Interior of a small living room-kitchen: stylistic design solutions

How to create a single kitchen and living room without sacrificing space? It's a sad reality, but our homes are getting smaller. Over the past decade, urbanization and various economic factors have forced homeowners to downsize and consider smaller living spaces. Not that smaller residences and modesty are terrible, but they do require extra planning when designing a home.

Design features of a combined kitchen and small living room

The peculiarities are that the area visually becomes larger. Many people think about how to combine a small kitchen with a living room in a small area so that it looks harmonious. To do this, you don’t have to do any redevelopment or come up with something complicated. All you have to do is combine the design.

The combined kitchen with the living room shows the space to be larger than it actually is.

See alsoKitchen dining room

Features of combining a kitchen with a balcony

Many believe that adding a balcony will help solve the problem of shortage of kitchen space. However, the balcony floor slab is a separate structural element that is not able to withstand the weight of insulated walls. This design is not designed for the load of winter glazing. Another thing is a loggia, in this case a legal association is possible.

Popular options for remodeling a kitchen with a loggia:

  • replacing a non-load-bearing wall with French curtains in the form of a sliding glass partition or installing double-glazed windows with a door;
  • organization of a dining area on an additional platform.

Disadvantages and advantages of combining premises

The disadvantages are that the smell of food constantly spreads throughout the entire living room. And also the noise from cooking will disturb those who are relaxing nearby. In this case, it is important to keep the kitchen perfectly clean so as not to spoil the overall impression of the room.

The advantage is that you save space due to the absence of a wall. It is also convenient for communicating with loved ones, or monitoring small children.

The advantages of this layout include increasing the space due to the absence of a wall.

See alsoDesign and photo of a kitchen-living room 18 sq.m.

Dining area

Recent studies have proven that eating alone is harmful to your health. It is not for nothing that a large dining table for family and friendly gatherings has been an integral attribute of the home since time immemorial. It is placed between the kitchen and the living room, and if your tradition is to eat in the living room area, in front of the TV, then it is better to place the table in front of the sofa.

An interesting, modern and functional choice for the living room would be a transforming table. When folded, it looks like a coffee table and is suitable for 2-4 people, and when unfolded it is much more spacious, taller and can accommodate 9-10 guests or family members.

Sliding or folding furniture based on the matryoshka principle is an ideal option for Khrushchev, and its intricate mechanisms will emphasize the rationality and good taste of the owners.

Zoning options for kitchen-living room

You can separate the kitchen from the living room with a dining table. If you put it between rooms. Another option is to put a sofa. If you create a cooking rack between rooms in your home, it will not only separate parts, but will also be a useful addition to the kitchen. If the house is small and there is no way to install furniture, you can experiment with floor finishing or make a podium. There are a lot of ideas.

Zoning the kitchen-living room space with a sofa.

See alsoKitchen renovation, interior design and decoration

Furniture for a small kitchen (photo selection)

When choosing furniture for a small living room kitchen, think about its design, and also look at a selection of our photos. Her choice also depends on the style of the room and personal preferences.

When arranging a combined kitchen-living room, you need to know that both zones should be harmoniously combined and act as a complement to each other.

Furniture for a small kitchen-living room must meet the following criteria.

  1. Multifunctionality. If there is an opportunity to combine a sofa with storage space, and put as much storage space into the kitchen tables as possible, take advantage of it.
  2. Matching style.
  3. Simplicity. Regardless of style, this item is necessary. In a small room, bulky and pretentious furniture will only clutter up the space.

It is desirable that the furniture is also light in color. However, you can also use dark colors in the kitchen, since this area gets dirty more than others.

If zoning is done in an apartment with high ceilings, you can divide the space using a multi-level floor.


You can decorate the living room and kitchen in the same or different styles. Mostly, tiles are laid in the kitchen, but in the case of a combination, you can simply paint the walls a neutral shade. If you choose tiles, it is better to choose large patterns. They will harmonize better with the room. In the decoration, it is recommended to put a slight emphasis on the fact that the rooms are combined.

Zoning the room can be done using floor finishing.

See also: What mistakes should you avoid in designing and choosing the style of a winter garden?

Let's reschedule

The best way to expand a cramped space is through redevelopment, when every centimeter becomes useful space. To do this, the wall between the kitchen and the room is completely or partially demolished. Or between two rooms. Or a small room is combined with a corridor and a loggia.

This creates a common space and is quite spacious. If desired, partitions can be installed anywhere. Fortunately, there is a huge variety of them now.

When creating a studio, you should take into account the characteristics of the apartment. For example, one design is suitable for a one-room studio kitchen, but a completely different one for a two-room kitchen. A studio kitchen, unlike an ordinary kitchen, cannot have its own special design, but must be combined with the rest of the room.


The design of a combined kitchen and small living room requires the presence of a partition, since sometimes you want to close what is happening in the kitchen from prying eyes. Also, if children in the room are jumping on the sofa or making dust, the partition will prevent dust from getting into the food.

Design of a kitchen-living room with a plasterboard partition.

See alsoTips on choosing a design for a small kitchen of 5-6 meters in Khrushchev

Kitchen renovation 5 and 6 sq.m. m.

There are several standard series of Khrushchev buildings, the layouts of which differ slightly depending on the year of construction. But in terms of kitchen layout, all Khrushchevs are approximately the same: 5.8-6.2 sq.m in the first generation and 6.2-7.7 sq.m in the second generation; all square in shape with a door in the corner. Let's look at the pros and cons of typical furniture arrangement plans.

Corner kitchens in Khrushchev

Corner kitchen set for a small kitchen in Khrushchev - standard. Due to the square shape and two short walls, applying the linear option is close to impossible, because with a wall length of ~2.4 meters, it will be completely consumed by the refrigerator, sink and hob.

There are variations depending on the location of the refrigerator: near the entrance or near the window. For corner layouts, it should be placed right next to the window; it’s better to place it near the door with U-shaped layouts, this is what the 2nd point is about. Almost all modern refrigerators have reversible doors, which with this arrangement should be with the handle facing the entrance and not the wall.

Typical furniture arrangement in a Khrushchev-era kitchen. The wall from the entrance with a countertop and drawers of the width that the size of the kitchen allows (i.e., it can be smaller than the standard one). A perpendicular wall with a standard size cabinet and a refrigerator on the edge. A table in the second corner of the wall with a window opposite the refrigerator or a window sill-tabletop with a standard width near the refrigerator and thickening towards the corner. The only downside of this layout is the inability to fully use the wall with the window and make a full-fledged tabletop instead of a window sill.

The corner section is often made with two corners and a sink is installed in it. Although for ordinary kitchens this furniture design is not recommended, because... is already outdated; for a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building, a corner sink is already a perfectly acceptable option. Below are photos of examples of furniture arrangement, do not pay attention to the design.

U-shaped kitchens in Khrushchev

With a U-shaped layout, the refrigerator is placed right next to the entrance (then it’s definitely better to abandon the door), and the window sill is replaced with a tabletop. There are variations here in the width and purpose of the window sill-table top. This is a more modern design option for a kitchen in Khrushchev, which began to be used relatively recently.

The weak point of the U-shaped arrangement of furniture is in the refrigerator near the entrance to the kitchen. This place is getting overloaded. For many accommodation options, see the material about kitchen design for 6 sq.m. (there are 138 more photos from which you can get ideas). But in general, U-shaped kitchens are more functional and also look better. Due to the use of a window sill, they have a much larger working surface area. When a wide tabletop is placed instead of a window sill for use as a table, we get the opportunity to eat while looking out the window. Not all Khrushchev buildings have a good view, but it’s still nice.

If you are not afraid of some difficulties during repairs, and a U-shaped layout is more difficult to implement than a corner one, I would recommend it.

Examples of U-shaped furniture arrangement:

This form can only be obtained by making it to order. Then read about interaction with kitchen staff and choosing a kitchen.


The podium is used to divide the space into several parts. In a modern apartment it will look very unusual and interesting.

Pros of podiums:

  • They enlarge the room. The transition will divide the room into several zones. Zoning will be even more noticeable if you choose different finishing materials;
  • They adjust the shape of the room;
  • Also, if the floors in the apartment are uneven, in order not to completely change them, you can simply add an elevation.

Zoning space using a podium.

You can also install light bulbs or lamps along the podium so as not to trip over it in the dark.

See also: Choosing the right tile design for the kitchen

Lighting and backlighting

Lighting should be organized in at least four directions:

  • main (central) lighting;
  • work area lighting;
  • lighting for the dining group;
  • additional lighting in the living room, interior lighting for cabinets.

The main lighting can be represented by a chandelier or spotlights. As a rule, a chandelier is hung above the table, and spotlights are placed around the perimeter of the room, which makes it possible to regulate the level of illumination.

Lighting can perform not only a practical function, but also a decorative one. Colored lights look beautiful. To organize it, LED lamps, LED strips, and spotlights built into the bottom of the upper cabinets are often used.

For lighting above the dining table, you can use pendant lamps on chains, cords, adjustable in height. They can also perform a zoning function.

With an island layout, it is necessary to install lighting above the island. If the island is combined with a bar counter, then pendant lamps can complement it beautifully.

For additional lighting in the living room, you can use floor lamps, wall sconces or table lamps that are installed next to the sofa.


The design of combined rooms requires a separate organization of space. The most basic problem is to arrange all the necessary parts so that they do not look like a bunch, and the living room remains a living room. For a more harmonious use of space, the kitchen location should be angular.

A small kitchen connected to the living room via a bar counter.

The style of the set should be close to the furniture. To create a division, you can put a table or bar counter. If you use contrasting colors, you can create more space. A small kitchen will take on a completely different look.

See alsoOriginal kitchen design in green: useful tips on choosing finishes, furniture, curtains

Using accents in a small kitchen room

Accents are important in any design. They are especially appropriate when organizing space in a minimalist style. Here accents will add life and prevent the design from being boring.

All components must be harmoniously combined with each other.

Accents can be of different types. Typically, the role of accent is played by bright details: decorations or full-fledged functional areas.

Important! The choice of a bright detail depends on what area or object you want to draw attention to.

Using accents you can divert attention from the shortcomings of the room. For example, use a bright kitchen set or house flowers that will hide the unevenness of the walls.

You need to decide on the style of the room, select the appropriate furniture and other interior details.

Interesting interior solutions

You can design in 2 directions. The first direction is a complete combination of zones, when all decorative elements and furniture are in the same style. In this case, one textile, one main color and style are used in the kitchen and living room. It is necessary to emphasize the unity of the color scheme with the help of curtains, chairs and a sofa. The second direction is the division of two zones, despite the combined project. In this case, you can separate zones by color or style. You shouldn't create completely different designs, as it will look ridiculous.

To emphasize the unity of the kitchen-living room space, you need to decorate the interior in a single style.

See alsoHow to express your individuality in an unusual kitchen design

Neoclassical style

Neoclassicism refers to antiquity and straight lines. Furniture in delicate shades, without bright patterns. The layout should be minimalistic. Space flows into one another, which means separation should be avoided. Do not use bright colors and patterns in large sizes. The style looks very luxurious and rich.

Neoclassicism in the interior of the kitchen-living room.

See alsoThe main types of refrigerators and their operating principles, tips and recommendations for choosing

Scandinavian style

This style loves naturalness, natural motifs, and the use of wood. The premises should radiate light, cleanliness and freshness. The style can be called eclectic because it does not contain clear rules. Scandinavia does not like antique furniture, but prefers white, laconic cabinets. White color will visually enlarge the space and make it fresher and lighter. The style involves a single floor covering, white walls and ceiling, vintage and natural elements and textiles for comfort.

Kitchen-living room design in Scandinavian style.

See also: Making your own Provence style curtains for the kitchen

Sea style

Marine style is suitable for those who love white, blue and blue colors. The design always combines blue and white stripes. All furniture must be made of wood. The marine style is complemented by retro things that are associated with the sea. The interior should contain bright blue elements, curved lines that resemble sailboats or waves.

Kitchen-living room in marine style.

See alsoPistachio-colored cuisine: fresh, extraordinary, positive

Black and white contrast

Contrasting color combinations can make a big difference in a space through visual deception. White expands the room, black narrows it. The style can always be diluted with soft beige to create coziness, or bright red for a passionate atmosphere.

Kitchen-living room in black and white.

Symphony of color style

A symphony of color is a combination of different shades. A consistent color harmony is a good design choice. It's very calming.

Stylistic direction and finishing materials

To create a functional kitchen and at the same time a cozy living room, it is advisable to choose one of the following style directions:

  • loft. The main feature of this style is the imitation of brickwork. The style is universal and involves minimalism and the absence of unnecessary decor, which will help prevent excessive clutter in the room;
  • Scandinavian style. Involves the use of light colors, natural and environmentally friendly materials;
  • classic. Another universal option that is suitable for both small and spacious rooms. Now the most relevant is to decorate the room in white shades or in white-black and white-brown tones.

As for finishing materials, they are selected depending on the zone. It is recommended to finish the working floors with ceramics or linoleum. You can install waterproof laminate or even carpet in the dining room. You should not choose one material to decorate the entire room, as this will make the room boring.

The walls can also be finished with any materials you like.

The main thing is to pay special attention to the finishing of the apron, since this is the part that will be constantly exposed to water and high temperatures. The best option for such an area is glass, ceramics or artificial stone.

Color solutions

You can choose any color scheme. And bright and delicate nuanced shades. It depends on your taste and individual preferences. Delicate shades will make the living room very cute, bright rich colors in the kitchen will whet the appetite.

Helpful Tips:

  1. The kitchen set should be combined with the interior of the living room.
  2. To make everything look harmonious and cozy, it is better to choose appliances built into cabinets.
  3. You should choose small-sized appliances in the kitchen with minimal noise so as not to disturb people’s rest.
  4. If you want to combine the room, then do not forget about the hood.
  5. It is better to remove all products from visible places so that they do not attract attention. This means that we need to make more cabinets with shelves.
  6. It is better to choose a single floor covering to make the space look cohesive.
  7. To delimit the space, it is not necessary to make partitions; you can install the ceiling at different levels, install a bar counter or different lighting.

Kitchen-living room design in yellow and white colors.


Noise is one of the main disadvantages in the decision to combine the dining room and living room. But people who decide to combine rooms should understand this in advance. To reduce noise, you need to invest in quiet appliances. Alternatively, you can install a partition that can be removed at any time.


The layout of a small kitchen with a dark living room will require special lighting. The kitchen most often has windows through which daylight enters. It does not reach the hall, so you should put bright light bulbs there. Spot lighting for the kitchen-living room is the best option.

Design project of a kitchen combined with a living room.


Only a hood and an open window can save us from odors. If you make the ceiling higher in the kitchen than in the living room, this can help reduce the smell a little. It is better to use a portable partition while preparing food. Although it is a little, it will protect against noise and smell.

To prevent food smells from entering the living room, you need to install a high-quality hood above the stove.

Space zoning

When combining a living room and kitchen, it is very important to properly zone the space. Without such a conditional separation, you will seem to be constantly in the kitchen. And this will interfere with proper rest and relaxation.

You can zone the kitchen-living room visually or physically. Visual zoning is carried out using color, patterns or textures. Physical zoning occurs with the help of furniture or decorative partitions. All these methods can be used separately or combined with each other. It all depends on how clearly you want to define both zones. We will look at the most popular ways of zoning a small kitchen-living room below.

Bar counter

One of the most popular ways to separate the kitchen from the living room is to place a bar counter between them. For a small kitchen, this is an excellent option, since the bar counter does not take up much space, but at the same time it can be used as a place for eating, as well as an additional work surface.

Dinner table

Another popular solution is to separate the kitchen and living room using a dining table. This option is more suitable for spacious living rooms, since the dining table and chairs take up much more space than a narrow bar counter.


You can separate the kitchen from the living room using a sofa. In this case, the sofa is placed with its back to the kitchen. The disadvantage of this zoning is that guests, sitting on the sofa, will sit with their backs to you and it will not be very convenient to carry on a full conversation.


If the ceiling height allows, you can separate the kitchen and living room using a podium. In this zoning option, a special elevation (podium) is constructed on which one of the zones is located, most often the kitchen area. The disadvantage of this method of zoning is that it is labor intensive and costly.

Kitchen island

A popular and fashionable solution today is a kitchen island. This is a free-standing kitchen table into which a stove or kitchen sink is built in, or both at the same time. If the size of the kitchen island allows, then the opposite side of the island is used as a small bar counter.

Of course, it is impossible to place a kitchen island in a small kitchen. But if you have combined a small kitchen with a living room, and its size allows, then zoning with a kitchen island is a good choice. You will be able to stand at the stove and at the same time communicate with guests while facing them. In addition, moving the work area to the kitchen island makes it possible to create additional storage spaces in the kitchen unit.

Kitchen set

If the layout allows, you can separate the kitchen area from the living room area using a kitchen set. Kitchen furniture can be arranged in the letter “L”, letter “P” or in two rows.

Different floor finishes

This method refers to visual zoning methods. The most common option for such zoning is tiling the floor in the kitchen with ceramic tiles, and laying parquet, laminate or other flooring in the living room area. The main thing is that they differ from each other in color and texture.

Color separation

Color separation can be done in different ways. For example, you can paint the walls in the kitchen and living room area in different colors. Moreover, these can be either contrasting colors or adjacent shades. Color separation can be achieved by using furniture of different colors. For example, the kitchen set can be snow-white, and the furniture in the living room can be black, etc.

Decorative elements

These are all kinds of partitions, columns, arches, beams, shelving, etc.

Sliding doors, curtains

Not only a kitchen hood, but also sliding doors can solve the problem of unpleasant odors. They make it possible, if necessary, to isolate the kitchen from the recreation area and thereby eliminate some of the disadvantages associated with combining a small kitchen and living room. A less radical, but essentially similar method is zoning using curtains. Thick curtains are also quite successful in containing odors and, a little less successfully, noise that can come from the kitchen.

Here are the main points to consider when combining a kitchen and living room. Remember that the implementation of such a project requires professional skills, so you should not tackle such redevelopment alone, but rather seek help from professionals, including a designer, who will help you create a harmonious design for a small kitchen-living room.

Practical nuances and tips

To disguise the kitchen set, you can use niches. You can build a cabinet, household appliances, and whatever you want into them. To make the kitchen look harmonious with the living room, you need to purchase unifying elements in the same style. This could be a carpet, candles, or books.

Design of a small-sized kitchen-living room in light colors.

Removing the wall between the room and the kitchen

The old housing stock in our country is represented by several types of houses:

  • panel;
  • monolithic;
  • brick "Khrushchev";
  • brick “Stalinist”.

The most common are panel houses. The biggest problems await you in such houses, because most of the internal walls in them are load-bearing. But it is better to turn to specialists so as not to make a mistake. If you decide to demolish a wall yourself, then you should remember the rule: you can only touch the interior partitions. The remaining walls are load-bearing. They can be determined visually or measured. It must be remembered that load-bearing walls are:

  • all external walls;
  • walls between apartments and blocks.

The thickness of the walls depends on the type of house. In panel houses, load-bearing walls have a thickness of 120 to 200 mm, and interior walls - 80-100 mm.

In brick houses, load-bearing walls have a width from 380 to 640 mm, and inter-apartment walls - from 200 to 250 mm.

To measure correctly, you should scrape off the top layer of cladding (plaster or putty).

The most difficult thing to measure is monolithic houses. Because they have a lot of additional structures such as columns, beams, pylons. But unlike other types of houses, in these houses the interior walls are usually wider than 200 mm. In a monolithic house, it is almost impossible to take measurements and remodel yourself if you do not have special knowledge. A specialist should be invited.

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