Small kitchen - 150 real photos of practical design in a small kitchen. The best design projects + instructions for visually increasing space

Home/Interior and design/Set for a small kitchen (100 photos of interior examples)

A kitchen set is the main element of a room intended for cooking. Its work surface should be comfortable and the cabinets spacious. Choosing a kitchen wall for a large room is an easy task, but if the kitchen is small, then you will have to choose it carefully. A set for a small kitchen should be stylish and functional. He is obliged to create comfortable conditions for the owner of the apartment during the cooking process.

Ways to expand territory

Not everyone can truly make their kitchen bigger. The method of actually expanding the territory is associated with redevelopment, which is not always possible.

Combining kitchen and living room

A modern small kitchen is often represented by a combined space. In new buildings they strive to act according to European standards. It is the kitchen-living room that is considered the norm.

In Khrushchev buildings, acting on this principle will help increase the territory. The kitchen combined with the room looks larger. Design possibilities are expanding in the combined territory.

Attaching a balcony

Another popular move when renovating a small kitchen: adding a balcony. You can perform a partial or complete merger of territories. The entire working unit is moved onto the balcony, the storage system is expanded, or a dining area is organized. The action borders on technically complex issues and paperwork.

Using adjacent spaces

A small kitchen sometimes borders on a spacious corridor, hallway, or balcony. The space can be used to remove furniture or equipment. Not far from the work area you can place a storage cabinet, a refrigerator, or a stand with built-in appliances. The dining area can be placed on the balcony or in the living room.

Kitchen cabinet - features and purpose

A pencil case in the kitchen makes it more functional.
Judging by numerous photos, kitchen pencil cases always look stylish, regardless of the interior design. They are considered a classic option. Every woman will be able to appreciate the functionality and practicality of this piece of furniture. Its main features and advantages include:

  • Functionality. In such a cabinet you can place various products. It can accommodate pots, plates, frying pans, teapots or cups. A cabinet for storing spices or equipment is perfect. You can build a microwave or refrigerator into it.
  • Rational organization of the premises. A correctly selected model has ergonomic properties. The use of such a product will ensure comfortable organization of the kitchen space.
  • Small sizes. A tall pencil case will take up little space in the kitchen. It can be placed in any suitable place depending on the layout and used to store dishes or equipment.
  • Possibility of individual production. This way you can get a product taking into account specific parameters. A cabinet made to such an order will cost more. However, this allows you to increase its functionality.
  • Universal purpose. The pencil case will perfectly complement the interior. It will help decorate any kitchen, making it more functional.
  • Affordable price. You can find cabinets on sale at a reasonable price. An inexpensive wardrobe will not damage the family budget.

Despite its small size, the floor-mounted kitchen pencil case can be used to store various items. Some housewives use it for perfumes or medicines. However, most often in such interior items they keep:

  • dishes;
  • tablecloths, kitchen towels and other textile products;
  • household chemicals, which are intended for cleaning stoves, washing dishes and other kitchen surfaces;
  • large appliances - this could be a dishwasher or washing machine;
  • oven - it can be placed 1-1.5 meters from the floor;
  • microwave and other small household appliances.

A pencil case in the kitchen is considered a very functional piece of furniture.

Other techniques for increasing usable space

It is not necessary to carry out redevelopment to improve the quality of the territory. The interior of a small kitchen can be made comfortable through a non-standard approach to organizing space.

Using a window sill

An empty window sill is an unaffordable luxury for a small space. The situation can be changed by using useful space. You can place a sink, a cutting table or a full-fledged dining area by the window. They act according to circumstances.

Installation of folding furniture

The ideal solution for modest spaces: transformable furniture. If the main module cannot be made as such, then the dining group can be modified. The table is made folding. Using a similar scheme, you can make a bench for sitting. The use of folding chairs is possible. During the “downtime” period, the furniture is simply removed. It is difficult to do the same with standard things.

Bar counter

A standard table for a small kitchen can be replaced with a bar counter. The design does not have to be bulky. When calculating the size, the number of residents must be taken into account. The option is possible both in a separate room and in the kitchen-living room or when combining the area with a balcony.

How to arrange a dining area in a small kitchen: a program for creating interior design 3D

If you find it difficult to choose a design and don’t know how to arrange the dining area in your kitchen, try drawing it in the “Interior Design 3D” computer program. Download and install the trial version of the program absolutely free, the free period will be enough for you to decide what your mini dining room will look like. With this program and the design drawn in it, it will be easier for you to talk with a manager than with drawn-out pieces of paper. You can find out more about this program on the Interior Design ZD page.

With the help of the “Interior Design 3D” program, selecting options for arranging and decorating the dining area will turn into pure entertainment. We offer you a unique opportunity to plan the arrangement of kitchen furniture without leaving your home. To do this, you need to download a special program to your computer (or use its trial and free version and plan your kitchen yourself; you can download the program by clicking on the banner.

Furniture for a small kitchen

It is advisable to leave a small area as free as possible. It is important to choose the right kitchen set for a small kitchen. All unnecessary items are removed from the premises.

Kitchen set

Maximum attention is paid to the furniture model. For a small kitchen, a set without upper cabinets is preferable. The lower tier is loaded as much as possible with the necessary devices: carousels, roof rails, shelves.

In the upper part you can place shelves and wall holders for kitchen utensils. This approach will provide the impression of freedom of space.

When choosing a two-tier model, pay attention to options with open shelves and glass doors. It is better to buy a small kitchen that does not take up much space.

Additional equipment can be moved outside the headset. Built-in models are the most successful. They are always more compact and promote the most ergonomic placement.

Lunch group

If it is not possible to install transforming objects, then select the most compact models. A table with a glass top is a priority. The option looks as weightless as possible.

The pair will be chairs with thin metal legs. They look elegant and stylish. You can opt for a small sofa with additional storage drawers. It is better to refuse a dining set in a classic style.

Using the angle

Modern corner kitchen sets are always a desire for maximum functionality. Due to the fact that every centimeter here should be valuable and useful, cabinets installed in the corner should be used with maximum benefit. How to do it?

First of all, this task will be helped by installing complex mechanisms that will make the process of operating corner cabinets more ergonomic. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

1. Hob

Modern hobs may have non-standard designs and configurations. Therefore, you can certainly find one that can be mounted in a corner kitchen module without any problems. What about the hood? Just place it in a corner module hanging on the wall. It is better to choose a model that is built-in, because those that are installed separately are almost an unaffordable luxury for mini-kitchens, as they take up quite a lot of space.

Photo from source:

Tabletop Cedar 1021/Q Black

2. Sink

A rounded/beveled corner is a convenient placement option for a sink, because it is much easier to install it in these cabinets, and if a breakdown suddenly occurs, it will be easier for the technician to get to the pipes with this arrangement.

Photo from source:

Tabletop Cedar 7461/FL Redondo

If you still choose a set with a right angle, install the sink and the wing where dishes are dried, closer to the wall surface.

Photo from source:

Tabletop Cedar 2073/Pw Light Oak

A modern sink model can be a bowl of a non-standard configuration. It’s even possible to find a product in the shape of a trapezoid, just like a cabinet.

Another interesting option would be the corner installation of a double sink. On the one hand, it is convenient to wash dishes in it, and on the other hand, it is convenient to dry them or defrost food. If the area is small, then a double sink will still not be the best option, because it will significantly reduce the countertop, that is, the space for working.

Photo from source:

Tabletop Cedar 5016/Pt Black Detroit

3. Sections that rotate and extend

Securing these shelves is like they are the carriages of a “train”. At least opening the door helps ensure that each section opens one after the other in sequence.

Photo from source: Cedar countertop 7461/FL Redondo

4. Rotating sections

This mechanism has a second, more familiar name – “carousel”. Such a shelf rotates in the same way as this attraction, as a result of which access to all objects located on it becomes easier. What can be stored on such shelves? Most often these are dishes, kitchen utensils, cleaning products, and sometimes food.

Photo from source: Tabletop Cedar 206/1A Andromeda Gray

5. Drawers

This design operates on the same principle as ordinary boxes. But when closing, it immediately looks like it is an ordinary facade.

Photo from source:

Tabletop Cedar 1110/S White

Interior door

The standard swing design takes up space. You can install a sliding mechanism or “accordion” that is more suitable for a small room.

It’s even better if you can eliminate the door completely. If necessary, the entrance can be disguised with a decorative curtain.

When decorating adjacent rooms in the same style, the impression of a continuation of the interior appears. This technique visually expands the boundaries.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a kitchen unit?

The kitchen is a special place in every apartment, which brings family members together for daily meals and tea. Therefore, it is important to take a responsible approach to choosing furniture. It should not only be pleasing to the eye, but also be functional in terms of use. In conditions of limited space, this is extremely problematic. Many owners are faced with a dilemma: to sacrifice treasured meters or part of the headset.

To properly optimize the kitchen space, it is necessary to draw up a detailed plan for the placement of not only the furniture, but also all decorative elements

Correct delimitation of furniture zones will relieve apartment owners from this headache. First of all, you should consider the shape of the room.

Square shape

It is most rational to use a corner version of the headset. The corner is an ideal base for creating the so-called “working triangle”. With this arrangement, the storage, preparation and cooking areas will be harmoniously separated by a refrigerator, sink and stove. Moreover, everything you need will be within walking distance. It is better to place the dining group opposite the modules closer to the window. Preference should be given to an oval or round table shape.

Rounded countertops help organize space conveniently, especially in small rooms

If there is not enough space for a dining group, you can use the window and window sill to your advantage. There are two options here:

  1. Use a wide tabletop as a dining area.
  2. An excellent option is a folding table above the battery.


Linear room layout is the simplest option. There are no islands or protrusions, which create additional inconvenience for design. There are two types of furniture arrangement:

  1. Single row arrangement. Carried out along one wall. The opposite wall remains free.

    A single-row layout will accommodate a minimum amount of furniture and appliances, so it is suitable only for those who are not used to cooking a lot

  2. Double row arrangement. All furniture is located opposite each other along two walls. The dining area is usually located in free space. If there is too little space for it, it is advantageous to give preference to a bar counter. To visually expand the space, upper cabinets up to the ceiling with mirror or glass facades are suitable.

    A two-row layout is only possible where, after installing the furniture, there will be room for free passage

Irregular shape

In such a room there are niches and podiums. At first glance, this seems to make the task much more difficult. In fact, all these indentations and protrusions are very useful. You can successfully integrate a refrigerator, pencil case, etc. into them.

An example of a successful kitchen layout with a non-standard shape, where a table with a transparent tempered glass top was chosen to visually lighten the space

When choosing a kitchen set, you should pay attention to your personal desires. It is necessary to understand what function the room will perform.

  • Those who like to pamper their household with delicacies should give preference to models with an abundance of shelves, cabinets, and bedside tables.
  • For fans of “food to order,” it is advisable to limit yourself to a minimum set of furniture accessories.
  • If the room serves as a place for receiving guests and family gatherings, you should pay attention not only to the preparation and storage area, but also to allocating sufficient space for the dining group.

For more information on successful headset design, see the article below.

Placing Items

Careful observance of order is a mandatory rule for a compact area. There should be no unnecessary things in the kitchen. It is recommended to hide all utensils in cabinets.

A minimum of accessories are left in sight. Any unnecessary detail risks disrupting the harmony. Therefore, the decor and filling with additional elements are carefully regulated.

Embedding household appliances, ovens and microwaves into a pencil case

A correctly selected pencil case is considered an excellent solution for installing built-in equipment. Such furniture can be an excellent niche for a microwave, oven and even a refrigerator.

In this case, it is necessary to choose the correct location of such elements. They should be as comfortable as possible so that you don’t have to constantly bend over or reach up.

Various household appliances can be built into the pencil case

A pencil case in the kitchen is considered a very convenient and functional piece of furniture. It allows you to store different items or products. If you choose the right product, it will be an excellent addition to your interior.

Suitable interior style

For a small room, styles that promote minimalism are best suited. High-tech looks modern. The characteristic metallic luster and glass will have a positive effect on visual perception. The Scandinavian style with the dictatorship of white looks good. The eco direction with natural colors and simple shapes is perfect. An urban loft is perceived as unusual.

Rough, but maximally functional content expands possibilities. Each of these trends, as well as true minimalism, will create an organic picture within a small space.

A small kitchen is not a death sentence. There are different ways to cope with the compactness of a room. With the right approach to design, a small space can be made comfortable, beautiful, and modern.

Selecting the end

It may be open or closed. The first option provides an excellent opportunity to place dishes and accessories on the shelves so that it is beautiful.

Photo from source: Tabletop Cedar 4032/S Porphyry

And the second will help not to overload the room with unnecessary items. But here it is important to choose a façade that is in harmony with the overall design.

Photo from source: Tabletop Cedar 946/1 Castillo dark

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