spend most of your time in the living room and you only need the bedroom because, try leaving only the sofa. But choose it very carefully so that it is really comfortable to sleep on. Most often, the sofa is preferred by young couples who need a lot of free space, for example, for meeting with friends.

Planning principles

The main principle of planning a studio apartment is to create a space in which there are no useless areas. Regardless of the size, the room should be multifunctional, uniform in style, light and spacious. All this is achieved thanks to the absence of capital partitions, eliminating the presence of unnecessary corridors, as well as the ability to translate various design solutions into reality.

It should be borne in mind that a room without permanent partitions has some disadvantages:

  • 1–2 people can comfortably live in it, since with a larger number the residents will interfere with each other, just like people living in different biological rhythms;
  • a kitchen in a common space leads to the free circulation of odors that are difficult to remove even with powerful ventilation, so the studio is more suitable for those who are not keen on home cooking.

Based on the above, we can conclude that a studio apartment can be the best housing option for one person or a couple living in the same rhythm. At the same time, they should all prefer a diet with a minimum of thermally processed food, otherwise the apartment will resemble a cafeteria with a sleeping place.

But even in the case where a studio apartment is ideal, it is very important that its layout is done correctly. Mistakes can lead to the fact that all the advantages of such a design will be lost, and the disadvantages will be added. Therefore, planning a studio space must be approached competently and must begin with the creation of a project. It is best if experienced designers do this, since only at a professional level can all the subtleties of the layout and features of a particular room be taken into account. When drawing up a project yourself, it is important to follow the sequence of all stages, which are described below.

Technique 3: Separate zones with a curtain or partition

The curtain can be opened or closed at any time. / Photo:

If you plan to have both a living room and a bedroom in one room, it is clear that the second one needs to be hidden from prying eyes so that your private area does not attract the attention of guests. To do this, use partitions. They come in many different types and you need to choose depending on your needs and preferences.

So, if you want the partition to be permanently present in the room, choose a standard plasterboard construction. If you need a mobile option, which is also called a conventional one, give preference to screens or curtains on a bracket - they can be removed at any time.

Also popular is a slatted decorative partition, which will help create a cozy corner in the recreation area. For a solid partition, you can provide a pair of sliding doors with frosted glass (they are easier to maintain than transparent ones). Thanks to them, you can let daylight into the living room space, which is especially important if the room has one window, which is located in the bedroom.

Technique 4: Set up a secluded corner in your bedroom

A bedroom in a niche is a good solution for privacy. / Photo:

Designers have different opinions as to where a window is needed - in the bedroom or in the living room. Here are some reasons for keeping the bed in a secluded corner, away from sunlight and prying eyes.

A window is needed more during the daytime, when we are awake, communicating with family members, inviting friends to visit, since it is at this time that the light coming from the window opening is important to us. But at night, when we sleep, light is not needed, so a niche for placing a bed will come in very handy. In this case, we don’t have to wear a mask over our eyes or hang blackout curtains to hide from street lamps or the light from the windows of the house opposite.

Plus, there are situations when the windows are visible from the street or from other apartments. Therefore, a bed located away from the window can provide a feeling of comfort and privacy, as well as make sleep more sound, since there will be no external irritants.

Technique 6: Make a functional partition

Align the partition with the storage system. / Photo:

If the apartment has few storage spaces, consider making sure that even a partition dividing the space into two parts serves a functional purpose.

For example, you can safely use a design, the lower part of which will be intended for placing bedding and located in the bedroom, and the upper part will serve as a display case for dishes and books, and will be located on the side of the living room.

This is an ideal solution for a small space that should be as functional as possible, but not overloaded with furniture and other details.

Project 1

Project 1. Layout of a room divided into two zones by cabinets

On the left is a room for the daughter with a transformable bed that can be retracted vertically into the wall, a wardrobe, a large workspace and shelves. On the right is a living room with a folding sofa for parents, shelving, a TV and a small table that is used as a dining or working table. Spacious low cabinets are built into each part of the room.

This is important: The convenience of housing largely depends on the availability of sufficient storage space. It is not recommended to reduce the required area of ​​cabinets for the sake of beauty.

Project 1. Living room interior

The design clearly expresses minimalism. Basic colors ─ white, gray, light wood. One bright color accent in the living room is an orange sofa, and a calm olive one in the nursery. Simple geometric shapes and smooth matte finishes were used. Long pile carpets and modern posters on the walls add variety.

Project 1. View from the living room

Project 1. Children's interior

Technique 7: Zone with finishes and colors

Visually divide the room with color. / Photo:

If you don't have confidence in partitions and think they will only take up valuable square footage, get help with finishes and colors. An excellent combination would be traditional wallpaper and paint. The first material can be used in the sleeping area, and the second in the living room. It is advisable that they be in the same color palette, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve a harmonious composition. You can also highlight the niche with the bed in a different shade. Moreover, in this case, the ceiling can be painted in the same tone as the walls, turning to the popular color blocking.

The main thing when developing the design of a one-room apartment with two beds

The designer’s task is not to clutter the resulting small functional areas with unnecessary furniture, not to create the feeling of a closet by using a large amount of varied decor, and not to use colors and textures that visually reduce the space.

Minimalistic design of a one-room apartment with two beds

Techniques for preserving space and light when developing the design of a one-room studio apartment with two beds:

  • only the necessary furniture, a minimum of low-functional items ─ ottomans, coffee tables, stands, shelves;
  • built-in wardrobes disguised as a wall are more spacious than usual and do not visually narrow the space;
  • mirror panels on the wall or furniture doors reflect the room, making it twice as large, and also increase illumination where light does not penetrate well;
  • neutral light colors in the decoration give a feeling of free space, peace and freshness; dark ones hide volume, it is better to use only as a color accent;
  • simple and clear geometric shapes in layout, furnishings and decoration.

This is important: Do not use more than 3 basic colors in the interior of a small apartment. You can add variety using textiles in pastel shades ─ blue, turquoise, lilac, light green, yellow ─ or one bright decorative item.

Using color accents ─ dark brown, yellow, turquoise

The listed features are inherent in several areas of interior design, so the choice is not limited to minimalism. Taking white as a basis, adding cool light blue and light green tones, natural wood and knitted blankets, we get a practical Scandinavian style. Calming Japanese design is distinguished by its modest furnishings, the use of eco-materials and natural elements in the decor - images of animals, plants, and stone compositions.

Tip: Reflective glossy surfaces serve the same role as mirrors, expanding the space. They are used to create minimalism, classicism, futurism or techno style in the interior.

Interior of a room divided into zones in Japanese style

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Technique 8: Decide to remodel

Combine the kitchen with the living room, and separate the bedroom with a door. / Photo:

Even in a one-room apartment with an area of ​​no more than 40 square meters, you can place several functional areas, depending on the requirements of the homeowners. If the design of the house and housing legislation allow, you can take a risk and do a global redevelopment - in this case, there is a chance that the apartment will fit a kitchen-living room, a bedroom, and even a dining room with a dressing room. The bed can be placed between two walls at the head and foot, while maintaining the approach on both sides. To maintain privacy and not violate personal space, you can hide it with a partition and textiles.

Disadvantages of a studio apartment

It would be dishonest on our part to describe the advantages and not mention the disadvantages. Firstly, not every apartment can be converted into a studio, since the internal walls can be load-bearing. We advise you to study the building plan in advance. Even if the walls do not affect the strength of the structure, you need to go to the local housing office and agree on future changes

Secondly, remodeling an apartment into a studio is expensive. Internal partitions will have to be demolished, electrical wiring and lighting changed. If the only purpose of the renovation is to increase the area by demolishing walls, calculate the costs in advance. Sometimes it is easier and more profitable to buy a two-room apartment.

The studio apartment is not suitable for large families or families with small children. It is almost impossible to be alone in it, and that says it all.

When renovating a studio, it is necessary to pay due attention to ventilation. When there are no partitions in a room, both pleasant and unpleasant odors move freely through it. For the kitchen you will need a powerful hood, and in the toilet it is worth considering the ventilation system in advance.

Trick 9: Consider different lighting for the living room and bedroom

The living room and bedroom should be independent of each other in terms of lighting. / Photo:

Designers have long been no longer limited to one chandelier in a room, preferring different lighting scenarios, especially when it comes to different zones in a single room. So, you need to provide your own lamps in the bedroom and living room, install a floor lamp in the recreation area, and a sconce at the head of the bed for reading. By the way, lighting is quite suitable as a zoning method. This way, it will be possible to change the emphasis on the functions of the room depending on which is the main one and which is the secondary one.”

And a few more photos showing how stylishly and wisely you can combine a living room with a bedroom:


The living space in the studio is not divided by walls. A separate room is allocated only for the bathroom. It's great that you can decide for yourself where the bedroom, living room or kitchen will be. But this opportunity actually turns into a zoning problem for many. New residents just can’t figure out how to fit all the necessary functions into one space. Here are some of the techniques to use for zoning.

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