Decorative panels for kitchen walls - 90 photos of design ideas and options for choosing finishing materials

When preparing food, the work surface often becomes dirty, and drops of water and grease constantly settle on the walls. To eliminate such phenomena, a wall panel for the kitchen is installed. We’ll look at what they are like and what their advantages are in this article.

Wall panels are a practical and economical solution for decorating the interior of a kitchen space

Decorative wall panels for the kitchen (photo)

The same decorative panels will look different in each room. We suggest you familiarize yourself with how you can decorate an apron in the kitchen.

How to care for the panels?

To keep your panels in good condition, it is recommended to wash them several times a month.

Constant cooking in the kitchen involves kitchen fumes that settle on furniture and panels. If you do not clean in a timely manner, your walls will soon be bright yellow.

We recommend reading:

  • Why are kitchens without upper cabinets so popular?

  • Postforming countertop for the kitchen, material features
  • Kitchen design 9 sq m 2020-2021: new items and trends in real photos of interiors

We recommend using non-concentrated soap solutions, as well as detergent powders.

Please note, do not use alkaline solutions, as they will negatively affect the wood, and green spots will soon appear on the plastic.

What are kitchen wall panels and why are they so popular?

Kitchen panel is a material used to decorate a kitchen. It gained so much popularity due to its reliability and practicality.

The appearance of wall panels was due to man’s desire to make the process of decorating kitchen walls as easy as possible

Just 20 years ago, finding a panel was not so easy. Ceramic tiles were more often used for wall decoration. Today, panels occupy a leading position and have become firmly established in everyday use.

Decorative wall panels allow you to quickly change the interior of your kitchen without any special financial investments.

Interior panels

If you are a person of unconventional thinking and worldview, then you will really like interior wall panels for the kitchen. They are created in large factories by using a high-precision grinding laser, which creates the panel.

Based on the latest trends, many designers advise choosing panels with unusual patterns, namely:

  • Avant-garde;
  • Cubism;
  • Abstractionism.

These trends in painting will go well with the pleasant bed colors of the kitchen, as well as newfangled metal lamps.

Finishing a kitchen with such panels will not take much time and effort. To make the designs more pronounced, use all kinds of metal inserts or neon lighting.

Main advantages when using wall panels

Among many, the main advantages can be identified:

  • kitchen panel fits on any wall;
  • large selection of colors;
  • can be used in any kitchen;
  • quick installation (you can do the work yourself);
  • it is not necessary to level the walls, as is the case with ceramic tiles;
  • laminated panels are not as expensive as tiles;
  • kitchen wall panels allow you to hide wiring;
  • ease of care.

The final cost of finishing walls with panels will be much lower compared to ceramic tiles

Another advantage is the size range of products. More often they choose sheet ones, the length of which is more than 2 m, and the width is from 0.8 m. There are slatted models, which are elongated planks of more than 2.5 m, their width reaches 30 cm. Tiled models have a square shape, but their length can be different.

Interesting design ideas

When covering walls with panels, the design of the future coating also plays an important role. It should look beautiful, original, and complement the interior of the entire room. It is advisable to hide all communications and pipes. They can be neatly put away in the sheathing, but they will not disturb the overall appearance of the kitchen. If you plan to hide the wiring, then you should not wall it up tightly. You definitely need to provide access to it; to do this, you can make a small door in the plastic covering to access the wiring.

In addition, when decorating a kitchen space, it is worth remembering a few important tips:

  • If the room is small, then you should choose light colors for the wall surface. A light tone will make the room even wider;
  • It is not advisable to choose bright colors or large patterns. This style is best used for an apron;
  • colors can be combined, but the main thing is that they match. It is better to first look at the photo with the methods of such design;
  • The shade of the plastic base can be changed using self-adhesive film. How to do this can be seen in various photos.

Finishing the kitchen with plastic panels is an unusual option to decorate this room in a stylish, original way.

The main thing is to choose the right material so that it is durable, fire-resistant, and wear-resistant. In addition, it must fit into the overall style of the room and be in harmony with all pieces of furniture. Therefore, before you start working on decorating walls with plastic, it is better to look at photos with finishing options.

What to look for when choosing panels - tips

When choosing a material for finishing a kitchen, it is worth considering some nuances. The kitchen wall panel must meet certain requirements. It should tolerate moisture well, be resistant to high temperatures, and be easy to clean from dirt.

Well-chosen panels will fit well into the interior of any style direction

The choice of color and texture directly depends on the chosen style and design. For example, a large drawing in a small room will look inappropriate and cumbersome. To visually expand the space, it is better to choose a panel with horizontal lines. You can visually enlarge the room using a mirror or glass apron.

A mirrored splashback can be made either from a solid panel or from smaller mirror tiles

For an apron, a panel with a smooth surface would be a good option, as it is easier to care for.

Trying to save money, many people buy products from unscrupulous sellers. Panels that are too cheap are usually produced in violation of manufacturing technology. They will not last long and may even harm your health. To make the appearance of panels more attractive, manufacturers often use harmful substances.

Recommendations for selection

When choosing plastic panels for decorating the wall surfaces of a kitchen space, it is important to follow important recommendations:

  • the parameters of the plastic material should be slightly larger than the apron area so that it can go behind kitchen cabinets, tables, sinks, and gas stoves;
  • if you plan to install plastic panels next to the hob, then it is advisable to purchase a base with high fire resistance;
  • design, color schemes - these parameters are selected depending on the size of the kitchen area. Large patterns and dark shades are suitable for spacious rooms, but for rooms with a small area it is worth using a base with small patterns and light colors. The ideal option would be a plain surface or imitation wood with a matte surface;
  • for variety, you can purchase unusual panels that are made with a metallized surface for a high-tech style, with a brick surface for a minimalist style, with a wood surface for a classic style, and in an antique style with ornaments and images for a vintage style.

Varieties based on materials of manufacture and properties

There are a large number of materials for decorating walls in the kitchen. The panels are glossy, acrylic, tile, laminated, mirror, wood, gypsum, ceramic, plastic, artificial stone, hardboard. Let's look at the materials in more detail.


Panels made from this material are heat-resistant and moisture-resistant. Their cost is a little more expensive than those made from chipboard or fiberboard, but their quality is much better.

MDF panels adequately imitate natural wood, although they are several times cheaper

Laminated chipboard

The material is quite moisture resistant, so it is perfect for the kitchen. There are products on sale that imitate brick, wood, and stone. Plates may vary in thickness.

Chipboard-based panels are inexpensive, but absolutely cannot tolerate excess moisture

From plywood

Wall panels are sheets of veneer that are glued to each other. The products are environmentally friendly and are also resistant to moisture and high temperatures. The material will last a long time, is aesthetically attractive and affordable.

Softwood plywood has good resistance to moisture, and birch plywood is considered the most durable.

Artificial onyx

This is an expensive material, but it will last quite a long time. The panels look impressive, especially if they are used to decorate the countertop and sink. The material is environmentally friendly, withstands high temperatures well, and is easy to maintain. Its cost is high, so it is not often used to decorate walls. In addition, artificial stone is difficult to cut, so installing such panels takes a lot of time.

Artificial onyx is often used for finishing surfaces with built-in decorative lighting

Made from clear tempered glass

The products fit perfectly into the interior of a kitchen-dining room or small room. Such panels are called “skinali” and are made from ordinary glass. Many designers like to combine them with glossy decor. Panels made of simple glass with a film glued to it are considered cheaper. Sometimes chipboard is used instead. This is an interesting option, an excellent interior solution at a low price. However, it is not recommended to install such panels near open fire.

Glass panels will last a very long time if you follow the operating rules

A more suitable option would be a tempered glass panel, which is resistant to high temperatures and possible damage. The material is expensive, but it's worth it. Thanks to such panels, you can bring a variety of ideas to life. An original option would be a seascape, an image of a city, flowers, etc.

Made from acrylic

Innovation in the production of materials for decorating aprons in the kitchen. They are characterized by high mechanical strength, low weight and resistance to ultraviolet rays. This is an environmentally friendly material on which bacteria and mold cannot be found.

Acrylic panels look like glass, but weigh less and are easier to install


The main advantage of PVC is environmental safety. The material does not emit toxic substances, so it is suitable for use in residential areas. It is moisture resistant, has stiffening ribs, this gives it special strength.

Plastic panels are well suited for cladding walls around the kitchen sink


Plastic panels are also often used to decorate kitchen walls. Previously, this material was more often used in government agencies, but modern plastic has good durability, so it began to be used in the kitchen and other rooms. The material is affordable and installation of the panel will not take much time. The range of products is large, as is the choice of colors. But when compared with other materials, it is less resistant to various damages.

Despite their cheapness, plastic panels can look quite decent

Another material for wall decoration is gypsum vinyl. This is cardboard that is covered with a layer of vinyl on top.

The cost of such panels depends significantly on the type of vinyl covering

For a loft-style kitchen, a metal panel would be an excellent solution. This is a great combination with a gray set.

“Eternal” stainless steel apron in the kitchen of practical owners

Eco-style lovers often choose solid wood panels. This material creates an atmosphere of comfort, but it can be damaged by moisture or cleaning agents. Another disadvantage is instability to high temperatures, which negatively affects wood.

Wooden panels always look original and beautiful, ideal for creating an expensive interior

Heat-resistant panels

Such products are not afraid of high temperatures, which eliminates the possibility of fire.

Decorative heat-resistant panels are intended for finishing the wall above the hob

Plastic – a “brilliant” solution for the kitchen

The second most popular material after ceramic tiles. There is no point in comparing modern plastic panels with those that were used 10 years ago when finishing government buildings. Today this material has reached a new level. If tiles require wall preparation, leveling and lengthy installation, then plastic has one significant advantage - such a panel can be installed in a few hours.

Here are some more advantages of the material:

  • The plastic apron for walls is easy to clean - you can use chemicals. In addition, you will see greasy stains and water stains immediately. By the way, old stains can also be easily washed off, since the structure of the plastic does not absorb dirt and grease.
  • The material will survive constant exposure to moisture, splashes and steam. It, like tiles, is moisture resistant.
  • You can choose different colors and textures. In its design, plastic can resemble wood and natural stone. It is enough to choose an interesting texture. The main advantage for a small kitchen will be the “glossy” quality of the material. By choosing a product with a shiny reflective surface, you can visually expand the room.

If you look at the following photo of the interior, where plastic was used to decorate the walls, you may be surprised how the panel conveys the texture of wood and attracts attention with variegated colors.

Now about the disadvantages. The only thing plastic is afraid of is high temperatures. If the tile can easily survive overheating, then plastic panels should not be placed near the stove. And one more thing - there is no need to wash kitchen panels with hard brushes and scrapers - you risk leaving scratches on the surface of the walls.

Varieties of decor

Wall panels allow you to transform your kitchen in the shortest possible time. Let's look at what they come in decor.

Under tiles

Such panels are manufactured in several variations, but three can be distinguished:

  • leafy;
  • rack and pinion;
  • tiled.

Sheet panels appeared relatively recently and imitate ceramic tiles. Their production technology involves manufacturing from wood-fiber or MDF boards. The material is subsequently impregnated and laminated with melamine. The properties of the sheets become significantly better, their moisture resistance increases.

High-quality panels with imitation tiles are practically no different from the original

PVC slatted panels are plastic slats that replicate tiles. Tile panels are produced in the form of squares or rectangles. Their colors and shapes can be very different. These tiles are used to assemble different combinations of texture and shade, which allows you to get an unusual and original wall.

With an image

The designs on kitchen panels can be very diverse, so anyone who is planning to change the interior of the room will definitely choose a suitable design.

Panels with realistic photo printing look especially impressive


By design and method of fastening:

  • sectional rigid panels with an internal structure in the form of a honeycomb. They have an average width, for example, 250 or 380 mm;
  • lining or lath up to 100-120 mm wide;
  • decorative PVC sheets. They are often produced in the form of imitations of brickwork or mosaic with the only method of fastening - with glue. They are very thin and fragile, so they are harder to install. They also require a perfectly level base. It is best to use them on a kitchen apron.

By invoice:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • embossed.

According to the method of drawing:

  • plain. Color is added to the material at the production stage;
  • with thermal printing. One of the most budget-friendly options is when a design or pattern is transferred using heated film. The low price corresponds to not very high quality, cheap appearance;
  • with offset printing. Another budget option, slightly superior in image durability to the previous type;
  • with digital printing. This option allows you to make the design more interesting, but it increases the cost of production, and the color fastness is slightly lower than that of a product with offset printing;
  • laminated. By applying a layer of a special film (laminate), it is possible to obtain imitations as close as possible to natural materials.

Popular colors

Design options:

  1. Skinned with a 3D pattern.
    The selected pattern should be in harmony with the interior of the room. The set should be calm shades, and the design should be spectacular. Beautiful kitchen apron made of skinali with built-in LED lighting
  2. A kitchen in black tones can be diversified with images of colors. It could be an orchid, a rose, a lily.
  3. If white color predominates in the design of the room, then you can get creative here. An apron made of mosaic or natural stone, images of flowers or nature, would be an excellent option.
  4. The transparent glass surface can be varied with various stickers or designs. Many people use backlighting from LED lamps or strips.
  5. Romantic people will love the wall panel depicting a city at night. Such an image will energize you in the morning and add mystery at night. A special effect can be achieved when using backlighting.

Volumetric decorative panels are an interesting and modern solution for creating an original kitchen interior

Every person can decorate a kitchen in an original way; you just need to be able to combine the colors of the walls, kitchen splashback and kitchen furniture. To implement your design ideas, a wall panel would be an excellent option, which you can install yourself.

Tempered glass panels: a stylish option for the kitchen

These types of panels have been at the peak of popularity for several years now. They are chosen for both classic cuisine and kitchens in the Art Nouveau, Provence, retro and hi-tech styles. All this is because glass is a universal material in terms of creating design.

If you look at the photos of interiors where such wall protection was used, we note that each model is unique. Some panels are full of designs in the form of flowers and fields, others are made in the form of a night city, and still others are stylized as antique. Moreover, you can place a photo of your family or your own drawing on the glass.

These wall panels have the following advantages:

  • Tolerates high temperatures. These panels can be installed on the wall near the stove without fear.
  • They have excellent moisture resistance. Constant exposure to moisture, steam and splashes will not affect the appearance and characteristics of the glass. Even the drawing will not lose its beauty, will not fade or be erased.
  • The glass is easy and quick to clean. The most important thing is that such a panel can be cleaned with brushes and powders. Scratches will only remain under strong external influence. Moreover, when you need to wash away greasy stains and you can’t do without a brush, glass will endure all the “torture” here too.

In general, glass panels are an ideal choice for the kitchen. True, they will not be cheap. You can compare this material with natural stone and expensive tiles, especially if you choose a product with photo printing or 3D skins.

Photo ideas for kitchen decor with wall panels

Choosing a picture for an apron

Due to the fact that the workspace must be effectively protected from splashes of water and grease, hot steam and air, the coating must have the following characteristics:

  • heat resistance;
  • ability to be easily cleaned;
  • wear resistance;
  • aesthetic appeal.

Modern technologies allow the buyer himself to order a picture for photo printing on an apron if the assortment available for sale does not satisfy his needs.

Apron care

Practicality and durability depend on how the coating is applied. Film decoration is more reliable than acrylic.

In order to avoid distortion of the material from excess moisture, it is necessary to carefully treat the fastening points to ensure they are completely sealed.

What should an apron go with in the kitchen?

Let's analyze element by element what a kitchen apron should be combined with.

Partial combination with kitchen facades

You can even highlight a specific part of the backsplash in the same color as the front panels. For example, highlight the kitchen area in the same color as the facades. This color can be repeated in mosaic tiles, in some places repeating the color of the facades. This technique helps to unite and diversify the room.

In the same tone as the walls

This is an ideal option for a kitchen-living room, where the emphasis is on the living room and not on the kitchen work area. In this case, do not lay tiles on the apron, but decorate it, for example, with a glass panel or paint the wall in this area with special moisture-resistant paint.

Principle of opposites

This is a bold decision that will help diversify your space. Use contrasts: dark and light, matte and glossy, patterned and smooth. Use a plain façade and rich, bright yellow elements. It is the central element of the interior. To make the room look harmonious, add a few accents in the form of mugs, a rug or a vase in the same yellow color. However, do not overdo it with bright colors, otherwise the kitchen will look cheap. You can do it simpler and add a matte dark gray apron to the mother-of-pearl facades. With the right choice, such a kitchen will look expensive.

There are two colors in the kitchen

If you have a two-tone kitchen, then the color of the backsplash either matches the color of the walls, or is halfway between the walls and the floor. If the apron is darker than the walls, it will “heavien” the room, and if it is lighter, it will conflict with them.

Combination with furniture

Choose, for example, cream fronts with an oak apron. This element may overlap with chairs made of the same material, table legs, decorative panels on the wall or the color of the sofa. You can choose sophisticated shades that are in fashion today. These are the shades that designers prefer in modern interiors. The pink ash-colored product can echo the seats of comfortable armchairs. You can use shades with beautiful names, for example, coffee with milk or azure gray.

Apron under the countertop

The simplest option. Ideally, a kitchen apron should not only match the color of the countertop, but also be made of the same material (although this is not necessary, for example, the countertop can be made of wood, and the apron can be made of a PVC panel of a similar shade of wood). It looks even and harmonious.

How to attach an MDF apron

First of all, you need to prepare the wall. Perfect leveling of the surface is not required, however, you need to make sure that there are no mortar residues, cracks, chips or protruding nails in place of the new apron. Then the wall needs to be treated with a composition against fungus and mold. If the apron will be located behind the kitchen unit and go under its elements, the panels need to be installed first; if clearly between the upper and lower cabinets, this can be done at any stage.

There are three main ways to attach an MDF apron:

  • Fastening “ears” or clamps. The “ears” are placed on the reverse side and the panel is hung on the wall (similar to the upper kitchen cabinets).
  • Construction staples. A construction stapler is used, the fastening points are masked.
  • Aluminum profile. A frame is constructed around the perimeter of the apron, and panels are inserted into it.
  • Self-tapping screws. Using dowels, slats are installed, pre-treated with an antiseptic, just like the wall surface. The MDF is attached with self-tapping screws, which are then masked with caps to match the color of the apron.
  • "Liquid" nails or glue. They are applied along the entire rear contour, then in stripes at a distance of 30 cm along the inner area of ​​the panel. MDF can be glued directly to the wall if the surface is sufficiently flat and smooth. This method is the simplest, but you need to take into account that such fastening will be the least reliable and durable. There are also “nails” and glues of different composition and quality; when choosing a brand, you should focus not only on the price, but also on reviews of use and advice from experts.

If the wall has an irregular slope or noticeable differences, securing the panels will be a little more difficult. In most cases, to install a kitchen apron made of MDF, a lathing made of coniferous timber is used. A gap of at least 2 cm must be left between the wall and the panel to ensure ventilation. Before installation, you need to cut holes for sockets.

The weakest point of the MDF apron is the edges and especially the joint between it and the countertop. Treatment with a sealant will help prevent moisture from entering. To ensure an even seam, glue masking tape to the panel and tabletop at a distance of 1–2 mm from the joint, apply sealant, remove excess with a wet finger and remove the adhesive tape.

It is also necessary to take into account the flammability of the material and its weakness to steam. Being located directly behind the stove (especially gas), the MDF panel will quickly begin to lose its original appearance. To minimize the risk, this part of the splashback can be covered with metal tiles or tempered glass. If there are wires behind the MDF panel, it is better to insulate them with special flexible PVC pipes. This will help prevent a fire if there is a problem with the wiring.

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